N £ 'Elfin *rn Weather Today: Sunny. High 61. Low 3 Tomorrow: Sunny. High 72. 34. One hundred nne years ofeditona lfreedom Monday November 9, 1999 i Novembe. r 8 199 "U conference focuses on racial profiling $y David Enders Tiily Staff Reporter Police officers can make a traffic stop number of reasons, including running a re or not wearing a seat belt. But many m s oving violations are only used as an w en police ask them to pull to the side road - instead it is the color of their sk 1alarms officers. Across the country and in the Ann Arbc minority motorists allege that police c stop them simply because they are mm The practice is referred to as "racial pro Speaker exposes Neo-Nazi ijovement By Shomari Terrelonge-Stone Daily Staff Reporter Yaron Svoray, the Israeli son of Holocaust survivors, risked his life to expose the growing threat of Germany's new Nazi movement in Europe and the United States by going undercover as a Nazi sympathizer and supporter named "Ron Furey." oray learned how to become an anti-terrorist fighter when he served as an Israeli commando and detective sergeant in the Israeli Central Police Command. Combining the knowledge he learned as an Israeli commando with his passion to expose injustice, Svoray infiltrated Nazi organizations where he unveiled continued racism, anti- Semitism and other shocking and dis- g discoveries. tsing as a business executive, Svoray was able to charm and come into contact with key Nazi leaders and middle-class citizens who subscribe to the Nazi beliefs of racial hatred. superiority., anti- Semitism and Holocaust denial. These extremists invited Svoray to their private social gatherings under the impression that he was an editor for a neo-Nazi mag- azine called "The Right Way." tells the full story in his book, "In Hi er's Shadow," the HBO original movie "The Infiltrator" and is sched- uled to speak tonight in the Michigan Union Ballroom at 7:30. The event is part of the Conference on the Holocaust and is sponsored by Conference on the Holocaust, Michigan Student Assembly and the LSA-Student Government. Business senior Lani Roth, who has heard Svoray speak before1 said, " re are very few speakers who have moved me as much as he has." Rabbi Rick Kirschen of Hillel described Svoray as one of the most fascinating speakers he has heard. "I think he has a very compelling style of the way he tells his story, and I think that what he did as far as infil- trating the Nazis in Germany is really important information to have. The st .hetells is very shocking and it rA s you think twice about fascists md hate groups in this country and naybe how much we underestimate See CONFERENCE, Page 2A and the "offense" has become known by many motorists nationwide as DWB or "Driving While Black" or "Driving While Brown." Recent high-profile incidents have highlight- ed the issue in the Detroit area. Michigan State Sen. Kwame Kilpatrick (D-Detroit) was asked to step out of his car and, as his two young chil- dren watched. officers pulled guns on the sena- tor. Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer's son and a female lawyer were stopped while driving on 10 Mile Road, and allege the stop was made because they are black. On the University campus, anecdotal evi- dence of racial profiling abounds and many stu- dents say it goes beyond traffic stops. An LSA senior who declined to give his name remembered a run-in he had with an Ann Arbor Police Department officer on a snowy November evening during his first year at the University five years ago. "I was walking to (Mary) Markley (Residence Hall) with some friends. We were going down South University (Avenue) and it was snowing really hard and all my friends had run ahead - I was walking down South Forest (Avenue) and a cop car drove by me really slow. Then he stopped backed up and got out of his car and said '1 heard what you said to me, dog' and stuff like that, trying to use slang, and he reached into his car and pulled out his gun. One of my friends came running back and the cop got back in his car and drove off," he said. The student also alleged that the officer was careful not to identify himself. "He covered the badge with his other hand," the student said. Campus chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and Mixed I Candi face Asi MSA By Jeannie Baumann Daily Staff Reporter As next week's semi-annual election for representative seats on the Michigan Student Assembly approach- es, University students, faculty and staff will not see some of the major changes to the election code - literal- ly. The assembly passed a resolution two weeks ago that bans any postering of campaign materials in the Angell Hall complex, which includes Tisch, Haven and Mason halls. The resolution amends an Election Code chapter that already prohibits campaign materials from being affixed to glass or painted surfaces. "It's always nice when a government does what its constituents tell them to. We've heard for years that abuse of fliering is annoying and counter-pro- ductive," MSA President Bram Elias said. "This year, MSA has new rules that atives hosted a forum at the Michigan Union d "Driving While Black," focusing on racial 'iling. Ithough few er than 10 people attended the n. local lawyers presented information on ii profiling and an open dialogue took place ribing whit to do when driv ers feel they are target of a racially-motivated traffic stop. Iichacl Steinberg, a lawyer and the Legal ector for the Detroit ACLU said that racial iling has wide societal implications. t undermines the criminal justice system; See PROFILING, Page 3A idat es Lricter are going to free elections to be more focused on contacts with individuals and communication of your ideas. The rules change is good for the environ- ment, good for people whiA have classes in Code Changes Angell Hall and good for'-f the democrat- 3 ic process. GCn iatts yt Now it's up for in esince fils mus students to ''Wear pactes. prove us ocitation in right," he said. revence hans or MSA Rules alow- b twfln and Elections 10 a m, am8 a Chair Mark Sherer, an LSA junior, said the amendment applies to fliers about candidates and ballot items but not to posters that promote voting in the election. "We intend to publicize elections but See MSA, Page 7A Ann Arbor sixth-grader Andrew McNamara works onh a Celtic stamp project at the Celebration of Irish Culture at the University Museum of Art yesterday. The'event featured music, dancing And a display of Irish arts and crafts. Museu of Art hosts Iishclur isplay, Thriller 1 By Jon Zemke Daily Staff Reporter Children frolicked, danced and made jewelry yesterday at the University's Museum of Art's "A Celebration of Irish Culture." Museum Curator of Education Ruth Slavin said the crowd that packed the building - the biggest gathering the museum has seen this year - was comprised of people who do not normally visit the museum, "We wanted to have an event that would contextualize the Irish painting show .., for a broad audi- ence including kids, college stu- dents, families and adults," Slavin said. "We wanted to offer a variety of things so that everyone would find something of interest today," she said. A combination of activities for children and adults were offered including Irish performances including Uilleann pipe playing and a demonstration of step danc- ing. The children's activities, such as pressing metal to create large gold colored necklaces, drew dozens of families and area resi- dents. "I came because I am Irish, because I just got back from Ireland and I am delighted to see the museum used like this," Ann Arbor resident Christine Hennessy said. "The museum should really be used like this, more hands on for the children and more perfor- mance based," she said. See MUSEUM, Page 3A Parents indulge 1n student life By Undsey Alpert Daily Staff Reporter Many University students finished the weekend on full stomachs as par- ents swarmed campus during Parents Weekend. An innumerable number of families journeyed to the University for the weekend and more than 2,000 fami- lies registered with the Student Alumni Council. The council initiated Parents Weekend more than 10 years ago to give students' parents a sense of what goes on at the University. The weekend activities included nom~ii tr>>r rcy~rn n, ron1 rants and Michigan Stadium over- flowed with students and parents enjoyingeach other's company. "We didn't register for any of the activities, but is was a beautiful day and the game was really fun," said Sally Floody, who traveled from Wisconsin to see her daughter Heather Floody, an LSA first-year student. "This was my first football game since Princeton, so I really enjoyed it." Andy Rosenberg, father of Art and Design sophomore Elyse Rosenberg, traveled from Pennsylvania for the weekend. ALEX WOLK/Daily Brian Woolridge, a Michael Jackson impersonator, dances in an alley off of East Liberty Street yesterday. The fan of the King of Pop, says he does it for the fun and exercise. Carnival marksend ofDiwali celebration By Krista hullo For the Daily Hugging and greeting each other with "Happy Diwali" and "Shubh Deep-awali," which literally means "Sacred Diwali," students and com- munity members gathered Saturday evil. In a legend associated with the origin of Diwali, the god Rama defeated the demon-king Ravana. The nine days prior to Ravana's death are called Navaratri and the 10th day marks Ravana's death. The legend states it took 20 days for m