LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Darly - Tuesday, February 8, 2000-- 7 Honors housing to expand next academic year Ole time groomery By Sana Danish Daily Staff Reporter Students wanting to live in honors housing next year may find it easier to do so with a proposed expansion of the program. According to the plan, hon- ors housing, which currently compris- es four floors of the east wing of South Quad Residence Hall, would expand to itde three additional floors. "In the past, we've been the only Michigan Learning Community not to have enough space for all of our enter- ing class," said Donna Wessel Walker, Honors Program assistant director. "We're trying to build the program and increase the quality of our communi- ty." Wessel Walker said that with the aton of three floors, the number of st'ents in honors housing is expected to increase to 500 students from the current number of 225. Honors housing was consolidated in South Quad in the mid-1990s. Wessel Walker said before that hon- ors housing was "located in specific corridors in disparate residence halls across campus." She said in the last three years the return rate for freshmen had been h*, with more than 20 percent of stu- dents wanting to live in honors hous- ing a second year. Rachel Robinson, an LSA freshman who plans to continue living in honors housing next year, said she thought the experience may change for her if there was an expansion. "One of the nice things about hon- ors housing is that it's a small commu- nity," she said. "I don't know if expanding it, even though it's only three floors, will change that." LSA freshman and honors housing resident Jonathon Kirley said he was looking forward to the expansion. "As long as there's a lot of returning sopho- mores I think it'll be fun," he said. Students who currently live on the floors of the proposed expansion expressed mixed reactions. LSA freshman Jonathan Irwin said his plans were not really disrupted by the change. "It wasn't very imperative for me to live in the same hall or room because I want to live in a single next year," Irwin said. Irwin's roommate Mike Oh, an LSA freshman, said the expansion would limit housing options in South Quad. "I won't be able to request my room back because honors housing is expanding," Oh said. "I know people from North Campus that wanted to live in South Quad that might not be able to because of all the additional displaced students." The Office of the LSA Dean and University Housing Administration were also involved in planning the honors housing expansion, a process that started more than two years ago. Housing Director William Zeller said Housing Administration was glad to participate in implementing changes to honors housing. "We believe that Michigan Learning Community programs fulfill the edu- cational needs of our students, and anything we can do to promote that is good," Zeller said. AP PHOTO George Greismaler gets shaved at Chuck's Barber Shop in Paw Paw. Greismaler has been going to this barber shop for the past 45 years and refuses to go anywhere else. Student hosp italized for meningitis strain unprotected vaccines M E"I IService has given 2,004 vaccines this and vomiting that c school year, UHS interim Director "If someone has Continued from Page 1 Robert Winfield said. "We have 550 headache and fever, living in Bursley Residence Hall was doses in the refrigerators for those in to be evaluated," diagnosed for viral meningitis in Octo- requesting vaccination," Winfield said. There is a bett ber of last year. But some students are The Center for Disease Control rec- uncomplicated and concerned due to the closeness of the ommend the vaccine for freshmen and if the disease is treat ome on suddenly. a stiff neck, with a they should come Winfield said. er chance of an speedier recovery ted at its onset. two campuses. "I guess it's kind of bad that a lot of people travel between Uof M and MSU, but the fact that it's such a rare thing makes me not so concerned," LSA freshman Michelle Martinez said. "If the University was concerned, they would lower the cost of the vaccines." As of last week, the University Health other students living in a group environ- ment, like University residence halls. The vaccine will protect against all strains of the disease except for the B strain. "My parents made me get the vac- cine," MSU freshman Jennifer Kur- land said. The symptoms of meningitis include high fever, headache, rashes, The incubation period of the bacteria is two to 10 days, but most commonly three to four days. People infected with the disease are no longer contagious after a 24 hour period following treat- ment. "We're hoping that people do not become alarmed or scared by this iso- lated case," Winfield said. VIP3 site may cause network problems M P3 Continued from Page 1 increased the network's bandwidth but Napster.com visitors took up the augmented space. "We wanted to make sure Inter- net resources (were) available for research and education," Andrews said. Northwestern engineering fresh- man Michael Calhoun said while he was upset at first, he understands the university's point of view. "I'm not familiar with anyone saying 'I need Napster for legiti- mate reasons,' "Calhoun said. Andrew Palms, University of Michigan Information Technology Division director of product devel- opment for IT Communications. said Napster's impact here is a con- cern, but there are no plans for a ban. "We would far prefer to do things on an education campaign," Palms said, adding that previous informa- tion efforts such as increasing awareness about password security have been successful. ITD staff members said they noticed Napster's impact in Octo- ber, Palms said. Napster activity takes up about 3 percent of the Uni- versity's main network resources, Information Technology Division Technologist Kurt Hillig said. The main network, called the net back- bone, connects most of the Univer- sity's networks. Hillig said the backbone is cur- rently operating close to capacity, adding that extra programs cause applications such as Internet use and e-mail to move-at a slower pace. The Website made up zero per- cent of the network's bandwidth in September, Palms said. "Because it's taken off so quickly we're not sure we can get the resources quickly enough to handle the increased use of MP3s," Palms said. Palms added that if Napster users deactivate the server aspect of the program, the University network would face less traffic problems. Hillig said ITD is scheduled to update the network backbone by threefold on March 31. He added that this summer, numerous resi- dential areas added faster Ethernet connections while the backbone was not updated. In October, Oregon State Univer- sity was in a similar situation as the University of Michigan. Five percent of all outbound traf- fic on the university's Residential Computer Network computers was attributed to Napster. The Oregon State's Res Com Net eliminated access to the Website last Novem- ber, Network Administrator Chris White said. "We basically caught it before it got bad," he said. The group originally planned on calling students who used Napster but opted for a ban after user quan- tity increased greatly, White said. Napster is also facing legal prob- lems. The Recording Industry Association of America sued the company, in Decemb'er, alleging that the company violates copyright laws by offering some pirated music. Users who distribute the down- loaded music to other people are technically breaking copyright law. Northwestern freshman Chris Mayo said he has used the site. Personally, most students don't have that much money (but) we should be paying for it," Mayo said. He added that he does not object to the Northwestern's decision to eliminate the Website. "I wish they would come out and say they banned it for the right rea- sons," Mayo said- SKIP CLASS LIKE TO wm? INTERESTED IN SALES OR MARKETING? You've got the business savvy. but things -en't challenging. Well come join the siness Staff at The Michigan Daily and become an Account Executive. 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Contact Amy Upston at 663-2163 or e- mail: amyu@review.com for an interview. THE UNIVERSITY CLUB restaurant is looking for a few unique people to join our lunch staff. fun atmosphere, great pay, free food, and room for advancement. Positions available wait,host/cashier, service assistant. and student manager. Experience not necessary. Apply @ Michigan Union office 131(0 Attention Brent. UNIVERSITY TOWERS is a 240 unit student housing property, looking for a sales/leasing person to help in our leasing department. MUST be people oriented and dependable. 12-36 hrs/wk; Afternoons and WANTED: Full time manager for Ann Arbor retail store and E-Commerce website. Retail experience a must. Anime & web knowledge a plus. Please fax resume & salary req. to Wizzywig Collectibles 734- 213-1199 or email felix@wizzywig.com WANTED: Full/ Part time sales staff or web technicians for Ann Arbor Retail store. Retail exp a itust Aimime & web knowledge a plus. 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WORK STUDY STUDENTS are needed for office work at Student Publications. Especially: Mon. & Tues. noon to 3; Thurs. 10 to 1: Fri. 8.30 to I. Pay $7 per hr. Call Judy for information 764-0551 or apply at 21 OE Student Publications. YOUTH VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR The Ann Arbor YMCA seeks an enthusiastic, well organized person who enjoys working with youth. ages 11-18. to coordinate & supervise community service-learning projects Playing well with others, being flexible and working as a teanm is part of this ob. The position is 15-20 hrs./wk., requires weekday & some weekend hours. A good driving record & ability to get chauffeur's license is required. Fax resume and cover letter to Hannah Widzer @ 734-663-8232. UODYS-' B' nn Ur i! *~nw .......... A olk 9% M. Se a A I's Elk A 1i i:t-J 7 Em ISAN ,Amm 1-8-SN ECHE SPRING BREAK PANAMA CITY BEACH FLORIDA FROM $99 PER PERSON SANDPIPER BEACON BEACH RESORT THE "FUN PLACE"! 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