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February 07, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-02-07

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2A -The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 7, 2000


Continued from Page 1A
American Dream. Referring to the
conservative Republicans, he said,
"We must close the gap of hope and
make sure no child gets left behind."
If elected as the next commander-in-
chief of the armed forces, Bush said he
would maintain a role as peacemaker
and demand other countries fulfill their
roles as peacekeepers.
The former Texas Air National
Guard pilot also addressed the morale
of the armed forces. "We're certain
that the morale of the military is low.
In order to keep peace, it's important
to rebuild the military power of the
,United States of America,' he said.
"It's important to have a comman-
jjer-in-chief who respects men and
women in uniform - and earns their
respect," he added.
Following the address, one audience
member excused Bush's failure to
push for the inclusion of McCain's
name on all New York ballots, saying

the senator had acted similarly in a
campaign against a former Arizona
governor. Bush expressed his gratitude
for the notice.
Bush said when he takes the oath of
office, "I will not only swear to uphold
the laws of the land but honor and dig-
nity of my office."
"We have a lot of work to do and
we're going to keep slugging away,"
Engler said.
"McCain did what he set out to do,"
Engler said. "But you can't pass every
other contest and expect to be there in
the end."
Engler said the upcoming primary
in South Carolina will be a battle, but
he has confidence that Bush will win
in Michigan.
Amid the tension caused by Bush's
New Hampshire loss, there was some
, room for joking. In his introduction of
Bush, Oakland County Executive L.
Brooks Patterson made a few jabs at
Texas saying, "A true Texan can have a
black eye and a hickey at the same

Continued from Page :IA
After a meeting with Michigan bas-
ketball coach Brian Ellerbe, who
vowed to help her get her possessions
back, Anderson showed up at the stu-
dent's apartment to return the items.
The woman said in a prior interview
that Anderson apologized for her
inconvenience by saying, "I'm sorry
my teammates stole your stuff. They
didn't mean to hurt you."
Gaines refuted Anderson's implica-
tion of Smith's participation, asserting
once again that Smith was not

involved in the theft.
Yesterday, the student said she
believes Smith was probably the cul-
prit, but added that she's not certain.
It could have been any of the three
Michigan players present, she said.
"I was in the family room the
whole time," the student said. "I
wasn't guarding my door and paying
attention to everyone who went in and
No charges were filed in the case.
The student said she was satisfied
with the return of her belongings,
and said she had no desire to press

Clinton to reveal $1.84T final budget
WASHINGTON - As President Clinton prepared to reveal a $1.84 trillibn
farewell budget full of politically popular programs from health care to eduda-
tion, the administration warned yesterday that Republican efforts to pass big tax
cuts would face another presidential veto.
Clinton's final budget, coming out today and covering the 2001 fiscal year that
begins Oct. 1, promises a replay of last year's battle with the GOP-controlled
Congress over what to do with the $3 trillion or more in surpluses the boomi
economy is projected to provide over the next decade.
Both sides would use two-thirds of the surplus, the portion generated by
Social Security, to wipe out the $3.7 trillion of publicly owned debt within the
$5.7 trillion national debt.
But it is the other third of the surplus, around $1 trillion, where big disagree-
ments occur.
Clinton wants a large portion of the non-Social Security surplus to shore up
Medicare, the government's huge health program for the elderly, and to boost
spending on a wide range of services: education, the environment, increased
health-care coverage for the uninsured and many others.
Republicans in Congress have pledged to fight for more generous tax cuts and
have attacked Clinton's budget for proposing billions of dollars in new gover.
ment spending.

Continued from Page 1A
was the in-house heir-apparent to for-
mer athletic director Joe Roberson
before Goss got the job, said he was
deeply saddened by this development.
"Unfortunately, everything in the
Athletic Department is public,"
Seyferth said. "No one person can
stand that scrutiny. The recent notori-
ety has made the situation untenable.'
Seyferth, who has since pursued inter-
ests in the private sector, said he would
not accept an offer to replace Goss.
Michigan hockey coach Red Beren-
son declined comment on the matter,

but said he would not consider an
administrative position at this time.
The last highly respected Michigan
coach to accept the athletic director
position was Bo Schembechler, who
filled the office from 1988-90.
Former Michigan basketball coach
Steve Fisher, whose highly publicized
firing was Goss' first major act as
director, told the Associated Press in
San Diego he did not have any com-
ment on the issue. Fisher, with long-
time assistant Brian Dutcher, now
coaches at San Diego State.
University spokeswoman Julie Peter-
son said, as of last night that there was
no official announcement on the matter.

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Census seeks to
increase accuracy
smarting from what they contend
was a census indercount in 1990
that cost cities at'least $500 million
over the past decade are determined
to ensure a more accurate tally this
"This census is very important to
us. Obviously, there'sa lot at stake,"
said H. Brent Coles, mayor of Boise,
Idaho, and vice president of the U.S.
Conference of Mayors.
A city's share of state and federal
dollars for schools, roads, police
and other essential municipal func-
tions depends on its' population;
more residents, more money.
The Census Bureau estimates it
undercounted 1.4 percent of the
population in 1990, but does not
adjust the actual 1990 figures to
account for the shortfall.
The mayors' group surveyed 34
cities of varying sizes from Los
Angeles, with a population of about
3.6 million, to Lafayette, Ind, a city

of about 40,000. The cities translat-
ed the census undercount into lost
dollars and estimated a total loss of
S536 million in federal and state
funds during the 1990s.
It generally is agreed it is almost
impossible to count every person in
the country. Under dispute is how to
account for the "missing" people.*
Ma or gains reported
in ghtng hepatitis
WASHINGTON - Piggybacking
on their success in developing drugs
for HIV infection, researchers are
reporting major progress in combating
two forms of hepatitis that threaten to
overtake AIDS as a national health
Studies reported in recent months
medical conferences suggest doctors
might soon be able to eradicate the
viruses or send them into sustained
remission in a majority of infected
people. The studies are the culmina-
tion of years of work in developing
medicines against hepatitis B and
hepatitis C, two distinct viral diseases
with similar symptoms.


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Police raid Mexican
university, end strike
MEXICO CITY - In a surprising-
ly smooth conclusion to the 9,1/2-
month occupation of Latin America's
largest university, police raided the
main campus yesterday and arrested
632 striking students.
The raid ended an exasperating
ordeal in which Mexican authorities
from President Ernesto Zedillo on
down seemed unable to wrestle the
country's most important academic
institution from a tiny band of radical
students with names like Mosh and
The Devil.
Armed only with batons and
shields, about 2,400 federal police
marched into an all-nigh meeting of
the student strike council at 6:45
a.m. and rounded up about 430 stu-
dents, including the eight top strike
The strikers didn't resist arrest and
there were no injuries. Police then
swept through the giant campus,
detaining hundreds more strikers.

"A democratic society cannot allow
the kidnapping of the national univer-
sity," Interior Secretary Diodoro Car-
rasco said.
The 291-day strike at the 260;000-
student National Autonomous UniVr-
sity of Mexico began in Apri
protest plans to raise annual tuition,
which had been just a few cents, to the
equivalent of $140.
IMF reluctant to
offer loan to Russia
MOSCOW - The International
Monetary Fund announced this wc,-
end that it will not release a delay
S640 million loan to Russia until it sees
more evidence of economic reform.
Even though Russia's economy'per-
formed better than the IMF expeeted
last year, the government has made
only limited progress in adopting
structural reforms, the Moscow office
of the IMF said in a statement
--Compiled fiom Daily u-ure rep.


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