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October 13, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-13

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 13, 1999


Test ban treaty vote may be in 2001

WASHINGTON (AP) - Hopelessly outnumbered
Senate supporters of a global ban on nuclear testing
moved closer to a deal with Republican leaders yes-
terday for a face-saving postponement of a planned
An apparent breakthrough came as Senate
Democratic Leader Tom Daschle said he was ready to
pledge - in writing and in statements on the Senate
floor - not to press for a vote on the Comprehensive
Test Ban Treaty until after a new president and a new
Congress take office in 2001.
Trent Lott tentatively agreed to the arrangement but
was working out details with other GOP foes of the
treaty, those involved in the process said.
Republicans had wanted President Clinton him-
self to make the pledge not to try to bring up the
treaty in the presidential election season. But
Daschle's offer to do it in his stead appeared to be
winning favor.
Under the proposed compromise, Lott would make a
motion for the Senate to return the treaty to the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, a motion requiring a
simple 51-vote majority, said GOP and Democratic
aides, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

"Everybody's looking for a peaceful exit," Sen.
Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) said.
However, not all Republicans indicated they would
support such a move. Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) chair
of the Foreign Relations Committee and an ardent foe
of the treaty, told reporters he hadn't heard of any deal
as of late yesterday afternoon "and if you hear about
one, let me know."
Earlier, Republican leaders dashed cold water on one
Democratic strategy as efforts were advancing on other
fronts to come up with a graceful way for the Senate to
move away from outright rejection of the treaty.
A "no" vote would be a humiliating defeat for
Clinton, the first world leader to sign the pact in 1996.
The treaty would ban all nuclear test explosions,
extending an existing ban on atmospheric testing to
underground tests as well.
Lott, meanwhile, said that in the absence of a deal,
he was ready to go ahead with a final vote.
"I'm perfectly comfortable having a vote. This
treaty is fatally flawed,' Lott said.
White House spokesperson Joe Lockhart said
Clinton had gone as far as he could - and wouldn't
pledge in writing not to try to revive the issue next

The treaty has been signed by 154 nations, but rati-
fied by only 25 of the 44 countries with nuclear capa-
bilities. All nuclear-capable states must ratify the pact
before it can take effect.
Republican Senate leaders held up the treaty for two
years before suddenly scheduling this week's vote.
Clearly lacking the 67 votes needed for ratification,
Democrats were poised to try a procedural maneuver
designed to force the Senate to move on to other
Such a motion would require only 51 votes, an eas-
ier target for the chamber's 45 Democrats, But Lott
signaled he would view such a move as a precedent-
setting effort to usurp the calendar-setting preroga-
tives of the majority party.
At a party caucus, (GOP senators -even those who
had been seeking a delay in the vote - agreed to sup-
port Lott and oppose any such Democratic efforts.
Moving on a separate track was an effort by two of
the Senate's most influential senior members,
Republican John Warner of Virginia and Democrat
Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York, to rally sup-
port for a delay.

Gore, Bradley agree to March debate
WASHINGTON -- Presidential candidates Vice President Al Gore and
Bill Bradley have agreed to appear in a nationally televised debate jointly
sponsored by the Los Angeles Times and CNN less than a week before crit-
ical primaries in early March.
The 90-minute debate is to be held at The Times' office in downtown Los
Angeles on March 1, 2000, and broadcast live on CNN; six days la*
Democratic voters will go to the polls in California, New York, Ohio and at
least 13 other states in the single largest day on the primary calendar.
In a letter earlier this month to the Gore campaign, Bradley campaign
chair Douglas Berman listed the Times/CNN debate as one of three in which
the candidate has agreed to participate. Gore's campaign - which lately has
pressed Bradley to hold debates weekly beginning this fall -- then said he
would participate as well.
"We will be there," said one senior Gore aide.
The Times and CNN also are attempting to set up a comparable debate
among the Republican presidential contenders for March 2. The GOP con-
test currently features eight candidates.
California is looming as a pivotal - and potentially decisive - con*
in the Democratic race.

Continued from Page 1
co-chair of the Developmental Biology
Interdisciplinary Cluster for President
Gerald Ford's Biomedical Research
Panel in 1975. He also was elected pres-
ident of many prestigious biological
associations, including the American
Institute of Biological Sciences and the
Society for Developmental Biology.
Prior to these activities, Markert served
as the chair of the biology department at
Yale University from 1965 to 1971.
In 1991, the Academic Freedom
Lecture Fund organized a series of annu-
al lectures at the University to honor

Markert, Davis and Nickerson. The
University has held the lecture series,
"The Davis, Markert, Nickerson Lecture
on Academic and Intellectual Freedom"
for the past nine years.
Peggie Hollingsworth, who helped to
organize the series, also feels Markert
should be remembered for his academic
"He was an outstanding man. He had a
brilliant career in spite of the unfortunate
incidents surrounding his alleged politi-
cal views," Hollingsworth said.
"I would like him to be remembered as
a scholar," she continued, "as a man who
cared about society and who contributed
to making the world a better place."

Continued from Page 1
"We have seen more cases ofGlHfB in
the last year than we have in the last
several years," Gomez said.
Originally, GHB was used by weight
lifters to build muscle mass, but once
its dangerous side effects were known,
it was pulled off shelves, One medical
research firm in Minnesota is studying
the benefits of GHB for treating nar-
Stupak said the legislation includes a
provision that allows the firm to contin-
ue researching the drug, which quieted
the bill's primary opposition.
The two main ingredients of GHB
are GBL, or gamma butyrolactone, and
lye, the corrosive element in liquid
drain cleaners.
"GHB is very easy to make," said
Felix Adatsi, supervisor of the state
police toxicology unit, who testified at
a hearing Upton hosted. in March.
"Anyone surfing the Net can have all
the information they need to make
The Website of Biogenesis
Laboratories offers GilB for sale at
the price of $48 for 25 grams -
more than double a potentially lethal

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"Once the drug is taken, it has a very
quick onset" Adatsi said.
As little as two to three table-
spoons of fresh GHB can cause
blackouts within 15 minutes, he
Food and Drug Administration
spokesperson Laura Bradbard said the
FDA supports a federal crack-down on
"If it becomes a controlled sub-
stance, the FDA will have an easier job
pulling these people in that are market-
ing it," Bradbard said.
GHB has been implicated in dozens
of deaths nationwide, including several
in Michigan. In January, 15-year-old
Samantha Reid of Grosse Ile died from
a GHB overdose after unknowingly
ingesting the drug in her drink at a
"Michigan has had a disproportion-
ate number of instances, it seems,"
Woodruff said.
Toxicology reports revealed alcohol
and traces of GHB in Courtney
Cantor's body following the University
student's fatal fall from her sixth-floor
Mary Markley Residence Hall window
last October.
Several Lake City, Mich., teenagers
were hospitalized in July after lapsing
into GHB-induced comas.
Continued from Page 1.
existing faculty and their vibrant
research," Uher said, referring to
donors giving money to the
Associate Provost Paul Courant
said "this shows that we are the kind
of University where people can do
the best work in the world; it's been
a long time coming"
Some hope the attention brought to
the University by such an honor may
increase its recognition.
"Part of the representation is the
quality of the people who work
here. This recognition is testimony
to the University so it brings pride,"
said Vice President for Research
Fawwaz Ulaby.
The University community, espe-
cially the physics department, looks
forward to working with more
potential candidates, Uher said.
"This will attract better quality and
high class professors to positions
and impact very positively on our
university," he said.
-. Daily St f Reporter Nka
Schulte contributed to this report.
Continued from Page 1.
strong graduate and undergraduate
population," Uher said.
Veltman had an "attitude of the
utmost scientific standards and rigors,
which he injected into his students,;
Uher said.
During his 16-year stay at the
University, Veltman graduated five
doctoral students.
"Veltman can work effectively and
get his ideas listened to," said physics
Prof. Jens Zorn.
Long-time friend and colleague
Ratin Akhoury said "this piece of
work is absolutely very fundamen-
tal, and eventually many people will
recognize Veltman because of this
The opportunity to work with
Veltman "gave us great insight into
what the correct directions in
physics are. We all tried to learn
from him," said Akhoury, who is
also a physics professor at the

University President Lee Bollinger
also expressed his regards toward
Veltman for his accomplishments.
"This is an extraordinary moment

Complete journals
to be published
NEW YORK-- One of literature's
'reat underground documents is com-
ing to bookstores: the complete jour-
nals of Sylvi Plath.
For decades, readers have
obsessed like conspiracy theorists
about Plath, the poet and novelist
who killed herself in 1963.
Biographers continue to analyze
everything from her work to her
fatmously difficult marriage to fellow
poet Ted Hughes. Their relationship
has lived on in Plath's posthumously
issued poems and letters and in
Hughes' "Birthday Poems," pub-
lished iust months before he died in
The exact nature of their relation-
ship and why she committed suicide is
still debated: The journals may offer
clues. An edition published in the
1980s is believed to contain only one-
third of the collection. The new book
will almost certainly add hundreds of
previously unpublished pages.

............ ..


Barak may uproot
West Bank settlers
JERUSALEM - Embarking on a
con frontation course with the influen-
tial Jewish settler movement, Israeli
Prime Minister Ehud Barak told set-
tlement leaders yesterday that more
than a dozen outposts that have
sprouted on the West Bank in the last
year will be dismantled.
The dcision to uproot 15 of 42 new
settlements, some of which consist only
of a trailer home or two on an isolated
hilltop, had been broadly hinted this
week in comments by Barak and other
top officials. It marks an unusual defeat
for the settler movement, which has
enjoyed the support of numerous Israeli
"This decision breaks the relationship
we had with the prime minister and with
his government," Yehoshua Mor-Yossef,
a spokesperson for the settlers' umbrella
council, said after Barak met with the
group late yesterday. "We thought he
would change his mind."

The settlers vowed to protest the
decision, but it was not immediately
clear whether they would physically
resist the closures. If they are forcibly
evacuated by police or soldiers, it will
increase the political risk consider*,
for Barak, whose governing coalition
includes settlement representatives
and supporters.
Annan welcomes
6 billionth child
UNITED NATIONS -A population
clock at U.N. headquarters hit 6.billn
yesterday and started racing towat l
billion as an anxious world pondered
what the new millennium holds for an
increasingly crowded planet.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan
welcomed the symbolic Baby 6
Billion in Sarajevo, Bosnia-
Herzegovina - a boy born to refugee
parents in a region returning to life
after a decade of war.
- Compiledf om Daily wire reps.

"The decision has been made to
publish them in their entirety, unedited,
so the world can judge for themselves,"
said Joanna Mackle, publishing .direc-
tor for London-based Faber and Faber,
which in April will issue the book in
Britain. A U.S. publisher is expectedit
be announced shortly.
Car owners get a
taste of Y2K glitches
PORTLAND, Maine -State govern-
ment got its first Y2K surprise months
early when owners of 2000 model cars
and trucks received titles identifying
their new vehicles as "horseless car-
Desoite millions of dollars spen
ensure state computers are ready for
the year 2000, computers in the sec-
retary of state's office got confused
over the 2000 model year designa-
As a result, some new vehicle owners
or lien holders got titles to "horseless
carriages" instead of cars or trucks in


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NEWS Jennifer Yachnin, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nikita Easley, Katie Plona. Mike Spahn, Jaimie Winkler.
STAFF: Lindsey Alpert, Jeannie Baumann. Risa Berrin. Marta Brill. Nick Bunkley, Anna Clark, Adam Brian Cohen, Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud,
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CALENDAR: Adam Zuwerink.
EDITORIAL Jeffrey Kosseff, David Wailace, Editors
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SPORTS Rick Freeman, Managing Editor
EDITORS: T.J. Berka. Chris Dsprey, Josh Keinbaum, Andy Latack.
STAFF: Emily Achenbasm.Matt Barbas, David Den Herder, Sam Duwe. Dan Dingerson, Jason Emeot, Mark Francescutti, Geoff Gagnon,
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STAFF: Matthew Barrett, Jason Birchmeier. Alisa Claeys, Cortney Dueweke, Brian Egan, Steven Gertz, Jewel Gopwani. Chris Kula. Erin
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PHOTO Louis Brown, Dana Linnane, Ed
ARTS EDITOR: Jessica Johnson
STAFF: Allison Cantor, Sam Hollenshead, Dhani Jones, Danny Kaick. David Katz, Mariorie Marshall, Jeremy MenchikJoanna Paine, Sara Schenk.
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ONLINE Satadru Pramanik, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Toyn Akmnmusuru, Rachel Berger, Paul Wong
STAFF: Amy Ament, Angela Cummings, Dana Goldberg, James Schiff, Peter Zhou.
DESIGNER: Seth Benson




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