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April 03, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-04-03

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One hundred nine years ofeditorialfreedom



April 3, 2000

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By Jeannie Baumann
Daily Staff Reporter
A federal judge granted a motion Friday to
delay the trial date for the lawsuit contesting the
use of race as a factor in the University's Law
School admissions process.
The case, originally set for late August, is
now scheduled for January 2001.
"This is a tremendous victory for the inter-
venors and for the defense of affirmatives
action," said Miranda Massie, legal counsel for

the Law School case intervenors.
Attorneys for the intervenors initiallyi
ed the motion to delay the trial date at th
January. Federal District Court Judge F
Friedman denied that request in early
and the intervenors filed a request for re
eration about a week later.
The Center for Individual Rights, a W
ton, DX.-based law firm, represents p
Barbara Grutter in the case and initially c
the intervenor's request to delay the trialc

lawsuit to
The delay in the start of the trials would allow in the case.
request- more time in the discovery period, a time when Rackhar
e end of both sides exchange information and prepare for venor in th
Bernard trial. But Kirk Kolbo, an attorney for a Min- to Defend
March, neapolis-based law firm who is a co-counsel for Necessary,
.consid- the plaintiff, said they formally withdrew from venors to f
their opposition Friday. "Civil ri
Dashing- "As a practical matter, it did not appear that not be rush
plaintiff we would need more discovery once the inter- Curtin s
opposed venors admitted 13 or 14 experts," Kolbo said. on a studyt
date. At least 13 people have filed as intervenors "We nee


.m student Jessica Curtin, an inter-
e case and a member of the Coalition
Affirmative Action By Any Means
said the motion will allow the inter-
Ully develop their case,
ghts litigation of this magnitude can-
ed," she said.
aid that the intervenors are working
of college campuses.
ed to build our case that racism and

sexism still pervade society," Curtin said, adding
that this discrimination works at both the under-
graduate and graduate levels of college campus-
es. She said that this argument enhances the
intervenors defense because banning affirmative
action practices would only worsen such an
Curtin said the intervenors are also challeng-
ing the use of standardized tests, such as the
Law School Admissions Test, as a form of
See LAWSUIT, Page 2A

'U' schools
receive top
U.S. News
By Robert Gold
*Daily Staff Reporter
Although other University graduate
schools often receive more public
attention, the schools of Social Work
and Public Health are also considered
among the nation's best in their respec-
tive fields.
In the 2001 "Best Graduate
Schools" rankings by U.S. News &
World Report released Friday, the Uni- r
versity's School of Social Work rates
first in the nation and the School of
Public Health took fourth.
The Department of Health Manage-
ment and Policy, which is part of the
School of Public Health, was ranked
first in Health Services Administration.
The University's School of Informa-
tion tied for third in Library Sciences.
TheUniversity's nursing, engineer-
ing, law, education and business col-
eleges finished in the magazine's top
ten. The Medical School tied for 12th
with the Baylor College of Medicine.
All of the rankings are scheduled to
be published today in a special edition
of the magazine. "The University of
Michigan School of Social Work has
always ranked among the top academ-
ic institutions in the country and there
is always some fluctuation in the rank-
*ings," Social Work Dean Paula Allen-
Meares said in a written statement.
"However, we are proud and gratified William Swe
that our tradition of excellence in travel to diffe
social work education has been con-"
firmed again." Poh
ranked second for social work schools
and Columbia University and the Uni- By David En
versity of California at Berkeley tied Daily Staff Repo
for third. Michigan State University
was rated 39th. It appears
Public Health Associate Provost get student
Mark Becker said the rankings are Although the
"limited in scope" but "at the same urday's Has
time, we are pleased to be recognized dents rolled
as leaders in the nation:" for Ann Arbc
"We feel we stand toe-to-toe with the It's called
schools ranked ahead of us,"he said. dent as he lo
The magazine also rated Johns Hop- juana at a
kins University first in public health. proceeded w
Harvard University and the University on the Diag.
0of North Carolina at Chapel Hill took and lasted un
the number two and three spots. Beck- From high
er said the school evaluates its qual- the 29th ann
ity by factors such as the quantity between 4,00
See SCHOOLS, Page 3A
World Bank
By Jeremy W. Peters
Daily Staff Reporter

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MSU students
learn lesson;
city stays calm.

By David Enders
Daily Staff Reporter
EAST LANSING - The violence
of the city's riots last year was non-exis-
tent Saturday night as students at
Michigan State University celebrated in
the East Lansing streets following their
basketball team's victory over the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin to earn a place in
the NCAA championship game.
Police still took extra precautions,
closing off the streets surrounding the
Cedar Village apartment complex, the
epicenter of last year's melee, and hav-
ing extra officers on duty.
A cruise down Grand River
Avenue, the campus' busiest street,
saw fans pouring out of local houses
and bars, waving flags, lighting fire-
works, honking horns and carrying
each other through the streets. Stu-
dents partied raucously all over cam-
pus, but Michigan State Police Capt.
Tony Kliebecker said the crowd was
"very good-humored and enjoyed
themselves, and didn't get out of
As for Cedar Village, "we blocked
off the streets so students could
dance," Kliebecker said, adding that

police made a point of "not getting in
people's faces."
He said officers will take the same
precautions during tonight's champi-
onship game, when Michigan State
faces the University of Florida.
"We're optimistic it will all go pret-
ty well," he said.
Speculation about whether students
would repeat last year's violence has
fueled increased media coverage of
student activity in East Lansing, but
students seemed to more or less ignore
the attention, saying there is no resent-
ment of the media.
"It's more of a police-student con-
flict," said freshman Carl Seidman,
who partied at Cedar Village after the
game. He estimated that between
2,000 and 3,000 people were there as
well. Police patrolled the crowd op
foot and horseback, but "they were
just standing on the side talking to
themselves and students,"he said.
"It really showed a lot of school
spirit," Seidman said.
Michigan State officials have
worked aggressively in the past
months to avoid more riots. University
spokesman Terry Denbow said Presi-
See MSU, Page 3A

et from the Rhythm Family and Ron Laz provide the beat for dancers during Hash Bash on Saturday. They
erent events in peaceful support of the legalization of marijuana.

ce arrest 40c
that football games aren't the only thing that
s up early on the weekend.
ey were in the minority at Sat-
h Bash, some University stu-
out of bed to properly prepare
or's most notorious festivities.
"wake and bake," said one stu-
aded a water bong with mari-
local fraternity. He then
vith friends to the main event
which began at "high noon"
til 1 p.m.
school students to flower child throwbacks,
ual Hash Bash attracted a diverse crowd of
0 to 5,000 people, mostly from out of town.

luring Hash Bash
University spokeswoman Diane Brown said the atten-
dance was about half of what organizers expected.
Brown said that Department of Public Safety officers
arrested 40 people for possession of marijuana during the
day. But if arrests deterred most people from
smoking weed in the Diag, it didn't stop
them from lighting up before they arrived.
"I smoke everyday," said Ted, a 26-year-
old computer technician from Kalamazoo,
who asked that his last name not be used. He
attended Hash Bash with friends to support
the legalization of marijuana. "I like the way
it makes me feel. It relieves stress and helps
me with my (Attention Deficit Disorder)."
Speakers at the event urged the crowd to sign a peti-
tion supporting the Personal Responsibility Amendment,
which would make the use of marijuana in the home
See HASH BASH, Page 2A

Opportunity lost

Courtesy otBrenaa Robe
Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks at meeting of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition at its
national chapter on the south side of Chicago on Saturday.
Activists meet
with ackson

By Anna Clark
Daily Staff Reporter

The plight of the world's poorest countriesis one of
which most Americans are unaware. With the Heavily
*Indebted Poor Countries owning debt 4.5 times the
income derived from their annual exports, a way to com-
bat rising national debts has long been a topic of much
U.S. Rep. John Conyers, a long-time vociferous advocate
of canceling HIPC's debts, joined members of the World
Bank and other notable experts Saturday at the School of

CHICAGO -- They finally got to
meet the man who inspired them.
When Rev. Jesse Jackson spoke at
Hill Auditorium last spring, University
students motivated to keep his dream
of equality alive approached the civil
rights leader's niece and then-LSA
junior Brenda Robinson for ideas on
how to act on his vision,

created to fight for civil rights.
"We decided together that opening a
chapter on campus was the most
appropriate way to give full meaning
to the message," Robinson said.
This weekend, the RPC traveled to
the coalition's national headquarters
located in the Chicago's south side.
There, Jackson leads a weekly Sat-
urday morning meeting for members
and visitors, which is broadcast inter-
nationally. A private meeting between

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