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March 15, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-03-15

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2 - The Michigan Daily -- Wednesday, March 15, 2000


Continued from Page 1
While one-hour shifts were sched-
uled throughout the vigil, anyone was
welcome to come and read names,
silently or aloud.
LSA freshman Matthew Katz said it
is important "to remember the names,
remember the people" and "to not
allow the people who passed on to be
Co-Chair of the conference Josh
Samek, an LSA sophomore, said Hillel
was able to obtain several books with
close to three million names from Yad
Vashem, a museum located in Israel,
which is dedicated to Holocaust victims.
But, Samek added that only about
two thousand would be read during the

"If we read only a name a minute, it
would take 24 years to get through all
the names," said Lani Roth, one of the
conference's organizers. "We are read-
ing faster than that, but at most we will
get through a couple of thousand."
The subtle presence of this event
only intensified its impact on many
students who walked through the Diag.
Many students did not realize what
was happening at the podium in the
tent, but some of those who did said
they felt obligated to read. Lisa Men-
sch, an Art and Design senior and a
granddaughter of Holocaust survivors,
decided to stop and read some of the
names as she was walking by. "It's a
wonderful way of getting the commu-
nity involved," Mensch said.

Continued from Page 12
pants the chance to improve themselves
as they improve their community.
"I've learned that it's important to
test yourself and make a difference,"
Wofford said.
"The Peace Corps set the precedent
for the government playing a vital role
in creating opportunities for citizens to
serve in local community programs
under local leadership," Wofford said.
An alumnus of the University of
Chicago, Howard University, and Yale
Law School, Wofford has also served
as a senator, law professor, author, and
was president of Old Westbury Col-
lege in New York and Bryn Mawr Col-
lege in Pennsylvania.
Wofford said he hopes students
today will do what students did in
1960 to launch the Peace Corps.
"Young people as leaders can change
this country for the better.
"We have to finish the unfinished
business of civil rights and fulfill the
promise of America for all Americans
through programs that offer equal
opportunities for children and youth,"
Wofford said.
He said through service, students can
make an impression on their communi-
ty. AmenCorps, which is sponsored by
the Corporation for National Service,
was created by Congress and President

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: Wednesday, March 15
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For more information,
. call Nancy Parachini at
(734) 647;2182
or Peace.Corps@umich.edu.


-11- w "W"

Clinton in 1993, and is often referred to
as the "domestic Peace Corps.'
"Recruitment in AmeriCorps has
increased to about 50,000 which is
more than the Marines and the Peace
Corps," Wofford's Press Secretary
Sandy Scott said.
Ann Arbor's AmeriCorps Program,
Michigan Neighborhood, sends its
members to areas in Detroit for service
"Our motto is 'getting things
done.' We try to meet the needs of
Detroit youth and their families,"
Program Director Carmen Wells
The program, launched in 1995,
offers students an education award for
tuition in return for their service.
These opportunities vary from con-
struction to tutoring.
"All our service is done in Detroit
since that is where there is the most
need," Wells said. "It's important to
know that service is necessary and that
there are many different ways to
serve," Wells said.
AmeriCorps participants serve on a
full-time and part-time basis and cur-
rently have about 70 members.
"I would like Michigan students to
realize that spending a year in Ameri-
Corps or the Peace Corps would be an,
opportunity in their lifetime that they
couldn't get anywhere else," Wofford
Continued from Page i
versity will be flown to Los Angeles
to compete as part of a Big Ten
The team will include students
from Purdue University, Ohio State
University, Penn State University,
University of Wisconsin and the
University of Indiana, Blain-Wein-
stein said.
The Big Ten team will be chal-
lenged by teams from other college
conferences such as the Pack Ten
schools and Ivy League universities.
The show will be taped on April 14
and air in the first few weeks of May.
Hosted by Chuck Woolery, the show
began in November 1999.
The game consists of teams of five
players answering multiple choice
questions. Ultimately the team mem-
bers turn on each other in quest of the
ultimate prize, two million dollars.
This is the show's first college edi-
tion. In the past they have had themes
such as TV trivia and the 1970s.
The show airs on the Fox network
Fridays at 9 p.m.
The show's popularity is part of a
recent trend in multi-million dollar
game shows, including ABC's "Who
Wants to be a Millionaire?" hosted by
Regis Philbin, and NBC's "Twenty
One" hosted by Maury Povich.
"A free trip to Los Angeles and a
chance at 2 million dollars? I'm defi-
nitely going to give it a try," Joanna
Martino, LSA freshman said.
Blain-Weinstein urges students to
arrive promptly as the number of seats
available for the quiz are limited and
will be restricted to a first-come-first-
serve basis.
Students must bring school and state
identification to qualify to take the

Deadline looms for
Clinton's license
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton faces a deadline this week
on how to handle a potentially
embarrassing ethics investigation in
Arkansas: Begin a fight to keep his
lawyer's license or give it up volun-
So far, the president has given no
reliable sign of how he will respond to
the state Supreme Court committee's
inquiry into his denial under oath that
he had a sexual relationship with
Monica Lewinsky.
But there are indications that he
does not plan to surrender his
license without a fight. Clinton paid
his annual $100 license fee last
He had faced a March 1 deadline to
pay, so that is not necessarily a signal
of his intention to fight.
But along with his own reputation
for refusing to yield to critics, the
fee payment might have been a sign
that the president wants to retain
what is, for him, the largely symbol-

ic formality of being a licensed
He paid the fee about two weeks
after receiving formal notice of the
charges against him.
Last month, in his only public coin-
ment on the ethics investigation, Clin-
ton seemed to suggest
unwillingness to surrender.
Fla. judge throws out
voucher program
MIAMI - A state judge yesterday
struck d'own as unconstitutional Flori-
da's year-old program of school vouch-
ers, the first statewide system that
allows students to escape failing public
schools and enroll in private institutions
The ruling by Circuit Judge Rl
Smith Jr. in Tallahassee directly con-
cerns 53 students who formerly
attended two public elementary
schools in Pensacola, the only Florida
schools that so far have been labeled
as failing, but has the potential to
affect thousands of the state's estimit-
ed 2 million public school studeits
who would otherwise become eligible
for vouchers in a few months.

House GOP cool on gas tax suspension
WASHINGTON - House Republicans are backing away from proposals to
suspend a 4.3-cents-a-gallon gas tax to help ease spiraling prices at the pump.
Although the GOP labels it the "Gore tax" because of the vice president's tie-
breaking vote in 1993, opposition to a suspension from key Republicans, road
builders and even truckers is sinking the idea.
"Let's not get bogged down on only one dimension of the problem - a sho
term dimension that offers scant relief," House Majority Leader Dick Armey (
Texas) told reporters yesterday.
There's a political attraction to lifting the tax while consumers fume about gas
prices approaching $2 a gallon. And many Republicans have been eager to criti-
cize Vice President Al Gore, whose 1993 vote broke a Senate tie and passed a
budget that included a raise in the federal gas tax to 18.4 cents per gallon.
But transportation projects are favorites on Capitol Hill, and some estimates
conclude that temporarily suspending the tax would cost states $7 billion a year
for roads, bridges and mass transportation.
In a memo to Senate staff, the American Road and Transportation Builders
Association said the suspension, combined with a separate proposal for a one-
year rollback of the 24.4-cents-a-gallon tax on diesel fuel, would cost highv
programs an estimated $10.3 billion. Some truckers agreed that would serious
damage critical road and bridge maintenance and construction plans.

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Pavid Neely
Maria Perdido
Laura Russell
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Deird ra Williams

Hungarians protest
government policies
WARSAW, Poland - On the eve
of a national holiday to celebrate Hun-
garian freedom, about 2,000 support-
ers of the country's two main
opposition parties and civil rights
groups took to the streets yesterday
night to protest the government's
media policies, which also have been
criticized in recent days by the United
States, the European Union and press
freedom organizations.
"Freedom of the press is endan-
gered," said Budapest Mayor Gabor
Demszky, a leading figure in the
opposition Alliance of Free Democ-
rats party, who for the first time in
nine years will not have his annual
address marking the 1848 revolution
broadcast on Hungarian national tele-
vision today. "It's a very serious situa-
The most recent catalyst for the
protests was the government's deci-
sion to appoint only government party
members to the boards overseeing

state television and radio, which have
been accused of tilting news coverage
to favor the two-party center-light
governing coalition and excluding
opposition figures from the airwaves.
But the government also has be*
criticized for awarding radio broadcast
frequencies to right-wing supporters,
excluding more established but inde-
pendent broadcasters.
Researchers clone
first litter of pigs
Researchers in Virginia have ce
ed the world's first litter of clone
pigs, marking the fourth kind ofmam-
mal ever to be cloned and moving sci-
entists one step closer to a
controversial goal of growing pigs
with gene-altered organs for trans-
plantation into people.
Scientists at PPL Therapeutics, a
Scottish company that helped clone
Dolly the sheep, saw their year-long
effort come to fruition March 5.
- Compiled from Daily wire report.

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CONSULTANT: Satedru Pramanik



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