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April 12, 2000 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-04-12

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 12, 2000 - 3


U. Oregon to consider signing on to


group cancels
jndiana U. visit
An anti-abortion group cancelled
its visit to Indiana University and
promised it would sue the school for
not allowing it to demonstrate at the
campus location it desired.
The Genocide Awareness Project
planned on visiting last week. Dean of
Students Richard McKaig said the
group was allowed on campus, but
asked to demonstrate at Dunn Meadow,
'e area set aside for free speech.
Gregg Cunningham, executive
director of the Center for Bio-Ethical
Reform, the organization sponsoring
the anti-abortion group, said the free
speech area is not a popular student
location. Cunningham said freedom
of speech allowed the group to set up
where it pleases. A university counsel
,said that U.S. Supreme Court prece-
dent lets IU restrict the area groups
*n demonstrate. He said if the Geno-
cide Awareness Project did come to
campus and refuse to demonstrate at
Dunn Meadow, it would probably
receive a trespassing ticket.
UCLA to include
hate crimes in
student code
The University of California at Los
ngeles is working on including a
punishment for hate crimes in its stu-
dent code of conduct. It currently does
not mention hate crimes or incidents.
Assistant Vice Chancellor of Student
and Campus life Bob Naples said he
will make a change in the code with the
help of students, faculty and administra-
The past academic year has seen a
mber of hate crimes at UCLA's
campus, including swastikas being
drawn on the university building that
is home to student governments and
many ethnic student groups.
The change in code is expected to
be finalized when university officials
review it at the end of the academic
MSU students
bank on ugliness
A group of Michigan State Univer-
sity students are spending this week
hoping their peers think they are ugly.
Each year, the Alpha Phi Omega
service fraternity has an election for
the ugliest person. MSU students
place money in the bucket next to the
picture of the candidate they think is
the least attractive. Each penny is
tunted as one vote. Bucket money is
then given to the local chapter of the
American Cancer Society. The person
voted the ugliest is rewarded with a
painted toilet seat. Ten candidates are
running this year. Buckets are expect-
ed to be placed all around campus.
The executive director of the Lansing
area AMC said 40 percent of the funds
will go towards research and sixty per-
cent towards educational efforts.
f n line classes for
vy alumni planned
Stanford, Yale and Princeton Univer-
sities are discussing the possibility of a
joint alumni online educational project.
Stanford Vice Provost for Institu-
tional Geoffrey Cox learning said no
official program has been developed
but it will likely include classes from

e arts and sciences and opportuni-
es for scholastic discussions.
Stanford Provost John Hennessy
said the collaborative program
should start in the fall, but issues
such as faculty involvement and
funding have not been decided.
Cox said the courses will not be
from any professional schools and the
courses may be for non-credit.
Harvard University Dean Harry
Lewis said the school did not join
c Ivy League trio because it felt
e program would take away facul-
ty time needed for undergraduate
Cox said the program would not
deter from students' schooling.
-- Compiled foin U-WIRE reports by
Daily St/ff'Reporter Robert Gold.

By Robert Gold
Daily Staff Reporter

The University of Oregon - one of a long
list of universities nationwide deciding how to
enforce fair labor practices within factories that
produce collegiate apparel - may agree to join
the Worker Rights Consortium later this week.
Monday night, university President Dave
Frohnmayer met with students and said he would
join the organization later this week if the univer-
sity's Senate approved. The University Senate,
comprised mostly of faculty but also students and
staff, is scheduled to vote tomorrow on whether
to recommend joining the WRC.
"Unless the University Senate has a problem
with this, he will probably sign the WRC," Tom
Hager director of the university's Office of Com-
munications said. Hager added that the president
has been "predisposed" to joining the WRC for
about two weeks but wanted to get faculty input
The WRC is a student-led organization aimed
at monitoring factories that manufacture colle-

giate apparel. It formed in opposition to the
White House-sponsored Fair Labor Association
that some say has too many corporate ties to fair-
ly monitor corporations.
The meeting follows a week-long protest
by students of the anti-sweatshop group
Human Rights Alliance. The group demand-
ed Frohnmayer join the WRC. Fourteen stu-
dents have been arrested for trespassing at
the Johnson Hall administrative building
since the protest started.
Human Rights Alliance member Laura Close
said she is not convinced that a resolution will be
reached soon.
"University Senate doesn't decide on anything
in one night," Close said, adding that she is con-
cerned the senate would not make a decision for
at least a month.
At the meeting HRA insisted Frohnmayer sign
a statement agreeing to join the WRC and the
FLA. Frohnmayer said the university rejected an
offer to join the FLA last year.
A committee of faculty and students was
formed in the spring to analyze the university's

labor agreements. Last month, the committee
recommended the university join the WRC in its
final report. This is the report the senate will vote
on today.
Close said she does not oppose faculty input,
but that the original motion that the senate was to
vote on did not explicitly mention the WRC.
"It was incredibly vague and extremely trou-
bling," Close said.
Seth Quackenbush, a member of HRA, said
the group is not positive that the senate will pass
the proposal and that Frohnmayer had enough
time to make a decision.
University Senate secretary Gwen Steigelman,
a non-voting member, said she does not know
how the senate will vote but added that she has
not heard of any faculty opposition.
Quakenbush said he is concerned the senate
may not pass the proposal because of Nike Inc.
CEO Phil Knight's connection to the university.
Knight contributed about $25 million in 1996 for
the construction of a new law school named for
his father. The university's main library is named
after Knight.
tudents file

Senate President Peter Gilkey said he can not
comment on senate voting before it takes place, but
added that a separate faculty committee unani-
mously supported membership into the WRC.
A report by the Senate Rules Committee
addresses the economic impact of joining the
sweatshop watchdog group.
"The fiscal impact to join the WRC is mini-
mal," the report states.
A point of disagreement between the student
activists and Frohnmayer has been the length
of the agreement the university would sign if it
joins WRC.
HRA members proposed a five-year term.
Quakenbush said a more likely outcome
would be for Frohnmayer to support a one-
year term.
"Some of their demands, I don't think the sen-
ate would go along with," Steigelman said, refer-
ring to the five-year proposal.
Protesters continue to camp outside of Johnson
Hall keeping shelter in tents. Quakenbush said
the students are scheduled to meet with Frohn-
mayer today after the University Senate meeting.

Light at the end of the tunnel


against state voting law

By Lisa Koivu
Daily Staff Reporter
Yesterday a group of University students traveled to
Detroit to file a motion for a preliminary injunction
against a law that mandates that people must be regis-
tered to vote in the city of their residence listed on their
driver's license.
The preliminary injunction asks for the law, which
was approved April 1, to be shelved until after the case
against it goes to court and a permanent decision is
U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts is scheduled to
decide on the motion for an injunction by Friday.
The Michigan chapter of the American Civil Liber-
ties Union and the Michigan Student Assembly -
along with student governments from universities
across the state - filed a suit against the state of
Michigan in February claiming the law is unconstitu-
LSA senior Abe Rafi said at the same time the judge
announces her decision she will also talk about the mer-
its of the case and how successful the case would be if it
went to trial.
The ACLU wants to bring the case to court because of
the restrictions the law places on college students.
RC sophomore Shari Katz said the act is unconstitu-
tional and violates many laws.
"It violates the due process clause, the equal protec-
tion clause and violates the federal Motor Voter law. The
law also violates the state constitution because of the

"If we can stop the law, then
we can stop low turnout"
- Abe Rafi
LSA senior
the first time you vote, you can't vote by absentee bal-
lot, you must go home to do so," Katz said. "For many
students who register to vote, their first time voting is at
the University."
LSA junior Sarah Pray said she thought the hearing
was a little disheartening.
"Both sides made really good cases and I didn't see
one side as being any better than the other. It didn't
seem as though the judge would rule in our favor, but
hopefully she will," Pray said.
"Even if we aren't awarded this preliminary injunc-
tion, we still have the court case. Even without the
injunction we can still continue to fight. But, if we get
the injunction then we will have the precedent of this
judge's ruling," she added.
Rafi said regardless of the ruling, students need to
continue to register and to vote.
"Public Act I 18 has a bad effect on student voter
turnout. If we can stop the law, then we can stop the low
turnout," Rafi said.
"The number of students registering on campus has
dropped substantially, especially for a hot voting year.
We'd like to stop the damage as quickly as possible,'
Rafi said.

Kathleen Kaikkonen, a staff member at the Law library, walks through its
arches yesterday evening.

way it is drafted," Katz said.
"My biggest concern is that in the

state of Michigan,

'Greed' taping pushed back

By Jeremy W. Peters
Daily Staff Reporter
University students waiting irmpa-
tiently to find out whether or not they
have been selected to appear on the
game show "Greed" will have to wait
even longer before they know if they
will have a shot at the show's S2 mil-
lion grand prize.
"There has been no definite selec-
tion yet and the taping date has actual-

ly been pushed back," said Hayley
Blain, the head contestant coordinator
for the game show.
"We were actually h'oping to tape
the show this Saturday, but instead
we will tape it on April 29," she
Blain said that some University
students have been notified that their
applications have been put on hold,
but none have been formally select-

She anticipates that three or four
University students will be flown out
to Los Angeles for the taping.
"Students should expect to hear
from us about midweek the week of
the 24th," she added.
Students from Ohio State, Indi-
ana, Purdue, Penn State and Wis-
consin will also be selected to
participate in the show, which will
include students from throughout
the Big Ten.

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Judge orders siblings to stand
trial for conspiracy, murder

GRAND RAPIDS (AP) - As chil-
dren, Donna Koetje and her younger
brother Jay Dolfin played together. As
adults, they remained close, even
though he lived in Wisconsin and she
lived in Michigan.
Now a court will decide whether
that sibling loyalty might have gone
too far last fall. A Grand Rapids dis-
trict judge yesterday ordered the broth-
er and sister to stand trial on
conspiracy and murder charges in the
shooting death of Gerald Koetje,
Donna Koetje's husband of 30-plus
Donna Koetje and Dolfin, who are
being held without bond, are not the
first persons to be charged in the
Last month, Lloyd Riddle, of
DeForest, Wis., was ordered to stand
trial on murder and conspiracy

charges. Authorities say he pulled the
trigger. A fourth person, Ralph Zielin-
ski, of Madison, Wis., is charged with
home invasion and accessory after-
the-fact to murder. He is cooperating
with police.
Neither Koetje or Dolfin are sus-
pected of actually shooting Gerald
Koetje, who was shot to death Oct. 28
in the Byron Center condominium he
shared with his wife. Rather, the
charges allege they conspired and
aided and abetted in the crime.
Koetje's and Dolfin's lawyers say
their clients are innocent, and told the
court the evidence against them is
"Where is the motive?" said David
Dodge, who represents Koetje, in his
closing statement yesterday. "I must
have missed that testimony."
But Assistant Kent County Prose-

cutor Gary Gabry suggested it was
greed - $500,000 in retirement ben-
efits - and unhappiness that motivat-
ed Koetje to conspire against her
Diane Thompson, who described
herself as a close friend of Koetje,
told the court her friend had an
extramarital affair during her mar-
riage and talked about marrying
another man.
Gabry introduced e-mails and tape
recordings, as well as evidence
allegedly seized from Riddle's home,
that he said prove Koetje and Dolfin
were in on the murder.
Authorities said Koetje initially
denied knowing Riddle, but later
admitted to meeting him at a Kalama-
zoo restaurant the month before her
husband died - a meeting apparently
discussed in e-mail.

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