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February 16, 2000 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-02-16

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 16, 2000 - 3.


student arrested in protest of U.N.


Michigan State
student found
dead in vehicle
Michigan State University chemistry
graduate student Wasantha Laku-
marasiri Nawuththuduweliyanage was
found dead Saturday.
Police responded to a call on Inter-
state 96 east of Okemos Road from a
motorist who noticed the car on the side
of the road with its hazard lights flash-
Officers found Nawuththudu-
weliyanage slumped over the steering
Authorities took his body, which was
pronounced dead at the scene by para-
medics, to Sparrow Hospital in Lansing
for an autopsy.
There were rno obvious injuries and
no foul play is suspected in his death.
Dartmouth officials
resolve to disband
Greek system*
Upset with the Greek system, facul-
ty members of Dartmouth College's
College of Arts and Sciences unani-
mously approved a resolution to urge
tbe administration to withdraw college
recognition of the Greek system.
In an 81-0 vote Monday night, with
two faculty members abstaining, facul-
ty members expressed their disapproval
of all co-ed fraternity and sorority orga-
Qhizations. They feel that the system
promotes excessive alcohol use which
interferes with the academic work of
The resolution calls for the building
of additional residence halls to accom-
modate disbanded Greek members.
They hope for the de-recognition to
occur by June 30, 2005 at the latest.
Houses, although independently
#wned by the fraternities and sororities,
are currently financially supported by
the college.
Commission looks
at violence among
same sex couples
The American Bar Association
Commission on Domestic Violence at
the University of California at Los
Wngeles has said that there is a 25 per-
cent to 33 percent occurrence of
domestic violence among gay and les-
bian couples.
According to the Family Violence
Services, the heterosexual domestic vio-
lence awareness movement has been
going on for about 30 years while the
homosexual domestic awareness move-
ment has existed for only five years.
*The Family Violence Services also
said that 95 percent of heterosexual bat-
tering is men harming women, while
homosexual battering is about 49 per-
cent of women hurting women and 51
percent of men harming men.
Many cases of same-sex domestic
violence are not reported because of the
embarrassing nature and fear of being
re-victimized by the courts and police.
The Commission on Domestic Vio-
lence estimates that 50,000 to 100,000
sbians and about 500,000 gay men
are battered each year.
U. Missouri hopes
to curb drinking
Upset about the level of binge drink-
ing and cases of alcohol poisoning,
Charles Schroeder, the University of
Missouri's vice chancellor for student

ffairs asked faculty last Thursday to
~chedule more tests on Fridays.
The campus has already started
implementing the Dry 2000 initiative, a
1 2-step program designed by Prof.
Henry Wechsler of Harvard Universi-
ty's School of Public Health.
The plan requires all fraternity hous-
es to become dry and notify parents
when students are caught with alcohol
on campus. -
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
*Lindsey Alpert from U- WIRE reports.

By Marta Bill
Daily Staff Reporter
When Rackham student Stephanie Lindemann
left Ann Arbor last week to participate in a protest
at the United Nations in New York, Lindemann
said she was ready to take action despite any nega-
tive consequences.
Lindemann was one of 86 protesters arrested at
Monday's demonstration at the U.S. Mission to the
United Nations where activists protested the U. N.
sanctions on Iraq.
"We wanted to make a statement," Linde-
mann said, adding that she strongly believed it
was time to take action in lifting the U.N. sanc-
tions and was "willing to be :arrested or even
go to jail for that."
Protesters started their marclh at St. Patrick's
Cathedral and made their way through the city
toward the U.N., said William Youmans, an LSA

On the steps of the U.S. Mission to the U.N.,
protesters sang the words, "Wake up, the children
are dying" and held pictures of Iraqi children, Lin-
demann said.
When protesters refused police requests to move
from the steps, they were arrested and charged with
disorderly conduct. A summons to appear in court
has been scheduled for March.
More than 200 people attended the protest
against the current U.S. sanctions in Iraq, including
10 University students. The rally coincided with
the ninth anniversary of the AI-Amiriya bomb shel-
ter attack during the Gulf War, where the activist
contend 300 Iraqi civilians were killed.
Monday's protest also marked the end of a 28-
day fast by members of Voices in the Wilderness, a
national organization dedicated to ending the sanc-
tions, said Kathy Kelly, the group's coordinator.
Youmans said action such as the protest is

necessary to spark public discourse about the
sanctions. The sanctions limit food, medicines
and supplies that the U.S. government consid-
ers to be potential components for chemical
It is uplifting to see people dedicated to chang-
ing public policy, Youmans said.
"We can't understate the significance of hearing
voices that aren't heard in the mainstream media,"
he said.
Youmans said the recent resignations of U.N.
officials such as Hans von Sponeck, the humanitar-
ian coordinator in Iraq, indicates his disapproval of
U.S. actions.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said in a
written statement that "the U.N. was doing its best
to implement the humanitarian program for Iraq
and to improve its effectiveness in alleviating the
suffering of the Iraqi people.
"The council itself realizes the sanctions are a

blunt instrument, and that is the reason why the
established the oil-for-food scheme to get assis.
tance tot he Iraqi people. I hope in time Iraq will
cooperate with the Council, and implement its res"
olutions so that the sanctions will be lifted" Annar.
Besides the 10 students who attended the protests
the University has had several ties to the movement,
to lift the sanctions on Iraq. A national conference-
on the subject was held here in October, and the
Michigan Student Assembly was the first student
government in the nation to condemn the sanc-
tions, Youmans said.
"People look upon Michigan as a model for
political activism," Youmans said.
Kelly also said the University played a role irk
bring the sanctions to the public's view.
"There were people from all over the country,
but we felt very connected and grateful to the Ann
Arbor people," Kelly said.

In the zone

Despite administration meeting,
SCC continues tower protest

Pioneer High School senior Marshall 0'Keefe plays video games at Pinball
Pete's on South University Avenue yesterday.
ire damages Hill

Continued from Page 1
Jon Malkovich, an engineerin g
senior and a member of the Vulcans
and Phoenix societies -- which are
both housed in the Union tower -
said some groups have a right to privi-
leged space because they've done a lot
for the University,
"Every person here is privileged
to go to this University. Lawyers
have the right to a special library
and engineers have the privilege to
an enhanced computer system.
Therefore, these groups should be
given a privilege to this space,"
Malkovich said.
Earlier in the evening, University
President Lee Bollinger, Interim Vice
President for Student Affairs E. Roys-
ter Harper, Associate Provost for Aca-
demic Affairs Lester Monts and
Provost Nancy Cantor met with six
members of the SCC for more than
two hours in a closed meeting.
Harper said Michigamua was the
primary focus of the meeting, but
added that administrators addressed

most of the issues on the SCC's 14-
point petition.
"We tried to discuss the concerns,"
Harper said. "We mostly were talking
about progress."
Bollinger said the meeting was ben-
eficial to an ultimate solution, but he is
unsure what step administrators will
take next.
"We're not prepared for (a) mass
meeting," Bollinger said. "I'm work-
ing on a few things."
SCC spokesman Diego Bernal said
the meeting was the first between
Bollinger and the SCC about the
takeover of the Union's Tower.
"The only agreement the University
made was to discuss the issues fur-
ther," Bernal said.
At 12:15 a.m. the assembly

passed the final resolution, which
urges the administration to relin-
quish control of the fifth, sixth and
seventh floors of the Union and
allow OSAC to allocate the rooms
to student groups, as they do now
for the fourth floor.
MSA Vice President Andy Coulouris
said he was ecstatic the resolution
passed. "This ought to carry a great deal
of weight with the administration. Our
statement was clear and forceful."
Michigamua spokesman Nick Del-
gado said the proposal was "nothing
more than an emotional gesture:'
"It's evident the assembly is unable
to make this (type) of decision." Del-
gado said. "This decision shouldn't be
made from the heart. This decision
needs dialogue."

"It's evident the assembly is unable to
make this type of decision."
-Nick Delgado
Michigamua spokesman

Consultant Needed

By Caitlin Nish
Daily Staff Reporter
Ann Arbor firefighters battled a
blaze ip a three-story apartment build-
ing located at 408 Hill St. yesterdtay
Ann Arbor Fire Department Fi re
Marshall Scott Rayburn said the fire
broke out at 3:26 a.m.
While there were no injuries report-
ed, firefighters were forced to rescue
three people from the top windows of
the Amvest Property Management
apartment building.
Rayburn said that some residents
exited the building via low bal-
"We went out back to the parking
lot and the back windows of the build-
ing and the whole top floor were all in
flames. The roof caught on fire a little
and a wire fell and sparked and it got
everyone excited," said LSA junior
Kristina Grabbe, a neighbor.
With 24 firefighters from four of
the six Ann Arbor fire stations help-
ing with the blaze, the fire w'as
under control after an hour, Raybtirn

But, "at 8:30 (a.m.) there was still
a firetruck and six or seven vehi-
cles," said LSA senior Shoshi Der-
row, who also lives near the
According to a posting on the build-
ing's entrance, "the building is not
habitable due to fire damage and use
or occupancy has been prohibited by
the building official."
The fire is currently under investiga-
"It does not appear to be accidental,
it is suspicious,' Rayburn said.
In order to determine whether arson
was the cause of the fire, samples from
the charred remains must be sent for
laboratory testing.
"We have to send samples to the
Michigan State Police for testing. Usu-
ally it is six to eight weeks unless
someone decides to start talking," Ray-
burn said.
If the fire department determines
that there is a possibility of arson,
the police department will be called
in to assist in a criminal investiga-
fight to

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stop cyb ersquatting

DEARBORN (AP) - Ford Motor
Co. has joined the ranks of other corpo-
rations - even celebrities - in making
use of a new federal law meant to pro-
tect trademark names on the Internet
from those trying to cash in on on them.
Signed into law in November, the
Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Pro-
tection Act allows damages of up to

$100,000 from people who try to prof-
it from using trademark information in
Website names.
"Cybersquatting" is the illegal
use of trademark information in
Website names commonly known as ,
domain names, or addresses com-
puter users enter to access a particu-
lar Website.


What's happening in Ann Arbor today
EVENTS tural Arts Building, 1220 S. For- ing, Lay readers present selec-
est, 12 p.m., 913-5831 tions from the Bible and Mary
"Shakespeare in Love," Sponsored "A Day on the Grand Canal wilb the Baker Eddy's Science and
by the Michigan League, Michi- Emperor of China," ArtVideo Health with Key to the Scrip-
gan League Underground, 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Univerrsity tures, First Church of Christ
gWednesday WintergRides, Spon- Museum of Art, video docuimen- Scientist, 1833 Washtenaw,
sredesbytennAbrBidc, clpetations on Chinese, UMMA atudio- 7:30, 662-1694
sored ty the Ann Arbor Bicycle visual room, 12:10 SERmCE
Touring Society, Riders meet at v64-l39o, E:1 CES
Wheeler Park on Fourth Avenue 764-0395:SRIE
and choose their length, pace * Colloquia, Speaker: University of
Chicago Korean literature pirofes- . Campus Information Centers, 764-
and destination of their rie, sor to sneak regarding "Gender INFO infoaumirch edi, and

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2nd Semester


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