2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 11, 2000
Hjacking of Afghan plane ends
STANSTED, England - Hijackers holding
roughly 150 passengers hostage for four days
allowed all their captives to leave the plane safely
yesterday, ending the tense standoff outside London,
police said.
Authorities would not disclose exactly how the
unknown number of hijackers had surrendered, but
indicated they had not been granted immunity from
prosecution in exchange for freeing the hostages.
"We are now into a very complex and involved
criminal investigation, and we have to be very care-
ful what we say," said John Broughton, an Essex
County assistant chief constable.
A sweep of the Ariana airlines jet confirmed no
one remained on board and the Boeing 727 was
being swept to make sure it was safe for investiga-
tors, Broughton said.
It remained unclear why the hijackers seized the
plane early Sunday, 20 minutes into a domestic flight
from the Afghan capital, Kabul.
"We're in the process now of building a detailed
picture of what is required and what people want,"
Broughton said.
He deflected speculation the plane was diverted to
Britain in an elaborate bid for political asylum, say-
ing that would be a matter for the Home Office,
which oversees such requests.
The passengers left the aircraft with little warning,
filing off in groups of about 85 and 65 approximately
two hours apart, illuminated by bright lights The
women and children were allowed to leave first. The
males exiting the plane held their hands in the air.
The first group released was allowed to leave about
3:50 a.m. or 10:50 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Edwards said the released hostages would be
taken to a safe location and would undergo medical
Before the releases early yesterday, officials said
151 hostages, including 21 children, were believed
on board the aircraft, which was hijacked early Sun-
day on a domestic flight leaving Kabul,
Afghanistan's capital. It then took a meandering
journey, stopping in Uzbekistan, Kazakstan and Rus-
sia before landing in London.
As the first surprise release got under way, police
vehicles parked nearby and bright lights lit the stair-
case as a steady stream of people left the jetliner, the
men with their hands in the air.
Moments before that, two of the hijackers had left
the aircraft for a meeting with negotiators on the tar-
mac, Edwards said.
"We have worked hard throughout the day to build
on the trust," he said later. "We have negotiated a
face-to-face encounter between us and two hostage
It was not clear if the negotiations had continued
in person or via other channels.
Police also left a box of unspecified "equipment"
near the steps where the first group of passengers
exited, to assist with negotiations, police spokes-
woman Kim White said. She would not elaborate.
Early Wednesday, the hijackers had ejected a flight
attendant, who was seen being sent forcibly down a
set ofsta irs at the rear of the plane.
His departure came four hours after four crew
members - the captain, second captain, first officer
and flight engineer - escaped by using a rope to
lower themselves from the cockpit and jumping onto
the tarmac.
Throughout the negotiations, authorities insisted
the armed men had made no formal demands, politi-
cal or otherwise.
Air bag proposal could increase risks
WASHINGTON - A proposed government regulation would force
automakers to return to using air bags that deploy with greater force, increasing
the risk of passenger deaths and injuries from the deploying safety devices;
automakers told House lawmakers yesterday.
Lou Camp, Ford's director of automotive safety, testified that a rigorous crash
test proposed by federal regulators to certify air bags would require putting 4
percent more energy into the inflating bags.
"We strongly believe these higher energy levels would increase risks to chil-
dren and others," Camp told lawmakers on a House transportation subcommittee
in speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers. The alliance
represents 1 automakers including Ford, General Motors, DaimlerChrysler and
Air bags have been blamed for at least 146 deaths - mainly young, unbelted
children and some shorter women - in low-speed crashes that they should have
survived, according to government data.
With the 30 mph crash test proposed by federal regulators, auto manufactur-
ers feel compelled to increase the force at which the bags inflate in order to meet
government crash test standards.
But those powerful bags have lead to deaths and serious injuries for dozens
of children and short adults.
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Continued from Page 1.
Ann Arbor resident and University
alum Cecelia Ober said she also is
excited for Monday's protest.
"This is, in terms of human suffering,
the worst thing our government is doing
that we have a real chance to build a
movement to change it," Ober said.
The event will be held on the
anniversary of a bomb shelter bomb-
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ing in Iraq nine years ago, Ober said,
where more than 1,000 civilians were
killed during the Gulf War.
Ober said she has noticed the move-
ment to end the U.N. sanctions has
gained force during the past two years.
There is a greater overall awareness of
the issue, she said, reflected in the
number of newspaper editorials and
protests such as the one this weekend.
"There is more consciousness that the
Iraqi people are suffering," Ober said.
Continued from Page 1
King County Superior Court claiming
Henthorn forced her to co-sign at least
two loans to buy a Chevy Blazer and
gold jewelry for Crawford.
The suit also alleges that LeRoue
was forced to sign on the loans to pro-
tect Henthorn from being linked to
Crawford, stating "the real purpose of
the loans involving Mr. Crawford was
to evade or violate NCAA rules and
Washington state laws."
The University canceled its appeal
process Wednesday and reopened its
investigation based on the reports. The
NCAA does not investigate violation
situations, depending on the school
itself to fully identify all possible viola-
tion matters and discrepancies before a
committee makes a decision to reinstate
the player with or without punishment
or to allow no reinstatement.
The University already has sent rep-
resentatives to Seattle to investigate
the new developments.
Crawford is currently serving his six-
game suspension from the NCAA for
violating an amateurism bylaw. The vio-
lation stems from claims that Crawford
took preferential benefits or services
because of his athletic skill or potential
payback as a professional player.
Lisa Dehom, a consultant for the
NCAA who deals with amateurism,
said there could be more violations
processed against an individual if more
benefits are discovered.
"Every case is separate," Dehom
said. "If they come up upon with new
information then a new process starts."
Crawford could face more viola-
tions or a longer suspension if the Uni-
versity's investigation reveals he took
either the Chevy Blazer or the gold
jewelry. Henthorn has denied that he is
a booster or an agent.
A relative of Crawford, who wished
to remain anonymous, said the rela-
tionship between Henthorn and Craw-
ford was purely goodwill and not only
for monetary gain. "That's not true -
he's not an agent," the relative said.
"He was a family friend for awhile, at
least three years. He helped Jamal
spiritually and to uplift his life."
The relative also claimed no knowl-
edge of other basketball players having
relationships with Henthorn.
Continued from Page 1
those statistics, missing 1,000 people
would mean a loss of nearly $2 million
during the 10 years until the next census.
"Over the next decade,' Chesney said,
"we're projecting $50 billion will be
apportioned based on population alone'
Chesney said other parts of the survey,
including questions based on data such
as socioeconomic and racial status will
provide an additional S50 billion.
In preparation for the 2000 Census,
state officials from the census bureau
are traveling to communities across the
country, trying to emphasize the impor-
tance of getting an accurate count.
U.S. Census Bureau Director Ken-
neth Prewitt joined the Department of
Management and Budget in holding an
open house at Michigan State Universi-
ty spanning the last two days.
Prewitt "noted Michigan has one of
the most comprehensive census pro-
grams in the nation," Chesney said.
Ventura wants split
with Reform Party
Ventura, who rose to political promi-
nence under the Minnesota banner of
the Reform Party, wants to split from
the national organization, officials
close to him said yesterday.
Ventura is expected to urge the
Minnesota Reform Party to leave the
national group, a possible step toward
setting up a new organization - per-
haps called the Independence Party.
"The governor is disappointed with
where the national Reform Party is
right now;" Minnesota party chairman
Rick McCluhan said.
Ventura scheduled a news confer-
ence for today, and several officials
familiar with the event said they
expected him to condemn the state of
the national party as a step toward
separating from it.
Minnesota's senior Reform Party
committee plans a meeting Saturday
to consider whether to disaffiliate with
the national organization and put the
matter to a vote of 300 state conven-
Scientists recreate
origins of universe
GENEVA - Scientists trying to
understand the origins of the universe
said yesterday they have moved a step
closer, creating a "primordial soup"
of subatomic particles they believe
resembles the universe during the ear-
liest moments of creation.
The discovery is a breakthrough in
the attempt to study the exact moment
of the Big Bang, the fiery explosion in
which scientists believe the universe
was born.
In the experiments, scientists at
CERN, the European Laboratory for
Particle Physics, were able to recreate
a state of matter that hasn't existed
since the first few microseconds - or
millionths of a second - after the
The widely accepted Big Bang the-
ory holds that at the beginning of
time, all matter in the universe was
compressed into a tiny ball held
together by incredibly strong gravity.
The ball eventually burst apart, send-
ing the matter that would eventually
become stars and planets hurtling into
Scientists have long believed that in
the moments after the explosio
quarks and gluons - the smalles
known particles - floated freely in
space. Afterwards, they joined to form
larger particles that went on to make
up all the matter of the universe.
3 teenagers injured
in Toronto shooting
TORONTO - Three teenager*
were wounded yesterday when gun-
fire erupted in a high school parking
lot. Police said they were looking for
two male suspects with handguns.
The shooting at Emery Collegiate
Institute in suburban Toronto
occurred as students were going
home for the day, prompting authori-
ties to locked the doors and keep
many students inside for two hours as
a safety precaution.
- Compiledfiom Daily wire reports
tion delegates this month. Such a vote
would clear the way for the state party
and Ventura to officially sever ties
with the national Reform Party.
Ventura is expected to urge the
Minnesota party to begin that process
today, the officials said.
The national party's presidentao
race already was in turmoil.
U.S. Senate approves
Nevada as waste site
WASHINGTON - Over Nevada's
heated objections, the Senate directed-
yesterday that thousands of tons of
nuclear waste be shipped from power
plants nationwide to that state. But the
legislation faces a certain presidentiaj
veto that is not exped to be overcome.
Although the nuclear waste legisla-
tion cleared the Senate by a 64-34 vote,-
Nevada's two senators declared victory
because they had gotten enough sup-
port against the bill to assure a veto
will be sustained if necessary.
"This victory puts the brakes on the
latest attempts by Republicans to bury
Nevada in nuclear waste," declared
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev).
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