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January 13, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-01-13

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 13, 2000
Study: Students show interes
civic service, not political p

Continued from Page 1A
the political scene," Eklund said.
Because of the students' lack of par-
ticipation "there is no need for (politi-
cians) to address" issues that concern
"students Eklund said.
"It's not acceptable that students dis-
engage from politics," said Michigan
Student Assembly Vice President Andy
Coulouris, an LSA senior.
"The actions of government do affect
them," Dennis Denno, press secretary for
'the Michigan Democratic Party said.
But part of the problem with politi-

cal participation is that "students and
people in general have grown cynical-
of the government, said Ed Patru,
spokesperson for the Michigan
Republican Party.
But despite the study's findings that
students are less inclined to participate in
political activity, Denno said, "Our expe-
rience is that students are very active. We
rely heavily on student volunteers."
Patru said students have been active
with their organization as well. "We
have a tremendous pool of students"
volunteering, he said.
Although some students may feel that
the government does not influence their

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lives once they
they can see for th
ernment does affe
Coulouris said
the Edward G
Community Ser
put together the L
an effort to prom
among students.
"the other half of
he said.
Although studs
participate in cot
jects the study fo
opportunities are
known," Omero s
Continued from P
observation, less
The creation o
is part of
Transportation I
increase the num
permit parking
1,500 and hel
Campus's p
Cunningham sai
"We have not i
increases in
Cunningham saic
time, because of
parking facilitie
parking to Centr
Or E

t in LAWS
Continued from Page IA
(the obviously irrelevant laws), how are
we going to get rid of the more intxu-
rocess =-
sive laws," said McCotter, one of the
three members of the committee.
are able to volunteer, The SLRTF believes these repeals
iemselves that the gov- and amendments "may be a wake-up
ct them, Patru said. call for legislators," said committee
1 he is working with member Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (R-
insberg Center for Salem Twp). "Hot issues of the day
vice and Learning to may not necessarily have the merit to
Democracy Project, in be made into laws that carry long into
ote civic engagement the future."
Civic engagement is Some of the laws proposed for repeal
f community service," held direct consequences for the
University and its students.
ents are more likely to An act passed in 1851 made it illegal
mmunity service pro- for the University to charge tuition to a
und that "the current Michigan resident in the College of
not particularly well Literature, Science and the Arts.
aid. Under the state constitution, the
University Board of Regents was estab-
lished to handle tuition, McCotter said.
Thus, the legislative statute is no longer
age SA enforced and is superseded by newer
crowded." laws.
f the Blue Crunch Lot In a recent announcement, Smith
the Parking and said she is trying to provide Michigan
Department's goal to residents with free tuitionfor vocation-
ber of Central Campus al, technological centers, community
spaces from 1,000 to colleges and public universities.
p alleviate Central "Legislation will be rolling out next
arking problem, week," Smith said. By slowing down
d. tax cuts, Smith hopes to create a trust
had any major parking fund for college tuition expenses.
over 25 years," Another statute, dating from 1897,
d. "We believe it's now states that if any city in Michigan sus-
F overcrowding in our pects contamination in its wells, rivers
s, to add additional or lakes, they may send a sample to the
al Campus" University, which is required to analyze
the water free of charge and report its
findings. But according to SLRTF
report, the Michigan Department of
Environmental 'Qual ity no longer
)oes requires the University to provide the
egh, To complete their mission, the
eig t, SLRTF sought out the suggestions
Exercise from Michigan judges, various legal
/ J associations, the law enforcement com-
munity and all legislators. Additionally,
the committee alerted the press to the
Life??? report, McCotter said.
The SLRTF proposed many other
SWEDNESDAY, laws that no longer apply to present-
day society be repealed or amended.
4 G ISSUES "Many (of these laws) were written
before a strong federal government or
)DY IMAGE the advances of a technical society had
2Y G R OU P" been established," McCotter said.
According to a 1931 law, a person
NT THROUGH 2/2/2000) shall be imprisoned up to 10 years,
fined up to $5,000 and may not be
5:45 P.M. elected or appointed to any public
office if he or she partakes in or chal-
lenges another to a duel.
H, PHD 741-8584 Several other statutes were recom-
ES, PHD 668-0077 mended for repeal including a 1935 law
that prohibits "endurance contests,"
such as 5K or 10K charity walks.
Another law, from 1929, made it ille-
gal to display "an emblem or insignia
of any organization, association, frater-
nity, lodge, club or order, on a motor
vehicle unless the owner of such a
motor vehicle is a member," according
to the report. This law outlaws "the dis-
play of various sports related bumper
:f Multi- stickers, such as those issued for the
Detroit Tigers, Lions (and) Red
Wings," according to the SLRTF
A person could be imprisoned for
one year and fined $500 for advertising
0 products that treat"lost manhood" or
"lost vitality and vigor," according to a
IrkC 1931 law. Drugs like Viagra would be
prohibited in Michigan if this statute
were enforced.

ribat Too MUCH

White House pushes tax break for poor
WASHING TON ---The Whit e House proposed new tax credits yesterday designed
to help low-income workers, who must be convinced that even bottom-rung jobs are
preferable to welfare, according to administration officials.
President Clinton proposed expanding the earned-income tax credit, which*Iro-
vides an annual payment to 19 million working families at or near the povertylie.
And today in New York, aides said, he will propose expanding a tax credit for tho
willing to invest in economically struggling regions, part of the "New Markets?.i
tiative he launched last year
"The main idea here is still the old idea of the American dream, that if you work
hard and play by the rules, you ought to have a decent life and a chance for your chil-
dren to have a better one,- the president said in a speech at George Washington
University sponsored by the centrist Democratic Leadership Council.
He said studies have found that the earned-income tax credit "is an enormously
powerful incentive to work." t
"It encourages people who are on welfare, who are unemployed, to move intd'the
work force, even in modest-paving jobs, because their income will be, in effect,
increased," Clinton said.
Today, Clinton is scheduled to make two appearances in New York City, where
will call for doubling the amount of money available for the New Markets tax
it and a similar "empowerment zone" tax credit. -

U.S. Popuation to
double by 2100
WASHINGTON - A century from
now there will be twice as many
Americans as today, the Census Bureau
While no one knows what daily
life will be like in 100 years, the
new population projections being
issued today conjure images of
twice as many cars jostling for posi-
tion on the highways and twice as
many shoppers crowding the aisles
at Wal-Mart.
From an estimated 275 million peo-
ple today, the bureau projects a U.S.
population of 571 million in the year
2100. That might not seem terribly
crowded, however, because the nation
is so sprawling.
"If you look at the density for the
United States, we are not even coming
close to the densities that you see in
Europe," said Census statistician
Tammany Mulder.
The U.S. population density in 2100
would be 161.4 people per square mile.
Britain ends ban
on gays in militalry
LONDON -- Forced to act by a
European court ruling, Britain lifted
its ban on gays in the military yester-
day and introduced instead a code of
conduct for sexual behavior, whether
soldiers be heterosexual or homosexu-
"As no primary or secondary legisla-
tion is required, with effect from today,
homosexuality will no longer be a bar
to service in Britain's armed forces,"
Defense Secretarv Geoff Hoon of the
governing Labor Party told the House
of Commons.
Opposition Conservative Party law-
makers expressed outrage.
"This appalling decision will be
greeted with dismay among ordinary
soldiers in the armed forces, many of'
whom joined the services precisely
because they wished to turn their back
on some of the values of modern soci-
ety," said Tory Gerald Howarth.
Hoon acknowledged opposition to

about one-fourth the current population
density of Germany and the United
Kingdom, Mulder said.
The increase is expected even
though childbearing rates in the
United States are only about wht. is
necessary to replace the current papg
Reno decides federal
court holds boy's fte
aside a Florida court ruling,
Attorney General Janet Reno said
vest erday any challenge to the :gov-
erment's decision to return Elian
yGonzalz to his Cuban father ntst
come in federal court.
To give the six-year-old boy s
Florida relatives time to challenge
the decision, Reno postponed-4he
federal government's Friday dead-
line for turning him over for return
to Cuba.

But initial reaction from family
lawyers appeared to spurn Rgp's
suggestion that they argue the case
in federal court.
14 0



(ghfli5a ioi pope o

In the Spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Office (
Ethnic Student Affairs presents:

gays in the military, but added thatthe
law is the law. We cannot choose the
decisions we implement."
Under the new code of conduct, taobe
published next month, inapproprii
sexual behavior between personnelon
duty - and not a person's sexual ri-
entation - would be a punishiable
Russia takes control
of Chechen towns
SHALL, Russia - Russia said its
soldiers pushed farther yesterday in*
the Chechen mountains, home 'toey
rebel bases, and have retaken controof
towns where rebels launched surprise
Russia also said its forces blocktda
rebel attempt to break free of Grdhy,
the Chechen capital, which it "Ifs
shelled intensively for weeks.
Helicopter gunships attacked rebel
positions in Grozny yesterday. "
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