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March 29, 2000 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-03-29

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 29, 2000 - 3

Students pressure schools to join


Use of Native
American bones
jpurs debate
A faculty committe at the Universi-
ty of Nebraska at Lincoln has reccom-
mended a professor who worked with
the remains of Native Americans be
fired for alleged mistreatment.
The six-member faculty committee,
voted 4-1 in favor of the removal of
anthropology professor Karl Rein-
In the event that Chancellor James
Moeser does not approve of the termi-
*tion, the report suggests Reinhard
be sent a formal letter of censure, and
that he is excluded from merit-salary'
Reinhard expressed shock to the
committee's suggestions.
A faculty member, and two mem-
bers representing Native American
nations, brought more than 20
charges against Reinhard last
Postcard received
86 years too late
The chemistry department at the
University of Kentucky received a
postcard for one of its professors last
month who last worked at the univer-
sity in 1914.
An employee in the department's
administration office found the
Ball - post marked 1914 - in the
tegular mail. Besides some yellow-
ing, the card was reportedly in
good shape.
The mail, which was sent to Percy
G. Savage, had a return address of
"Department of the Interior Bureau
of Mines." Savage had a mailbox at
the university between 1912 and
The employee said the postcard did
at come with any type of explanation
and that it was encased in a plastic
The customer relations director of
the U. S. Postal Service in Lexington
said the card probably did not recently
come from the city's post office
because it did not have the proper
The manager of the university's
postal service said members do not
*member seeing the item pass
trough its system.
The manager added that it was
possible that the old item was not
detected by workers and it could
have come from either of the postal
Ivy League sees
jump in applicants
Although the competition to attend
Ivy Leagues schools already is fierce,
the fight looks as if it will be even
harder for the Class of 2004 - with
increased applications at almost all of
the eight schools.
Brown University garnered the
largest increase in applications,
recieivng 14 percent more than the
previous year -- a total of 16. 784.
Penn, which recieved 6.6 percent
'ore applications, had more than
,803 prospective students show an
interest in attending.
Marlyn McGrath Lewis, director of
admissions at Harvard, which received
the third highest increase, attributed
the school's 2.9 jump to technology's
role in the process.
"With the availability of informa-
tion on the Web, there is some

inevitability that people will find out
Sore) about us," she said.
"And it has become more and more
easy to apply (with online applica-
Yet the added interest does not
mean universities will accomodate
more students.
Although Cornell received the
fifth largest increase, Dean of
Admissions and Financial Aid Don-
ald Saleh said nearly 30 percent of
interested students will be accepted
*0about 400 less than the previous
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Bob Gold.

By Jen Fish
Daily StaffTReporter
With only nine days left until the first con-
ference for the Worker Rights Consortium,
students across the nation are pushing their
schools to join the student developed organi-
zation before the conference begins April 7.
Introduced in October, the WRC is designed to
enforce labor codes of conduct in the production
of college apparel, and since then, anti-sweatshop
activists have lobbied hard for their schools to
join the organization.
Members of Students Organizing for Labor
and Economic Equality helped to secure the
University's membership in February, after
SOLE members occupied the office of LSA
Dean Shirley Neuman for three days. The
University agreed to provisional membership
to the WRC with Indiana University and the
University of Wisconsin at Madison. Because
of the three Big Ten school's large licensing
capabilities, the trilateral decision was seen
as a key success for the WRC, which had
only six members prior to the decision.
Maria Roeper, interim coordinator of the
WRC, has credited the three schools' member-

ship as a great booster to the organization.
"It gives a lot of credibility to the WRC to
have big schools join. Before they joined we had
five schools," she said. "There's a big increase,
both due to them joining and students have been
stepping up their organizing on their different
Members of Purdue Students Against Sweat-
shops began a hunger strike Monday on the
campus' Memorial Mall and plan to continue
their protest until Purdue pledges to join the
WRC. The students also demand Purdue end
its association with the Fair Labor Association,
a White House-sponsored organization that has
been criticized for being biased towards corpo-
"The administration is still not willing to
consider this issue," PSAS member Marikah
Mancini said. "If President Beering does not
commit to enforcing the code, he is being hyp-
Purdue graduate student Nathan Strange is one
of the students participating in the hunger strike.
He said he is prepared to strike for an extended
period of time to ensure the group's demands are
met, saying.he accepts that "it could take a cou-
ple of us going to the hospital" until the adminis-

tration agrees to join the WRC.
In a safer, but no less dramatic statement, stu-
dents from Syracuse University rode through
their campus naked on bicycles Friday, saying
they would rather be naked than wear Syracuse
apparel. So far, Syracuse's administration seems
unwilling to end its affiliation with the FLA or
join the WRC.
"I think the administration is great at creating
forums and listening to students, but that doesn't
change what they do," said Marika Wissink, a
member of Student Coalition On Organized
Labor at Syracuse.
Students are scheduled to meet with Chancel-
lor Kenneth Shaw today.
Georgetown University joined the organization
Monday, giving the WRC another member with
large licensing capabilities. Georgetown also
ended its association with the FLA. Laura
McSpedon, a member of the Georgetown Soli-
darity Committee, called the decision a "great
opportunity for Georgetown."
"I think the momentum is with the WRC," she
said, adding that the decision to join was a "sur-
prise" to the student activists.
Cornell University became the second Ivy
League school to join yesterday, but will con-

tinue its affiliation with the FLA, a situation
which some student activists call problemat-
"We're not happy about it, but the administra-
tion seems to think the two organizations can be
complimentary," said Claire Urban, a member of
Cornell Students Against Sweatshops.
But Urban admits that Cornell's adminis-
tration has been more cooperative than oth-
ers. "They have been doing lots of research,"
she said, adding that Cornell was able to sign
without "any major action" by students.
Students at the University of Wisconsin at
Madison were not as fortunate.
In February, 54 protesters were arrested and
forcibly removed from former Chancellor
David Ward's office. It was announced yester-
day that the charges against the protesters have
been reduced to various ordinance violations,
rather than disorderly conduct and illegal
Amanda Klonsky, one of the 54 arrested,
stressed that the Madison community is behind
the students, and this support has been integral in
having the charges reduced.
"We are confident the charges will be
dropped," Klonsky said.

Drinking game may be
linked to campus death

University students are spending time buffing up for summer in the Central
Campus Recreation Building.
studen-tts to get
healthy, eat better

BIG RAPIDS (AP) - A Ferris State University fresh-
man participated in a hazing drinking game at an unofficial
fraternity party the night before he died, according to court
The documents filed in Mecosta County District Court
describe how Stephen Petz, 19, died while trying to join the
Knights of College Leadership, The-Grand Rapids Press
reported yestgrday.
Six members of the group, which is also known as the
Knights of College Lore, have been named in arrest war-
rants related to Petz's March 15 death.
They are expected to be arraigned on Friday.
According to the warrants, five of the six face felony
Christopher Tabachki and Robert Tahir Markja are
charged with involuntary manslaughter, which carries up to
15 years in prison on conviction.
Fraternity President Erik Scott Bannister a senior from
Metamora, Barry Michael Bradley a freshman from Flush-
ing, and Joshua James Gardner, a 22-year-old junior from
Suttons Bay, are charged with causing death by furnishing
alcohol to a minor, a 10-year felony.
A 20-year-old sophomore, who the newspaper did not
identify by name, is charged with a misdemeanor of provid-
ing alcohol to another under-aged pledge.
Pledges and members of the fraternity told investiga-
tors that the initiation drinking game was played with a
roulette-like wheel that determined how much players
had to drink.
"These people were forced to drink," said Kevin Court-
ney, Big Rapids director of public safety. "To say that
pledges' participation is totally voluntary once you are in

there taking part in an initiation is more than naive. This
was hazing."
Members of the fraternity have told police Petz drank.
until he vomited and had to be carried from the basement to
a bedroom on the home's second floor.
The next morning, Petz was found blue and cold and tak-
ing shallow breaths, the newspaper reported. Fraternity
members took Petz to the hospital where he died several
hours later.
An autopsy showed his blood-alcohol level was measured
at 0.42 percent, more than four times the level defined as
drunk by state motor vehicle law.
Police said they recovered two quarter-barrels of draft
beer from the back of a pickup truck belonging to Bannis
ter. Authorities also allege they found grocery receipts for
hard liquor consumed at the party.
Ferris State University spokesman Ted Halm said Mon-
day that all those allegedly involved in the incident remain
at the school.
"Right now, they are all still innocent under the law,"
Halm said. "They are entitled to due process, so we will
be making another determination about their status later."
Petz's aunt, Virginia Soddy, isn't placing blame for her
nephew's death.
"Look, alcohol has been a problem in our society - all
levels of our society - for many, many years," Soddy said
Monday from her home near Bozeman, Mont.
"All I can say is that this is tragic," Soddy said. "His
death makes no sense. He was a young man with his whole
life ahead of him.
"He was the kind of kid who always found something to.
smile about."

By Shabnam Daneshwvar
Daily Staff Reporter

With sunny weather and outdoor
activities looming around the cor-
ner, students who have been drown-
ing under coats and sweatshirts are
deciding to get in shape by exercis-
ing and eating healthier.
LSA freshman Nicole Bober
began her exercise routine a month
ago and has tried to stick to it.
"I go work out at least twice a
week. I need to get in better shape for
the summer - one because I'll be
less clothed than the winter and want
to look good and two, because at this
point, I can't walk up a flight of stairs
without getting tired," she said.
Besides getting enough exercise
and attempting to lose weight
through physical activity, many other
students are examining their diets.
During the past month, stu-
dents who have frequented the
residence hall dining rooms on
campus may have noticed a small
information table next to the
mounds of cookies and heaps of
jello-pudding snacks.
These tables, stacked with infor-
mational pamphlets, have been the
primary way Residence Hall Dining
Services Nutrition Specialist Barbara
Howe has informed students about
their eating styles.
Howe, who has been attending
lunch and dinner at different resi-
dence halls across campus, said she
has also been listening to students
comment about the food quality and
choice at dining halls. Students "are
mainly asking for more choices,
more vegan and vegetarian and less

"I can 't walk up
a flight of stairs
without getting
- Nicole Bober
LSA freshman
fatty foods," she said.
Although Howe said there will
be no direct changes to the menu,
she encouraged students to apply
the information in the pamphlets
and make wiser decisions.
LSA freshman Ling Chen said
she has had trouble adjusting to the
food served in residence halls.
"Compared to the food I get at
home, this stuff is just way too oily
and fattening," she said.
Many other students said the
choices between healthy and
unhealthy foods can be frustrating
because even the nutritious foods
aren't always good for the body.
"The garden burgers that are
offered are even oily and the vege-
tarian lasagna is too cheesy," LSA
freshman Omar Faridi said. "But
they do give a choice and I guess
it's better than the hot meals that
are served because those are way
too fattening;"he said.
But Engineering sophomore Sara
Gutierrez said she likes the menu as
it is and wouldn't like to see too big
of a change. "Basically, I hate stuff
that is good for you because it
doesn't taste good," she said.

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