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March 23, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-03-23

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2A -The Michigan Daily -Thursday, March 23, 2000


Continued from Page IA
The Supreme Court ordered the
case to be sent back to lower courts for
review in light of the Supreme Court
ruling for further proceedings, which
Southworth said was encouraging.
"Our case isn't over. We're looking
at the possibility of a full-blown trial
all the way back to the Supreme
Court,' he said.
State of Wisconsin Assistant Attor-
ney General Peter Anderson, who rep-
resented the regents, said the

university was happy with the ruling.
"I think the university is very
pleased with its decision that it
upholds the ability to provide an edu-
cation for students that goes beyond
the classroom and is initiated by stu-
dents," he said.
ASM Chair Adam Klaus expressed
similar thoughts. "It's a resounding
victory for free speech on the universi-
ty campus, both in Wisconsin and
across the country," he said.
Former ASM Rep. Leif Jorgensen,
who serves on the ASM Student
Finance Committee, said he has been a

longtime supporter of Southworth.
"It's a dangerous message that free-
dom of association stops at the doors
at our public universities," he said.
The potential for a ruling in favor of
Southworth had led to previous specu-
lation that such a decision would mar-
ginalize minority student groups,
thereby posing a threat to campus
Jorgensen denied this possibility.
"There are a lot of groups out there
that don't receive student funding.
Money does not equal speech," he said.
Wisconsin Regent John Benson is

pleased with the ruling, his spokesman
Greg Doyle said.
"It is another upholding of free
speech that the University of Wiscon-
sin has the right to collect these mon-
eys as long as it's content-neutral,"
Doyle said. "He believes they arrived
at the right decision."
The Michigan Student Assembly
collects a 55.69 student fee per semes-
ter to fund various student groups. The
assembly's Budget Priorities Commit-
tee allocates funding based on level of
campus activity - not by political,
religious, or ideological beliefs

Senate passes Social Security proposal
WASHINGTON - The Senate unanimously passed legislation yesterday that
would permit Americans 65- to 69-years-old to earn as much money as they
want each year without losing any Social Security benefits.
The measure, passed 100-0, was appoved by the House earlier this month. It will
go to President Clinton next week and he is expected to sign it promptly.
Clinton, traveling in India, issued a statement praising the Senate's action. '1
look forward to opening a new era of opportunity for older Americans by si,
ing this measure into law," he said
The bill will repeal a Depression-era law that has penalized many Social Secu-
rity recipients who earn more than a minimal income after they retire. The limit
had been enacted to prod older persons into getting out of the work force so
younger workers could find jobs.
Under current law, retirees between 65 and 69 must forfeit $ in Social Security
benefits for each $3 that they earn beyond $17,000 a year. The Social Security
Administration estimates that 800,000 Americans will be affected by the legislation.
The change will be retroactive to Jan. 1.
The repeal of the earnings limit marks the first significant change in the 65-
year-old Social Security program since 1983, when Congress voted to raise
gradually the age at which workers become eligible for benefits.,The age V
increase in coming years from 65 to 67 in 2027.

Continued from Page IA
"We have sufficient resources to meet that budget,"
she said. "The House wiHl probably try to add some
More than a week ago, Truscott said he expected
the budget to be "scaled back in the House," but yes-
terday Rep. Jon Jellema (R-Grand Haven), a ranking
member of the House Appropriations Committee said,
"I don't think we want to take any (money) away."
A concern the House will have, Jellema said, is the
removal of the tier system. "I would like to preserve
floors but increase the amount," he said. Jellema said
the tier system was "not perfect" - citing favoritism
from legislators who place some universities too far
above or below the tier's funding floor - but said, "I
don't want to abandon it unless there's good reason."
The House is expected to address the bill April 12.

Continued from Page 1A
every regular meeting. "We put all our efforts into
that committee," Elias said. "No one wanted the
heartache and headache anymore."
Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R-Ann Arbor)
said some type of discussion with students before
meetings would be beneficial.
"We could have lunch before the Thursday regents
meeting," Newman said. "I'm not convinced that a
student regent is the answer."
Elias said a student regent is necessary to prove
that student concerns are important.
Current UC Student Regent Michelle Pannor, a
senior at UC-Berkiley, said the nine-campus uni-
versity system with more than 170,000 students
should have more than one student on its 26-mem-
ber board.

"It's frustrating at times, but they don't ignore
me," Pannor said, adding that she has been success-
ful in starting an online voter registration drive with-
in the UC system.
Pannor said UC regents discussed using a consti-
tutional loophole to eliminate the student regent
position about five years ago, but couldn't garner
enough support.
UC Regent S. Stephen Nakashima said student
members bring a necessary perspective to the table
on issues such as tuition. "Usually the student regent
will go to all nine campuses and get their views,"
Nakashima said, explaining why he thinks one stu-
dent regent is enough.
Justin Fong, a graduate student in the University
of California at Los Angeles School of Public Policy
and Social Research, will have full regental rights,
including voting on policy proposals, when his term
starts in July.

Discrimination case victory
In addition to th
settled with $508M must be paid to the
imately $450,000a
WASHINGTON - Some 1,100 - the federal gov
women who were denied jobs with the give them nearly $
federal agency that disseminates U.S. pay and interest a
government news and information neys' fees.
overseas won $508 million from the
government yesterday in the largest- Terrorists
ever settlement of a federal sex dis- Clinton in
crimination case.
The agreement, which still requires
approval from a federal judge, comes WASHINGTON
23 years after the first woman, the then- ist groups have d
29-year-old Carolee Brady Hartman, President Clintoni
accused the now-defunct U.S. Informa- his weeklong vis
tion Agency and its broadcast branch, including an assass
the Voice of America, of turning her ly linked to accus
down for a job because of her gender. Osama bin Laden,
"I went for a job interview and the yesterday.
man who was interviewing me told On Monday, t
me that he was not going to hire me abruptly canceledt
because I was a woman," said Brady, trip to Joypura,a
today a 52-year-old divorced social Bangladesh, afteri
worker living in San Francisco. "At ed that Islamic zea
the time, I just didn't know how to to fire a shoulder-
respond. Now, I have a way of the president's h(
responding, and this is the victory that said. Several hundi
we all celebrate today. It is a delicious were bused to the U
Fujimori campaigns support aitnong t
J C reelection" bid, they
with power in Peru symbolic of seriou
America's new era o
TUNI CEQUENA, Peru - High in But as indigeno
the Altipiano, a plateau of the Peru- ful skirts peppere
vian Andes, two strong forces have mori with multic
converged on this village of precari- confetti here, hes
ous adobe huts. the uproar.
One of those forces, electricity, came Pa n. .
in on new government cables last PalesUlall
Thursday, making oil lamps at dinner encourage
time obsolete for the 500 residents here
just three weeks before presidential BETHLEHEM
elections. The following day, President Exclaiming "Do n
Alberto Fujimori, campaigning for a a pulpit in Jesus
third term in office, rode into town on John Paul II
his own power surge. empathized withI
Political opponents say Fujimori, gling to build a h
who gained great public support for and sternly remin
smashing two potent guerrilla move- they had suffered t
ments and stabilizing an inflation- Celebrating a jo
wracked economy after his election in in the cradle of Chi
1990 and reelection in 1995, is on a ing a depressed re
quest to consolidate authoritarian John Paul called on
power by any means, including work for "the justi
harassing the opposition and using tinians) have an ina
government largess such as electricity
hookups and food giveaways to win - Compiledfrom

e $508 million that
women -'approx-
apiece before taxes
ernment must also
23 million in back
nd pay their attor-




- Several terror-
irected threats at
in connection with
it to South Asia,
,sination plot direct
ed terrorist leader
officials here sa
he Secret Service
Clinton's scheduled
a village in rural
intelligence indicat-
alots were planning
launched missile at
elicopter, officials
red villagers instead
the poor. His "re-
,y argue, has become
s problems in Latin
of democracy.
us women in fanci-
d the smiling F
colored good luc
seemed unfazed by
i leaders
d by Pope
4, West Bank -
ot be afraid!" from,
birthplace, Po
worshiped a W
Palestinians strug-
omeland yesterday
ded the world that
oo much.
yous, colorful mass
ristendom, and tour-
fugee camp nearby,
n political leaders to
ce to which (Pales-.
alienable right."
n Daily wire repos


- 1Ib

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