4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 11, 1999 420 Maynard Street HEAT HE Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editor daily.letters@umich.edu " Elian Gonzalez: Under two red, R KAM IN S in Chief T his past week Miami saw hope, anguish, upset and agreement, ard none of it had to do with a missed extra port. First, let me ask you a gestion. Let's say you're a kid again, and your ptrents are work-, Edited and managed by JEFFREY KOSSEFF students at the DAVID WALLACE University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily s editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. ing-class people. Let's also say you have a rich aunt and uncle, and they claim you should live with them and be their child, since they can give you a better life. They promise you every- thing, and there's a decent chance you can get it. Your parents can make you no such promises, but they are your parents. Where do you go? Like you. I've been following the case of little Elian Gonzalez, a The clock is ticking Pass/fail, drop/add deadlines are too soon David Walace Exie a at least until then. INS made the right decision, and the courts should agree. though the hearing pro- vides an unfortunate delay. Elian's father wants him back, and a six-year-old is not in a position to speak for himself. He'll say what- ever someone tells him is right. The United States, and the boy's Miami relatives, have no legitimate claim to him -- no way to tell a fit father he has no right to his son. I understand it's hard to know what to think, because the case in the media sets up as "Home Alone in Miami." Watch Che slip on Elian's Micro Machines while an iron hits Fidel in the face, splitting his cigar into an asterisk. It's been manipulated to levels that sicken- ing. You don't need to know all the details; one will illustrate. U.S. Rep. Lincoln Diaz- Balart (R-Fla.), who wants the boy to remain with his Miami relatives, gave Elian a puppy. It's that thick. We're asking, "Aww, can we keep him? And the puppy too?" The kid is so cute. I want to buy him all the Pokemon cards and Happy Meals he could possibly want. And this is how most of us feel, but we're thinking with our hearts. We should be grateful for our laws at times like these, because they make the right decision when emotions cloud our judgment. Look, I don't see why Elian's father, if he truly wanted his son to live in America, wouldn't just say he wanted Elian to live there, or at least say nothing at all. Presumably, some argue he cannot because Castro's goons have guns on him, or something (an elaborate, mousetrap-style killing device). I don't buy that. The bond between parent and child is so strong, I believe most parents would die for their children. I don't think that's uncommon. Ever try stealing someone's kid? No, and you know why besides morals and stuff? Because if a parent perceives you as ite and blue flags a threat to his or her child, you're in for theme equivalent of a bear attack. Didn't you see the9 movie "Ransom?" I didn't either, but I'm sure something like that occurred. So if I were in; Juan Gonzalez's place and wanted my son to live in America, I would not speak out for him to return, whatever the personal cost: execu- tion, torture, whatever. Could they even kill Juan Gonzalez? To' do so would guarantee the child never returns, and would earn the world's disgust at a time many countries exhibit growing sympathy for Cuba. Juan must know this. I don't think we need to worry about Elian for the same reason. He's now world famous. If you remain uncomforted, consider a bit more. It is an arrogant American attitude that our lives and country are best. Whatever you think of Cuba (and how much of our percep- tion is reality?), we in America do not always treat our children well. And do not forget that many of the poor conditions in Cuba result from our 40-year-old embargo. If you think in extremes, I assume you* believe the child will live a wasted life in a Cuban barrio and die with unused potential. I'll swing that to the opposite end of the spec- trum: How do you know he won't grow up to found democracy in Cuba? Castro turns 74 this year, so I doubt he'll dominate much of Elian's life. After Castro, who's to say what happens? There are few communist states left, and I bet American money will look awfully tempting to his successors. Elian Gonzalez's life doesn't end with a4 return to Cuba (a return that deserves no prob- lems from politicians looking for sentimental headlines). A child is better off with a capable parent, and we shouldn't be so arrogant as to believe the only good lives are lived in America. - David Wallace can be reached over e-mail at davidmw tumich.edu- University students kicked off a new semester of classes last week. But students who may want to take a course for credit will have only a short time to decide - the deadline for taking a class pass/fail falls on Jan. 25, only 3 weeks into the term. This is not nearly enough time for students to determine the diffi- culty of any class. For that reason, the deadline should be extended until spring break. There are several reasons why stu- dents might want to take a course solely for credit. The ability to opt for pass/fail allows students to take classes outside of their concentration without risk to their GPA. This gives students the opportunity to expand their horizons by studying sub- jects not touched on by their concentra- tion. The University should encourage the exploration of many different areas, and taking classes pass/fail can aid in this. With the chance to enroll in courses without having to get an A, many stu- dents are more likely to try more adven- turous classes. In addition, taking classes pass/fail ,relieves some of the stress of a difficult .ourse load, and allows students to 'devote more attention to concentration courses (which have to be taken for a grade). The pass/fail option also gives stu- dents more time to participate in extracurricular activities. There is more to the University than academics, and the free time created by a slightly lighter homework load can be used to participate in the arts, intramural sports, the Greek system, political action groups or any of the many activities on campus. And not only are extracurriculars a very reward- ing part of the University experience, but they are also looked at by graduate schools and prospective employers. In addition to allowing time for extracurriculars, taking courses pass/fail can also give students more time to hold part-time jobs. Because of tuition and the costs of living in Ann Arbor, this is a necessity for many students, and it only adds to the pressure of a full course load. It is also not true that moving the deadline would cause students to slack off. To pass a course, a C- is still neces- sary, and that is not always a given in some of the more difficult classes. Students must put a certain amount of effort into any class, even if they opt for pass/fail. Also, students cannot abuse the privilege, because the University only permits 30 pass/fail credits. Three weeks is not enough time to accurately determine the difficulty of a class. By the time the pass/fail deadline arrives, most students have not yet taken exams or handed in any papers, and it is not easy to gauge the difficulty of a course based on a few homework assign- ments. Pass/fail is a form of insurance for students with a strenuous class load. But for this insurance to be effective, stu- dents need a suitable amount of time to properly evaluate the semester. 6-year-old rescued in the wate!s off Florida on Thanksgiving after the boat carrying he, his mother, stepfather and other CObans sank. His mother and stepfather drownx, leaving himn in the custody of relatives liing in Miami, who demanded the boy remait in the country to pursue the better life his mother sought for him. His father and closest Elatives live iQ Cuba and called for his return Then last Wednesday, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, which met with both the father, JRau Gonzalez, and the family in Miami, deter- mined the boy's father has cusdy and there- fore speaks for him. INS set Jat. 14 as the lat- est date for the boy's return to uba. But yes- terday, a judge granted tempotry custody to Elian's great-uncle, pending aiearing March 6. Apparently Elian will remain in the country CHIP CULLEN GR"I).N.: RE IB* UVRE JUST now) LOKIMOFOR' Segregation, 2000stle AIDS discrimination is blatantly wrong The idea that one group of people should receive "separate but equal" treatment as another group of people is an obsolete notion, "Separate but equal" in actuality is not equal. We are now immersed in an era in which people are steadily becom- ing more conscious of issues such as civil rights, gay liberties and affirmative action. Last April, the 1Ith U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided to segregate HIV infected patients in the Alabama prison system. Doing so will not obliter- ate the spread of AIDS but only con- tribute to feelings of hatred among those infected. Though the effects of the court's rul- ing are exclusive to the Alabama prison system, the ruling offers evidence that people with HIV continue to be the tar- gets of legal attempts to segregate them. The justice system should not punish people for contracting HIV. Many contract HIV due to circum- stances far beyond their control. Rape victims or blood transfusion patients are prime examples of people who could not have avoided obtaining the virus. For these people, it would be adding insult to injury to ask them to attend dif- berent medical centers, live in certain communities or work in specific places. Isolating them would make it difficult to have contact with friends, family, physi- cians, co-workers and other important people in their lives. These are the peo- ple that they should surround them- selves with during the struggle. Being around people with similar ail- but more likely it also will bring about feelings of despair. AIDS patients may choose to attend support groups where they are free to interact and share experiences with other AIDS patients. But groups only last a certain amount of time; people go back to the real world and their own communities. Being around other virus carriers all the time would make patients feel that there is no definite end to the struggle and death is inevitable. It is society's responsibility to provide hope for these people so that they may continue on with their lives. Overall, it is most critical to educate people about the true nature of the HIV virus and how it is obtained. For exam- ple, when prisoners with AIDS are required to practice religious services separate from other prisoners, there is no increase in safety for non-AIDS infected prisoners. It is critical to realize that the only manners in which a person can obtain the virus is through unprotected sex with a carrier, sharing of needles or blood transfusions. None of these are activities that occur while practicing religion or other activi- ties such as work duty or classes. The people who find it necessary to isolate people are not in fact, protecting the healthy. While we have come a long way since the civil rights era, it is critical that we do not rest on our laurels and continue fighting for equal rights. AIDS is one such issue for which we must still strive Dental studerts' education were primary concern TO THE DAILY: The process involved in the grading of two dental students at the Universit has recently received public attention and :mment fol- lowing the filing of a lawsuit b a member of the School of Dentistry faculty Because the University has an obligation t observe the educational privacy rights of all Pf its students, I cannot comment on that specic case. I am compelled, however, to clarify some of the misinformation being reported bout School of Dentistry grading procedures First, the dean does not unilerally deter- mine grades. All grading is done by members of the faculty. In most clinical aid preclinical courses, individual faculty menbers provide input to faculty course directos, who then determine each student's final trade. Issues regarding academic performancare reviewed by the Academic Review Boad which is comprised of eight members o' the faculty and the associate dean for acadevie affairs. When a grade dispute arise, there is a process available for student: to appeal through the Academic Review Bard. with an ultimate right to seek redress froi, the School Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is comprised of six members of the faculty who are elected b' their col- leagues, and the dean, who only votes when there is a tie. Any action the schol takes with respect to its students is done iith careful attention both to the rights of the tudents and to the school's paramount conern for the quality of its education. WILLIAM OTOWICZ DEAN, SCHOOL OFDENTISTRY Living wage is 'welcome realy' TO THE DAILY: Thank you for the Daily's Jan 7 editorial supporting Ann Arbor's adoptionof a living wage. While you correctly state th t the sym- bolism of the city's adoption of a d ving wage is of importance, we believe that number of social service agency employees, parking lot attendants, materials recycling faclity (MRF) workers and other employees of dty vendors will get raises as a result of this Mneasure. For these employees, a living wage wil be a wel- come reality, not a symbol. Ricx MCHUGH VICE CHAIR, VMSHTENAW COALITION FOR A LVNG WAGE Letter perpetuates Greek stereotypes TO THE DAILY: Regarding David Curkovic'! Jan. 5th letter, I am mildly surprised thatthe Daily, d1 _--- =- =n :. O s 1 I 1A A PL.ACE 1'O LIVE lK TR FALL?... WELL, IHAVE SOWMtICE BENCHES BY riICKELS ARCADE' AVAILABLE. _J I. .. z REALITY PARTnERS 11 HOM 1.00 044"o "ftef-. , e4L'. .. .1 .... :~ . ..E. . ":. 1 ..... expressing an opinion of Business School students as money-grubbing. resume pol- ishers concerned only with personal gain, thus rendering themselves contemptible sub-human lifeforms. I am positive the Daily would not publish such a narrow- minded opinion. Admittedly, I only have 21 years of obser- vation to base this next statement on, but I will boldly tender this opinion: No group, especial- ly a group that numbers in the thousands, can be accused of exhibiting uniform behavior. Not Greek system members, not Boy Scouts, not politicians and not lawyers. Anyone that claims otherwise is a fool. The Greek system at this institution annually raises thousands of dollars for charity. maintains a consistent stan- dard of academic excellence and donates hun- dreds, if not thousands, of hours to communi- ty service. The behavior of every member is not always exemplary, but it is never always boorish. To ignorantly stereotype thousands based on the action of a few, whether members of the Greek system or members of a minority, is always a foolhardy pursuit. It is an ultimate disappointment to me as a student of this University, that the Daily continues to contribute to this problem. BLAKE TOWNSLEY LSA SENIOR Israel tainted by injustices . TO THE DAILY: Jennifer Strausz. in her column in Friday's Daily ("There is more to Israel than falafel and conflict"), tells a story of her encounter with a simple, honorable man dur- ing her trip to Israel. Israel, she argues, is not just about the "problems and conflict" you see in thenews, it's also about normal people living normal lives, sunsets and the the beau- ty of the ocean. I myself spent six months living in Jerusalem. I spent a lot of time on both "sides" - Arab and Israeli - and I wanted nothing better than to focus on the real, normal lives that surrounded me. I wanted to get beyond the newspaper headli'nes and stereotypes. And like Jennifer, I also met many endearing char- acters there, including carbon copies of Manny on the predominantly Arab side of they could not get building permits almost impossible for Arabs to receive. They would have loved to forget about the conflict just as much as I did and still do, but for them it was much more than a newspaper story - it was their everyday reality, and all the beauty w Israel couldn't change that. It's a shame that the good, honest lives of people such as Manny are tainted by the unjust practices of that surround them. Unfortunately, ignoring it won't make it go away. CHRIS FARAH LSA SENIOR KKK demonstration. got out of hand TO THE DAILY: I think Washington County Prosecutor Patricia Peters best summed up the story of the KKK-haters' recent trials: "It's not about the government siding with the Klan. It's about prosecuting people who broke the law I dislike the ideas of the Klan as much as a4 other person. Actually, I was a little pleased tor see that someone showed up to look them in the eye and say, "this is wrong." Hatred, intol- erance and violence are things that we can do without. For this reason, I was a little disturbed tc read that someone or other threw stones an4 tore down a fence in response to the Klan gath. ering. The Klan has a right to preach its ideas in a public place, stupid as they might seem to the rest of us. And although we have a rig, (maybe even a duty) to be there and disagr with the Klan, words never justify a violent response. These protesters could have just as effec- tively stared the Klan down in silence from 50 yards away, and they would have looked much better than the Klan by comparison. If they needed to be arrested to call attention to theit cause, they could have managed it without throwing projectiles. I don't want to make a issue of the innocence or guilt* of the sW defendants who ended up being charged with the crimes. The fact remains that the demon- stration got out of hand. I would prefer not to live in a country where an unpopular minority can be bullied and physically threatened by a shrill major- l tip-- r q