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March 07, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-03-07

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2 -- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 7, 2000


U.S. military aid reaches Mozambique

Los Angeles Times
PRETORIA, South Africa - More than 200
of the expected 600 U.S. troops bound for flood-
stricken Mozambique arrived at South Africa's
Hoedspruit air base yesterday. But unlike partici-
pants in most other U.S. humanitarian efforts
around the world, these soldiers will have an
especially tough act to follow.
To put it in military-speak, South African res-
cuers have kicked butt in Mozambique. But,
unlike in the bad old days of apartheid, a predom-
inantly white team is doing good in the neighbor-
ing country and winning praise.
It is feared the flooding in Mozambique has
claimed thousands of lives. About 1 million
people have been forced to flee their homes.
The Mozambican government estimates it
Continued from Page 1.
"I try to separate the good points from bad beh;
much as possible," Bollinger said.
"I many times thought it was resolved but it is r
I'm afraid the escalation is not going to change the
Bollinger said.
Also during the meeting, Bollinger discussed the t
committees which he recently formed - the Info:
Technologies committee and the Undergraduate Comi
Bollinger said the first committee will explore the L
ty's status as information technologies continues to imi
"There is a new revolution happening in the wo
we are asking 'are we organized as a University tha
us able to teach about all of these phenomena?"'
Bollinger said the committee is also investi
whether the University is using the new technologie
extent that it should be.
The University has been focusing on the underg
experience "forever," but the Undergraduate Con

will cost$250 million to rebuild roads and
bridges. Food assistance will be needed well
into next year because of lost crops and
ruined farmlands.
Yet for all the misery, the February rains also
gave southern Africa some unlikely heroes,
While most of the world was just watching, about
75 South African soldiers rescued more than
15,000 people and delivered 600 tons of food and
medical supplies.
"The South Africans were the first and have
stayed the longest," said Annie Foster, the
Mozambique field office director for Save the
Children. "They have been amazing. My hat real-
ly goes off to them."
The South Africans are the biggest regional
power in southern Africa. But they also share a
lot of bad history.

3 officers convicted in Louima case
NEW YORK - Amid heightened tension between the police and the black
community, three white officers were convicted yesterday of a cover-up in the
attack on a Haitian immigrant brutalized with a broken broomstick in a station
house bathroom.
The guilty verdicts in one of New York City's most notorious cases of police
brutality came 10 days after four white officers were cleared in the shooting
West African immigrant Amadou Diallo, an unarmed black man who died a b
rage of 41 bullets. In yesterday's verdict, former patrolman Charles Schwarz and
officers Thomas Wiese and Thomas Bruder were found guilty of lying to investi-
gators to conceal Schwarz's role in the 1997 attack on Abner Louima, who suf-
fered severe internal injuries.
"This is not a happy occasion for us. We are not opening champagne bottles."
Louima cousin and family spokesman Samuel Nicolas said, adding that the fam-
ily can now start the healing process.
The officers' convictions carry up to five years in prison. No sentencing date
was set. Schwarz also could get life in prison when he is sentenced for his 1999
conviction on charges of holding down a handcuffed Louima as fellow Officer
Justin Volpe sodomized him with a broken broom handle.
Attorneys for all three men said they will appeal, and Schwarz's lawyer said 1
asked that Schwarz be placed on suicide watch in jail.

Flood victims wait for medical attention at the Doctors
Without Borders medical center in Chokwe, Mozambique

will "especially look at admissions, how we recruit, and
how we convey the identity of the University," he said.
Bollinger said the University lacks the large endowments
that competitive institutions receive. As a result, the other
institutions are able to funnel extra money to financial aid.
Bollinger said he wants the committee to look into what
the University can do to help with this problem.
SACUA members also expressed concern about the fac-
ulty parking crunch.
The committee members recently took an informal sur-
vey of the campus Blue Lots, which permit only motorists
with passes to park in the lots. Survey results found that
some lots were not enforced and are planning on conduct-
ing additional studies on the Church Street and School of
Business Administration parking structures Thursday, said
SACUA chairwoman Sherrie Kossoudji.
Bollinger said a factor in the crisis is the fact the Univer-
sity's faculty and staff population has risen, but the numbers
parking spaces have not.
"We have a plan for two years out, but the big problem is
what to do in the interim," Bollinger said.

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Continued from Page 1.
In the Democratic primaries, Vice
President Al Gore is in position to
make a Super Tuesday sweep over for-
mer New Jersey senator Bill Bradley.
"Gore is going to win Califor-
nia," Mulholland said. "Gore is
going to win all 15 states tomor-
But Gore officials are hesitant to
declare themselves the winner prema-
"It's nice to be ahead in the polls ...
but we're not taking a single vote for
granted," Gore spokesman Douglas
Hattaway said. "It certainly could be a
decisive victory depending on how the
votes go."
The race for the GOP nomination
doesn't appear as clearly defined.
"I don't think either of the candi-
dates will have a clean sweep," Allen
A win for Gore today may squeeze
the last breath out of Bradley's cam-
paign efforts and allow Gore to focus
on the general election.
Bradley failed to make a clear dis-
tinction between him and Gore on pol-
icy issues, Achen said.
Conservative candidate Alan Keyes,
who has not won a primary, has con-
tinued to campaign.
"We never go into these things
with expectations," Keyes spokes-
woman Connie Hair said. "Nobody
in politics should have expectations."
Despite Keyes' electoral losses, his
campaign has seen increased funding
since last year, Hair said.
Continued from Page 1
University and WJR terminated their
contract with TSN in February. The
company previously owed the Univer-
sity $800,000, making the latest bal-
ance $2 million.
TSN President Will Tieman could
not be reached for comment yesterday.
The company's insolvency could
make it extremely difficult for the Ath-
letic Department to regain any of the
owed funds, as other creditors'have
first crack at any leftover funds.
"The University is studying options
to recuperate the funds," Krislov said.
"There may be problems. But we
haven't given up."
The rest of the department's newly
projected losses stem from a decline in
alumni gifts and licensing revenues,
which could bring the total loss to
almost $3 million. According to the
department's financial statements, gifts
compose up to $3.3 million of the
department's $47.6 million budget.
Goss was not involved in the origi-
nal contract. It was signed during the
tenure of former Athletic Director Joe
But Goss was involved in the deci-
sion this summer to keep talks alive
with the struggling company for at
least six months.
Kasdin confirmed that one reason
why the Athletic Department opted
with TSN and disregard the payment
troubles was an effort by the depart-
ment to retain the current slate of
advertisers because football season
was drawing near.
Sources also said that it is highly
unusual to see a third party like TSN
handle the advertising and affiliates.
Usually individual radio stations cover
those areas.
A majority of the athletic depart-
ment feels frustrated with the fact that
so many cost-cutting measures have
been neutralized by a factor outside of
its control.

The University is just midway
through its fiscal year, which means
that there is still time to overcome
these projections.

Officials expect oil
prices to increase
WASHINGTON - Already at
nearly $1.50 a gallon or more, gaso-
line prices are likely to jump another
20 cents by the end of May and soar
even higher as the summer driving
season takes hold, the government
said yesterday.
The oil exporting countries may
boost production soon to ease the
acute shortage that has seen crude
prices climb to nearly $32 a barrel,
but the additional oil, ever if
pumped immediately, "would
undoubtedly be too late" to keep
gasoline prices from rising, accord-
ing to a report released by the Ener-
gy Department.
No matter what production deci-
sions are made, "retail gasoline
prices are poised to surge to
unprecedented levels before the
spring is out," said the report. It
said U. S. gasoline stocks were
"alarmingly low" and that the
country was "moving into unchart-
ed territory" as far as gasoline mar-

kets are concerned. Despite the
high prices, motorists are giving lit-
tle sign that they are changing travel
plans or rethinking their zeal for
gas-guzzling cars and sport utility
High court to revievx
school prayer case
SANTA FE, Texas - Public prayer
may return to America's schools this
year, thanks to the determined efforts
of this small and strongly Baptist
town near the Texas Gulf Coast.
But the school board here wants
something more: A student leading a
prayer at school events, ranging from
assemblies and graduation ceremonie4
to Friday night football games.
Later this month, the school
board's case will go before the U.S.
Supreme Court, and it could trans-
form the school-prayer issue nation-
wide. If the justices uphold
student-led prayers, the decision
could clear the way for all schools to
put the question of public prayers to
a vote of their students. -.


Labor Party faces
mayoral opponent
LONDON - British Prime Minister
Tony Blair's "new Labor" Party faced
its most serious challenge yet yesterday
when dissident member Ken Living-
stone announced that he will run for
mayor of London against the party's
official candidate.
Livingstone, a popular London
native who represents Labor's socialist
roots, will campaign as an indepen-
dent against Blair's handpicked candi-
date, former Health Secretary Frank
The Conservative and Liberal Demo-
cratic contenders to become the first
popularly elected mayor of London
welcomed news of the Labor division,
while Blair went on the offensive,
insisting that election of Livingstone
would be "a disaster" for the capital.
Livingstone is starting out as the
front-runner in the bid for London's
approximately 5 million votes. The
winner of the May 4 election will have
the largest personal mandate in Britain,

which has a parliamentary system, and
one of the largest in Europe.
A loss in the capital would be a huge
embarrassment for Blair, whose policy
is to devolve power to London and the
other regions of Britain while maintai*
ing support for Labor candidates. It also
would damage the image of invincibili-
ty he has managed to retain during
nearly three years in office.
China increases
military spending
BEIJING - China announced a
12.7 percent increase in militar
spending yesterday - at least th
eighth straight double-digit jump -
as the army tried to influence rival
Taiwan's presidential election and
again threatened war.
The $14.5 billion defense budget,
presented by the finance minister to
the legislature, continues higher
spending begun in the early 1990s to
modernize the 2.5 million-member
- Compiled from Daily wire report

JI 1
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