4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday. October 12. 1999 l e IlCicl gttn 3 at7jV Welcome to planet Earth: Now serving 6 billion 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily.letters@umic7.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan y'.' r, .: , Y S"::: HEATIHER KAMXINS Editor in Chief JEFTREV KOSSEFF DviD WALLACEF Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the mjority of the Daily s editorial board. All other articles. letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Wasted time Students should make use of office hours I'd like to be0n this week with a wel- come to our six billionth person. F-or those 0f you wonderinz. I am not talkinc about my growing readership. \Mx eo doe not explode: the population does. Ix isited the LUnited Nations \\ebsite a few days ago to find out today Oct. 12. 1999, is the day the world's popu- lation hits six billion people. I grant you it's no 70 home runs, but it's pretty impres- Perhaps like me. you just got used to . five billion people. Changing over is like Wallace trying to write out a check in January. Trx again. Sklppthat' last year's date. And it was a quick change. According to the statistics available on the Website rlnth: 1r-uspophi7.< ruhlon'blnnim) the jump from five to six billion people took 12 years. Numbers and milestones sometimes prove difficult to comprehend. I don't real- lv know what to think, so dumb thoughts cross my mind. I picture a sort of Jerry Lewis telethon tote board. Jerry says. "Show me six billion. nice lady!" Bang. bin . the board lights up and the band kicks in. Then it cets a blurb on the news. and everyone forcets about it. The other ridiculous thought takes place somewhere Ike "tmzania. A child is born. and suddenly balloons and banners drop proclaiming the child number six billion. A crazy emcee awards the child a Cadillac. It is the same scene as the one millionth customer through a grocery store check- out. I have these ideas because a billion is a hard number to seriously appreciate. When I think of billions. I think of Bill Gates's pocket change or the hamburgers served at McDonald's. Wow. Six billion. That's six billion peo- ple needing education. Six billion people needing shelter. Six billion people needing Britney Spears concert tickets. I still cannot grasp the idea of six billion people. You might be saying, "Dave. I threw a house party last weekend, and a population of six billion doesn't surprise me. I'd say most of them were there.", Now. I too have seen tests of maximum occupancy. The number of people crammed into a house party on any given Saturday provides an encouraging metaphor for our relationship to the world. Yes, come in, we'll find a way to fit more. But I also think of the times I can't move at a party, where I have to push everyone a little or step on someone to get out the door. Six billion people needing water. Six billion people needing food. Six billion people reading John Grisham novels. To get a gauge on just how big that num- ber is, write it out: 6,000,000,000. Looks pretty big, doesn't it? Take a long look. Hmm. What do I see'? Well, just like the actual, breathing pop- ulation, the number itself has a lot of zeros in it. Marking a place and taking up space. What else of the number? It looks like a long line. No wonder we all spend much of our day waiting in line - at the post office, the store, even to get into Michigan Stadium. At the current rate, there are three more of us every second. Six billion people needing work. Six bilo lion people needing health care. Six billion people watching -ER" on Thursday nights. Seeing the number and thinking about how large it is can make you feel little more than a face in the crowd. Any person giving a moment of thought to his or her place in a six-billion-strong world at some point questions his or her impact. Can you make one? Who does make an impact. and how do they get in that posi tion? Aren't our heroes and leaders cho- sen somewhat arbitrarily, a product of timing and luck? Thinking this way, I feel as small as a star in the night sky. But then I start to brighten, just a little. Still weighing on my mind are six bil- lion people needing plumbing. Six billion people needing electricity. Six billion peo- ple buying "Star Wars" merchandise. But I hear the smallest vibrations resound across the world. Who we vote f* in the next presidential election, the poli- cies we support, echo down the world's corridors. Six billion people needing transporta- tion. Six billion people needing immuniza- tions. Six billion people with a Gap ad stuck in their heads. Something has to be cut out. Who we teach. and who they subse- quently teach sprawl out as much as any urban center. In the end, we live in a worlk advanced enough that we can see it from space. We can put the planet on a TV screen smaller than us. And we can see and talk to anyone. Six billion people wanting contact. Six billion people wanting compassion. Six billion people affected by you. David Mallace can he reached ovei e-mail at davidm(a umich. eda. Without knowledgeable, hard work- ing professors and Graduate Student Instructors, a university cannot be considered a top school. Luckily, the University does not have this problem; the faculty consists of many professors who are leaders in their fields. The University has a different issue - not enough people make use of the school's talented faculty. As part of their effort to help students succeed, most professors and GSIs offer open office hours at set times during the week. At these times, students may come to ask questions, prepare for exams or simply to learn more about a topic that interests them. Sounds like a great opportunity, does- n't it? Students are able, at no additional fee, to get advice and extra help from some of the top educators in the world. There is no drawback - no one is graded during office hours. Students embar- rassed about asking questions in class can do so in a private, one-on-one setting. Office hours alleviate many of the prob- lems that large lecture halls experience, such as the normal lack of interaction ' with an instructor. Students lead incredibly busy lives. In addition to classes, they study, participate in sports, clubs and interest groups, shop for themselves and sometimes even sit down and just relax. Amidst all these demands, students should not forget about the opportunity to meet with instructors. Despite having busy sched- ules, there is always time for utilizing office hours. "There are a number of benefits (for students) to seeing professors and GSIs,", Joe Henderson, an LSA academic advi- sor, said. "One of the main benefits is get- ting to know their instructor and letting their instructor get to know them. Students need letters of recommendation and references. Faculty who work with and know students are in a good position to provide that to them." As an out-of-class activity, participa- tion in office hours should certainly not be mandatory - but it should be highly encouraged. Some students breeze through class and have little reason to visit their instructor other than to chat or learn some additional information for their own personal benefit. But some students have difficulty with class. These students have little excuse not to seek help. The professors and GSIs are here for students, to help them and educate them as best they can. Those stu- dents who have difficulty with a class should seek out help during office hours. Some departments offer special help ses- sions or have rooms dedicated to free tutoring for those who cannot make the scheduled times. Prof. Walter Gray said he believes that these kinds of alternatives, such as the one offered by his own physics depart- ment, are a very useful resource for stu- dents. "The physics help room is designed for students and manned by faculty and GSIs"" he said. "It is open in the evenings. A student can come in and get help. To some extent. it relieves the pressures of office hours in the office." Office hours are a fantastic opportuni- ty for students. By not making use of them, students are throwing away an incredibly useful tool in their education. Even if you are receiving perfect grades in your classes, visit your professors and GSIs from time to time. It can only help, and you might even learn something. CHIP CULLEN .. .. ... :h..? R. ..t NIB What is art? Exhibit raises First Amendment questions n recent weeks, the New York City art world has been divided by controversy. Offended by certain works displayed in the Brooklyn Museum of Art's "Sensation" exhibition, New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani refused to pay the city's $7 million subsidy to the muse- um. In addition, Sen. Robert Smith (1- New Hampshire) has sponsored a non- binding resolution to end federal funding to the museum, and New York City filed suit to remove the museum from its cur- rent city-owned location. These actions overstep the government's boundaries in dealing with the arts. The most talked-about piece in the exhibition is Chris Ofili's "The Holy Virgin Mary," an African-style represen- tation of Mary, surrounded by elephant dung and pictures of female genitalia. It is this painting in particular that has drawn the majority of criticism, inspiring pickets from groups such as the Catholic r League. This is also the painting that prompted Giuliani's threats to the museum. But even potentially offensive works such as Ofili's "The Holy Virgin Mary" should not be barred from view by public offi- cials, through the denial of funds or oth- erwise. While the painting's message may be dubious, the artist must retain his right to freedom of expression. The First Amendment clearly gives artists the right to depict whatever they Brooklyn Museum of Art is a threat to freedom of expression, however indirect- ly. Despite the controversy over the Sensation exhibit, its artists must still be free to display their work. In a free soci- ety, public officials should not have dis- cretion over what the public may see. Art is not an area in which the government should be allowed to intervene. The fact that a controversial exhibit is being funded by public money makes the issue all the more important. Though opponents of the exhibit use this as grounds for censorship, the distribution of public funds by the government is not a cause for enforcing arbitrary moral standards. The government should support free- dom of expression - not deny it. Though the works in the Sensation exhibit may be shocking and offensive to some, they should not be censored on those grounds. Standards and taste are not universal, and it is wrong for officials to impose their own standards on artists. People who do not wish to see things that offend them do not have to do so. Controversy surrounding an artistic exhibit can be a good thing for society: It can spark debate about morality, religion, sexuality or any number of weighty issues. This should not be stifled because some officials view a work of art as offensive. And the First Amendment pro- tects even offensive or tasteless work. Middle East debates must include all parties TO THE DAILY: Last Friday's Michigan Daily included an interesting announcement in the micro- scopic events calender on the bottom of the third page. It was for "The .S-Israeli Relationship & Peace in the Middle Last. a panel sponsored b" the College Democrats and The Michigan Israel Democratic Caucus. It took place Sunday. October 10th. It was not well-publicized on campus and I only found Out about it through the calen- der. (One question troubles me: How can there be a discussion of "peace in the Middle East' if one of the parties - the Arabs is not exen invited to contribute speakersor to come in the first places Anx real discourse on peace necessarily includes both sides. unless it is a devious peace envisioned: One that includes the sus- tenance of an imbalanced status quo. A state of zero resistance to Israel is exactly the type of euphemistic peace the Israeli government insists upon. When apartheid presides. with decrepit and fenced-in shanty-towns as the occupied ter- ritories. third-class citizenship for Israeli Palestinians and refugee camps in sur- rounding areas. all is not vell. Nor will it be so if these conditions remain. A one-sided peace is inevitable if the conxersation is homogenized and the dis- course monoplized: usually this is the result of overwhelming power disparities. The contest for influence in this country is dom- inated by the Pro-Isreali contingent. However. it is this domination that stands in the way Of true peace. Understandin the realities that lobbyist money cannot buy is the key: equal dis- course is necessitated. Then, both sides will come to a fair agreement. As Congresswoman Lynn Riers explained it so eloquently, we must embrace the Israelis' overwhelming sense of fear and the Palestinians' overwhelming sense of injus- tice if we are to make headway towards real peace. WILL YUMANS LSA SENIOR Good and bad are not clear concepts. in war TO THE DAILY: I read Aaron Woell's column from the Iowa State Daily. "No apologies for what happened in South Korea" in last Friday's Daily. It seems to me that Aaron Woell lives in a dream world where the United States can do no wrong and where the end justifies the means. In the same war, Gen. Douglas MacArthur wanted to drop nuclear bombs yea A%, waQi1 t, ar A9S rcki;v' (o . z .9 GL..K. rto*- Ae +. War 11 was drawing to an end. One witness is a friend of mine, who is now a U.S. citi- zen and loves the United States. But in 1944 or 1945. at the age of 19, while alone in the country one day walking to a farm for food, she was attacked by a U.S. fighter plane. Fortunately, she wasn't hit. Others weren't so lucky. There was no legitimate military objective for such attacks. Pure hatred and the feeling of power over the helpless are two obvious explanations. Of 'course we Americans never hear these negative aspects of our wars, and most don't want to hear them. For we are, of course. totally good and can do no wrong. and the enemy is totally bad. Dream on! CHARLIE REYNER UNIVERSITY ALUMNUS Homecoming is a time for alumni nostalgia, frustration TO THE DAILY: Once again, this aging old fart had a wonderful time revisiting Ann Arbor and the University during homecoming week- end. With increasing passion, I relish the opportunity to view the autumn campus. breath the crisp air and sample the excellent eats (Blimpy's, the fragel, the Fleetwood and the Count's Twists). I'd like to thank the student body for its gracious perpetuation of the ancient, general- seating "policy" at the football game - and for not jackin' us for (much) more than twice the face value on our section 26, row 90 seats. I brought my wife this time and she had an absolute blast in the Big House - noth- ing like the games at the University of Arizona. We also relished strolling Main Street and surveying the taps at Ashley's. I say all this in part to memorialize our retrospective experience this weekend, but also in part to share with and teach all of you young, vibrant and seemingly immortal Michigan students that one day you too will walk in my shoes - fondly revisiting "your" bars, marvelling at the evolving architectur- al scenery, groaning in front of the place nice to feel welcome, or at least not unwel- come. It is energizing to wander about, like one in the cosmopolitan student crowd. And, despite the roots you naturally come to establish a decade after leaving college. g* ting married and signing a mortgage, it is nice to go back and oddly feel as though you've some how come home. To the University administration: in an effort to recognize these sentiments from your alumni base, it would sure be nice if you could partially loosen the platooning of the aisle Nazis -- at least within the recog- nized student sections. My fellow "Big Chillers" that joined my wife and me for this weekend's journ from different parts of the country, did ma age same-section tickets, but could not get the same row as us. While they proceeded to their lower rows (30-40), we were directed up (row 90). It was slightly disappointing that we could not cheer against Purdue together. I submit that the student section's gener- al-seating code is well ingrained and cour- teously maintained, of all things, by the stu- dents. Please at least consider the reco* mendation to compromise (enforcing sec- tions, not rows). Keep up the high stan- dards, keep wide the broad horizons. MICAH SCHMIT UNIVERSITY ALUMNUS Students should relax and enjoy pranks 0 TO THE DAILY: I am a Michigan State student and I would like to comment on the numerous complaints from Michigan students about the recent painting of the Diag. I think that each and every person who is complaining about it as an act of disrespe and bad sportsmanship is taking it way t seriously. This is a big rivalry and the paint- ing of the Diag was just a part of it. It's all part of the fun that can come from a rivalry. We do it to Michigan, Michigan does it too us. There was no physical or emotional harm done, and the Diag looks