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February 22, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-02-22

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One hundred nine years ofedtonalrfreedom

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CLASSIFIED: 764-0557

=ebruary 22, 2000

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By Tiffany Maggard
Daily Staff Reporter
After two weeks proposals and counter pro-
posals - but no face to face dialogue - mem-
rs of Michigamua and the Students of Color
Coalition met in private session last night to
discuss a resolution to the two week long occu-
pation of the seventh floor of the Michigan
Three representatives from Michigamua
and three SCC members, along with their
own legal counsel and Interim Vice Presi-

dent of Student Affairs E. Royster Harper,
discussed the SCC resolution proposal
released this weekend.
Michigamua spokesman Nick Delgado said
the group agreed to three items during the
® Michigamua will deliver a formal apology
to the Native American community.
Michigamua will scrutinize the use of its
name and the use of its members' nicknames.
* Michigamua will continue the process of
removing and proper redistribution of all cul-
tural materials.

"This is a significant step in a historical per-
spective. It's a demonstration of the current
group and its willingness to make significant
changes in making the University better and
the group better," Delgado said.
The complete SCC proposal includes
eight demands, including Michigamua and
the University delivering public apologies
to the community, Michigamua having to
apply for office space as other student
organizations on campus do and asking the
University to fund a complete restructuring
of Michigamua's office, which SCC

believes should be converted into a cultural
During the meeting Harper introduced an
administrative proposal to the groups. Reil-
ly said the document reiterated a statement
by University President Lee Bollinger
which testified that the University will not
deny a student group's right to exist, even if
it is offensive to other students, because
such a limitation would deny them their
First Amendment rights.
"We recognize free speech as an impor-
tant part of this University," Reilly said,

"But we feel that when special privileged
space is provided by the University to such
groups, it creates a situation in which the
potential for civil rights to be abused is pro-
portionately higher."
Delgado said Harper suggested that a
committee form to discuss whether space
should be allocated outside of MSA's cur-
rent jurisdiction. But, the statement discour-
aged allocating space based on a group's
reputation, he said.
Reilly said the SCC feels a committee to

resigns as
chair of
By Jeannie Baumann
Daily Staff Reporter
University alum A. Alfred Taub-
man, for whom the College of Archi-
tecture and Urban Planning, the
Medical School Library and other
University buildings are named,
tepped down last night as chairman of
Ae Board of Directors of Sotheby's
Holdings, Inc. on the heels of anti-
trust allegations.
Sotheby's Holding's, Inc., based in
New York and London, is a parent
company for Sotheby's, a premier
international auction house.
"While this is clearly not an easy
decision for me, I have determined
that it is time for me to step down
from my role as chairman," Taubman
d in a written statement.
The U.S. Department of Justice
looked into violations of anti-trust
laws by auction houses and dealers,
including Sotheby's and Christie's, the
other elite auction house. Investiga-
tions included an allegation that Sothe-
by's and Christie's had set agreements
on commission prices. Sotheby's has
recently met with the Department of
4stice in hopes of reaching a resolu-
But several international organiza-
tions, including the European Com-
mission, the Australian Competitive
Commission and United Kingdom's
the Office of Fair Trading have
launched similar investigations. Civil
and class action complaints have also
been filed.
Medical School Dean Allen Lichter
praised Taubman's patronage to the
*liversity, specifically on the Medical
"He's made some important
donations to the Medical Center,
both to support the library and the
outpatient building called the Taub-
man Center," Lichter said.
"In times we needed assistance,
Mr. Taubman has been there for
us. "
See TAUBMAN, Page 2

Support of bigwigs
could spell Bush win

By Jeremy W. Peters
Daily Staff Reporter ,

EAST LANSING There was no
shortage of Republican Party support
for George W. Bush yesterday at a
fundraising luncheon on the Michi-
gan State University campus. Michi-
gan notables including Gov. John
Engler, U.S. Sen. Spence Abraham
and three state Supreme Court jus-
tices attended to show their support
for the Texas governor.
This massive amount of GOP
backing could spell trouble for Ari-
zona Sen. John McCain, who is try-

ing to bounce back from an 11-point
defeat in the South Carolina Republi-
can primary last Saturday.
Yesterday was the last day for Bush
to convince Michigan residents that
he, not McCain, is the best candidate
for the Republican nomination.
To a packed banquet hall of sup-
porters who paid $70 per plate, the
Texas governor confidently pro-
claimed his qualifications and his
plans for the nation's highest office.
"I feel victory here in Michigan. I
am here to ask for your vote and if
you're going to the polls on my
See BUSH, Page 7

UAVID R OCIu r Juaily
Republican presidential hopeful John McCain campaigns yesterday at Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti in preparation for the
today's Michigan Republican Primary.

McCain banks on
By Yael Kohen turnout," McCain sai
Daily Staff Reporter Mane hanitar at Wilk

d, in an air-
ow Run Air-
very large
here is not a
we will win."

YPSILANTI - Before he
boarded a plane headed for his

port. "If we have a
turnout tomorrow, th
doubt in my mind that,

home state yester-
day, Arizona Sen.
John McCain urged
Michigan voters -
Democrats and inde-
pendents - to get
out and vote in
today's Michigan
Republican primary.
A high voter
turnout today could be

Inside: Where to vote and
coverage of Alan Keys'
visit to Mich. Page 7

And he may get it.
State officials are
expecting 950,000 out
of the 6.3 million reg-
istered voters to turn
out for today's prima-
ry. This is a 50 percent
increase from Michi-
gan's last primary
which saw only
666,000 voters.
Many attribute

i turnout
enough Republican voters.
But McCain leads Texas Gov.
George W. Bush by four points in
Michigan according to the the latest
poll released by WDIV-TV.
Ed Sarpolus, vice president of
EPICIMRA, a Lansing-based polling
firm, said McCain has to get at least
40 percent of the Michigan Republi-
can vote to win the primary.
McCain campaign officials remain
optimistic about the Senator's appeal
to Michigan Republicans as he cam-
paigned across the state.
"I think we'll get 42 percent,"
McCain's Chief Strategist Mike Mur-
phy said.
McCain campaigners have spent the
last two days trying to entice GOP
See MCCAIN, Page 7


- - -

the deciding factor for McCain's vic-
tory in Michigan.
"It's going to be based on

McCain's Il-point defeat in Satur-
day's South Carolina primary to the
Arizona senator's inability to attract

George W. Bush signs tee shirts for students yesterday during a rally at
Michigan State University.

1 to announce
construction of
diabetes center
Jalmle Winkler
ily News Editor ,
The University Health System tomorrow plans to
announce a joint endevour with the Juvenile Diabetes Foun-
dation to construct a $6 million research center based at the
University Hospitals.
Researchers at the new center will attempt to tackle com-
plications related to diabetes including vision failure, heart
problems, nerve damage and kidney failure.
t tomorrow's news conference, the University and
F will present their plans for clinical research and
officials will tour the University laboratories and treat-
ment areas where most of the new research will occur.
University officials said in a written statement that the
new center's mission "fits perfectly" with the ongoing work
of the University's Michigan Diabetes Research and Train-
in Center. which already studies diabetes at the molecular

First throw

Residence halls may
offer Caller ID in fall

By Anna Clark
Daily StaffReporter

Leaping on the technologically advanced
bandwagon, the University is prepared to offer
Caller ID to campus residence halls next fall.
Eastern Michigan University and Michigan
State University installed similar systems earlier
this year.
"We have been exploring the possibilities for
about a year now, and we're technically poised to
bring Caller ID to residence halls this fall," said
Catherine Lilly, customer service manager of the
University's Information Technology Communi-
Lilly said students have requested access to the
same phone services on campus they have at
home, and it is the University's responsibility to
offer as much as they can.
Eastern Michigan Associate Housing Director

Lilly explained that there are still many
"policy issues" to work through before the
University of Michigan begins service.
"For instance, we don't know who will pay,
who won't, if the service will be optional, if
the University or the students will provide
phones capable for the service," Lilly said.
After a meeting with University Housing
next week, the Information Technology Divi-
sion expects to have plans for the system set
within the next six weeks - before orienta-
tion materials are sent out to incoming stu-
"Our goal is that students will come to campus
next fall knowing the service will be there, so
they can have any equipment they will need,"
Lilly said.
The University, like Eastern Michigan, has a
contract with Ameritech.
"We'd work closely through (the Residence

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