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April 05, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-04-05

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 31, 2000


Japan to choose new ruler

TOKYO - Yoshiro Mori was elected
president of Japan's ruling party today,
virtually ensuring he would become
prime minister later in the day. He
replaces Keizo Obuchi, who was on life
support after suffering a massive stroke.
The full Parliament is to meet later
today to approve Mori as the county's
leader. Obuchi held both posts, but has
been in a coma since his sudden col-
lapse on Sunday.
The entire Cabinet resigned yester-
day, paving the way for the quick
selection of a new prime minister.
Moni is expected to be named to that

spot later today and a Cabinet could be
installed shortly after that.
The ruling Liberal Democratic Party
president is assured of approval as
prime minister because of the party's
majority in Parliament.
Mori indicated- shortly before the
vote that he would accept the prime
minister post.
"if that is my fate, I will do my
utmost for the people and for the
nation," Mori said.
Government ministers had promised
to move swiftly to avoid a political
vacuum after Obuchi's collapse. The

62-year-old prime minister suffered a
stroke Suinday and lapsed into a coma.
With Obuchi's Liberal Democratic
Party firmly in control of parliament,
the changes were not expected to bring
any major shift in political or econom-
ic policies. A new Cabinet will most
likely be the same as the old, with only
the top spot changed .
Mori --who held the screta ry-gen-t
eral peost, the seco. ndl-h i.ighet off>iciail int
the LD1?P - has; a rephutatio n as a con-
servative, and a nalysts said he wo uld
come under considerale pressure to.
continue Oabuchi's initiatives,

Continued from Page 1
no bias on a case to case basis to
investigate allegations. A letter of
accusation will be hand delivered to
the president of the chapter in ques-
tion. If there is sufficient evidence for
a heaing, the president of the chapter
and the individuals accused of wrong-
doing must appear in front of the
The individual who is accusing the
chapter maty provide testimony r can
opt to give testimony through investi-
gators. In addition, the chapter's
national organization will be alerted to
thec charges and date of the hearing. Ef
found guilty of wrongdoing, sanctions
can be imposed upon the chapter and
individuals will be reported to the
Office of Conflict Resolution fr fur-
ther investigation into violations of th
Code of Student Conduct
According to the plicy, sanctions
imposed on a chapter can include a
written formal reprimand, disciplinary
probation, community service hours r
projects, mandatry educational pro-
gramming, rush infractions and penal-
ties, monetary fines, suspension r
In addition to the procedural process
of investigations and hearings, a main
facet of the hazing policy is a preven-
tative education program.
All chapter presidents and new-
member educators will bersquired to
attend programs. New members will
be required to sign the policy before
accepting a bid.
"l think (the plicy) will make a dif-
ferenc, we have to believe that. We
need to be diligent in enforcing and
continuing our educational efforts,"
Panhel Adviser Mary Meth Siler said.
Singer and Chod expect the polcy
to help the Greek community rather
than anger it, as some expect.
"Does every person think that this is
best~? No, but it is best for the system
as a whole' Chod said.
Singer agreed, saying the Greek
community, not University administra-
tion, must deal with the problem of
hazing. "This is not meant to splinter
the reek system or to spark any con-
troversy. It is to say we understand that
there is a problem and we are going to
take our own initiative:'~
Continued from Page 1
"Even though we don't want them
to run, it is our duty to protect them'
DPS Officer Gay Hicks said.
,iterature circulated by DPS titled,
"Reasons Not to Run in the Naked
Run" states that running is unlawful. It
states "runners may suffer, possible
arrest and prosecution for ndecent
Exposure and/or Unlawful Assembly.
Depending upon the court actions,
those convicted may be required to
register as sex offenders'
In addition, Gov. John Engler last
Thursday signed a bill into law pro-
hibiting "those convicted of riot
behavior, unlawful assembly, or civil
disobedience froam attending a State of
Michigan college or university."
Tfhe literature also warns that run-
ners may be photographed or video
taped against their will and that those
pictures may be sold on cable channels
or the Internet.
.While mattny students f~el that the
atdmYinistratiotn and DPS are overreact-
ing, Brown said that the lNkd Mile is
a very secrious issue,
"T1-hey say, Oh, the University jfust
w"ants tot squelch our f'un.' Noa, fun is
good~ty. What wewant is to f keep ~+pol
IromyF gertting ht or ~twrse, dying' 7sthe

sa id,
A1ny studcnlts who arc interested in
vo 1luntering, for Naked Mile Safety
should repo rt to the Wedge Room in
the Wept (Quadra nglceResidence Hall
befoice 9 p . n. April Is4. Student 1dcnt1-
icatio n is required for voluteecring;.
The Northwestern University
College Preparation
Program is lookcing for
to work this summer.
We're hiring "Big Sibs" to help
guide high school
students from around the nation
through a summer of
learning and fun at Northwestern.
For an application call:
1800 FINDS NU.
Qualified candidates must have
r.,swleaor4 their

Wild day on Wall Street ends routinely
NEWG YORK - Frank Lai woke. up praying that his nest of Nasdaq stocks
would be stable enough yesterday that he could rip himself away from the com-
puter at his Las Vegas home and get back to his day job - running four Mrs.
Fields Cookies stores.
But after ticking upward briefly at the opening of trading, the Nasdaq
composite index began to slide. Lai sat glued to his machine, selling stocks
to stave off brokers who had loaned him money and picking up bargain si
others. "This is the scariest day +ever,' he said, laughing nervously as his ha f-
million dollar portfolio melted off 20 percent of the value.
The market recovered in the afternoon, but around lunchtime, many investors
such as Lai lived the nightmare they had been fearing for weeks, as the Nasdaq
and Dow Jones industrial average plunged in an apparent free fall, dropping hun-
dreds of points in a matter of minutes.
Nasdaq's drop began to pick up mxomentum shortly after noon and suddenly,
the blue-chip Dow -- which had been drifting all morning - started to follow. it
down. Between 12:30 and 1:15 Eastern time, both indexes just collapsed. in a
convulsion of selling. At their lows, both were down more than 550 points. For
the Nasdaq, that was a huge move -- down 13.6 percent, its biggest one-day
drop ever. The Nasdaq finished down 74.79 at 4,148.89 and the Dow ended
day down 57.09 at 11,1l64.84.

to act tranplant
WASHINGTON - Taking on an
issue that means life or death to trans-
plant patients, the House voted yester-
day to block a Clinton administration
eff'ort to move more hearts, livers and
kidneys to those who are closest to
The legislation would strip the
Department of Health and Human
Services of its power to set transplant
}policy and comes after years of ten-
sion between HHS and the United
Network for Organ Sharing, the pri-
vate, firm that has long run the trans-
plant system under a government
The Hotcuse approved the measure,
275-147, shy of the 290 votes needed to
override a promised presidential veto.
By voice vote, it agreed to include
an amendment that overtly kills
HHS regulations already in place
that direct more organs to the sick-
est patients - even if they live far
from the donor.
The legislation also encourages

organ donation, something all sides
it calls for financial assistance for
Living donors who give away a kidney
or part of a liver, and offers grants for
states to encourage donation.
The Senate has not yet acted on the
issue, and both sides were hoping
a resolution there.W
Abortion ban under
high court's scrutinyr
BELLEVUE, Neb. - On April 25,
the U.S. Supreme Court will hear Dr.
Leroy Carhart's challenge to Nebras-
ka's ban on a procedure that opponents
call "partial-birth abortion" The case
will be the high court's first major
decision on abortion in eight years
Carhart, one of only three ot
in Nebraska known to perform abor-
tions, maintains the ban is written in
such a way that it could be used to
outlaw all abortions.
"'m willing to do this. It has to be
done;' Carhart said. "But I never con-
-ceived in the foggiest that I'd get
involved in something this controver-


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Iraq says two killed
in U.S.-British ra id
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- U.S. and
British warplanes bombed sites in
southern Iraq yesterday, and the offi-
cial Iraqi News Agency reported two
civilians were killed and two were
A statement released at the head-
quarters of the U.S. Central Command
in Tampa, Fla., said 22 coalition air-
craft targeted four Iraqi military sites
with precision-guided munitions -
including a military radar site at
Nasiriyah, 17 miles southeast of
The Central Command statement
said the attack came in response to
anti-aircraft artillery fire at coalition
aircraft in the southern zone Monday
and yesterday, military leaders said.
U, S. Centr-al Command said all
planes returned safely and no other
coalition forces were involved.
The Iraqi news agency, INA, said
thec attacks took place at 12:50 p.m.
local time. It did not specify the

nature of the targets hit or exact loca-
"The U.S. and British aircraft
committed another vicious crime
.when they bombed one of our
civil and service installations
southern Iraq," 1NA said. ""~
bombing led to the martyrdom of
two civilians and the wounding of
two others."
Russia angry withi
U.N. intervention
MOSCOW - Russia warned the
international community not to
meddle in its domestic affairs y
terday after the top U.N. human
rights official said she was shocked
by accounts of killings and cruelty
in Chechnya.
Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said
Russia considers Chechnya an inter-
nal problem.
"We will never allow this problem to
be used as a pretext for interference into.
Russia's domestic affairs," he said.
- C'ompiled from Daily wire legit

The0 Michigan ily {ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms lay.
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NEWS J ewel Gopwanl, Managing Editor
', EDIORS: Nlak S urtkley, Michael Grass, Nika Schulte, Jaimie Winkler
' STaF I: Aim an. Ln dLe Alpert. Jeannie Baumann. RCsa Berrin. Marta rdi. Chavles Chen, Anna Clark, Adam Brian Cohen, Shabnam
D Oaesvir, Sang Pmlrwr, Nilita Easley, Dave Enders. Jen fish, Jodie Gingrichi. Robert Gold. Krsta Gullo. Elizaoceth Kassab. Jodie Kaufman.
Paci Koren.,Lsa Koivu. Karolyn Kokko. Dan Kouth. Hanna Lopatin. Tiffany Maggaid, Kevin Magnuson, Jaicquelyn Nixon. Caitilin Nish, Kelly
O'Connor, Jeremy W. Peters, Kanie Piona, Jennifer Sterling. Snornari Terreonge-Stpne, Jennifer Yachnin. Jon Zemke.
CALENDAR: Jaimie Winkler.
EDITORIAL Emily Achenbaum, Editor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Ryan DePiatro, Nicholsa Woomer
STAFF: Ryan Blay, Michelle Bolek, Kevin Clone, Josh Cowen, Chip Cullen, Peter Cunntiffe, Seth Fisher, lea Frost, Jenna Gredior,
Kyle Goodntlge, Ethan Johnson. Heather Kamins. Molly Kennedy, Jonathan Kinkel, Cortney Konner, Jeffrey Kosseff, Thomas Kuljurgis.
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SPORTS David Den Herder, Managing Editor
SENIOR EDITORS: Chris Dupry, Marl Fancescutti, Chris Orndstaff, Stephanie Ofen, Jacob Wheeler
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Richard Haddad, David Horn. Albert Kim. Josh Kieinbaum, Dena Krrscher, Andy Latack, James Mercier, David Mosse. Jeff Phillips,
Davidl Roth, Jon Schwartz, Benjamin Singer, Jeb Singer, Joe Smith, Brian Steere, Dan Williams,
ARTS EIOS aeFjrCrsKl Christopher Couuino, Managing Editor
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Toyln Akinmusuwu, Jff Druchnlak
SUB-EDITORS: Mathiew Barrett (Film{, Jenni Glenn (Fine/Performing Ats), Ben Goldstein {gooks}, Cailin Hall (TV/New Medial. John Uhl (MUSIC}
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PHOTO Louis Brown, Dana Linnane, Edit
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Sam Kolenshead, Jessica Johnson, David Rochkind
STAFF: Kristen Goble, Danny Kalick, David Katz, Maijori Marshall, Jeremy Menchick. Joanna Paine. Sara Schenck, Ales Wolk. Kiniisu ogachi.
ONLINE Toyin AkMinmusuru, Paul Wong, Managing Editors
EDITOR: Rachel Berger
STAFF: Alexandra Chminicki, Dana M. Goldberg. Sommy Ko, David Ng, Vince Sust. Eric Wilforig.
DESIGNER: Seth Benson
CONSUJLTANT: Sataniru Pramanil>


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