One hundred nine years of edtoalfreedom
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March 21, 2000
k g,
raise costs
of housing,
By Jeannie Baumann
Daily Staff Reporter
The University Board of Regents
addressed housing and parking
needs during its monthly meeting
yesterday, increasing the costs of on-
campus housing and parking per-
The regents unanimously approved
the increase in housing costs at an
average rate of 3 percent for residence
halls and 2.9 percent for family hous-
ing apartments.
University Housing, in conjunc-
tion with the Residence Halls Asso-
ciation and Family Housing Rate
Setting student committees, submit-
ted the proposed rates to the
HA President Jason Taylor said
they consider how much housing
needs to maintain its services without
cutting labor costs.
The prices, to be effective start-
ing July 1, will increase from
$5,614 to $5,780 for a double room
in a traditional residence hall. A
converted triple currently costs
$2,208 and will change to $2,308.
single in a will increase from
,674 to $6,878.
Regent Andrea Fischer Newman
(R-Ann Arbor) inquired about look-
ing into the need for an additional
residence hall on Central Campus
and a possible dining hall for the
Hill area.
"It's important for us to know
whether or not there's a need," she
said. "I've been on this board for five
years, and I've been raising this issue
1 five years, and nothing's hap-
Interim Vice President for Student
Affairs E. Royster Harper said these
issues have been taken up in the
Undergraduate Affairs Commission
University President Lee Bollinger
formed by this semester.
"The idea is to look at the individual
items in a broader context.
niversity Provost Nancy Cantor,
o is chairing the commission, said
the commission has only met a couple
times, so any answer or speculation
would be premature.
The regents also unanimously
passed a motion to increase the cost of
parking permits at an average rate of 3
percent per year.
See REGENTS, Page 2
may face
By Anna Clark
Daily StaffReporter
With enrollment numbers declining, the
School of Natural Resources and Environment
undergraduate program is poised for the school's
major changes.
One possibility is to phase non-graduate pro-
grams into the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts.
"Our pools of applicants at the undergraduate
level is declining, while there are more applicants
to the University in general. Transfer numbers are
down as well,' SNRE Dean Dan Mazmanian said.
"The problem probably is more in the structure of
the program, rather than the program itself."
While Mazmanian said he believes SNRE has
an "excellent" undergraduate program, he said he
was concerned for the program's limited access
to University students. While the program
accepts first-year and transfer applications, LSA
students receive only 12 credit hours for classes
outside the LSA and transferring to SNRE can be
difficult because of requirements.
Mazmanian said a committee has recently been
formed to examine all the possibilities and issues.
"Students interested in environmental studies
could access it more readily if we involved the
LSA," he said. "If creating an LSA major for
environmental studies would make the program
better, we would do that."
But Mazmanian emphasized that turning the
SNRE undergraduate program into an LSA
major is only one possibility. Nothing has been
decided yet.
He added that altering the structure of the pro-
gram won't necessarily alter the program itself -
the existing faculty would be teaching the same
Associate SNRE Dean James Diana said the
committee will take a broad perspective on
undergraduate program.
"We're looking at the offerings in the Universi-
ty for environmental studies and sciences, and
trying to find where they're best suited - in the
LSA, the SNRE or both," he said.
Environmental policy Prof. Barry Rabe, who is
on the committee studying the possible changes,
said the goal of the group will be to figure out
how to best use the school's resources.
"The question is," he said, "'How'does one
See SNRE, Page 2
kick off 2000
~ campaigns
U.S. Rep David Bonior (D-Mt.Clemens) addresses University students encouraging them to get involved in the 2000
state and federal Democratic campaigns, yesterday at the Michigan Union.
Bonior, Rivers visit
campus to emphasize
grassroots campaigning
By Jeremy W. Peters
Daily Staff Reporter
The Democrats know how important
November's congressional election is
for their political survival. Since the
Republicans gained control of both the
U.S. House of Representatives and the
Senate in 1994, their majority has
slowly eroded and now many political
analysts are saying it is very likely the
Democrats will regain control of the
House in November.
Well aware of the upcoming elec-
tion's importance, Democratic notables
U.S. Reps. David Bonior and Lynn
Rivers came to the University yester-
day to rally student support.
"I'm here to pique your interest
about getting involved," Bonior, who
represents Macomb County, told the
crowd of University students.
"You can play a significant role
in what happens in the next 10
years," he said.
He stressed the need for students
to get involved at the state level to
ensure a Democratic victory in the
Michigan House of Representatives.
The machine through which Democ-
rats plan on organizing supporters at
the grassroots level is their 2000 in
2000 campaign where they plan on
placing 2000 campaign workers
throughout Michigan.
Placing a big emphasis on the
state House elections, Bonior said if
the Democrats do not take the state
House, they will face trouble in the
"If we don't (take the state
House) ... the whole ball of wax
will be Republican. This is a huge,
important, key election," Bonior
The critical reason Democrats must
control the state House, he said, was so
they can prevent the Republicans from
re-drawing the district lines to oust
"If they take the House, they can re-
draw the lines so that it would be very
difficult for me ... and Lynn Rivers to
get re-elected," he added.
Rivers, of Ann Arbor, echoed
Bonior's sentiment.
"Virtually none of the Republican
seats can be injured by redistricting.
But if you look at the Democratic
seats,""she said, "virtually all of our
seats are vulnerable."
Rivers also emphasized the impor-
tance of student involvement in the
Democratic campaigns.
"It is absolutely imperative that we
regain control of the House ... and
By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
Democratic minority whip U.S. Rep David Bonior
(D-Mt.Clemens) visited the University yesterday to
speak. with students about the
importance of their participation in
the upcoming federal and state
campaigns. In an interview withA
The Michigan Daily, Bonior dis-_
cussed his campaign and what
Democrats plan to do if they win a majority in the
U.S. House of Representatives. If the Democrats
win a majority, Bonior will likely become House
Majority Leader.
The Michigan Daily: If you could just start out by
telling us a little bit about your campaign, how has it
been going?
Bonior: Well the campaign is ... My campaign is
going fine. We've got a lot of volunteers, we just com-
pleted a student summit as I had mentioned where stu-
dents come and learn about the political process. In
another month we'll do our tree campaign in which we
will bag 30,000 or 40,000 trees and pine siblings and
pass them out to schools in different neighborhoods. My
wife and I do an annual walk through our district. I walk
140 miles through the district and we have these barbe-
cues, where we invite people from the neighborhood to
come and engage in a town hall meeting setting. So we
See BONIOR, Page 7
Campaigns seep into residence halls
Bi Lif K 1 C SA fWi nlh .5i 5*tJ4O Vtha i d
y sa navU
Daily Staff Reporter
With elections for the Michigan Student
Assembly kicking off tomorrow, campaigns
have begun in earnest. Yet, students living
in residence halls are often intruded upon as
candidates knock on doors late at night and
hang posters in illegal places.
"I wouldn't call it bothered. They don't
interrupt me, they just ask if I have any
questions," Crawford said.
i3 resn man Dell
Grimmett said, he has
been bothered, both by
people knocking on his
door and having fliers
placed on his door
without permission.
"They take it upon
themselves to assume
you're interested. They
intrude in your life -
March 22-23
OUL, rmme111L SUM.
Residence Hall Association President
Jason Taylor said RHA is cracking down on
students illegally campaigning in residence
halls this year. "Over the past few years
(especially this year with the elimination of
campaigning in Angell Hall), RHA has
tried its best to inform residents in the halls
and candidates running for office of the
rules regarding campaigning in the halls,"
said Taylor, a Rackham student.
"However, each term, the rules are broken
IIIMU WI ltug Cgi Wyb, lt du.
Broken rules, Taylor said, range from
knocking on students' doors at times other
than those designated - 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.,
not filling out an authorization form with
RHA and carrying it at all times, and plac-
ing signs on areas outside of public posting
boards. LSA junior and RHA member Mark
Giska said in a written statement that "we
all realize elections here at the University
are competitive, but this does not allow resi-
See MSA, Page 2
there must be a better way to get the word
SACUA discusses
intercollegiate sports
S Iceman Nate Dault of the Lakes State Service Company
Mans up, after an explosion yesterday at 1412 Geddes
Ave. leaves many homeless.
Gas explosion
rtcks buildin
avid Enders
MyStaff Reporter
An explosion yesterday afternoon left residents of a 10-unit
apartment building at 1412 Geddes Ave. uninjured but tem-
porarily homeless. Residents stood outside in the light rain
waiting for roommates to return to the building as emergency
By Jodie Kaufman
Daily Staff Reporter
Issues surrounding intercollegiate athletics
and education were up for discussion at yes-
terday's Senate Assembly meeting at Rack-
Larry Root, chair of the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics, addressed the
assembly on the group's responsibility "for
academic matters relating to intercollegiate
Presently, the University's standards are
that an athlete must maintain a 2.0 grade
nnint nv~rrap in n r rto he1,0 oih fi-Ij7tc), rtic-f..
versity requirement.
That is when the board comes into play, and is
able to mediate decisions regarding an athlete's
eligibility, Root said.
Student athletes who maintain a 3.0 GPA
for three consecutive semesters are awarded
at a ceremony in the spring.
Also, student athletes are required to take
at least 12 credit hours per semester, and are
encouraged to take 15, said board member
Bonnie Metzger.
"In general our student athletes do very
well, they graduate and do very well, and
those that don't graduate go into the major
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