4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 24, 2000 lbe 5ci gun &tiig Meal plans in the residence halls are really sketchy 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daly letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief EMILY ACHENBAUM Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Dailys' editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Ba Di necessnfary Baby 'drop off' law will save infants' lives The alternative meal options at the resi- dence halls don't add up. This is a great concern to me since I can no longer bring myself to eat in the cafeteria. I think it's the smell. The smell of the cafeteria reminds me of the time during first semester when I got sick from eating something that I thought resembled some sort of peeled potato. But there was no way that this was any sort of natural vegetable from the earth. I should've known by the lime-tinted water that it was chillin' in. -but I was in a hurry. Ever since then, I can't bring myself to enter that room of trays and Erin cheap silverware, McQuinn because I can start to smell that nasty-pota- NM to smell. It makes my W d stomach turn just thinking about it. So I must resort to the alternative meal venue - the basement kitchen with the extended hours. At the start of second semester, I switched. from the "Any 13" to the "135 meals." (By the way, is there anyone who actually eats all 13 meals a week?) But after eating several expensive tomato slices, I started thinking about the math behind it. Okay, there are approximately 16 weeks in a term - we are automatically given the Any 13 meal plan and if you want no meal plan, they'll credit you $540 to your Entree plus account. So that means that we are allotted $2.60 for every meal - right? No, you're pretty much getting screwed over if you choose to take the "Points only" option. Now the "135 Meals" plan gives you 135 meals (hence the name) and $135 in your entree plus account. All unused meals are credited back to your account at the rate of $2 per meal. Not $2.60, just $2. But here comes the major (more than 60 cents) prob- lem. It doesn't make sense that it costs $7 or $8 for an outside person (without a meal plan) to eat at the dining hall. How can they cite such a huge difference in price? How can the same tray be worth that much more? Is it to punish the outside people for being so weird that they actually want to eat at a dining hall? How can the Entre office put the price tag of $7 or $8 on entering the cafeteria, but then only credit us $2 for meals that we don't eat? It just doesn't make sense to me. Is the cafeteria that magical of a place that it warrants a $7 or $8 entrance fee? Now there is the story of the alternative meal venues where you can use meal credits from missed meals and Entree plus. At lunchtime you can get something "worth" $2.60 and at dinner you can get something "worth" $3.75. Now if you make these num- bers the actual value of a University meal, the entree office is allotting you $669.60 per semester. But if you denied the meal service, they will only credit you $540 per semester. So again, why the price difference? Is there just some person in an office making up ran- dom numbers? There seems to be absolutely no standard price for the privilege of enter- ing the cafeteria. And it brings back the question, if the price of dinner in the base- ment is $3.75, why are we only getting $2* back for meals that we don't eat? Oh yes, and then there's the condiments. If you want to throw some veggies on your basement fried food - it'll cost you. It'll cost you ten cents for onions or mushrooms, a quarter for a tomato slice and 35 cents for cheese. However, if you had used your "mystery amount" meal credit in the cafete- ria like they wanted you to, you could've walked out with five tomatoes. Sure, a quar ter isn't a lot, but it's starting to annoy me. It seems like some sort of condiment punish- ment for the people who have late classes or can't stand the smell of the cafeteria. The person making up the random numbers in the Entree office is trying to slowly mentally break us down until we are all zombies eat- ing Salisbury steak every day in the "stan- dard" cafeteria. Just about the only good thing that the Entree office has done is making it possible to get a pint of Ben and Jerry's for a meal credit. But then they put the time constraint of a 10 p.m. curfew - no meal credit usage after 10. Now that's just plain cruel. Every- one knows that the worst ice cream/fro yo craving hits late at night. It was bad enough that they were ripping us off, but the ten o'clock ice cream curfew is where I draw the line. Something must be done... Being tough on crime has long been a stalwart of successful politicians. Of course, this makes sense: Siding with criminals@ seems to be a great political faux paus, and reasonably so and the messy interplay between politics and law enforcement has driven. - Erin McQuinn can be reached via e-mail at emcquinn@umich.edu. GRINDING THE NM E ver hear a sick "dead baby" story? Here's one: According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- vices, 105 newborn babies nationwide were abandoned in 1998 alone, 33 of them died. In order to save the lives of future defenseless children, several counties in Michigan announced a new program Wednesday which would allow parents to anonymously "drop off" their newborn babies at local hospitals. The Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee is also con- sidering passing legislation on a similar vein. These initiatives are extremely important and should be strongly support- ed on both the state and local levels. Currently, Michigan parents could face felony charges and a potential ten year prison sentence if convicted of abandon- ing their children. Such penalties deter unprepared or unwilling parents from handing their newborn over to those who will properly care for it. All too often these parents let these infants die in a dumpster or abandoned lot. These deaths are senseless and easily avoidable. By giv- ing parents the option to hand over their children to the government without fear of reprisal, these initiatives allow these chil- dren the opportunity to live. As opposed to being left on a church doorstep (where a child may freeze to death before being discovered), newborns can now be taken care of the second their parents leave them. Many people are concerned that aban- donment offers an easy way out of parent- hood by not holding people accountable for their children. While these sentiments are understandable, we need to decide which we hold higher: The lives of infants, or the accountability of their par- ents. Should we really allow newborns to die alone because we think their parents are irresponsible? Additionally, one would hardly call nine months of bringing a child to term, let alone giving that child up, "easy" in any sense of the word. These parents are giving their children over to the State because they know they cannot emotionally or physically care for them. At the very least, they feel as though they have no other choice. Because of this feeling, they will abandon their children, law or not. These programs allow them to do so in a way that will prevent the death of a defenseless newborn. Finally, it's important that these laws and programs not be used as pawns in the abortion debate. Their intention is to simply protect the lives of babies who have already been born, period. Politicians and supporters of either side of the debate shouldn't ever consider abandonment an acceptable alter- native to a woman's right to choose. Of course, it is a sad commentary on the world that such laws need to be in place. It is absolutely disgusting that there are so many neglectful parents. Nevertheless, recent trends demonstrate that ignoring this problem won't make it go away. Just last Sunday, a baby (who now has a criti- cal case of pneumonia) was left in a garbage bag in Detroit. Hopefully these new programs and leg- islative actions will prevent such tragedy from reoccurring. While it is horrible that the state must draft legislation to protect these small children, it would be almost as neglectful as these children's parents if Michigan didn't do anything about it. CHIP CULLEN You can't own a gene Human genome data should be public S cientists announced earlier this week they have reason to believe a patent issued to Human Genome Sci- ences Inc. on a sequence of human DNA purported to be crucial in trans- mission of the AIDS virus may contain glaring errors. This announcement comes amid growing concern by scien- tists over openness of the Human Genome Project, which has seen signif- icant advancements in sequencing and decoding of the nearly 3.5 billion chemicals in human DNA. Private companies, such as Human Genome Sciences, are often credited for the recent surge in discoveries, due in large part to their pioneering techniques designed to pull them ahead in the race to claim patents. But, as more and more sequences based on human DNA effectively become the property of profiteering genetic research firms, scientists from around the world have begun to urge caution. As this endeavor marches ever closer to revolutionizing health care and disease treatment, we must urge openness of research, coupled with truly altruistic, long-term vision among all private interests laying claim to this veritable genetic gold mine. The potential in decoding the human genome is not science fiction. Human Genome Sciences' patent claimed to have discovered a sequence intrinsic to blocking the spread of AIDS. With the right genetic information, new medi- cines may be developed to block AIDS and other diseases. But, according to the L.A. Times, scientists have discovered potential errors with the patent on up to four grounds. A potential error this glaring in the patenting process should alert us to the very real threat of serious inac- curacy in other aspects of the genome process. If profiteering genetics com- panies rush modified genetic material to the market prematurely, the potential for serious error cannot be ignored. With this patent potentially in dis- pute, other companies working on the genome project have begun to salivate at the potential of owning a sequence involved in AIDS. With billions in rev- enue at stake, this is a game where entire company stock valuations can be gauged by their ownership of certain strings of genetic material, whether or not the research is sound. Economics aside, the findings of the human genome project must be released to research universities and scientists without royalties on the patents. Com- panies must put research before short- term profits. Last week, President Bill Clinton, along with Britain's Prime Minister, Tony Blair, released a declaration urging free access to human genome data. This declaration said, "To realize full promise of the research, raw fundamental data on the human genome, including the human DNA sequence and its varia- tions, should be made freely available to scientists everywhere." This statement comes as the Univer- sity prepares to launch its new Life Sciences Institute, a potentially impor- tant resource for the decoding and test- ing of genetic discoveries. Unfettered access to human genome data is good for the University and necessary in the fight to ensure quality and safety in this exciting new scientific realm. Prof- it cannot get in the way of sound sci- ence. Human genome results must be shared for all people's benefit. Students should participate in Earth Week 2000 TO THE DAILY: Between yesterday and Sunday, April 2, hundreds of University students, faculty and staff will join together in a coordinated effort to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Earth Week. But regardless of all our hard work, and all the people involved, Earth Week 2000 can only be a success with your input and help. The theme for Earth Week 2000 events is "Beyond Environmentalism: Reaffirming the Connections between Society, Culture, and Ecology." It is our goal to present our Univer- sity community with a unique opportunity to remember and reflect upon the underlying ecological, social and economic threads that join us to the web of life. These threads make each and every one of us an "environmental- ist:' whether we choose to believe it or not. We welcome and encourage everyone. from soon-to-be briefcase warriors to poets hopeless and romantic, from meat-eating, SUV driving shop-til-you-droppers to gra- nola-and-Teva die-hards, to escape the day- to-day molds in which we are too often cast, and together consider the roles we can and do play in "environmental" issues. Global climate change, economic devel- opment, species extinction, hunger, poverty and social injustice share commonalities we sometimes forget to consider and sometimes completely ignore. Everyone helping to orga- nize Earth Week 2000 events hopes to both directly and indirectly highlight some of these interconnections, offering opportunities for campus and community-wide discourse (dis- sent and debate are welcome) and active involvement (remember that inaction is an act in itself). With 23 "official" and many more less- than-official events, there's something planned for everyone. Highlights include the Earth Week 30th Anniversary Lecture Series (to be held next Monday through Thursday in the afternoon and evening in the Michigan League), as well as student presentations, information sessions, musical events, cultural celebrations and volunteer opportunities. All these events have been coordinated to high- light the diverse, dynamic and interdiscipli- nary nature of efforts being made here at the University to increase ecological literacy, encourage active participation to affect posi- tive social change and investigate notions of justice, democracy and equality in the current political and economic climates. Earth Week events are being held one month in advance of the day commemorated by Gaylord Nelson in 1970 to keep finals and graduation from discouraging participation. We've also stretched the "week" into ten days, including weekends, for those who have many scheduling conflicts. Please take the time to participate, and help to make a differ- ence in both physically and mentally improv- ing our environment! The schedule can be found at www umich.edu/-jgroenke/earth- week.html and you can link to it from ITD's website (the default webpage on most cam- pus computers). JOSEPH GROENKE SNRE SENIOR BRIANNE HAVEN SNRE SENIOR Advertisement objectified women TO THE DAILY: On Tuesday March 21, I opened the Daily; and found, on the second page one of the most sexist ads I have ever seen in the Daily or any other newspaper. On page two was an ad with a provocatively dressed woman leaning into the car window with a man at the driver's seat. t- ,.. CU55 EVJEN GR& O stu~.r~s cHE S U S'T~~S C kB f ir'a-V 41 CaM 0 This ad not only provokes the image of prosti- tution but it is substantiated by the caption "Free and Easy. 2 words you won't hear com- ing out of her mouth."This ad is misogynistic and it perpetuates the sexual objectification of women in society. It allows women to be seen as sexual objects who are not free or easy but obtainable for the sexual desire of men. Some people may argue that sex sells but should it be at the expense of women? The University and Ann Arbor communi- ty should be embarrassed by the placement of this ad. This month in the nationally recog- nized feminist magazine, Ms. Magazine, this ad is one of four in their section about sexist ads in the United States. I was informed by Ms. Magazine that this ad was developed in Ann Arbor by Bidlack Creative Services for CollegianClassifieds.com. The University newspaper allowed and was paid to run this sexist ad and the Ann Arbor community sup- ports the company'that produces this ad. I am now saddened more by the idea that the liberal and diverse communities of the University and Ann Arbor have falsely repre- sented their progressive feminist ideals. I, as a proud feminist representative of these com- munities, have to question if in fact I should be proud. How could any liberal community allow this ad to be in circulation? The ques- tion that the Daily, the University community and the Ann Arbor community needs to ask themselves is do they have a feminist con- sciousness? If so, then this ad should not be condoned. JAIME LESTER 'LSA SENIOR The final word has been spoken concern- ing whether "gayness" is hereditary or a learned behavior. This conclusion did not cost the federal government a dime - no federal grants were involved - no taxpayer money. The breakthrough did not come from a lengthy federally funded research treatise, nor was it published in the Journal of the Ameri- can Medical Association. Rather, University of Michigan instructor David Halperin has stated unequivocally that male homosexuality has to be learned. Writing in the University Fall 2000 course catalog, Halperin states: "Just because you happen to be a gay man doesn't mean that you don't have to learn how to become one. Gay men do some of developing a better understanding of homo- sexuality, especially in light of recent state- ments from the homosexual community, which would have us believe homosexuality does not involve choice or learning. They state that a homosexual is a homosexual sim- ply because he was born that way. Halperin's course explodes that reasoning, for if a homosexual needs to learn how to be gay, and even needs a University course to teach him how, then it is obviously not a mat- ter of heredity. Let me demonstrate. The full catalog entry for this course is available at: www isa. umich.edwsaa/publications/courseg uide/fall/361.htmLfOO. But to prove my point, I will excerpt from Halperin's own course description and substitute the word facts and activities that seem to play a promi- nent role in learning how to be Irish: Holly- wood movies, grand opera, Broadway musicals and other works of classical and popular music... What can such an approach tell us about the sentimental, affective, or aes- thetic dimensions of Irish identity, including Irish sexuality... this course will... seek ulti- mately to create the basis for a wider accep- tance of the plurality of ways in which people determine how to be Irish. It just doesn't work, substituting "Irish" for "gay," especially when you consider hav- ing to "learn" to be Irish. I didn't have to "learn" how to do that. Not many Afro- Americans have to "learn" how to be Afro- American, either. They might study to learn a i ninE VA& h Ei 0 I