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March 30, 2000 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-03-30

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14B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine - Thursday, March 30, 2000

A weekly guide to who's Thursday, March 30
where, what's hap ening andeLsstAthrough
why you need tope there L ls Wednesday, April 6..Th

The Michigan Daily - Weekend
Resident evades music school for local

Films opening


Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
Despite what you may have heard, this
sn t the story of king boots (you still
have to wait on that). Check that ego
and deal with it though because Forest
!Whitaker in cornrows as Ghost Dog him-
self must be pretty cool. At State: 2
(Sat. & Sun.), 4:30 (Sat. & Sun.). 7,
High Fidelity John Cusack stars as a
guy who owns a record store and
whines about his relationships to the
camera. Directly. At Quality 16: 12:15,
2:30, 4:45, 7:15, 9:30, 11:40 (Fri. &
Price of Glory Sweat, my friends, is
ust one of many prices that we must
pay for the ultimate glory. At Quality
16: 11:45, 2:05, 4:20, 645, 9:15,

11:30 (Fri. & Sat.).
The Road to El Dorado See it for the
movie. See it for the Elton John music.
See it to see (well, hear) Branagh act
with Kline. See it, because, after all,
the journey is everything. At Briarwood:
1, 3, 5, 7:10, 9:20. At Quality 16: 11,
12, 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6:30, 7, 8:30, 9,
10:30 (Fri. & Sat.).
The Skulls Pacey pulls no punches in
this hard-hitting thriller about the
seamy dark side an underground soci-
ety filled with sworn-to-secrecy elites at
a university. Filmed before the
Michigamua epic saga went down, so
presumably there should be no similari-
ties At Briarwood: 1:30, 4:30, 7:20,
10. At Quality 16: 12:30, 2:45, 5:15,
7:30, 9:45, 11:50 (Fri. & Sat.).

Films holding

A A Classic
B Excellent
D Fair
F Not Worth Your Time, or Your Money
American Beauty (B+) Writing this list is
the highlight of my day. It's all downhill
from here. At State: 1:30 (Sat. & Sun.),
4 (Fri. & Sat.), 7:15, 9:30. At Quality 16:
11:30, 1:55, 4:15, 7, 9:35, 12 (Fri. &


Boys Don't Cry (A-) Tears of sadness
streamed down the faces of Team
Mackey this past Sunday when Michael
Caine picked up the Oscar. At Quality 16:
11:25, 1:55, 4:15, 6:35, 9:20, 11:35
(Fri. & Sat.).
The Cider House Rules (C) We've
already been over this plenty of times -
this movie does not rule in any sense of
the word. At Quality 16: 11:15, 1:50,
4:25, 7:05, 9:25, 11:50 (Fri. & Sat.).
Erin Brockovich (B) So after two
straight weeks at the top of the box-
office, Hollywood is already chanting
sequel for this runaway hit. Erin, after
having won a legal case despite never
going to lawaschool, now decides to
become a doctor despite never attending
medical school. She then moves to
Wisconsin and starts tending to the sick
dolphins that live in a local park. Of
course she would still hook it up with
Peter Bogdanovich, just so that we could
have the classic line "Dr. Bogdanovich, I
presume?" And then Erin, with all the
spunk in the world could let loose an
emphatic "Uh-uh." You gotta love
sequels. At Briarwood: 1:20, 4, 6:50,
9:40. At Quality 16: 11:35, 2:10, 4:40,
6:50, 7:20, 9:25, 9:55, 11:50 (Fri. &

you and come the first of May, we won't
take it any more. At Quality 16: 12:05,
2:15, 4:20, 6:40, 9, 11 (Fri. & Sat.).
Mission to Mars (D-) I don't know about
Earth, but here on Mars, we eat bad
movies like this one for lunch. With a
side of fruit sampler, a bowl of canadian
cheese soup, all served on a warm bed
of wild rice. At Quality 16: 11:50, 2:20,
4:40, 7:15, 10, 12:10 (Fri. & Sat.).
My Dog Skip (B+) This is a good dog
movie. But a better move would be "My
Dog C-Webb," the story of the biggest
playa hater in the NBA. Check it out.
Jalen gave it two thumbs up, and ya
gotta represent the Block M. At
riarwood: 1:15, 3:15, 5:20. At Quality
16: 12:20, 2:20, 4:30.
The Next Best Thing (D) All of the sud-
den the storyline here is hitting a little
bit close to home for Madonna. At
Quality 16: 11 (Fri. & Sat.).
The Ninth Gate (C-) Many men have trav-
eled across the United States in search
of the ninth gate, and many men have
failed. Can Johnny D break the streak?
At Quality 16: 4:35.
Romeo Must Die (C+) Stay tuned for the
sequel, "Romeo Must Die Harder." At
Briarwood: 1:40. 4:20, 7, 9:50. At
Quality 16: 11:40, 12:10, 2:05, 2:35,
5:05, 7:10 (not Sat.), 7:25, 9:30, 9:45,
11:55 (Fri. & Sat.).12 (Fri. & Sat.).
Whatever it Takes (F) Basically I could
make some lame joke about resorting to
any means necessary to avoid seeing
this move, but I've looked into the eyes
of Satan and sat through this movie and
lived to talk about it, so it can't be that
bad. Check that. It is. At Briarwood:
1:10, 3:10, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45. At Quality
16: 1:05, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 9:50, 11:55
(Fri. & Sat.).
The Whole Nine Yards (C+) Forget the
whole nine yards, I want to make a
movie about the whole one yard that
USC was granted, in the 1979 Rose
Bowl. All of you who still hurt for the
"Phantom Touchdown," give me a "Hail
yes, halo no!" At Briarwood: 7:40 (not
Sat.), 10:10.

Being John Malkovich (1999) Come
see the film that jumpstarted Charlie
"Machine" Sheen's comeback with a
killer role as himself. The film got
drilled on Oscar night, but is still
worth checking out. Michigan
Theater, 603 E. Liberty. 6:30 & 8:45.
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) Check
out the movie that film director
Lawrence Kasdan calls his all time
favorite. No word on whether or not it
has anything to do with its title.
Michigan Theater, 603 E. Liberty. 7.
Wyclef Jean See if the former Fugee
can make it without Lauryn. Hill
Auditorium. 7:30 p.m. $20. 763-
David Murray and Kahil Ei'Zabar The
tenor saxophone's finest interpreter
since Trane comes to Ann Arbor with
AACM drummer. Kerrytown Concert
House, 415 N. Fourth. 8 p.m. $10-
$25. 769-2999.
U-M Jazz Ensemble See if any of your
pals is the next Bird or Brownie.
Rackham Auditorium. 8 p.m. Freeel
The Ann Arbor Opera Theater
Mozart's "The Impresario." University
Hospital Lobby, Floor 1. 12:30 p.m.
Buddy & Julie Miller Some country,
some blues, it's the same ole Ark
spiel. The Ark, 316 S. Main. 8 p.m.
$13.50. 761-1451.

Plenty of students on campus prob-
ably think they have stressful deci-
sions or sacrifices awaiting their aca-
demic or future careers, but they
don't know decisions until they've
heard about Eric Stollsteiner.
Stollsteiner is the manager, propri-
etor and just about the only employee
of Boss Guitars, where he deals in
vintage musical instruments and
accessories, as well as guitar and bass
lessons. The independence of
Stollsteiner's business is unusual, but
most people find it even more unusu-
al to discover he's only 24 years old.
Most everyone in Ann Arbor has
seen Boss Guitars, whether they've
realized it or not. It's one of the first
memorable landmarks for any student
returning to the city via U.S. 23's
Main Street exit, situated only a cou-
ple of blocks from the freeway. The
quirky, vintage-looking sign sticking
out from the building catches the eye,
but perhaps not as much as the faded,
ragged Vernors' sign painted across
the entire side of theabuilding, a
reminder of bygone times when the
edifice housed a different kind of
independent local business - a
liquor store.
It took Stollsteiner a year of living
in the back room and basement of the
small building. and constant work at

Courtesy of New Line Cinema
Jimmy Smits doesn't play much good cop in the family boxing drama "Price of Glory.~

By Jeff Druchniak
Weekend, Etc. Editor

building up his clientele, but now
he's entrenched in his chosen career,
working with the thing he loves most
- music, of course - and surround-
ed by customers who feel the same
Before he arrived at his Ann Arbor
location in December of 1996,
Stollsteiner was just another local
boy, a graduate of the Plymouth,
Mich. public school system who
planned to pursue his musical inter-
ests by attending the high-toned and
prestigious Berklee School of Music
in Boston.
But it only took him the length of
the Berklee orientation to change his
"I took the tour," Stollsteiner
acknowledged. "It just looked like,
this is going to be no fun whatsoever
for me," he said, citing the preten-
tiousness of the prospective fellow
students and instructors he met.
Before leaving Boston, Stollsteiner
had made up his mind. "Screw this,"-
he recalls telling himself, "I'm just
going to do what I know how to do."
Stollsteiner knew how because he
had worked for years in a music store
in Canton, since the beginning of
high school. He had also built a
stockpile whatever vintage guitars he
could find, because he suspected he
would start just such a business even-
He just didn't know he would do so

S'lichot University Productions spon-
sors this play by graduate student
Kim Yaged examining a family dealing
with cancer. Trueblood Theater in
Frieze Building. 8 p.m. $14, $7 stu-
dents. 763-0450.
For the Love of Writing This play fol-
lows one man's search for love as a
part of "Playfest." This event fea-

Final Destination (C) Final destination
for next year's men's and women's bas-
ketball teams - the Final Four. No more,
no less because this Spartans bit is get-
ting old. At Briarwood: 1:50, 4:40, 7:15,
9:30. At Quality 16: 12:35, 2:40, 4:45,
6:55, 9:05, 11:10 (Fri. & Sat.).
Here on Earth (F) I don't know about
Mars, but on this planet we eat bad
movies like this one for lunch. And bad
movies, we've got our lasers pointed at

tures five staged readings produced
through the guidance of Prof. OyamO.
Arena Theater, Frieze Building. 7 p.m.
Free. 764-5350.
The Crucible The Ann Arbor Civic
Theatre performs Arthur Miller's look
into the Salem witch trials. Civic
Playhouse, 2275 Platt. 8 p.m. $18,
$16 for students. 971-AACT.
The Ride Down Mt. Morgan
Performance Network presents this
Arthur Miller play about a man whose
two wives discover each other's exis-
tence. Performance Network, 408 W.
Washington. 8 p.m. $15-18, $3 dis-
count for students. 663-0681.
Kathryn Shafer Social scientist dis-
cusses and signs copies of her book
"Asthma Free in 21 Days: The
Breakthrough Mind-Body Healing
Program." Borders Arborland, 3527
Washtenaw. 7 p.m. Free. 677-6948,
Helen Zia The author reads from her
book "Asian American Dreams: The
Emergence of-an American People."
Shaman Drum Bookshop, 311 S.
State. 8 p.m. Free. 662-7404.
Aspros Dromos The Department of
Dance shares four final projects in
choreography with the public. Betty
Pease Studio Theater, Dance
Building. 8 p.m. $5. 763-5461.
Art Video In this documentary, Toni
Morrison discusses her'inspiration for
her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel
"Beloved," as well as the difficulty of
writing about slavery. Media Room,
Museum of Art. 7:30 p.m. Free. 764-
Being John Malkovich (1999) See
Thursday. Michigan Theater, 603 E.
Liberty. 7 & 9:30. $5.50.

at 21 years of age, without any more
than a high school diploma backing
him up.
That kind of gamble might sound
tough to swallow for some of the
striving college students in the area,
but Stollsteiner had few doubts. He
had little to tie him down from taking
the plunge, since his parents had
moved out of Plymouth. "There was-
n't much of a music scene (there),"
Stollsteiner said. "I had no reason to
be in Plymouth anymore." He also
didn't mind saving a pile of money by
not paying Berklec's stiff tuition and
finding an apartment in Boston.
Intrigued by his eventual location
because of its idiosyncratic Vernors'
sign and high-visibility placement,
Stollsteiner discovered an essentially
"abandoned building" that, it turned
out, qualified for recognition by the
Ann Arbor Historical Society. This
wasn't because it had been a bottle
shop and grocery store from 1901 to
the '80s, but because it recycled the
bricks from the Ann Arbor jail that
had previously occupied the same
Stollsteiner had his plan of attack,
but had to surmount one hurdle after
another - talking the property's
unwilling owners into making the
space available, cleaning out years'

Many of the quality instruments available at Eric Stollsteiner's Boss Guital

worth of garbage over
six months to prepare i
in, then winning over a
of clients.
Older clients in parti
lot of convincing to b
that I knew what I was t,
Stollsteiner said.
"They (felt) kind of w
serious piece of equi
well, basically a kid.
earned their trust, Stoll:
save on paying rent by
extremely cramped prer
a portable countertop
kitchen and a curtain-r
with gardenhose hung
for a shower, but is moc
former hardships. "I di
water," he points out.
Today, Stollsteiner's
much more secure. He r
house on Brook Street,
the store, and counts soi
liest skeptics as top-di
He enjoys the diversity
Arbor music scene, whii
customers with every ar
"from bluegrass to rap
plenty of rock and folk
Stollsteiner's own guita
dates from his junior h
"skate-punk" band, thro
metal phase and up tc

Lous rown/DAILY
LSA student Duane Johnson practices in the company of Muffin (right) at Boss Guitars.

UIje Litctign iaiI

Editors: Toyin Akinmusuru, Jeff Druchniak
Writers: Jason Birchmeier, Jeff Druchniak, Gabe Fajuri, Jennifer Fog(
Photo Editors: Jessica Johnson, Dana Linnane, David Rochkind.
Photographers: Louis Brown, Kimitsu Yogachi, Jessica Johnson.
Cover: From the photostory by Kimitsu Yogachi, on page 8B.
Managing Arts Editor: Christopher Cousino
Associate Arts Editors: Gabe Fajuri, Chris Kula.
Editor in Chief: Mike Spahn

Phone Numbers: Briarwood: 480-4555; Fox Village; 994-8080; Michigan Theater: 668-
8397; Quality 16: 827-2837; Showcase: 973-8380; State: 761-8667.
Show times are effective Fridaydthrough Thursday. Matinee times at State Theater are
effective for Saturday and Sunday only.

courtesy of columbia Records
Tonight Is Wyclef Jean's benefit gig at Hill Auditorium. Then he'll be gone 'til November.

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