4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 23, 2000 be £iidiguttn Ditg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily. letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief EMILY ACHENBAUM Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Get them in the crosshairs: rowfor some of you, it doesn't matter: sucks. That experier You were born rich and you're going us that wants to se to stay rich. But here's my advice to the every once and awl rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich one of the only time boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take the chance to let the them down. Just remember, they can buy can't compete again anything, but they 2,000 committees wi can't buy backbone. and dozens of gro - "Rushmore" names on sidewalks life, MSA elections I voted for the ing. Life's not fair - first time ever yester- . . election fair. day at the Michigan w I met Hideki last Student Assembly's me about his campa online voting site. I crazy for two reason voted for Hideki. MSA president. Se Like the vast | |> himself up as the b majority of you, I joke with that sign a think MSA is pretty to do that to themse pointless. I don't care Emily lived in Texas or Al if it is "successful" or Achenbaum Arbor, Hideki woul not, nor does it matter x months ago. if the "best" candi- Diamond i I chatted with hi date is elected. In the Rough my name. I ran into words of MSA alum ary - half a year David Burden, "Life baum," he said wh would continue normally even if Satan floored. While mos took over the assembly." pressed to remembe I want Hideki to win not because of his professors from last politics or what he could bring to the met nearly everyon assembly. I want him to win because he's remembered me - earned it. He has a passion that I can't light-eyed, not-exa possibly fathom and gutsiness I can't help me. "You work for ti but respect. He won my vote We have all been slighted at one point even planning on v in our lives, lost a competition because the an activist, promotin fight wasn't fair. We've all been the under- for MSA president dog at one point and know how much it non-annoying way. Vote for Hideki nce instills a desire in Although ee the underdog win president, I hile. And for perhaps genuinely de s in our lives, we have There are lo underdog win. Hideki are "passionz st the kids already on take a day-t ith frats in their pocket library and upies chalking their Bollinger's . Like most things in start to see are elitist and irritat- doing things - but we can make this me. But Hid without sen t July and he spoke to puuuuhlease aign. I thought he was ing pamphl s. First, he wants to be man, unpre cond, he was setting campaign un utt of a campus-wide You shou lone. Who would want you care abo elves? After all, if we an "active r abama instead of Ann community." d have been beaten up Do it bec because the im briefly and told him friends from Hideki again in Janu- probably wet later. "Emily Achen- pre-cast. en he saw me. I was Do it bec t of us would be hard a certain Gi r the names of all our with the leg t semester. Hideki has you out of th ne on campus, yet he Do it bec - white, light-haired, old you got ctly-original-looking the playgrou he Daily," he said. Here's yo that day, and I wasn't and beat the oting. But he has been Go vote foi ng his cause - Hideki http://wwwau t - in a captivating, - Em, via e Verdict defends free speech of all students I wouldn't want to be M* 'm not Hideki. Anyone th dicated deserves our suppoi ts of people on campus wl ate" about things, but as bool rip from the undergradua barbecues are thrown c front lawn, their intentiol m suspect. The concept out of symbolism isn't lost ( eki is the center of attent ding out mass "please plea vote for me" e-mails or sho ets in my face. He is a on ecedented movement - like any other. ld vote for Hideki not becau ut platforms or MSA or be member" of the "Universi ause you didn't get into a pl student director picked z his little theater clique - nt into auditions with the she ause you didn't get a bid fro reek house because the gu: gacies and Lexuses knock( e competition. ause when you were 8-year sand kicked in your face c nd by the bully. ur chance to spit the sand bully with your plastic shoe r Hideki. MSA's Website mich. edu/-vote. ily Achenbaum can be reach< -mail at emilyisaC@umich.ed GROUNn ZERO If you are in a student group that gets funding from the University, and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's words don't mean anything to you now, they should: It is inevitable that government will adopt and pursue pro- grams and policies within its constitu- tional powers but which nonetheless are contrary to the profound beliefs and sin- cere convictions of some of its citizens. The Supreme Court handed down its ruling in the case Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin v. Scott Harold Southworth et al earlier than expected yesterday; the ruling is a tri- umph not only for potentially controver- sial student groups but also for anyone who cares about the First Amendment. Had the Court ruled otherwise, all public colleges and universities would have had to cut off funding altogether or find alter- native ways to fund many student groups. The Southworth case began when a small Christian fundamentalist group on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus sued the University to recover mandatory student fees that would have partially funded progressive student groups like the Lesbian, Gay, 'Bisexual Campus Center, Amnesty International and the Campus Women's Center. The argument: Forcing students to pay fees that would be used by groups whose opinions are fundamentally opposed to their own constitutes "coerced speech." There are problems with the South- worth ruling. It requires public colleges and universities to distribute funds on a "viewpoint neutral" basis. In funding stu- dent groups a university "may not prefer some viewpoints to others." This seems fine at first but it could potentially cause problems for universities in the future. Justice David Souter opposed the "view- point neutral" language in the ruling in his concurring opinion with Justices Steven Breyer and John Stevens. Souter compared funding student groups with mandatory fees to using tuition dollars to pay professors with controversial views. "The University need not provide junior years abroad in North Korea as well as France, instruct in the theory of plutocracy as well as democracy, or teach Nietzsche as well as St. Thomas" he wrote. The "viewpoint neutral" language aside, the Southworth ruling is a tremen- dous victory for all student groups, not to mention free speech. t t r t E i YUKI KUNIYUKI ' zr'cAL.. SEANCE Io I11 - Puttingndo bizeoU' 2000 Campaign could mobilize 'U' .S. Reps. David Bonior (D-Mt. Clemens) and Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor) came to the University last Mon- day to rally student support, but not nec- essarily for themselves. They are organizing 2,000 campaign workers throughout Michigan at the grassroots level for the 2000 campaign. Grass roots activism is a good mechanism to give power to young people. This type of community-based support is being uti- lized in the coming up presidential elec- tions. Grassroots organizations are non-profit groups that fight or support a cause at the community level. But poli- tics is just one aspect of grassroots sup- port. Which political party a student sup- ports - Republican, Democrat or an independent - is not as important as the act of stepping in and witnessing the political system at a more community based level. Students at the University need to take more advantage of these types of opportunities to get involved in politics. The American political system can seem rather complicated or intimi- dating, but it is the priority of the people to step in and take action for what they believe in. Grassroots organizations give young people the chance to make a dif- ference. Students at the University need to remember that voting and involvement in the American political system is a privilege. A privilege that was not divinely mandated by the heavens a mil- lennia ago, but a right given to the peo- ple by their government of today. Many countries deprive their citizens of this right and suffer in a world filled with dictators and power-hungry leaders. Stu- dents.should get out there and get involved. Even the act of placing flyers on car windshields or signs on the cor- ners of busy intersections has an impact on the elections and future races. There are not small roles in the American political system, only small minds. GAA was 'righting wrongs' with action at UGLi TO THE DAILY: After readingthe March 17 letter "GAA out of line" by Zachary Beck in reference to the UGLI protest by the Graduate Action Alliance, I thought, "This guy has no idea what he is talking about!" However, I was wrong. Beck demonstrated that he was not totally clueless when he wrote "Their actions (GAA) symbolically worked to defeat every ideal that this country was founded on." Well, Beck, you were right! The United States was founded by indi- viduals who systematically slaughtered and pillaged Native Americans, nearly wiping out an entire race of people. This country was founded by individuals who displaced, enslaved, and dehumanized the African people.Let us not forget the countless atrocities the forefathers committed against people of Latino and Asian origin as well. So you see the GAA was, in fact, working to defeat the long lasting effects of the "ideals" this country was founded on. Despite the negative reactions of some students to the GAA's action, we will continue to labor against the institu- tionalized racism that persists at the Uni- versity. It is not only our right as students to demand an academic atmosphere that is fair and equitable for all students, but it is our duty for those students who will follow. DEIDRE DOWDIE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Men shouldn't tell women how to feel about abortion 0 L P jnJ00 08OP !kF. f)0471jA .IW II n N- 4 who have been writing pro-life letters to the editor. You are male, as am I. So lacking a vagina and the relatedareproductive organs capable of producing a human, your opin- ion is biased. It is true that abortions nullify poten- tial lives, and not actual lives, but this is usually the lesser of two evils. Which prevents more loss, allowing a 15-year old rape victim to abort her baby as she attends high school and has to work a 20- hour week anyway, or letter her ruin her life plans (and career aspirations because she has to babysit) and that of her child with an unwanted child? Newsflash: If someone doesn't want something (including a baby) that person will not likely take care of it. What about all the babies thrown away in dumpsters and left on doorsteps? Now I'm not say- ing abortion is the solution every time, but it definitely is some of the time. Abortion should not be looked at as birth control, per se. No woman (I would hope) goes around having unprotected sex, say- ing "Oh, who cares if I get pregnant? I'll just nuke it!" A woman makes the best judgement she can when aborting and she knows Who the hell are you to tell a wom what to do? That is all. STEVE SIEGEL LSA JUNIOR Schillaci should stay in hometown,: TO THE DAILY: In his March 20th column,"'U' students: Two parts bread crumbs, one part meat" Jaec Schillaci criticizes various behaviors anc characteristics of university students (.ant administrators), interpreting them as con- scious acts of rebellion against "normalcy. Whether or not people use cell phones, dye their hair purple, and purchase iMacs out di personal desire or a desire for attentior doesn't matter. What does matter - for ne and for many others - is that we have to opportunity to spend a few years in an oasi, where closed-mindednessdoesn't reachep demic proportions. He may feel more com" fortable in the safety of his hometown bN I'm grateful to live in a city were most peop don't criticize those who try something new Snuffed out FDA should regulate tobacco T W hile calling tobacco use "perhaps the single most significantbthreat to pub- lic health in the United States," the Supreme Court nonetheless struck down the federal government's efforts to address the threat by ruling last Tuesday that the FDA did not have the authority to regulate tobacco as a drug. The 5 to 4 ruling blocks the FDA's efforts to regulate tobacco on the grounds that Congress never explicitly authorized the agency to do so. While Congress has proven reluctant to tackle this issue in the recent past, it is essential that they take action soon. The FDA should have the power to regulate tobacco. The agency already regulates nearly every legal substance specifically designed for consumption and tobacco should not be treated any differently. The government has taken on the responsibility of safeguarding public health through the regulation of potentially harmful sub- stances and is abrogating that responsibility by not regulating tobacco. The inability of Congress to take almost any action regarding tobacco in the past demonstrates how easy it is for a narrow interest to hijack the public policy of the United States. Members of Congress and Senators, up until recently, routinely repeat- ed the lies of the tobacco industry regard- ing their efforts to addict children to their products. Even after the industry's wrong- doing had been unmasked, Congress con- tinued to resist imposing any type of consequences for those actions. The most unfortunate casualty of the Supreme Court's ruling is a program creat- ed by the FDA to help states monitor the enforcement of their own laws regarding the sale of tobacco products to children. While blocking most of the FDA's pro- posed regulations, lower courts, including many in tobacco producing states, had allowed this program to be implemented. If it does nothing else, Congress should at least authorize small steps such as this pro- gram to help protect children from an a] m e m e I a th a b d in b u of or th m in a w yc fi that having the baby will result in negli- ERIN MULADOR 0 THE DAILY: gence to a degree, or some other sort of LSA JuNIoF This letter is in response to the men shortcomings. Complaining about illness and discretion in e-mailing r he two topics seem incongruous, I complied. I don't know that I could enjoy have a problem, address the e-mail tot T know. such a sum at this point. I'd probably spend people it concerns!" There's also the "Cal This column is about mass e-mails. It's a good amount of it on sedatives to put me please be removed from this e-mail, list bout forwards. It's about clutter in one's out of my misery. My stars! Why not address your e-mail tailbox. I apologize thatit isn't quite as I've never quite understood the princi- the people sending out mass e-mails y( xciting a topic as ple behind a fortune-teller e-mail. Essen- moron? God I hate being sick! ASA elections or tially I make a wish, scroll down, and if I The jokes are sometimes amusing. mpty libraries, but keep my mouth shut and do what the binary could use a joke right now. Althoug 'm sick as a dog, code of Os and is tells me what to do, I'm hurts to laugh, as my lungs and throatY nd when I'm sick going to marry whomever I want. That so sore. The dirty ones tend to be pr he most trivial things would be nice. But scrolling down through dictable, and the truthfulness of the "tr nnoy me, and my all the clutter of e-mail code is just too irri- stories" is questionable. But they're wortl rain tends to slow tating a thought. I'll delete, thank you. shot. You never know what might tick own. The small, Sometimes I get suckered in. I don't someone the right way. Perhaps someone nsignificant things think I'm the only one we all do. A lot of miserable as I am is reading this a ecome a nearly my friends think that they can justify their chuckling. Perhaps not. Everyone needs, nbelievable source ' dorkiness by including a disclaimer at the outlet to complain. I'm using this as mir f frustration. Read top. Something along the lines of, "Guys Again, my apologies go out to the reade n though - given David - I don't usually do these, but just imagine The trivial becomes less so when it's t hat it's really nothing Horn if it's true! It's too much $$$ to pass up! I'll sidered in detail. Usually. Not in this cai tore than me whin- write a real e-mail soon." Which brings up however. Now I'm just further annoyed; ng about being sick g p an interesting point: Who are the retards how much my head hurts, how incons nd having to deal who don't have time to even send a mass quential my ramblings are, and how war ith something that isn't really a big deal, "checking in" e-mail to all their friends? I and comfortable my bed looks right no ou might get annoyed too. I'm feeling suppose in my delirious state I'm calling despite the evening of work that yet awa mAct for an imnrAvement in e-mail etiquette. me tonight. I