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February 08, 2000 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-02-08

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12 The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 8, 2000

Pebble Beach claimed by
Woods in shocking style

Henthorn calls NCAA
decision ludicrous'

Associated Press
PEBBLE BEACH - With an aston-
ishing comeback to win the Pebble
Beach National Pro-Am, Tiger Woods
on Monday moved a step closer to
Byron Nelson's "untouchable" record of
I I straight victories.
Seven strokes behind with seven
holes to play, Woods electrified an oth-
erwise gray afternoon on the Monterey
Peninsula by holing a 97-yard wedge for
eagle on the 15th and making birdies on
two of the last three holes for his sixth
straight PGA Tour victory.
Woods became the first player since
Ben Hogan in 1948 to win six straight
tour events and took an unbelievable
leap closer to Nelson's record, set in
It was a command performance,
filled with spectacular shots that have
defined Woods' young but remarkable
career. It ended with Woods watching
from the 18th green as Matt Gogel
missed a 10-foot birdie putt on the 18th
that would have forced a playoff.
Woods closed with an 8-under 64, the
lowest final round by a champion in the
53-year history of Pebble Beach. He fin-
ished at 15-under 273 and earned
"I figured if I birdied the last four
holes, I might have a chance," Woods
Gogel, the 28-year-old tour rookie,
made birdie on five of the first seven

holes to seemingly turn the final round
into a rout.
Instead, he turned in a shocking col-
lapse - a 40 on the back nine - that
will only be forgotten because of a
miraculous comeback by a player who
never ceases to amaze.
So shaken by his failed birdie putt,
Gogel missed a 3-footer for par on the
18th and wound up in a tie for second at
13-under 275 with Vijay Singh. Gogel
closed with a 71, while Singh had a 70.
"I said it yesterday, he's going to be
there at the end," said Notah Begay, an
ex-teammate at Stanford who finished
three behind. "It adds to the whole mys-
tique of Tiger."
It was the 17th career PGA Tour vic-
tory for the 24-year-old Woods. Among
active players not on the Senior Tour,
only Ben Crenshaw (19) and Greg
Norman (18) have won more.
What Woods has proved during his
PGA Tour winning streak - even as far
back as his three straight U.S. Amateur
titles - is that he can never be counted
out until he's no longer on the golf
Should Woods continue to win, he
would surpass Nelson at the tournament
where the Woods legend took root -
the Masters.
Only Woods can produce such dra-
matics these days. After an impressive
round, he clenched his fist after his final
birdie, as if he knew that would be

Continued from Page 1
Both Michigan coaches and
University officials had not previously
commented about whether or not coach-
es knew of Henthorn's relationship with
"Ellerbe has done nothing wrong.
Representatives from U of M checked
out everything - my house, every-
thing" Henthom said.
The University has been "incredibly
supportive of Jamal, Henthom said.
"From (University President Lee
Bollinger) to the legal counsel, everyone
has gone above and beyond the call of
duty to see this injustice righted"
Henthorn vehemently denies that
there is any impropriety in his relation-
ship with Crawford. He and Skinner
have both maintained that Henthorn and
Crawford have a mutually-supportive
The relationship between Henthorn
and Crawford began after they were
introduced by a mutual acquaintance of
Henthorn's and Skinner. Neither
Henthorn nor Skinner could ascertain
the exact date Crawford began living
with Henthorn.
Initially, says Henthorn, our relation-
ship was more "casual. I knew him and
his mother; our relationship really grew
at the end of Jamal's first senior year."
Crawford earned a landmark decision of
a fifth year of high school elegibility,
after social and academic problems dur-
ing his first two years.
As time went on, Crawford and
Henthom grew closer. "At first, Jamal
would sleep at my house every now and
then. It was the kind of situation where
he would be out late and then need a
place to crash, Henthom said.
Crawford eventually came to live full
time with Henthorn sometime during his
second senior year. Henthorn said that
Crawford's mother asked if Crawford
could live with him after an incident in

which the police raided Skinner's house.
Crawford and University officials
have said previously that Crawford lived
with Henthorn for at least a couple years.
Sources close to Crawford's situation in
Seattle told the Daily last week that
Crawford lived with as many as three is
other people - Rainier Beach High
School coach Mike Bethea, Crawford's
girlfriend, and a former teammate, Will
Crawford could not be reached for
comment last night.
"I'm one of the few people in his
recent life that doesn't want anything
from him," Henthorn said. "In business,
everyone wants something from me -
Jamal and I have that in common. I have
not gained anything in our relationship*
but his friendship"
Regarding the Jeep Grand Cherokee
that Crawford received in high school,
Henthorn said that he loaned Crawford
the car before he went to college.
"I never gave it to him," he said. "I
allowed him to drive it. He borrowed my
Henthorn calls the NCAA decision
"ludicrous; and maintains that he and*
the University will fight it.
"They want him to pay for the room he
slept in at my house, as if it were rent.
They wanted me to itemize everything,
things like the food that Jamal ate from
my fridge. A tutor that volunteered to
help Jamal, they want him to pay for that
Henthorn said that he is in constant
contact with University officials, both
from the administration and the athletic
Although the future of both Crawford
and the leadership of the athletic depart-
ment remain unclear, Henthorn said he
and the University will appeal the
NCAANs decision.
"I intend to fight to be recognized as
Jamal's guardian at least as far as the
NCAA goes," Henthorn said..
- Daily Sports Editor Mark
Franeescutti contributed to this report...;

Tiger Woods pumps his fist in celebration of a nearly miraculous comeback victory.
After a rocky start, Woods went seven-under in the final day of competition at Pebble
Beach to win his seventeenth career tournament and sixth in a row.

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