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January 12, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-01-12

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 12, 2000


Continued from Page 1
But students said they are con-
cerned the proposed policy would
end up hurting those who want extra
tickets for friends and family and
not profit.
Bodnar said that under the pro-
posal special identification cards
would be issued to dependents,
spouses or registered domestic part-
ners, but other allowances for giving
tickets to non-students would not be
Michigan Marching Band member
Barry Deatrick said band members
are able to purchase season tickets
and are reimbursed by the Athletic
Department. Deatrick said band
members give tickets to friends and
family so they can see them perform
at half-time.
"I usually give my ticket to my
brother so he can see the show," said
Deatrick, an LSA senior.
Other students expressed the concern
that checking identification at the gate
would prolong the process of getting
into the stadium. "It's already a hassle
to get in the game. Why cause more
headaches? People always find a way to
get in anyway," LSA first-year student
Melanie Johnson said.
Bodnar said the Ticket Committee
is considering the system based on
reported success from other univer-
sities including Louisiana State

University, which has used the ID
check system for more than four years.
LSU associate ticket manager
Brian Brossard admits that checking
IDs "becomes cumbersome" but
said he still believes the policy to be
effective. Holly Adams, assistant
ticket manager at the University of
Nebraska at Lincoln, agrees that
checking IDs has helped to maintain
a true student section.
Bodnar and fellow Ticket
Committee member Bob Chaddock
traveled to Florida State University
to observe a similar policy in action.
He said the policy seemed to cause
few problems while creating the stu-
dent atmosphere desired.
Bodnar said once the policy is
perfected, there will be few prob-
lems getting the students in the sta-
dium in a timely manner.
Both Bodnar and Papadopoulos
acknowledge that, if implemented,
the policy could be met with resis-
tance by the students, but that the
policy is in the students' best inter-
While the policy will not create
more student seats, Bodnar said it
will ensure that more University stu-
dents get to enjoy the game.
Students can express their opin-
ions about the proposal by e-mailing
mtickets@umich.edu or calling the
Ticket Office at 764-0247.
- Daily Staff Reporter Jeannie
Baumann contributed to this report.

Continued from Page 1
from Lake Orion, said there's "no
sense to having an empty stadium,
I'd rather see it redeveloped."
While the design teams have
thought of many creative ways to
develop the selected areas, they are
only suggestions.
Architecture and Urban Planning
Dean Douglas Kelbaugh said, "It is
up to the community to take these
There is no scheduled deadline for
when the city will decide on its
plans for Tiger Stadium and the sur-
rounding area.

Yesterday afternoon, Detroit
Mayor Dennis Archer addressed the
public and presented some of the
results of the brainstorming ses-
From there, Detroit city officials
will work within the community to
decide where to go from there.
While Detroit still has a long way
to go, participating members of the
conference feel that this has been a
step in the right direction.
"The production is amazing,"
Kelbaugh said.
He added that even though the
charrette has come to a close, stu-
dents and faculty will continue to
develop their ideas.

Postal rate to increase 1 cent next year
WASHINGTON - Expect to pay a penny more to send cards and letters start-
ing early next year.
And the cost of mailing magazines and catalogs is expected to go up signif-
icantly - proposals that are stirring up a hornet's nest in the business com-
Sending post cards and letters would cost 21 cents and 34 cents respective
under new rates proposed yesterday by the Postal Service. W
"We looked at it and held off as long as we could hold off," said Einar
Dyhrkopp, chair of the postal board of governors. He said the new rates won't take
effect until 2001.
The proposed increases average about 6 percent over all classes of mail,
Dyhrkopp said. They now go to the independent Postal Rate Commission, which
will hold hearings before ruling on them.
Increases vary among the various types of mail and some of the proposals were
not sitting well.
"It's devastating. The average increase for (magazines) looks to be about 15 percent,
which is a terrible blow," said Jim Cregan of the Magazine Publishers Association.
While postal officials say they have seen little impact so far from the growth
the Internet, Gene Del Polito of the American Association for Postal Commerc
says the proposed increases would make that happen.

Continued from Page 1
lot of people come in then and don't
know and try their chances," Glogower
Officers in the Spotlight program
give two-hour training sessions for
employees and owners of bars, restau-
rants and liquor stores.
"We talk to employees about how
important it is for them to spot fake
identification, the civil and legal lia-
bility attached to them and their
businesses if they are caught selling
to minors or if something happened
to a minor they sold to," Zsenyuk
Village Corner is another Ann Arbor
licensed liquor dealer that participates
in the Spotlight program.
"The training is really helpful. Most
of it though comes with practice. We
also receive the training at work. You
just start to know a fake when you see
one, it's on-the-job training," Glogower
Joe Batto, manager of Campus
Corner, said even after being trained by
police, pinpointing minors can still be a
"We can't get 100 percent of fakes
because some of the IDs are really hard
(to identify) because they are from dif-
ferent states," he said. "So, we ask
questions about addresses, birthdays,
color of eyes. If you think too long, it's
not the real ID."
Undercover detectives are not always
present at establishments that sell alco-
hol. "Once in a while (detectives) come

to the store but we catch minors our-
selves," Batto said.
"Sometimes we take the fake ID,
sometimes we don't sell, sometimes I
call the police. A lot of times I just say
that I can't sell to them and they
leave," he added.
Like the seven minors ticketed at
Campus Corner for attempting to pur-
chase alcohol, all offenders must
appear in court 10 days from the day
they receive their ticket.
Zsenyuk said once in court, the
minor has the option of pleading guilty
or not guilty. If he or she pleads not
guilty, a trial ensues.
"The court decides the penalty.
With any misdemeanor there is a
chance of jail time but this is unreal-
istic unless the person is a multiple
offender," Zsenyuk said.
Although police officials and
liquor stores praise Spotlight, some
students are not happy about the pro-
"i think that the program is ridicu-
lous. Honestly, if a minor can get
away with a fake ID, and without get-
ting caught then (he or she was) intel-
ligent enough to drink responsibly or
privately. The things the police
should be investing their time in is
not the sale of alcohol to minors,"
LSA first-year student Dean Focarile
Despite students' criticisms, the pro-
gram is expanding to other local area
police departments. "The Washtenaw
County Sheriff's Department just got a
grant to start up the program," Zsenyuk


Cops not fail to make
use of federal money
WASHINGTON - Five years after
Congress authorized $8.8 billion to put
100,000 more officers on the nation's
streets, the Clinton administration is
having trouble giving away money to
local police agencies, spending records
Police departments that won
Community Oriented Policing
Services, or COPS, funds have spent
just $2.3 billion, about half of what
they should have expended by now,
based on the program's appropriations
and three-year grant schedule.
In May, President Clinton declared
he had met his 1994 goal a year ahead
of schedule by funding the hiring or
redeployment of 100,000 police offi-
cers into community policing.
But the lag in spending suggests it
will take years more before all of them
actually show up on the streets, delay-
ing for some communities the reduced
crime and other benefits that politi-
cians and many experts say come with

an increased police presence.
As of last month, the Clinton admii-
istration had awarded $6.3 billion in
grants to fund the equivalent of
104,363 officers, said Jessica
Robinson, spokesperson for the Justice
Department's COPS office that ove
sees the program.
Bayer ads went too
far, government says
WASHINGTON - Think taking
aspirin can prevent a heart attack?
It can reduce some risk - but not
for everybody. The distinction is
costing Bayer Corp. $1 million, the
tab for a consumer education pr
gram announced yesterday to settle
government charges that Bayer's
advertising oversold aspirin's bene
"Aspirin is not appropriate for every-
one, so be sure to talk to your doctor
before you begin an aspirin regimen,"
say the full-page ads Bayer must run in
four national magazines between
February and May.

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Continued from Page 1
tions about the adult entertainment
industry, he is concerned with the
potential for the legislature to overstep
its bounds.
"I take a pretty firm stance against
pornography ... but there are some very
big constitutional and civil rights issues
involved here," he said.
Hansen also expressed doubt that the
Democrats will be able to accomplish
much this year due to their minority
party status.
"We haven't seen more than three or
four of our bills come out of committee
all year and there is no reason to think
this pattern will change," he said.
Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor) is a
bit more optimistic and said she hopes
to introduce legislation to improve
Michigan's health care system.
"The Democrats are very concerned
about health care ... particularly the
gap in coverage that affects one in nine
Michigan citizens," she said.
Brater expressed some trepidation
about the Republican plan to cut taxes
across the board.
"We need to meet the needs of the
people before we cut taxes. And when
we do cut taxes, they should be aimed
at middle and lower income people,"
she said.

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The state Senate will soon begin
budget appropriations. Sen. John
Schwarz (R-Battle Creek), who chairs
the Senate Appropriations Higher
Education subcommittee, emphasized
his commitment to provide as much
state money as possible to the state
"The idea is to get the appropriation
up to a level commensurate with last
year so the universities do not have to
raise tuition a great deal," Schwartz
Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-
Salem Twp.) echoed Schwarz's
pledge to keep appropriation levels
high, thereby allowing tuition
increases to be minimal.
"One of our goals is to provide more
state funding so we can hold tuition
down. We ought to be able to do anoth-
er 7 or 7.5 percent increase in state
funding," she said.
Smith also outlined the Democratic
Party's commitment to the Higher
Education Learning Promotion which
would offer free community college
tuition to eligible students through the
combination of the federal Hope
Scholarship and a state based tax credit.
"I am also proposing a parallel pro-
gram for the state universities by slow-
ing income and single business tax cuts.
With this we aim to reduce tuition by 25
percent," Smith said.
Continued from Page 1
education so they can be eligible for
better jobs."
Within the next couple of years,
Smith said she hopes to have a plan for
students attending Michigan colleges
and universities where the state would
pay tuition costs.
Under the proposed program, 88 per-
cent to 94 percent of citizens would be
eligible for funding.
"But, the bill will not pass at this
time," Smith said. "We need more sup-
port and 300,000 petition signatures for
the bill to be brought up on the floor."
Smith's discussion ended with a
question and answer session where
MSA members discussed their con-
cerns with the issues Smith raised.
MSA External Relations Chair Peter
Handler said he invited Smith to speak
because she works on higher education
issues that often affect the University.
"A lot of issues coming up, such as
Senate Bill 306, have a direct impact on
University students. She is also able to
tell college students what they can do to
lobby for their rights," Handler said.
"I didn't invite her because she's run-
ning for governor, though, because that is
not relevant to MSA," he said, referring to
Smith~ recent announcement that she

Dozens killed in
Indonesian clashes
AMBON, Indonesia - Religious
clashes in eastern Indonesia and sepa-
ratist fighting in the west have left
dozens of people dead in the sprawling
Southeast Asian nation, witnesses and
the military said yesterday.
Battles between Christians and
Muslims erupted Saturday on Seram
island, some 1,600 miles east of Jakarta,
the capital, and continued through the
weekend and into this week. At least two
dozen people were killed, scores were
injured, and hundreds of houses were
burned down last week, said Sgt. Andi
Ismail, in Seram's main town, Masohi.
While he said the violence appeared
to have subsided, new witness and
media reports today said fighting con-
tinued this week and left at least anoth-
er 21 people dead on Scram island and
Halmahera island, in North Maluku.
The military managed to separate the
two sides after the fighting.
Military spokesperson Lt. Col. Iwa

Budiman said the warring factions
clashed throughout the day yesterday,
burning buildings and forcing thou-
sands of people to flee their homes.
The official Antara news agence
quoted Vice Gov. Paula Renyaan 7
Maluku province as saying more than
1,000 people were missing after fleeing
their homes.
Author claims to be
victim of conspiracy
LONDON - In what promises to be
a landmark libel case over Holocau@
denial, Hitler biographer David Irving
told Britain's High Court yesterday that
he is the victim of an international
Jewish conspiracy to blacken his repu-
The British historian, much criti
cized for his widely dismissed views
that there were no gas chambers at
Auschwitz and that Hitler did not
authorize the extermination of Jews.
- Compiled from Daily wire report 9


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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
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Lost Dav o0:
Tues., Jan 25

Withdraw From Winter Term - with payment of the $50
Disenrollment Fee and $80 Registration Fee.
Drop Classes - with a reduction in tuition. NOTE: some units
(Law, Medicine and Dentistry) begin classes on a different
academic calendar and this date will vary for those units.
Last Day to access Touch-Tone to process election changes.

NEWS Jennifor Yachnin, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nikita Easley, Katie Plona, Mike Spahn, Jaimle Winkler.
STAFF 'ndsey Alpert, Jeannie Baun'"ann, isa Brn, Marta Brill, Nick Bunkley, Charles Chen, Anna Clark, Shotnam Daneshvar, Sana
Danish, Dave Enders, Jen Fish, Josie Gingrich, Robert Gold, Jewel Oopwanl, Michael Grass, Krsta Gullo, David Jenkins, Elizabeth Kassab,
Jodie Kaufman, Yae Kohen, isa Koivu, Karolyn Kokko, Dan Krauth, Hanna LoPatin, Tiffany Maggard, Kevin Magnuson, Caitlin Nish, Kelly
O'Connor, Jeremy W, Peters, Nika Schulte, Jennifer Sterling.,Shoari Terrlonge.Stone, Jon Zemke,
CALENDAR: Adam Zuworlnk.
EDITORIAL Jefey Kosseff, David Waia, Edit@
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STAFF: Ryan Slay. Chip Cullen. Peter Cunniffe, Seth Fisher, Lea Frost. Jenna Grditor, Scott Hunter, Kyle Goodridge, Molly Kennedy,
Cortney Konner, Thomas Kuljurgis, Mike Lopez, Branden Sana, Killy Scheer, Jack Schillaci, Jim Secreto. Job Singer, Jennifer Strause, Katie
Tibnldi, Josh Wickerham, Paul Wong.
SPORTS Rick Freeman, Maiaging Editor
FDITORS: TJ. Berrka.Chris Duprey, Josh Kleinbaum, Andy Latack.
STAFF: Matthew Barros, Rohit have, David Den Herder, Sam Duwe, Dan Dingerion, Sarah Ensor, Mark Francescutti, Geoff Gagnon, Rian
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Stephame Often, Jeff Phillips, David Roth. Tracy Sandier. Jon Schwartz, Beniamin Singer. Joe Smith. l mo Subamanian, Jacob Wheeler,.Dan
Wiliams, Ion Zemke.
ARTS Christopher Cousino, Managing Editor
EDITORS:Gabe Faluri Chis Kula
WEEFKE ND.ETC. EDITORS: Toyin Akinniesurue el Drchniarr, Nicoicapeari
SiS-EDITORS: John Ui tIMusic). .enni Glenn iinu/Purto ing Arts) Caitlin Hail ITV/Now Medial, en Goldtein IBooksl, MatthewhBarrett ilEdm
STAFF: Gautam Baksi. Nick aroughten, Jason lirchmeier. Alisa Claeys. Lloyd Dober, Cortney Duaweke, Nick Faizone. Laura Flyer, Jew
Gopwani, Anika Kohon, Joshua Pederson, Fr n Podolsky, David Reamer, Aaron Rich, Adln Rosli, Neshe Sarkozy. Chns Tkaczyk, Ted Wat
Curts ZimmerRann.
PHOTO Louis Brown, Dana Unnane, Editors
ARTS LDITDR:Jessica Johnson
SIAFF Alison Canter San, Hollenshead Dhdni Jene, Danny Kalick. David Kati, Emily Linn, Marjorie Marshull, Jeremy MVnchik, Joanna Paine,
Sar ; Shenk A~cholle Swu ni5, Alex Walk, Krnltlsu oaChi.
oNLINE Satadru Pramanik, Managing Editor
IDITOURS: Toyin Akinmusuru, Rachel 1Verger. Paul Wang
TAIF Amy Amuni, Angela Cummings, Dana Goldberg, lames Schiff, Peter 0ha.
DE SIGNER:SethBenson

Wed., Jan. 26

Withdraw From Winter Term - pay half tuition, and $80
Registration Fee through Tuesday, February 15. This fee -



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