~T. The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 10, 2000 -- 3A ,CAMPUS Seniors to plant class trees with -Bollinger outlie ath plans By Jeremy W. Peters D~aily Staff Reporter Today at 5 p.m. on Senior class is invitedi dent Lec Bollinger in the 1)ia the to joinl Presi- renewing the ,,.radition of planting a class tree.v In February, thc senior university =students were polled to choose the location for their permanent campus monumeni, the (lass of 2000) Tappan Oak. Students voted to plant the ti-e on the D~iag. Following the ceremony, which will also acknowledge the funds col- '@lected through the Senior Pledge drive, there will be at reception in the atrium of the Chemistry Building. The event is sponsoredl by the Alumni Association and the Development Annual G iving Programs. ;Four students win Goldwater awards All four Univeisity nominees lot 'lhe Goldwater Scholarship received -'the awards. Jlennifer (Chang received an award ,,Tr chemistry and biochemistry; -.Brian DeBosch for cellular molecular ;biol ogy and Gerinan; Joseph :,Marsano for mathematics and r4,+hysics; and Benjamin Singter for mathematics. 'Three hundred and nine awards were iven CHout nationw~ide to tinder- Wtaduate sophoimor'es and junior:,. Ihe (Goldwaiter scholars were -, elccted oii the basis of' academic , _TnYrit from a nominee pool of'I 1176 mathematics, science and engineering 'students,.nminated by their respec- tive university 1faculty. Thie one and two year scholarships will cover the cost of tuition, tees, ' -boks and room and~ board tip to a 49 axmmumn of $7,500 per year. The (Goldwater Foundation is a fed- crally endowed agency established in I 986 to honor Senator Barry (Goldwa- ter to foster and encouragte outstand- Ig studlents to pursue careers in efigincerinrg, mathematics anid nautioal sciences. Michigan Theater to screen two Palestinian films Tonight at the Michigan "l Kteri 'two Palestinian short films wil be sthorvn as part of the Children of the Middle Last FilImi Festiva l. The first film, "(ChilIdren of' thle 1-trrc2 exploires the lives of. Palest in ian A4i dren during the Intif Ida, and of 'thc "Israeli soldiers, who were sent to Oaltfol Nabl us. -.[he second f'ilm, "(ChilIdren of , 4atila," examines the lives of the zhildren wvho survivedl the massacire of 1982 at the refugee Camp Shat ila. ~,Both films are dii'ected by Mai NMasri, who is scheduled to speak ont ',her filmmaking experiences in 'Lebanon anid Palestine after the pire- -sentation of her films. 'The evet 'hegins at 7p.m. Sa ncer performs to ach, Monteverdi _ t Power Center --Wednesday evening the U niversity ,Musical Society wil showcase T risha itm at the P~ower ('enter. Girown, a choreographter foir imore than 3(0 yearts, is knowtn for the enei'- gy of' her ideas and the clarity of' their *xecution, will perform such works as " f You Couldn't See Me'" a solo anid "Astral Converted" in which dancers ,.~i and move against the floor as if ftgainst at wall. 'The ev'ent miarks Brown's Ann Arbor debut, and shte will be performt- ing wvith her nine-mtember company. '[hey will be performingita ~Scguenccerof ighly stylized dances set to the music of Bach aind Monteverdi. C omnpany meimber's include Kath- Went IFisher, D~iane Madden, Stan- ford Makishi, Mariah Maloney, , Gena Rho, Stacy Spence, Keith 'Thompson, Abigail Yager and Ming-Lung( Yang. 'I'ickets ar'e SI 1 -S32 in advance at ~Brnon Tower and may be available at the door for)t the 8 p.m. event. ('ompiled by Daili'.StufI~epoi'h'i' .kdlw KaUlfhall. With health care continually ranking highly among votei's' top priorities for the upcoming pres- idcntial election, both 'Texas Goy. (leorge W BuLsh1 and Vice President Al (Gore have made the issue a focus of their campaigns. Michigan Department of ('ommunity Health Director James Ilaveman, Bush's health policy coordinator and Richard Boxei, Gore's health poli- cy coordinator, outlined the highlights of their- can- didatc's plans at a tforum addressing health care reform Friday at the School of Public Heath. Bush's plan is centered on increased access to health care and more individual autonomy while gore's plan aims at univer'sal coverage atnd more funding for Medicare. "Gover'nor Bush believes ... that there should be universal access to health care. Quality, affordable it lacetansi.''JA hcaesse> hudh tadnt atB htuedtoeiiaemcofte Mo diay r re'oa h at s onrsoeo'te ha bikn misxke Supports aPtin'sKllo'1ih, er imlrto thle on mpccne i 1soi tae ot mos toerll' 4 t a .'e eve. Popl :ca ln B oxer was on hand to present the vice presi- small businesses though tax ci'edits. dents plan. In contrast to Bush' plan, which sug- University Vice President for Medical Affairs gests universal access to health care, (Gore Gilbert Omenn said he felt that neither of the can- advocates universal coverage. "The vice president's didates' plans addresses the problems the medical net. goal is to have universal health coverage, but he community faces in the 21st Century. t'ealizes that this can't be done immediately. That is Omenri said he believes the two most pressing wh)y we fahvor expanding coverage incrementally' health care issues are insuring the uninsured and B'oxer said. focusing more attention on preventative medi- "'There is a major difierence between univei'sal cine. access atid universal coverage," he added. "The "There is a special irole of the academic medical access is there, but people don't use it." center which is research. We should apply what we Boxer outlined (Gore's seven point health care know and be humbled by what we don't know. I proposal. (Gore would ensure every child is insured don't think either one has addressed preventative by 2005, expand coverage for working parents, health care'" he said. invest S30 billion per year into Medicare and allow Omenn suggested that Bush and Gore look to those between the ages of 55 to 65 to buy into the former New Jersey Sen. Bill. Bradley's health care program. G ore would add prescription di'ug benefits proposal to Medicare and he would push for the passage of a Mary Heldring, Bradley's health policy Patient's Bill of Right?. Lastly, (Gore would make coordinator, said the senator's plan centered health care moi'e affordable for individuals and on preventative care. mis secon-6-id fo-rum on not happy hetcno . [The ar t on the wall1 ;SI = t;. .., 3 s rb-- cation of student space A pne dsignled to analyze stui- den grup f'ice space allocation I it ced o tudent and commu1Lnity coners ystrday for the last time bctrc t nvesits recommendations to Unirity PrSfesdet Lee Bol ixr later this week. 'ic hiltree person group, for1med b- matcrim oVice lPresident for-Stum- .!nt_ ,f'f aim's IF. Royster Harper. is sciteu edto pass on its sug(gestions toBolige by this Friday. Yetcda s puiblic l'orum, which an rat ,hout 70 people, primarily disusedthe NIichi c an IUnion 'Lower s~cx.'ms Michi(IamaM, Vullcans and ~ tit t~onx adi][- isc of' the topI freeflorsof' thle ho i di no. >chof f'Social Work student Ken oungsaid many people have beenupst by itels beloniging to Micinmn. he anl is 'atiemptm ug to wvork on~ ~~ po iy el what is really needed fro theadmnitration and the Uni1- xer~oxis a tp f'' 1 dents pose are dtire- Spencer'sad hesub.io ini events are pos'i xc.II s tboiK pei'Celli of's td a xxIo tedt:1 )1. l~ay tot1rs an;d SpmIna eio.c. n uip etimoliin In II nvrsi The sepat'ate xet sfed vr because tihe m1o11*t11-11 sK-c Spencer sakitinoivtuet>he LlIi(fuc coticras . ttiia edin a'e prdconli naiitl"v x demnc'nx n Spt'i rt Welcom I Xx c1nWt address thosesecfc ocen The messantha te nx o hopes to delix ci'i htnoo isht presence anid axoeondtvcd ther'e aic stuiden upot c ati.' minioritimes, Speei >ci)' I Siftitii'Aue}aU11oxtoa e~ edl thelni'i'ioI iix tteKlw Stridet t I iitiad>UI > cLi 'ct youi're hei'e,.;0o'e~lIheei c s> suppor't"fIom)the Inxe i (n son fbr BSU to be Ilie _ i 1 hx themllthat there IS as