0 0 w 7W The Michigan Daily- Week The Michigan Daily - Week A SHOT TO THE SENSES Summer's almost here! Go a little crazy this Friday at Midterm Mayhem at the CCRB! We'll do our best to get you prepared for a wild summer outdoors. Try your luck on our 25-foot climbing wall. Learn American Karate moves from our certified instructor. Check out the latest in camping gear. You can also shoot hoops, swim and work out in the weight room. The action starts at 10 p.m. and won't end until 1:30 am. Fun, free and from the Student Alumni Council and your Alumni Association. THIS WEEK, MARCH 31 00R ADVERE NIG FREE GATORADE AND MUNCHIES CHECK OUT OUR L G WAL AT 10 PM FREE AMERICAN KARATE CLASS AT 11 PM GREAT GEAR VEAWAYS EVERY 30 UTE Last Thursday, that warm and breezy gem of a day just one week ago, I had a bit of an epiphany We need more pleasure in our lives. Too often we begrudgingly do the right thing, the responsible thing, simply because it W benefit us in the long run and, in doing so, we sacrifice numerous possiblities for pure and simple pleasure in the hcre and now, Some may call that an anti-hedo- nist mindset, and I'm certainly one of those people. During the last few years, for the most part, I've let the pursuit of pleasure fall by the acad- emic wayside, so I figured that I should start catching up on the sen- sual benefits of youthful life. And with that decision in mind, I pulled a 180 on the way to my tedious Philosophy discussion and ended up, minutes later, walking out of Stucchis with a sinfully good waffle cone in hand. Now, if bypassing an important class for the momentary pleasure of eating an ice cream cone in the mid- day sunshine isn't pure fucking hedonism, I don't know what is. As I walked down State St. look- ing like a Breyer's poster boy, I couldn't help but wonder why more people don't regularly subscribe to some kind of a pleasure-seeking, hedonist doctrine. I mean, it seems like every other kind of "-ist" is rep- resented on campus, so why not hedonists? Socialists? Look no further than the residents of your friendly neigh- borhood co-op. Anarchists? They're currently plotting the takeover of the punk- GET READY FOR THE MOTHER OF ALL WEEKEND, ETC'S., HITTING THE DAILY IN JUST ONE WEEK. IT'S THE BEST OF ANN ARBOR ISSUE. BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID. rock snackbar in the basement of their dorm. Conformists? They receive a copy of the J. Crew catalogue in the mail every month. Actisists? In quiet, conserxative Ann Arbor? Surely you est! iarcasm aside, I'm just waiting for the incaiable day when an overzeal- ou:s student group begins to protest its own existence.) lt jgst seems natural- then - what v ith all these other worthwhile philosophies - for there to be a hedonist movement in Unsung Ann Arbor. Especially considering the fact that, as relative young 'uns, we're more or less expected to be irresponsible, so what better time to prioritize pleasure ahead of other matters? Of course, I'm not necessarily talking about blowing off your ex erv duty and function - let's leave that to most RAs. I'm simpyi suggesting we make a greater effort to relish those simple, guilty plea- sures that slyly present themselves to us nearly every day, often without us even realizing it. I mean, take early Beatles record- ings for an example: They're short, sweet and ridiculously catchy - all earmarks of a guilty pleasure. Songs like "All My Loving" and "She Loves You" don't mince-words or feelings - they hit you with the sweet stuff right from the start. She loves me, you say? Well, hot damn - with a love like that, you know I should be glad. And that's what I think the goal of a hedonist should be. Instant gratifi- cation without mental or emotional investment, like a getting a shot of strawberry daiquiri right to the frontal lobe. - thn eCery- day gulty pfea- sure just migh I be the quickest path to eupho- \ ria. great thing is, these simpley indulgecnces differ for every ChsKua i idual. For Chris Kula that guy who's Unsung still deciding between eco- Ann Arbor nomics and sports management as his major (we'll call him Jones because all his friends do, too, a steaming bowl of- ramen noodles and an afternoon of college basketball on ESPN is pret- ty much Shangri-la. And for that voung lady with the unhealthv tan, adding th: photos winter formal and to the "CoIlege Mci a tined and true wa: son I nIrana. As for that youn Campus with the s graphin calculator be Efit alone. Sweet you all just leave hi too much to ask? a him - please, don' Despite these di preferences, we c become united in search for pleasurt those generic mi camp movies where of misfits - the fa quent with a secret the cool kid who read - come togetd mon good, except beating the rich kids in the end-of-the-sui our goal is one of satisfaction. The .Wred Initiative AREYOU INT1 The 4th Annual Cor Mixed Race E YA AT I Apply now at the Law Library 1 0PM 1 : 30AM lAY 0 AUIn ASSOGamoN U~MwuSn irF MCIA 0 *non-Law Students *Law Students "S.I. Students Apply in person: Room S-180 in the Law Library's under- j ground addition, 8-noon and 1-5 Monday through Friday. AA/EOE ..103 Featured SpeC SFc mot C*4 author Elizal & publish I Community Service Commission, Student Affairs Programming Coun Academic Multicultural Initiatives ISA-Student Government