- The Michigan Daily -- Tuesday, February 15, 2000 NATION WORLD SOLE Continued from Page 1 Members of Penn Students Against Sweatshops have now occu- pied the office of University of Pennsylvania President Judith Rodin for eight days, asking the Penn administration to join the WRC and drop their association with the Fair Labor Association. The FLA is a White House-spon- sored coalition of corporations and human rights group aimed at curb- ing labor abuses in the apparel industry. Student anti-sweatshop activists have fought the FLA for the past year, contending the group's policies are weak. The University of Michigan is one of the only large schools across the nation not to endorse the FLA. In a written statement, Rodin said Penn's future relationship with the FLA is on shaky ground. "I have developed serious ques- tions about the FLA and a growing interest in the WRC. However, I still need to hear the views of the Ad- Hoc Committee on Sweatshop Labor." Rodin said she has asked the com- mittee to make its recommendations by Feb. 29 and she will address their decisions at that time. PSAS member Miriam Joffe- Block said the group met with Rodin yesterday morning and now the student activists say all they have left to do is wait for the presi- dent's decision. In the meantime PSAS began a 48-hour fast today. Joffe-Block said she and her fel- low PSAS members were tired from fasting but "thrilled by the support that has been shown for us. People have been so incredible and that gives us strength. We are prepared to stay." Last week, students at Loyola University in Chicago held a five day fast in support for the Penn stu- dents, and this week activists from 60 different universities will be join- ing the fast. The students have also won the support of the Union of Needlework and Textile Employees. UNITE President Jay Mazur will join the fast, as well as director of the National Labor Committee Charles Kernaghan. Kernaghan exposed sweatshop labor conditions in Central Ameri- can factories producing apparel for talk show host Kathie Lee Gifford's clothing line. Meanwhile, SOLE members plan to meet with Bollinger on Friday. Disappointed by what they charac- terize as Bollinger's refusal to recog- nize students' demands, SOLE members said they still hope the University will show strong support for the WRC. "Today we were trying to show our solidarity. I feel like Bollinger isn't taking students' demands seri- ously. I mean, look what's going on upstairs," said SOLE member Julie Fry, gesturing towards the Union's seventh floor, which last week was taken over by the Students of Color Coalition. These claims the senior society Michigamua conducts prac- tices that are offensive to the Native American culture. BOLLINGER Continued from Page 1 some should have the privileged status of space is a serious ques- tion." Bollinger said he believes the decisions being made on the Michigamua issues should be dealt with by neutral parties who will weigh the arguments and decide what the outcome should be. People can advocate the worst kinds of actions, and as long as they do not act on them, they can- not be rejected, Bollinger said. SACUA member Jack Gobetti said he agreed with Bollinger. "I wholeheartedly concur -- we shouldn't have student groups dic- tate what other groups do, a wide variety of views are necessary, we as a University should stand up and let these people speak, unless they violate the constitution," Gobetti A& Ilk a ACROSS E NATION Ga. tornadoes kill 22, injures more than 100: CAMILLA, Ga. - Tornadoes descended on rural Georgia early yesterday, ripping people from their beds and piling up mobile homes. At least 22 people were killed and more than 100 were hurt. Dozens of houses and mobile homes in the southwest Georgia town of Camilla were flattened, their metal and siding mangled and strewn across yards and streets. "All you heard was a roar, woo-woo-woo," said Johnny Jones, whose mobile home south of Camilla was thrown on its side. He said he freed his 14-year-oll son, who was pinned under a washing machine, and they crawled out a window. "All I could see was that everything was demolished. People were hollering and crying 'Where's my child?"' he said. The tornadoes struck shortly after midnight as a line of thunderstorms rum- bled through the Southeast, scarring property from Arkansas to Georgia. Author- ities in Camilla and surrounding Mitchell County said two separate twisters cut a 1.5-mile-wide, 10-mile-long path through the county. "It hit the impoverished and the affluent," said Liz McQueen, a Red Cross volunteer who was working at a temporary morgue near Camilla. Fourteen people died in Mitchell County, a primarily rural area dotted with cotton and peanut farms, chicken processing plants, textile factories and a state prison. Gov. Roy Barnes, who flew over the area to assess the damage, declare* Mitchell and three other counties disaster areas. n t. 1I / / _ F' ' J 1 i 'Y ,- r Disoounfted 2nd Semester ay3 Prices! t Free Parties, Beverages, Prizes! CALL NOw Urnlfed Space Remain Reform party looks for next nominee WASHINGTON - After a week- end of "wrestlemania," Reform Party leaders faced an uncertain future, try- ing to build instant stability for a presi- dential campaign that could be led by former Republican Pat Buchanan or party founder Ross Perot. There was even talk yesterday of John McCain - talk he didn't reject, as long as it was clear he'd consider the Reform Party only after he had won the Republican nomination. The party's newly installed leaders said their free-for-all meeting in Nashville, Tenn., had been "cathartic," a rightful uprising against figureheads hostile to Perot's vision of reform. With Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, his hand-picked national party chair- man Jack Gargan and potential presi- dential candidate Donald Trump suddenly out, the organization was returned overnight to stability, Perot's allies said. Others said the nationally televised melee had dealt a major blow. "I think people are laughing at us,' Alabama chairman Jim Turpin, who attended the meeting, said by tele- phone from his home near Birming- ham, Ala. "I'm having second thoughts; I'm thinking about going with another party, an independent party." NEAR begins orbit around asteroid LAUREL, Md. -With near flawless precision, a spacecraft slipped into orbit around the asteroid Eros, becoming the first manmade satellite of an asteroid. The craft starts a yearlong close-up- study of the potato-shaped space rock, hoping to determine its origins and hel' scientists mount a strategy to proteW' Earth from boulders from outer space. A short rocket firing yesterday changed the path of the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) space- craft to allow it to settle into an orbit of Eros. The maneuver completed a four- year odyssey that included a failed attempt to rendezvous with the rock.. last year. 800/328-1509 www.classtravelinti.com 21 said. Bollinger also addressed the alle- gations surrounding men's basket- ball player Jamal Crawford with a positive outlook. "In response to freshman Jamal Crawford, we do not know what will be the final resolution with the NCAA," Bollinger said. "I do think it is extremely impor- tant to keep what we do and do not know in perspective, and be alert to any important influences that exist," he said. le requested that if the story unfolds and becomes more serious, SACUA may want to look into the matter, but at this point Bollinger said he did not think there was any- thing the group could do. Bollinger also updated SACUA on the developments of the pro- posed Life Sciences Institute. Bollinger said he is working on recruiting a director and he is not eliminating potential candidates from within the University. Bollinger said "we are facing one of the most aggressive University- wide efforts to move into a bur- geoning area of knowledge, matched by growth of biotech firms. I think once we apply our- selves, there is no reason why we can't be at the top." Bollinger said he hoped con- struction will begin by the spring of 2001. Four buildings are being pro- posed, including a number of labo- ratories and a commons, where there will be a cafe and conference rooms. The institute will be built next to Washtenaw Avenue across the street from Palmer Field. Bollinger also announced that for now, the administration will remain in the Fleming Administration Building, instead of moving its offices to Angell Hall - which was proposed in 1997. "I am concerned about the cost, and I have faced the fact that even though it is worth it to have the administration located more cen- trally, most people won't find it cost effective," Bollinger said. Bollinger also added that com- munity planning for the next four or 10 years will include the possi- bility of more residence halls for upperclassmen to help combat the increase in local housing costs. Students return to classes after strike MEXICO CITY - Like a city reawakening from a nine-month slumber, the largest university in Latin America sputtered back to life yesterday as thousands of students resumed classes one week after a police raid ended a bitter student strike. But even as the vast majority of the 230,000 registered students and 24,000 faculty at the National Autonomous University of Mexico took up heavy course loads to try to make up lost semesters, several hun- dred protesters marched to the cam- pus to demand the release of 284 arrested strikers. They scuffled at times with strike foes, and march leader Genaro Vera declared: "The strike continues." Those lingering tensions under- score the challenges ahead for univer- sity staff and students, who are seeking to heal lacerations left by a conflict that erupted in April over r ARoUND THE D "i"'Ill ti:i plans to raise fees from a few cents to S145 per term. The strike at the uni- versity, known as UNAM, ended with an unarmed police takeover Feb. 6 after negotiations broke down and clashes erupted between rival stude factions. For Mexicans, the university com- mands an impact far beyond its acade- mic role. Romania won't ay for cyanide spi BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - Romania said yesterday it would n* pay compensation to any other country affected by a cyanide spill that contaminated two rivers - a spill rivaling one in the United. States that cost S170 million to clean up. Romania said it suffered damages when a dam at the Australian-owned Baia Mare gold mine in northwest Romania overflowed Jan. 30. - Compiled from Dailv wire repo* I it s here. a " The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan, Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $100. Winter term (January through April) is $105. yearlong (September through April) is $180. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109-1327. PHONE NUMBERS (All area code 734): News 76-DAILY; Arts 763-0379: Sports 647-3336: Opinion 764-05 Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557; Display advertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550. E-mail letters to the editor to daily.letters@umich.edu. World Wide Web: www.michigandaily.com. NEWS Jewel Gopwani, Managing Editor EDITORS: Nick Bunkley, Michael Grass, Nika Schulte, Jaimie Winkier STAF F: Undsey Alpert, Jeannie Baumann. Risa Berrin. Marta Brill. Charles Chen. Anna Clark. Adam Brian Cohen. Shabnam Daneshvar, Sana Danish, Nikita Easley. Dave Enders, Jen Fish, Josie Gingrich. Anand Giridharadas, Robert Gold. Krista Gulio. David Jenkins. 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Unnane, Edit ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Sam Hollenshead, Jessica Johnson, David Rochkind STAFF: Kristen Goble, Danny Kalick, David Katz. Majorie Marshall, Joanna Paine. Kate Rudman, Sara Schenck, Kimitsu Yogachi. ONLINE Toyin Akinmusuru, Paul Wong, Managing Editors EDITOR: Rachel Berger STAFF: Alexandra Chmielnfcki, Dana Goldberg, Jenna Hirschman. Vince Sust, Peter Zhou. DESIGNER: Seth Benson CONSULTANT: Satadru Pramanik BUSNES' SAF MrkJ. 1 honfrd Bsies Mnaer Aa a~ nim m AV & IC nu . pw " ft&*