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October 11, 1999 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-11

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8B - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 11, 1999

'M' leads conference
with wins over Irish

Comrie rocks, but *
defense impresses

Continued from Page 1
"We didn't give up much defen-
sively" Berenson said. "If we were
worried about our defense we got an
answer this weekend. I think these
guys can do the job."
Freshman Mink finished the scor-
ing for the Wolverines with the first
goal of his collegiate career - beat-
ing Notre Dame's replacement goalie
Tony Zasowski with just under two
minutes remaining in the game.

Michigan now stands atop the
early CCHA leaderboard, and, after a
loss by Michigan State to Colorado
College, will probably be the
league's highest ranked team next
week. The win should provide
momentum early as they vie for the
conference crown.
"We can build on this," Comrie
"We showed that we're an explo-
sive team and these two games were
big games for us to win early on in
the season."


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Geoff Koch (18) sparked the Michigan offense to 11 goals over two games
against Notre Dame. The winger tallied the CCHA's first goal of the season.

By Uma Subramanian
Daily Sports Wrier
NOTRE DAME - Everyone
knows Mike Comrie can score. lie
proved it last season when he became
Michigan's top point scorer with 43 in
the regular season.
But Friday night against the
Fighting Irish in South Bend, Comrie
set a new standard. His first career
hat trick gave him a total of eight
points in five games against Notre
The hat trick was all the more
impressive because Comrie's final
two goals were unassisted and came
within 23 seconds of each other (with
11:24 and l 1:01 left in the third peri-
Comrie "was able to put the puck in
the net and make the difference in the
game," Michigan coach Red
Berenson said. "Your best players
have to be your best players.
"He's a dangerous player. With the
puck he might be as good as anybody
we've seen in the league."
couple of weeks ago, those words
may have seemed oxymoronic as far
as the Michigan hockey team was
The Wolverines had lost three key
defensemen in the off-season and to
top it off, senior captain Sean Peach
went down with an injury.
As a result, the media vulture had a
field day preying on the Wolverines'
supposed weak link.
Oh how the tides have turned.
After Friday's 6-1 and Thursday's
5-3 victories over Notre Dame, peo-
ple can't seem to get enough of those
Michigan blue liners.
The six players who comprised
Michigan's defensive unit in the
series held the Fighting Irish score-
less for 53:04 over the two nights.
"The defense made a statement this
weekend that these guys can do the
job," Berenson said. "They impressed
me. They didn't break down and just
played within themselves."


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Michigan 6, Notre Dame 1
Michigan 2 0 4 - 6
Notre Dame 0 0 1 -1
First period - 1. UM, Matzka (unassisted) 6:40, 2.
UM. Comrie (Langfeld, Fraser) 16:07. Penalties -
ND, Chipchase (interference)1:53; UM, Mink (hold-
ing) 8:15; UM. Gassoff (cross-checking) 8:38: ND,
Carlson I(interference) 10:13; UM, Swistak (slash-
ing) 13:33; ND. Jurkowski (hooking) 17:32.
Second period - No scoring. Penalties - UIM,
jillson(interference) 7:51; ND Seyerth (hooking)
9:17: ND, Carlson (hooking), 13:16; ND, Nielsen
(cross-checking) 16:27:;tUM, Comrie (high-sticking);
17:38; ND, Kimento (holdirg), 19:48.
Third period - 3. UM, Kosick (Comrie, Jison) 0:21;
1. ND, Inman (Simon, Seyferth), 0:39; 4. UIM,
Comrie (unassisted), 8:36: 5. UM, Comrie (unassist-
ed). 8:59; 6. Mink (Hilbert, Vancik), 18:08.
Penalties - UM, Gassoff (interference), 1:02; ND,
Seyferth (tripping), 2:49; ND, Chin (hitting after the
whistle), 10:42; UM, Magnuson (hitting after the
whistle), 10:42: ND, Dusbabek (elbowing). 16:45;
UM, Swistak (roughing), 16:45: ND, Dusbabek
(roughing), 16:45.
Shots on goal -.UM 16-1011-37; ND 753 -
Power Plays - UM, 2 of 9: ND 0 of 6.
Saves - tM, Blackburn 7-5-0 - 12; ND, Kimento
14-10 1- 25; UM, OMalley 0-0-2 - 2; ND,
Sasow ski, 0-0-6--- 6.
Referee - Duke Shegos.
Linesmen - Brain Troester. John Pearson.
At: Joyce:Center.
Attendance: 2,667.

HoME?: Notre Dame's Joyce Center
is hardly a prime location to play
hockey. In fact, the domed arena
could be better described as a conven-
tion center with a hockey rink
plopped down right in the center of a
bunch of tables.
Nevertheless, for a special type of
Michigan player, the unusual con-
fines of the Joyce Center could even
be called friendly - or perhaps just
On January 30, 1998, Krikor
Arman, in his first game in a
Michigan uniform, had to date the
most productive offensive night of his
Arman notched two goals in the
first period and one assist in the
Wolverines 7-2 victory over the
Fighting Irish.
Last year, defenseman Dave
Huntzicker, who also walked-on to
the team, scored his first goal at the
Joyce Center.
This past weekend Notre Dame and
the golden dome were friendly to all
of the Wolverines. But freshman
defensive walk-on Brad Fraser was
treated with a little extra kindness.
Fraser, who filled in for injured
captain Sean Peach notched the first
points of his Michigan career record-
ing an assist on Comrie's first goal in
the first period of Friday's game.
IRISH: Notre Dame coach Dave
Poulin has seen it all. Through 17 sea-
sons as a player on both the college
and professional levels and five years
coaching his alma matter, he's taken
the good in stride with the bad.
Still, after the weekend's losses,
Poulin was thrown for a loop.
"We weren't good at all," Poulin
said after Friday's game. "I'm very
disappointed. We didn't compete. In
the past, we didn't know we' d win
every night. But the one thing we
could count on was that we'd compete
every night.
"I'm very concerned right now
with that. I've been through it as a
player much more than I've been
through it as a coach... (This slump)
happens to teams, but when it hap-
pens at the very start or the very end
of the year, the effect's magnified. At
the start it's like 'wow', but we'll go
back to basics from here."
there's a heated rivalry between two
similar squads, you can expect that
things might get a little rough. But
this weekend's series between
Michigan and Notre Dame redefined
the term ugly - well, as ugly as the
NCAA allows college hockey to get.
The teams spent 66 minutes in the
penalty box.
"It wasn't always pretty hockey,"
Berenson said. "... It was a rough
weekend. Notre Dame plays an
aggressive, physical game. But our
players may not be big, but they play
"You're not going to intimidate our
team, and you're not going to intimi-
date any player out there. They paid
the price, that's what it's all about,
paying the price to play well or pay-
ing the price to win."


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