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February 09, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-02-09

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 9, 2000


Continued from Page 1
Native American culture is the usage
of names that are meant to resemble
Native American names.
=He referred in particular to "Great
Scalper Yost," the nickname taken by
former University Athletic Director
Fielding Yost. In addition, a plaque
hanging on the wall of the meeting
space lists the nicknames of
Michigamua members such as
'Squaw Teaser Lloyd' and 'Slit Eye
Delgado said that he and Michiga-
mua have no objection to the removal
of objects that are offensive to Native
"All that stuff that's up there that is
degrading to Native American culture

needs to he removed. We take full
responsibility for that," Delgado said
at the meeting.
Many of the visitors were visibly
shocked by what they saw in the
Michigamua room.
"This is revolting," LSA junior
Carla Butler said. "I didn't know this
went on at this University."
An LSA sophomore, who wished to
remain anonymous, said although he
feels certain aspects of Michigamua
practices were offensive, he did think
SCC was overreacting to the situation.
"It seems to me like this is a total
disrespect of Native American cul-
ture," he said. "I think they are
jumping the gun, but at the same
time, if this is something they are
passionate about then God bless

Continued from Page 1
SCC had accused Michigamua of
many racist activities, they had given
little proof that any actual activities
Bernal countered by saying that
their exact actions may not be racist,
but the fact that they meet inside a
"mockery of a wigwam, refer to
themselves as 'fighting wolves' and
operate with Native American arti-
facts starting at them," can be con-
sidered racist.
But Delgado said the current mem-
bers are intent on getting rid of the
"This has been a gradual process
over time, but we are committed to
getting rid of everything," Delgado
MSA Vice President Andy
Coulouris said he sincerely doubts
the members of the group are
racist, but that a problem still
"The fact that there are still ves-
tiges about Michigamua being a
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racist group is an inherent problem.
I'm a white guy and I felt uneasy
about walking into the room today;
I can't imagine how I would feel if I
was a student of color," Coulouris
After three hours of debate, the
assembly voted to pass a revised res-
olution, supporting the SCC and
calling for the administration to
grant the demands of the occupation,
which includes severing University
affiliation with Michigamua.
Nolan said he was disappointed the
"I support the intent of the resolu-
tion, but I don't support the actions
of the SCC. I agree the references to
Native Americans need to be taken
away, but I think the issue should
have been presented to the public
with a full disclosure of both sides,"
Nolan said.
Kym Stewart, Communications
chairwoman and member of SCC,
said she agrees with the resolution.
"This is a big step for MSA. It
shows we can still be a representative
for the students," she said.


Silicon valley seeks foreign workers
WASHINGTON - High-tech companies, desperate for workers amid a
booming economy, want to hire more foreigners and are pushing Congress to
expand an immigration program that will let them do just that.
Congress temporarily expanded the program in 1998, increasing the number
of six-year visas from 65,000 to 115,000 per year. But that hasn't satisfied the
high-tech industry's appetite for skilled workers with college degrees.
Lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle, reacting to the industry's grow
ing clout, are developing legislation that would respond to that desire, despite
criticism from labor, which contends the foreign workers are unneeded and
underpaid at the high-tech jobs.
"The most far-out thinking is being done at universities and in the labs," said
Mary Dee Beall, government affairs manager at Hewlett-Packard Co. in Palo
Alto, Calif., which used the program to hire 200 of 7,800 new workers last year.
"If we can't get the foreigners, we're not getting enough of the new skills into
the company."
The number of high-tech jobs nationwide grew from about 4 million in 1990
to more than 4.8 million in 1998, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
"It's just booming," said Thom Stohler of the American Electronics Associao
tion. "The pipeline doesn't look promising for filling these slots."

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Clinton seeks $4.8M
to preserve camps
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton is seeking $4.8 million to
further preserve World War II
internment camps used to confine
120,000 Japanese-Americans.
In the federal government's latest
effort to atone for uprooting these
lives, Clinton's new budget asks Con-
gress to pay for a visitor center at
Manzanar National Historic Site - a
former internment camp in California
about 200 miles northeast of Los
Angeles - and to buy or trade land to
protect former camps in Wyoming,
Utah, Idaho and Arkansas.
The administration also wants to
fund a study on preserving and possi-
bly adding the Tule Lake camp in Cal-
ifornia near the Oregon border to the
national park system, as well as other
sites that Park Service officials say
illustrate "key events or social move-
ments" on the World War 11 home
The proposed spending was
announced by Vice President Al Gore

and is one of a long list of items in the
administration's proposed budget that
target California, a vote-rich state that
is vital to Gore's hopes of succeeding
In recently announcing the funding
request, Gore called it "an important
step to honor and preserve the experi-
ences of Japanese-Americans"
Order limits use of
genetic information
WASHINGTON - President
Clinton signed an executive order
yesterday limiting the use of genetic
information by federal agencies in
hiring and promotion.
The order prohibits federal agen
cies from collecting genetic infor-
mation from their 2.8 milli4*
civilian employees or using such
information to make hiring, promo-
tion or placement decisions.
But ethicists and privacy advo-
cates said that, without comprehenr-
sive federal legislation, people -
including federal workers - will
remain vulnerable to the misuse of
such information.

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British expect long
talks with hijackers
STANSTED, England - With the
welfare of more than 150 exhausted
passengers foremost in their minds,
British negotiators said yesterday they
were prepared to be patient with the
hijackers holding an Afghan airliner
for a third day.
Some people had left the plane late
yesterday night, but police could not
give an exact number or say whether
they were hostages or hijackers. SKY
TV News reported that three figures
had been seen emerging from the win-
dow of the cockpit and dropping to
the ground and fleeing.
Meanwhile, negotiators said talks
could go on for days. "The negotia-
tions are going forward in a profes-
sional way, in a fairly calm way," said
John Broughton, Essex Police assis-
tant chief constable.
"The principal concern here is the
safety of the passengers on board that
aircraft," he said.
The aims of the hijackers, believed

to be Afghans, remained uncleor.
Speculation ranged from an elaborate
play for political asylum to a bid to
win the release of Ismail Khan, a for-
mer regional governor in Afghanistan
detained since 1997 by the country's
ruling Taliban movement.
Asked about a potential asylum bid,
Broughton said, "In talking around the
issues, there are a lot of things raised:'
Israel attacks targets
deep inside Lebanon
JERUSALEM - Under mounting
domestic pressure to avenge devas
ing Hezbollah attacks on Israeli s
diers, in south Lebanon, Prime
Minister Ehud Barak launched air
attacks yesterday against targets deep
into Lebanon, including the outskirts
of Beirut, the capital.
Israeli fighter planes struck at
Baalbek, knocking out power to the
ancient city used as a headquarters
by the Hezbollah in eastern
- Compiled fron Dail v wire repao

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NEWS Jewel Gopwani, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nick Bunkley, Michael Grass, Nika Schulte, Jaimie Winkler
STAFF: Lindsey Alpert, Jeannie Baumann, Risa Secrin, Marta Brili, Charles Chen, Anna Clark, Adam Brian Cohen. Shabnam Daneshvar.
Sana Danish. Nikita Easley, Dave Enders, Jen Fish, Jose Gingrich. Anand Giridharadas. Robert Gold, Ksta Gullo. David Jenkins,
Elizabeth Kassab, Jodie Kaufman, Yael Kohen. Us Koivu, Karolyn Kokko. Dan Krauth. Hanna LoPatin. Tiffany Maggard, Kevin Magnuson,
Caitlin Nish, Kelly O'Connor, Jeremy W. Peters, Katie Plona, Jennifer Sterling. Shomari Terrieonge-Stone. Jennifer Yachnin. Jon Zemke.
CALENDAR: Adam Zuwerink,
EDITORIAL Emily Achenbaum, Editor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Ryan DePistro, Nicholas Woomrt
STAFF: Ryan Blay. Michelle Soick, Kevin Ciurne, Josh Cowen, Chip Cullen. Peter Cunniffe. Seth Fisher. Lea Frost. Jenna Greditor, Kyle
Goodridge, Ethan Johnson, Heather Kamins. Molly Kennedy, Cortney Konner, Jeffrey Kosseff. Thomas Kuljurgis. Erin McQuinn. Camiiedh
Noe, Ern Podolsky, Branden Sant, Jack Schillaci, Jim Secreto, Job Singer. Wal Syed, Katie Tibaldi, Josh Wickerham, Dave Wallace. P
SPORTS David Den Herder, Managing Editor
SENIOR EDITORS: Chris Duprey, Mark Francescutti, Chris Grandstaff, Stephanie Offen, Jacob Wheeler
NIGHT EDITORS: Geoff Gagnon. Raphael Goodstein, Arun Gopal. Michael Kern. Ryan C. Moloney. Uma Subramanian.
STAFF: Matthew Barbas, T. J. Berka. Rohit Bhave. Sam Duwe. Dan Dingerson. David Edelman. Sarah Ensor. Rick Freeman. Brian
Galvin. Ron Garber, Richard Haddad. David Horn, Josh Kleinbaum, Dena Knscher. Andy Latack. David Mosse, Jeff Phillips. David Roth.
Jon Schwartz. Benjamin Singer, Jeb Singer, Joe Smith, Dan Williams.
ARTS Christopher Cousino, Managing Editor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Gabe Fajuri, Chris Kula
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Toyin Akinmusuru, Jeff Druchniak
SUBDITORS: Matthew Baret t (Film, Jenni Glenn (Fine/Performing Arts). Ben Goldstein {Books), Caitlin Hall lTV/New Media). John Uhl (Music)
STAFF: Gautam Baksi. Eduardo Baraf. Nick Broughten. Jason Birchmeie, Nick Faizone, Laura Flyer. Andy Klein. Anika Kohon, Jacari Melton.
Lane Meyer, Joshua Pederson, Erin Podolsky. David Reamer, Aaron Rich, Adlin Rosli. Neshe Sarkozy. Jim Schiff. David Victor. Ted Watts
PHOTO Louis Brown, Dana Linnane, Edito
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Sam Hollenshead, Jessica Johnson, David Rochkind
STAFF: Kristen Goble, Danny Kalick. David Katz, Marjone Marshall, Joanna Paine. Kate Rudman. Sara Schenck, Kimitsu Yogachi
ONLgNE Toyin Akinmusuru, Paul Wong, Managing Editors
EDITOR: Rachel Berger
STAFF: Alexandra Chminicki. Dana Goldberg, Jenna Hirschman. Peter Zhou.
DESIGNER: Seth Benson
CONSULTANT: Satadru Pramanik


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