4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 10, 2000 tI11e Sliigau Thtig Storming the tower: It takes action to be heard 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily.letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief EMILY ACHENBAUM Editorial Page Editor It seems pretty simple. If a student organiza- tion mocks, offends or discriminates against the cultural identity of a group of peo- ple it should lose its right to continue occu- Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Dailys editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily pancy of a University obvious. So deciding how to resolve the current controversy surround- ing Michigamua, a secret society housed in the tower of the Michigan Union, shouldn't be a prob- lem. right? University officials should just sit lown with members of the group, discuss whether any Native American rituals or artifacts are used during group activities, decide what is inappropriate and building. That seems Michigamua trauma Society's derogatory rituals must go Heather Kamins the members of the Students of Color Coalition to take over the top floors of the Michigan Union tower in protest of Michigamua and the two other secret societies, Phoenix and Vulcan. Members of the Native American Student Association said activists have been "fighting" for more than 30 years against the venerable Michigamua society that boasts famous alum- ni like former President Gerald Ford, play- wright Arthur Miller and hockey coach Red Berenson. NASA criticizes Michigamua because of its "culturally destructive appropri- ation of Native American culture," said SNRE senior Joe Reilly, co-chair of NASA. But still the majority of University students never even heard of Michigamua until this week, and had no idea that it was ever controversial. To get noticed, eight student members of SCC moved into the tower offices, and changed the locks on the doors. They are sleeping on the floors of the small Michigamua office that was architecturally designed to look like a wigwam, and they are basically getting by with the supplies they've stockpiled on a small table, including every- thing from graham crackers to shaving gel. Of course, the storming of a campus build- ing has elicited criticism. Some say the activism is invasive or too harsh. But it appar- ently took such bold action to force University officials to take notice that civil rights may be being violated on campus. Now the members of SCC are being lis- tened to. More than 1.000 people already have been through the space in the past two days on SCC's guided tours. Reilly said. Unfortunately, though, the problem is much larger than just Michigamua. An open meeting 'last night with members of the University's administration, including President Lee Bollinger and Provost Nancy Cantor, attested to that. Hundreds of students showed up to hear how the University is reacting to the SCC standoff and the 14 demands that the group submitted in exchange for coming down from the tower. Included on the list of demands are greater recruitment of minority faculty, ade- quate space to house minority student groups and examination of interaction between the Department of Public Safety and minority stu- dents. I remember being handed a very similar list at a student protest three years ago. At that time students were promised a meeting with University administrators, and they got it. Some concerns - we may hope a large num- ber of them - have been addressed, but obvi- ously not enough. Last night, one student told the large group that he came to the University thinking he would find a diverse and open student body. He said that today he would tell black prospec- tive students not to come here because of the way he has been treated. His words were met with a huge round of applause. It is evident that many students here are hurting. Despite the University's efforts to defend affirmative action and create a diverse community, many minority students say they do not feel comfortable here. It seems to have necessitated extreme mea- sures, a takeover of the tower, to remind the rest of the University community that the struggle is not over. - Heather Kamins can be reached via e-mail at hbk@umich.edu. GRINDI'1NG"THE NM M ichigampa, the secret society of University elite, has a roster that reads like a who's who of both University and national history: James Angell, the University's first President; Gerald Ford, an American president; Bo Schembechler and Fielding Yost, revered coaches. Our "leaders and best" took nicknames such as "Flippin Back," "The Great Scalper" and "White Eagle" -- funny to them, but blatantly derogatory towards Native American culture. But the nicknames are only a small part of Michigamua's elabo- rate traditions, many of which are based on exploiting a culture's rituals and arti- facts. Crying racism, the Students of Color Coalition has taken over the group's home in the Union tower, and putting Michigamua's history on full display. It is hard to like Michigamua - despite all the alleged charity work they are slyly attributed to, the group and their Tower room still reeks of self-congratula- tory white-male elitism. The current class includes several minority members, but the group did not include women until just two years ago, and the current prospective pledge class is overwhelm- ingly male. Regardless if Gerald Ford and Fielding Yost are members or not, Michigamua comes off as little more than a fraternity without the Greek letters. And like all other private organization social groups on campus, Michigamua has the right to do as they please. This includes the ridiculous use of Native American culture. Such references may have been condoned by society 98 years ago, but not today's. In 1989, several Michigamua mem- bers and the University signed a contract stating "Michigamua does hereby elimi- nate all reference to Native American culture and pseudo-culture and exten- sions and parodies thereof, with the one exception being the name, Michigamua, _ for now and forever." Judging from the inside of the office, including photos and Native American artifacts (some real, some not), they do not appear to be upholding their end of the bargain - although it is impossible to tell what was brought down from the tower attic by the SCC. But pictures from 1996 and later show members holding "peace pipes" and other artifacts. Contrary to popular belief, Michigamua does not receive any sort of University financial support. Their occu- pation of the Union tower is little more than a shrewd business move, not a sym- bol of the administration's allegiance to the group's traditions. Because the group helped raise money to build the Michigan Union, they hold an indefinite lease on the top floors of the Union. This puts the University in a bind. Michigamua would prove their inde- pendent status by vacating the tower, but it is extremely unlikely that will ever happen. If Michigamua cannot come clean and produce prove they are no longer putting outdated and offensive rit- uals into practice, then they should vol- untarily leave. But as a private organization, Michigamua has the right to whatever they please, no matter how offensive. The KKK has a constitutional right to march, no matter how terribly warped their views may be. Here on campus, there are many organizations whose actions or messages are hotly debated - such as campus pro-life and pro-choice groups - but they are not only allowed to exist, but receive student group funding. Michigamua's historic use of Native American traditions and artifacts is degrading. If they are still celebrated, they should be discontinued immediately. Michigamua members consider them- selves the "leaders and the best," and it is embarrassing to think the leaders on our campus might still embrace offensive behavior, even if only in secret. conclude by forcing the group to either aban- don the questionable practices or vacate the Union. But of course nothing is that clear cut - including the problem and the solution. It takes a lot of theatrics to get a little attention at this university. This week, we've seen a lot - the seizing of a locked part of the Michigan Union. the hanging of an American flag upside down on the top of the Union to signal distress and an angry meeting between students and adminis- trators. And this week, we've seen many reac- tions and emotions, most not even about Michigamua. It was widespread complacency that drove rE CHIP CULLEN STrUDENT CALLS 140 E ".. 9 Artifacts should go, Michigamua should stay To THE DAILY: Michigamua has been in existence on this campus since 1902. The group has joined to promote the general good of this campus by working on projects through their respective organizations. You don't hear of Michigamua holding events and doing good things because they work anonymously, through other groups. None of themwere on the 7th floor, of the Union last Saturday night when the protesters occupied their office because the majority of them were at Dance Marathon, raising money for charity. To state that Michigamua has utilized Native American rituals in the past is true. To state that they were wrong in doing so is also true. To state that all Native American refer- ences and active by the group should be removed is also right. What hasn't been rec- ognized is that Michigamua has worked to improve the University in mays most of us can't even fathom for the past 98 years. To say that Michigamua is racist is 100 percent incorrect. In fact, Michigamua's spokesman is a very prominent member of the campus Latino community, and there is a higher per- centage of minorities in Michigamua than there is on campus. We need to see that although Michigamua has had problems in the past, they recognize this, and the current protest is not soundly founded. I agree with the protest in that I believe all Native American artifacts and references should be immediately removed. I disagree with the protest because individual space has been violated, a group's private and special details have been exposed to the public, and last night I saw the American flag flying upside down over the Union. This is a blatant indication to me that the protesters are not trying to work towards a resolution; people being given tours of Michigamua are being led to believe things that are not true of the organization. I ask you as students and community members to please find out what Michigamua is and has been before you con- demn it, and I ask University President Lee Bollinger for the immediate removal of the protesters from the tower. MATTHEW NOLAN LSA FIRST-YEAR STUDENT MSA EXTERNAL RELATIONS VICE-CHAIR 0 - 4: 'tI. te.., } f CO;). ~ C t f! s / ^ a 1._ D iagosis: Expive Cancer care cannot be unaccessible Michigamua must leave Union tower TO THE DAILY: The responses shared by Nick Delgado in Monday's Daily, "Pride 2000" member of Michigamua, are deceitful and indicative of the insensitive attitude Michigamua as an organization has exhibited historically, regarding their deplorable behavior. In 1989, Michigamua entered into a written agree- ment that the organization would discontinue the utilization of references and practices that are reflective of Native American culture, with the exception of the organization's name. Delgado stated that "the group has adhered to the integrity of that written state- ment and in no way exploits the Native American culture as it did in the past." Yet upon the discovery of a journal outlining Michigamua's initiatives, the content indicat- ed otherwise. Delgado's adopted name, "Fighting Wolve 'Latino Unity I Try to Show' Delgado," appears frequently in each journal entry. The meeting room, acquired through an exclusive provision of space extended by the University, is adorned with plaques, com- memorative display cases, traditional Native American emblems, engravings of script referring to Native American ethos, and a host of other items that readily accessible to the eye. One plaque that is particularly offen- sive refers to Fielding H. Yost, as "Great Scalper Yost" and a "Great Chief." The decor of the room is significant because it facili- n estimated 2 million women will be diagnosed with either breast cancer or cervical cancer in the next ten years. Of that 2 million, it is predicted that over 500,000 of them will die. Considering -that these two cancers have recently developed what many doctors refer to as "medical miracles," such as laser surgery for breast cancer and new early detection devices for both cancers, it is hard to believe that such a large number of women will still die. President Bill Clinton is proposing a $220 million five- year program to allow states to provide full Medicaid benefits to women whose cancers are detected through federally funded screening programs. Under this legislation women who are uninsured would receive Medicaid coverage for the duration of their treatment of chemother- apy, radiation and other necessary med- ical services to aid their diseases. "Medical miracles" do not come cheap, and the truth is that many women can not afford to pay for the proper treat- ment they need to beat these cancers. For many single working mothers and lower class women, they cannot manage to think beyond a single day's survival, let alone the future of the rest of their lives. In consideration of this, President Clinton is currently seeking new Medicaid coverage of breast and cervical cancer to help states eliminate the barri- ers poor women face in fighting these diseases. And it is here that Congress needs to support him in this legislation and quickly pass this proposal through the House and Senate. The five-year survival rate of breast and cervical cancer is 97 percent when the diseases are diagnosed early, but that rate falls to 21 percent after the cancers have spread. Currently 180,000 women are diagnosed with such cancers and more than 40,000 die. Much of this could be prevented with proper medical coverage and insurance for people of all social classes, both men and women. Congress is elected to speak for all arenas of people and classes, not just those who are able to properly provide for themselves, and therefore they must bass this bill. It will not only speak for those of lower classes and opportunities, but it will save lives. tates an environment that fosters insensitivity and cultivates values and traditions that are blatantly racist. Delgado stated, "There's a historical con- text that's being used here - theirs is in the past, ours is in the present." This statement along with the aforementioned responses are particularly trifling, not only because they insult the intelligence of the public, but bla- tant attempts to deceive our community as well. Delgado's promotion of Michigamua and the administrations affiliation with them is insidious and quite disheartening. Michigamua's journal entries indicate that interim Vice President of Student Affairs Eunice Royster Harper, Dean of Students Frank Cianciola, along with a host of University administrators and officials have been aware of Michigamua's transgressions and in some cases are directly affiliated with them. The Student of Color Coalition (SCC) demands that the University sever all affilia- tion with the Tower Societies, and that the exclusive provision of space in the tower of the Michigan Union be eliminated immedi- ately. In closing we, the SCC, would like to share an engraving we found etched into the wall, "Now this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, and the wolve that shall keep may prosper, but the wolve that shall break it must die, as the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth toward and back, for the strength of the pack is the wolve, and the strength of the wolve is the pack - The Law of the Jungle." KEVIN JONES UNIVERSITY ALUMNUS "Well ... I don't know ..." he stammered.I laughed even harder - I know a cold fish when I see one, and this guy was a macker- el. A friend of mine had an even worse situ- ation a few months back. I introduced her to a guy I knew, whom she thought was cute. One thing led to another, and eventually they got to know each other - in the biblical sense. He actually told her to use him for her pleasure (no joke), and so she took him up on his offer. However, it became evident that they had "nothing in common but physical attraction," as she said, and even that was getting old, so she ended it. Here's the catch: He was certain he had broke her heart. He simply could not believe she wasn't in it for comething serious. Have vou ever heard the In defense of thefemalefisher used to fish. Now, you'd take one look at my four-inch-heeled boots and my glossed lips and laugh, but it's true. My father, grandfa- ther and I used to go out on our boat earlyS on summer morn- ings, before the sun had risen, and throw our lines into the lake. And we would wait, and wait, and wait, until one of us would get a bite. My Camille problem was that Noe once I caught a fish, I -os. ~ ' I-ant to i& relationship for a while, but pretty soon it felt like we were both swimming in a fish bowl, so I quickly ended up in the same place I began. Over the past four years at University, I've grown to realize I'm not the only woman with a commitment problem. There are plen- ty of us out there, but we're simply assumed to be at college for our "Mrs.," so we're largely overlooked. A lot of women approach dating with the assumption that most men have a problem maintaining a committed relationship. But on the flipside, the majori- ty of men I know assume that every woman wants a rock on her finger. I suppose it makes sense. It seems that every time I turn around, someone else is engaged. But that dn vv'tmean 1 - nor rn other woman -