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March 06, 2000 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2000-03-06

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'U' chosen to
participate in
Internet2 access
Selected to join a team of 10 other
institutions, the University will partici-
pate in the "Early Adopters Program,"
an initiative designed to advance cam-
pus computing technologies in prepa-
ration for Internet2.
The program, which is sponsored by
the Ann Arbor-based company Univer-
sity Corporation for Advanced Internet
Development with funding from the
National Science Foundation, will pro-
vide a testing ground for the utilization
* ofimiddleware technologies. Middle-
ware, also known as the middle layer,
is comprised of authentication, autho-
1iztion and security services.
As a result of being a participant in
. h program, the University will have
access to advanced software that would
improve stability and security for the
.University's computing. The University
will also offer the opportunity to create
a national model for the implementa-
tion of the technology. The selected
universities, which include Johns Hop-
kins University, University of Southern
California and Dartmouth College,
were chosen based on proposals. The
proposals were judged for their com-
mitment to pursue the deployment of a
cpre middleware infrastructure.
Series celebrates
achievements of
blacks in fine arts
The University's School of Music
and the University Musical Society
will be wrapping up their week-long
celebration of the achievements of
blacks in the fine and performing
today, tomorrow and Wednesday.
The series of events, which include
performances, lectures and discus-
sions, also focuses on the relationship
between arts and education. Today's
events will include a panel discussion
highlighting the impact of gospel
music at 9:30 a.m., a talk by choreog-
rapher Pamela Joseph titled, "Learn-
ing Through the Art of Dance"
sleduled for 2:30 p.m., and a cham-
bers music concert at 4 p.m. All three
_events are scheduled to take place in
Rackham Auditorium.
There is a day-pass available for all
three events for $20. Tomorrow's
events at Rackham Auditorium include
a discussion by theater professor
OyamO Gordon titled "The Impact of
Theater and Drama on Learning" at 9
a.m. and a performance of excerpts
from Liyanja and Colored Peoples
Times by students at 2 p.m. For more
details about events and admission
costs please call 764-0596.
,_ C enter to host
forums on human
rights violations
The University's Center for European
StSudies will sponsor a series of events
Thursday focusing on the causes of
gross violations of humans rights.
The discussions will be held in Room
1636 of the International Institute and
begin at 9 a.m. with an event titled
"Refugees." Brian Porter, assistant pro-
: ssor of history, will chair the discus-
sion, which will include presentations

by visiting history Prof. Albert Van
Qt:udoever and Jacqueline Bhaba from
the University of Chicago Law School.
The series will continue at I p.m.
with political science Prof. Harold
Jacobson hosting a session on the
"Minority/Majority." Contributors
include Bernard Cook from Loyola
University and Carole Fink from Ohio
date University.
The series will conclude at 3 p.m.
when Daniela Gobetti from the Center
for European Studies is scheduled to
lead a discussion on "The Role of
International Law." Bling Ling and
Beter Kalbe, visiting professors at the
Law School will also participate in the
X Compiled Ifom stafffreports.

The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 6, 2000 - 3A
School shooting
spurs success of
gun lock giveaway

An Amtrak train arrives at the Ann Arbor station yesterday. Certain routes may be changed to go
through Ann Arbor.
Amtr ak may Ireroute
l*intofes through city

FLINT (AP) - In the wake of the shooting
death of a 6-year-old girl, 200 free gun locks
were distributed to people here within about
30 minutes.
Last week, a 6-year-old boy killed fellow
first-grader, 6-year-old Kayla Rolland, with a
stolen handgun he apparently discovered
loaded and lying in a bedroom at a "flop-
house" where he was staying.
The shooting occurred a day after the two
apparently had scuffled on the playground at
Buell Elementary School in Mount Morris
Prosecutors have said the boy is too young
to understand what he was doing and proba-
bly won't be charged.
The child told investigators Wednesday that
the shooting was an accident and that he had
only been trying to scare the girl.
The boy put the gun in his desk after the
shooting and went to the school office, school
Superintendent Ira Rutherford said. And after
police questioned him he sat there drawing
People showed up well in advance of the
giveaway Saturday. The locks are intended to
prevent small fingers from slipping around
the trigger of a gun.
"Keep them coming," shouted gun owner
Henry Bilal of Flint, who came too late to get
a lock. "You've got our attention."
The free Master Lock brand key-entry gun
lock is a metal cylinder that is installed to block
the trigger, making it impossible to fire the gun.
President Clinton has said he would push
congressional leaders to pass legislation requir-
ing the locks; gun advocates have countered that
such talk is an empty political gesture, and
criminals will still have access to guns.
Many gun manufacturers are already dis-

"But it's important that
people understand this
doesn't replace
education and warning
that guns aren't toys."
- Mary Grba
President-elect of the Flint chapter of the
Emergency Nurse Association
tributing them with new guns.
The lock distribution was coordinated by
the Flint chapter of the Emergency Nutrses
"We probably could have given away a
thousand," said Mary Grba, a registered nurse
with Genesys Health System and president-
elect of the nurses group. "But it's important
that people understand this doesn't replace
education and warnings that guns aren't toys."
Children should be taught the difference
between gun violence on television and the
real-life consequences of firearm use, and to
leave guns alone if found, she told The Flint
Journal for a story Sunday.
The association plans another giveaway in
about a month and also will hand out gun
locks at a safety fair in Holly on May 20.
Hunter Larry Jozwiak of Flushing was
among the first in line.
"My rifles are in a locked gun cabinet and
the room is locked, but you can never be tbo
safe," said Jozwiak, who has two children,; a
newborn and a 2-year-old.

By Jon Zemke
Daily Staff Reporter
In an effort to open itself up to a wider pas-
senger base, Amtrak announced plans last week
to route trips from Chicago to New York City
and Chicago to Toronto through Ann Arbor.
"These are visions for the future," said Clif-
ford Black, Amtrak's director of public affairs.
"They will eventually take place, exactly when I
don't know."
Although Black said these plans are tenta-
tive, he expects them to materialize within the
next few years.
The rerouting will add stops in Ann Arbor
and Dearborn, while eliminating stops in Lans-
ing, Durand, Lapeer, Flint and Port Huron for
the Westbound Lakes Cities and the Westbound
Wolverine routes.
"There are great offerings for Ann Arbor, but
not right now," Black said. "Amtrak has long-
term plans to significantly increase train service
to Ann Arbor, Toronto and New York."
Ann Arbor residents who want to take the
International Route to Toronto have to board at
the Windsor station, because the Chicago to
Toronto route passes through Port Huron. The
Ann Arbor station is not part of the direct route
between the Lake Shore Limited route from
Chicago to New York.
Amtrak may also create a Twilight Express,
which would connect Chicago and New York

City via the Toronto route through upstate New
York. "We plan, as a vision, to operate an
overnight train from Chicago to New York with
stops in Ann Arbor and Dearborn," Black said.
"It would go through Canada, but it wouldn't
make any stops"
The stops in upstate New York would include
Buffalo, Syracuse and Albany on the way to
New York City. Amtrak estimates the Chicago
to New York trip would take one day.
Passengers had mixed feelings on the new
route changes. University alum Joe Griffith was
critical of the route changes. "That's where I am
from (Flint), and quite a few people are upset
about that," Griffith said. "And they're raising
prices too, so they're not too happy about that
Griffith also spoke about the numerous peo-
ple from the mid-section of Michigan's lower
peninsula that were going to be inconvenienced
by the route changes.
"I know a lot of people from up there are
going to have to come down here to go to
Toronto and New York, and from what I hear
they're not too happy with that," Griffith said.
Other passengers applauded the rerouting,
saying it would be a convenience to residents in
southern Michigan.
"It would be great to hop a train to New
York," Eastern Michigan University alum Steve
Burlison said. "If it's faster and saves money, I
would take the train the more often."





Jaye arrested in
Macomb for alleged
drunken driving

State Sen. David Jaye was arrested
on suspicion of drunken driving and
failed a Breathalyzer test early yes-
terday, a sheriff's inspector said.
Jaye, who has faced drunken dri-
ving charges previously, was
stopped by sheriff's deputies around
1:30 a.m. on state Highway 59 and
released on $100 bond at about 6
a.m. yesterday, Macomb County
sheriff's Inspector Mark Hackel
said. Jaye cooperated with the
deputies, Hackel said.
Because Jaye has not been
arraigned and the information has
not yet been forwarded to prosecu-
tors, Hackel said he could not dis-
close Jaye's blood-alcohol content.
A blood-alcohol content of 0.10
percent or higher is considered
drunk under Michigan law.
Jaye's attorney, Rob Huth, said
yesterday afternoon he hadn't had a
chance to review the sheriff's
department report.
"It is my understanding that his

blood-alcohol was right at or around
the legal limit and there may be mit-
igating circumstances. If not, I
expect him to square up and take
responsibility for his action," Huth
Jaye could not be reached for
comment yesterday afternoon.
"I have been a strong supporter
of and always voted for tough drunk
driving laws that we are all subject
to," Jaye said in a statement
released by his office.
"I am seeking counsel from my
family and friends and ask for their
prayer during this trying time."
Jaye, a Washington Township
Republican, served three weekends
in jail in 1993 for drunken driving.
He was arrested Feb. 2, 1993,
after rolling through a stop sign in
rural Webberville, about 20 miles
east of Lansing. He was charged
with operating a vehicle under the
influence of liquor and having an
unlawful bodily alcohol content
above 0.10 percent.

What's happening in Ann Arbor today
EVENTS Pkwy. (south of Washtenaw), 7 terian Church, 1432 Washte-
p.m., 971-0605 naw, 426-3903
Rhythm and Production, Sponsored EPub Quiz, Sponsored by Conor
by Taubman College, Vincent O'Neill's, Local high school Eng- SERVICES
James presents the Guido A. lish teacher Geoff Cost offers
Binda Exhibition, through March trivia questions for audience Campus Information Centers, 764-
24, Art & Architecture Buildin members to answer, Prizes INFO, info@umich.edu, and
Room 2106, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., 76-. awarded, Conor O'Neills, 318 S. www.umich.edu/~info on the
1300 Main, 9 p.m., 665-2968 World Wide Web
Jewish Art Show, Sponsored by Hil- M"Some Mysteries of Love," Spon- *Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley
r__... _!- Arpt9b1 i niversitvPhilosonhv. 1. " - n- I"1(


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