2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 16, 2000 NATION/WORLD RESEARCH Continued from Page 1 every second or third year were just as effective. Another study, authored by Kim Eagle, interim chief of the division of cardiology, found that acute aortic dissection - a rare heart disease which occurs with the separation of aortic walls - is responsible for the deaths of a high percentage of patients despite recent medical advances. Researchers found the highest mortality occurred soon after symptoms were present. This finding shows there is an urgent need to diagnosis the disease quickly and then provide care in a timely manner. Another study highlighted in the issue tracks the evolution of a life support system known as extracor- poreal membrane oxygenation. Researchers, led by surgery Prof. Robert Bartlett, studied the first 1,000 patients treated with ECMO since 1980 when the University founded its Extra- cororeal Life Support Program. ECMO in effect works as a lung, oxygenating the blood of the patient so that the patient's organs can recover. It can be used on either ;hil- dren or adults, but is more commonly used on children. Bartlett speculates the success of ECMO may Spding Break 2000 on South PadnE @ the Sherton Fiesta Come experience the best-Mexican Beach Resort in Texas. 203 deluxe rooms, 45 gorgeous condominiums, and a 6,000 square-foot swimming pool are just part of the fun. This beach front property is your Spring Break Party HQ, and has worldwide recognition as a premier resort hosting: MTV, ESPN and upcoming WCW events. Enjoy our restaurant and bar, plus the swim-up Palapa Bar and Grill and beach activities during the first Spring Break of the new millennium. tSheratonResta SothPareIsland it vA Cif It 1a 0 14T 800 222 4010 Sheraton Worldwide Reservations: 800 325 3535 www.Sheraton.com . U a decline in its use because it has allowed s to learn about the recovery of the heart rgs - which had not been possible without >lie Health Prof. Peter Jacobson, along with y Scott Pomfret, have concluded that man- mare organizations must be held legally stable to protect patient rights. examined the federal Employee Retirement - Security Act, the law that regulates employ- isored health care plans. mending the current ERISA or creating new I regulations, the patients will also have the sue their managed care organization. JAMA Continued from Page 1 nals, presented the idea for a com- memoration of the University's sesquicentennial to the editors of JAMA. From there, the University submit- ted nearly 50 different scientific papers to the Journal for publication. Only six of the 50 made the cut and are published in the issue. "We have been working on this (issue dedicated to the University) for months, upwards of a year," said Scot Roskelley, assistant director of science news at JAMA. "Michigan generates top quality research. They fit our appropriate scientific proto- col and passed peer reviews of other researchers around the country ... we turn down nine of 10 research ideas to be published." Omenn said not only does the attention confirm the University's high standards and status within the country; it could also produce even more medical students and respect. "It may bring us students who are deciding between Michigan and other places. The issue may help with philanthropy in that it gives to the very best and makes every single person in the whole health system ... and the students of the University feel good about themselves," Omenn said. The cover of the issue has a por- trait of Victor Vaughan, who served as the Dean of the Medical School from 1891-1921. He is remembered for introducing innovative scientific approaches to medical research. The edition includes scientific articles from University researchers, a historical essay by Markel, reviews on books all authored or co-authored by University faculty members, and an editorial on the future of medicine in the University by Omenn, Lichter, University President Lee Bollinger and Health Centers Execu- tive Director Larry Warren. Although the issue highlights the University's past and present endeav- ors, Lichter said with projects like the Life Sciences Initiative on the horizon there is much to look for- ward to in the University's medical future. "The future of medicine in this University is extraordinary ... and we're looking ahead to our 200th anniversary of this school," Lichter said. STUDY Continued from Page 1 It was conducted in 1995, two years before the lawsuit opposing the use of race as a factor in admissions was brought against the University's Law School and College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts. Jessica Curtin, a member of the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action By Any Means Necessary, said there is a difference between the average white person and those actively seeking to end affirmative action practices. "The run-of-the-mill white person who opposes affirmative action have a complex mixture of both prejudice and ignorance," she said. "People are confused by the misleading rhetoric by affirmative action. The more edu- cated a person is about affirmative action, the more likely they are to support it." Frustrated and disappointed with the University? Need help making sense of your U of M experience? Check out http://universitysecrets.com ,Teamster locals offer Bradley support ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - It was a sudden show of support, a standing ovation followed by an impromptu endorsement from the floor packed with Teamsters rep- resenting locals from South Carolina to Maine. The backing was unofficial for Bill Bradley, who has walked picket lines in his campaign for union support. The national Teamsters organiza- tion remains neutral in the Democratic presidential race, and front-runner Al Gore carries most Big Labor support, including an AFL-CIO endorse ment. But searching for a crack in Gore's wall of labor backing, Bradley basked in the moment. He had just addressed about 400 union leaders attending the 13-state Eastern regional meeting of the Teamsters at a casino hotel here. "I know that the AFL-CIO has endorsed Al Gore," Bradley told the dele- gates. "But that doesn't decrease my commitment to working people in this country. "My position on labor law reform, my position on health care, my position on the minimum wage, my position on all of these issues is not related to whether I got an endorsement or not from the leadership of the AFL-CIO. It's related to my commitment to what a just society should be and to the working people of th country." AcROSS THE NATioN Suspected hackers sought by agents WASHINGTON - Federal agents chasing the hackers who brought down a string of high-pro- file Websites are preparing to ques- tion several suspects in the case, sources familiar with the investiga- tion said Monday. One of those people, "Coolio," is locted in the United States, the sources said. That is also the name used by a person who early Sunday defaced a company Website for one of the most trusted names in the security business. A second is allegedly a Canadian teen known online as "mafi- aboy." And a third is a male who allegedly "confessed" to a staff mem- ber of the popular security site Attri- tion.org. iaw enforcement officials and inde- penident cyber-sleuths have been able to link the online aliases to real names and addresses, and FBI agents were expected to begin questioning them as early as yesterday. Meanwhile, representatives of some ARouND THE WORLD lfr . . of the biggest high-tech businesses are scheduled to gather at the White House at 11 a.m. The companies have agreed to jointly call for a voluntary, industry- led coalition that will share informa- tion on cyber-attacks and how to respond to them - a step that security experts hailed as critical to discourag- ing future attacks. Lobbyists: Religious tenets curb violence BALTIMORE - Hoping it has found an antidote to school violence and moral decay, an increasingly suc- cessful evangelical Christian lobby is campaigning to have the Ten Com- mandments displayed in classrooms and public buildings. And despite some protests, a rising number of state legislatures seem to be buying their argument. The Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council calls its effort to put the Commandments on walls in schools, courtrooms and other public buildings "Hang Ten." Nine states are considering legislation to allow the dis- play. Music does a body geol. IRA halts talks of disarmament standing cease-fire. "Both the British government and the leadership of the Ulster Union- ist Party have rejected the proposi- ... .. ... ... ... .. . ... ... .. ... . now F- LL ill, AOGRO 2000 THE STRING CHEESE INCIDENT Various Artists Carnival '99 LONDON - Northern Ireland tions put to the (disarmament plunged deeper into political crisis commission) by our representative," yesterday when the Irish Republi- the statement read. "They obviously can Army pulled out of disarma- have no desire to deal with the ment talks in a reprisal for Britain's issue of arms except on their own suspension of the power-sharing terms. government in the province last week. Court orders release The IRA said in a statement issued from Belfast that it had bro- of Pinochet's records ken off all contact with the interna- tional commission overseeing LONDON - London's High Court disarmament and had withdrawn all ruled today that the British governme 4@ offers it had put on the table since has to disclose the medical records of November, when the guerrillas Augusto Pinochet to the four European appointed a representative to meet countries seeking to prosecute the for- with the head of the commission, mer president of Chile. Canadian Gen. John de Chastelain. The decision sets the stage for fur- The group accused Britain and ther court proceedings, meaning that pro-British unionists in Northern Pinochet probably won't be sent home Ireland of seeking "a military vic- to Chile for a few more weeks, or even tory" over republicans who support months. The 84-year-old ex-general is a united Ireland. While vowing that under house arrest in a London suburb. such a victory is impossible, it didn't threaten to break its long- -Comnpiled from Daily wire reports The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the university of Michigan. Subscriptions for fail term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $100. Winter term (January through April) is $105, yearlong (September through April) is $180. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated collegiate Press. 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David Victor, Ted Watts PHOTO Louis Brown, Dana Linnane, Editors ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Sam Hollenshead, Jessica Johnson, David Rochkind STAF'F: Kristen Gobe, Danny Kalick, David Katz. Marorie Marshall, Joanna Paine, Kate Rudman, Sara Schenck. Kimitsu Yogachi. ONLINE Toyin Akinmusuru, Paul Wong, Managing Editors EDITOR: Rachel Berger STAFF: Alexandra Chmrelnicki, Dana Goldberg. Jenna Hirschman, Vince Sust. Peter Z hou. DESIGNER: Seth Benson CONSULTANT: Satadru Pramanik DUSIPLS&AES I BStv ones.Manager DISPLAY SALES Steve Jones, Manager r !mve n'A"P' a It l~lNl 'I U")" b.. ..cl I - 4 I W I ~ -< . co I I