LOCAL/S TATE The Michigan Daily -- Tuesday, March 21, 2000-- 7 em o fsues %ONIOR COMnInued from Page ± and we have these bai w invite people from hood to come and enj hal, meeting setting. in- all of these of th campaigning. We'r tesources we need to ijon and on the rad message across as wel ' TMD: Are you oppa Bonlor: At this poir that ran against me las out of the race so there right now. But there w, cans will never let mes opponent, so I expect th opponent. The last time two ti .ent ... four years agt !llion against me whc ran against me. She wa bf the Republican par and last year with Bria spent $2.5 million agai "'ftmoney and hard 11 they keep me busy, I'm again. TMD: What kind o iia there been to gt elected on the state r tcrat esses key platform for campaigns, Bonior: Well we have something called a coordinated campaign where we try to coordinate all our efforts from the presidential office rbecues, where all the way down to local offices n the neighbor- and we try to pool our resources igage in a town and get out the vote - GOTV they So we engaged call it - by identifying the Democ- ese pieces of rats, calling them, mailing them v raising the making sure they get to the polls. be on televi~ So we coordinate our efforts that hio to get our way. Through developing a message ,11. that is used from the top to the bot- iosed yet?- tom and that usually revolves nt my opponent around the issues of saving and st time dropped strengthening Social Security, is no opponent investing in education and health ill be. Republi- care and the issues that I talked slide without an about a little earlier that work hey will have an around those issues - patients bill of rights and all of the education imes I ran they issues that I mentioned. othey spent $2 TMD: Assuming that the Democ- en Susan Hines rats take the House how do you see is the chairman your role as House Majority rty in the state Leader? an Palmer they Bonior: I see my role of House tinst me. That's Majority Leader as advancing the nioney both. So progressive program of the party, n sure they will which is centered on strong educa- tional programs, reducing the class f coordination size in our K-12 school program, et,~Democrats having a modernized school con- and federal struction program, upgrading our teacher training and teacher incen- JESSICA JOHNSON/Daily U.S. Rep David Bonior (D-M.Clemens) speaks at a panel discussion with Hani Azzam, refugee asylum attorney, and activist imad Hamad addressing the University's Arab American community yesterday at the Law School. tive programs so that we can attract teachers, pay them decently and give them the respect that they deserve as the instructors of our most precious resource - our chil- dren. On the higher education leve, we are advancing the tax credit pro- gram to help people afford a college education. Also on the health care front we'll have a strong patients bill of rights that gives the, health care decision back to the doctors and nurses and patients and takes it away from people who are divorced from any medical knowledge work- ing for insurance companies. We are going to put forward a prescription drug program for our seniors -- a benefit program. We are going to pay down our national debt so that we can use the interest savings on the national debt to invest in strengthening Medicare and Social Security. And we are going to advance the cause of civil liberties and civil rights in this country to make sure that all minorities and women are treated with dignity and equity in the work place. Those are some of our priorities. And of course push the environmental agenda and make sure our environ- mental laws are enforced and to address the question of sprawl that is eating up our prime agricultural land and causing so many quality of life problems like traffic jams and bad air ... So my job as the leader will be to manage to get these issues up on the house floor passed and in a position to get them signed by the president and to articulate these issues to the country.. TMD: What about the Senate? What are the chances that the Democrats will win the Senate and if not how will a Democratic House work with a Republican Senate or a Republican President? Bonior: Well we hope we can win the Senate and the Presidency but assuming that we don't win the Senate because we have five seats to pick up. I think we will gain seats in the Senate. I'm not sure if we'll win the majority, if we don't win a majority we will be in a better bar- gaining position to get a larger chunk of the agenda that I outlined by winning the House and we'll do the best we can to advance these issues and causes without overcom- promising our principles. I should have mentioned cam- paign finance reform. It is a very key piece as well ... its one of our top priorities to get some of this money, undisclosed money contri- butions, out of the system and open up our airwaves, our radio, our cable TV, our broadcast TV, the public dialogue so that these elec- tions, which cost enormous amounts of money, don't exclude who can't raise those funds. DEMOCRATS' Continued from Page 1 your participation will make sure that we can' she said. At this point in their campaigns, both Bonior and Rivers are running unop- posed. Nevertheless, both said they were not letting the lack of opposition take any momentum out of their campaigns. "I always worry. I'm that kind of person," Rivers said when asked if she was confident she would win. Bonior again stressed the significance of grassroots support, particularly that of young people to retain his seat. He said that every March he hosts a student summit in which high school seniors in Michigan are selected to participate in a mock Congress. "They get interested in the issues and through that, the political process' he said. Bonior attempted to engage Univer- sity students in polities in another way yesterday as he spoke in a panel dis- cussion regarding a federal law allow- ing people to be charged with a crime based on evidence that the accused party is not allowed to see. He particularly voiced concern for the numerous Arab Americans who have been jailed under this law. "The vast majority arrested under this law, 99 percent, have been Muslim American," he said. "This type of action by our government is in direct violation of our Constitution, particu- larly the Fifth Amendment." Bonior encouraged students to write senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.) and ask for their support in passing legislation to repeal the law. "What we need to do is change the law," he said. 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Then up your resume by working with The Michigan Daily Classified Dept. We are hiring account executives for fall 2000. Great experience delivered with commnission based pay. Pick up an application at The Student Publications Building. Deadline: 5 p.m. March 24 DO YOU HAVE YOUR SIGHTS SET ON THE BUSINESS WORLD? Are N otl creatkex cnciLee-tic and Self- - tlutinixatcd Here is your Chance to jullimp on hoardi the Mlichigan D~ailY Classified Sales staff" and Iput \ our busuness skills ito)xxork' AN an Account Execuitive,.(xitull1 1"111 lilalablc adve rt iii C a(nd sa~lc cprmci ic. Hav e Iun and kget pid d tltg it, Pick up atn application at 111e Student Publictat ions Bldg -42(0 Mavnard. 2nd floor. Or call 76=4-0557. Applications dIue by -5 pml, Fri. March 24. ENJOY WORKING it a quniet. casual. downtown selting just tmtn. trout tUM central campus. Maitlstreel Ventures has ininedCiale op)eninlgs fotrtoull/part tittle telephone reservat tonists. 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(all (,63-X(l-2. k \NI) Suil eResearch Group 'I ItIN( , C \REF,1R OPPORTI NITHES INl't I.l(?PI' MA('Y RESEARCHI f II; i atable in Sothlern C aliforntia and WaishiigtmnlD.C. Sur'vey Coor-dinator a'-amemtiber ol the SRG team - 'inllMImm iiim: data Cinllection t ptrojects s I Il mimim cluesttuitaiie &lg). rin g. ,tio x 'lne data collectors. budgeting knmlmi x Cotro-ml anid client relations Must be ,mmlan xx imlidata collecitoit protcedutres te." t lybi inmc. m atrI survey s. lielId stuLd ics. and/or ,1ri abstractiton) antI supets- sioni. '~ t it ical inr research backg-routnd. Spanish or A,.11i? lanenagCe. data llctII mrII ol IwaMV iinaxl ~c urd prixlIocc~Ssim2 ,and database na- . :n -aetmiIcktoxxledge is a plus 1.BA r <1. a alsters a pluos Salary nul mn.-ttc xxith experience ('AStS Prograinem- +*Ililm itltet-asistcd tItemcxx'- 1",and SA EI±S ASSO('IA"TI'5S Giala H-allmtark-Brtamxood NMall ta\, & & xx ekciids 1 P] I =c\ ihlc schcdltime,. ctintipeitt tivcmittig ypa}. _eCticimistltpII loi\ cc huot mmniccS~txn.(mitCo'nim nof call ftr apips. 7.;4-MSS-11:51. or las itm 71-1-06-1(l'. attn: iick i. SI':IEKIN(;I: IK'N\A dv -\locate,cs Sccx mir ~ttillitilcitx S. cati 58/lu7O '-(-,7 SE~i\NAR ASSISTANTIS-cv cnInegs '- I i/hr. Please call Allan 996-1 1O7 STUDI;N'l' (GROUtNDS KEEPER HELP W~ANTE;I) aZ~nd il [Otit r in ill tiels mm~ui ptip rilt. A C'asints dictate: assist xxii h iioxvineweewcd xx hipping: xxcediiig' la pickup: ,iih ari l~oxxei bed cleati-iip prc'patmig:lmfinlplattin tlmmxxcr5,. Ihlh,: piutim l, U-I mmmtital tines anid stnS-v remioxval.Pad starts at S58011 per hour: I1Cx ible seluedo Ic'.ax-at laile D~esired tt~Ilificaititis: wllIt - mtm ott ttt: dlcpcndahilmt\: eimtla-'ti. Lectitmie ntrest lill ciCatiti, C calitiltil arid saIc catiltuisamma [I'l apply: call 760 5 3in) ill x\1,1ittiut xx ebite xxxxxx pIaimiI lummmtmctdmiicmom11tis 1:Ipa m mplmm\ m tett )ppmmmlun c, 111111 intltin m btm 1:A NI (itminids I epaitiiictit mnIllcice lmmani aplicmtmmtihctxx ecit lam-pm xxcckd~ls s (;rutmndtuls & t Ist Adan Iua cmimnt - Plt Scvice Bc-'uildingc (h Immf lour)111(0 Palmuer I )t - t beb tidhc Poxxct (cntCiI \An eCLt1al tmlptinittil t s. aliIIIatMlc actioin ettpltivet STU'IDEN'T' ORGANIZA"TION I-UNI)RAIS ER funtdraiser is back' Student oneanu/aliotis all across the U.)S have earned S I .000-WS2,0( 1 wi tth our easy three hour fund raisi ng exciii. Noxw it's your turn. Call (898) 92_1-.3239. or visit \\wwwcisfundi-aisin ,cotul STUD iENT TO'() WORK S ping/Sprimrg Suline/Snuiiiet il2.m tt t in inor* atltnitnal pimilnhlisas a Cluilutl 'Iye'.. & N u sitioke. vioutate ticeclddformia studs it UM NI- ass up toy 5170). Call 763-910. 63t WA-NTED): WOMEN Sintnkeirs beccii acm's 25, aidl-t5 needed lIt'nnt - NI stud\ Pay metlof 5220. (C-ll 76',-9()li(). #6 (1() XVATIEIR( N'I' STlA FF'NFIAWD)E) I m sui trimder (\Caiimp. Lil'Iegiia s - 58/bin-. Waterfion triI)itcttur ( wSit - SI1251)/lit- Work 3.5-4 himur", per dclay. Nomia) - Fri-day J utne 26 to August 18. Call 971-0900 (or mote iformfartion. WORK FOR PEACE amid jistice issues iii state wide campaign based ini Lansing. Women anid petople omf color urged tin applIy. Resumite. reverernces by April 7 Stat April 26. Eixperienice in fumd-raisirig. coimmrunity out ieachl. anid soliltneer Ithituacetlctt dlesirable. S51700-S2110 /too - etuc fits. tepeidtig tontex pctctnce. Peace .Actitotn o Nliclui'am i248) 54-IS-921). paittninmngauti tr! carllil ii ne YARD WORK OR CLE.IANING Wamlk e t 11I... SiWE ; C l6. GREAT 8. FINAL. =( ij k. ilidmi Sh5earls h- i isttia A( tlertL r..",_ mshuiutePmnpki ,. -NileeIloch 'fails. 1;;:w:; n\Bullet. IY.~\nglot. Two :v,. Red it. ner. Bliiik 182. MHSAA HB-bol:,A. -.t'm.and tinnic (a' 5l7-35 1.992or ;c rt r.ja tncsthetichctrn t.coYm All mciujr r,.;e l, ' tt'Ic'(/. inelivers avail. in-in -ltc-,2 io in/ - taxcs i iI nAP AIRS WO RLI)WII)L' in, t ('anibhhcti's 191)- '29 ilti -* tixcst ; t; 1 il F H-EC K OUT1')tlhe-' Nflt.'xtc in- bbeai ii- .lwiaia 5250 nfmmu dtrip. - -* . ll tdin- destittntscheap: Book -.-.... ti-lheo ess dr.;i!'ieb cotin or 81)1-575- %:K Ml ' tIN ('I-ARGEtint otdenine - T * -in:-'.1 amil;mtint-s ionrx intir ninrea1ii/ation' of .j' Idemias. .- Il I) REIS OP' INS'I*'Vl - N'FS-Nkot just ::mm'-. irta aound the Womeld, s igs --snicshmoks. 302in l_.Lihctiv. 665-80(11. i RO(t)m~m VIE NEEVED in 6 per'stn apit. go muIall 11)00 Close to CCRB. Call Yal~e 0 I RO ONMATE PRE F. it) share i* 1 a p t t 1txxmlu tither rnm tiates Universt rsitsoC ll K ti 64-8 " personalI