4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 1, 2000 cje £iti~grn & ig 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily.letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief EMILY ACHENBAUM Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily s editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily Dr. Fee Igood Medicinal use of marijuana could help many I 1 1 1 1 a b t 1 t t 4 j l 1 1 I t Even idiots have First Amendment rights T he entire sports world is abuzz with In deriding wayward youth, criminals a sports figure displaying reprehensible news of John Rocker. the outspoken and and young mothers. Rocker sounds eerily behavior - that never happens. Tell you not-too-bright relief pitcher for the Atlanta similar to any number of Republican presi- what: As soon as Lawrence Phillips and Braves. Rocker's comments in a December dential candidates. If he's a homophobe, Cecil Collins stop beating women, Mike issue of Sports illustrated precipitated a well, I don't agree, but I can't say he's an evil Tyson stops committing felonies, Latrell firestorm of contro- person. Some people don't like spiders and Sprewell stops assaulting coaches and pro- versy due to his race- others kill each other for religion. fessjional athletes everywhere stop father- related comments. Ignorant perhaps, but not evil. The "fat ing children out of wedlock like rabbits In Rocker's inter- monkey" comment does bother me, but I. hopped up on Viagra. then I'll worry about view with spots- like you. don't know the w hole story w hat someone is saying. writer Jeff Pearlman behind it. Rocker defended himself, saying Furthermore, for you New Yorkers out he (among other that his comment was directed at a good there who are so outraged, can you honestly things) lamented the friend of his and was merely clubhouse tell me you've never heard comments like poor driving skills of humor. Maybe he's backpedaling (which it this (or worse) before? My friend James Asian women, called sound like) but the pos ibility that he's Miller could verbally disembowel you with a black teammate a telling the truth is certainly plausible. I half the words and thrice the eloquence of "fat monkey" and know from my own personal experience John Rocker. So are the comments really basically trashed New that good friends tend to give each other only inflammatory because of the source? York City and New Branden nicknames which might sound offensive to John Rocker is a 25-year-old baseball Yorkers in general. Sant a third party. player from South Georgia, that's all. He is His thoughts on New Example: About two years ago, one of my not an elected official or someone whose York: "imagine taking best friends, a slow-talking country boy from voice has weight unless we, the American the 7 train to the ball- H1mma backwoods Mississippi. turned 21. We threw public, allow him to be. How do we do this? park, looking like him a surprise birthday party with a cake and Teflon-clad professional athletes are a mon- you're (riding through) Beirut next to some everything. The words on the cake? '"Happy ster of our own creation and, sad to say, I'm kid with purple hair next to some queer with Birthday, You Dumb Hick." as guilty of this as you are. Everyone who AIDS right next to some dude who just got Is John Rocker a racist? Quite possibly. has ever bought tickets to a sporting event, out of jail for the fourth time right next to Just going from that article, it certainly watched one on TV or purchased memora- some 20-year-mom with four kids. It's seems like it. But even if he is not a racist, bilia for their favorite team has contributed depressing" Rocker is a very stupid man. He was quoted to the deification of these people. For these comments, Rocker has been as saying, "I'm not a very big fan of foreign- John Rocker has a right to his opinion. castigated and ostracized. ans and the media ers ... how the hell did they get into this The First Amendment doesn't have a clause are calling for a trade, resignation or firing country?" Well, unless he is 100 percent permitting free speech on the basis that it is from baseball. New Yorkers arr calling for his Native-American, the man is a foreigner politically correct. No, I am not saying that head on a plate, although that's not a particu- himself Clearly he needs to leave Atlanta we should just accept comments like this larly new phenomenon. Let's take a minute to because he is depriving a village some- from our sports figures, but we need to look at this situation a little more in-depth. where of an idiot. People are outraged take people like John Rocker as the grain of John Rocker may not like people with because of the type of behavior displayed salt that they are. Just water them twice a purple hair. He may not like gays or people by this man. Guess what, folks? Racism week and leave them alone. Eventually they with AIDS. He may not like criminals and happens every day in every part of the will wither, die out, and not bother us any- the though of 20-year-mothers of four may country. Why is this such a big deal. Some more. According to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, more than 688,000 Americans are arrested each year on marijuana charges. Many of these people are arrested because they choose to use mari- juana for medicinal purposes. Just this week, Ann Arbor resident Renee Emry Wolfe received a prison sentence - and became another victim of the war on drugs. Wolfe was arrested in 1998 for lighting up a joint in Washington, D.C. Wolfe, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, was protesting U.S. Rep. William McCollum's opposition to medical marijuana. Wolfe was arrested despite Washington residents' vote to legalize medici- nal marijuana - a vote that was suppressed by Congress for 10 months. And we thought elected officials were there to serve the people. Another high-publicity case is that of Peter McWilliams, who used marijuana to alleviate the symptoms of AIDS and cancer. He found the plant to be useful in taking a potent drug cocktail of the newest AIDS and chemothera- py drugs because marijuana was the only way he could keep from throwing up. Since his arrest, in which six armed troopers descended on his California home, McWilliams has been unable to control his vomiting and has been awaiting trial in a life of pain. California's pro- medical marijuana laws require that one have a prescription for marijuana - and that the plant is grown by a licensed grower. McWilliams was growing his own. What kind of drug policy denies citizens the right to make informed decisions on their choice of medicine? People should be free to use marijuana as treatment for illnesses with- out the intervention of armed drug goons. In truth, these patients could take prescrip- tion drugs like sedatives to alleviate symp- toms, but choose to ingest a drug that does not disrupt their normal lives. They are not ready to live their lives in a stupor. Marijuana dulls their pain, but allows them to live their lives. McWilliams, who had not smoked marijuana in 20 years before his cancer treatment, told the Boston Globe, "'I had this epiphany: 'Oh my God, this stuff really works.' Then I got mad, furious, thinking about all the millions of cancer patients who this could be helping." But marijuana is a charged word. Users of medical marijuana are being incarcerated because they choose a natural substance loaded with negative connotations. Talk cen- ters on issues of legality instead of giving us the kind of dialogue necessary for rational dis- cussions. Americans have been brainwashed by the obnoxious propaganda of television ads, DARE and Nancy Reagan's "just say no" campaign. This stance has criminalized a plant which has been used by people even before the dis- covery of America and probably kills no more brain cells than an hour of television. This atti- tude is also responsible for America's war on drugs, which has not only denied citizens the right to consider a natural and healing sub- stance on their own terms, but given them lengthy prison terms and heavy fines as pun- ishment. In the case of marijuana, the power of citizens to make informed decisions regarding their own health and well-being has been denied, even in areas where the plant has been legalized for medical reasons. The drug issue is not going to go away. Informed citizens are waking to the truth that marijuana cannot be lumped together with with hard drugs like heroin, crack, ampheta- mines and cocaine. The dialogue must be changed. Marijuana is a natural substance that should be part of our war on cancer and AIDS, not our war on plants. depress him. Guess what? That is his consti- tutional right. people will say this is important because Rocker is a sports figure, a superstar. Yeah, - Branden Sant can be reached via e-mail at hammerhead(ajumich.edu. CHIP CULLEN G RIN DING THE NIB r EP.4 F'Mr Schillaci's column There's no connection School funds: What Engler says ... and does was 'cruel joke on humanity'_ ___ TO THE DAILY: Please tell me that Jack Schillaci's Jan.A\IAb 31st column "Lawyers to the left of me,t- hypocrites to the right" was a cruel joke on humanity. I hope this column is not the first of many in an ongoing series to make we want to kill myself. I opened up yesterday's Daily and turned right to the editorial page like I do every weekday morning. Not only did I open it to see a goofy picture but I had the misfortune of actually reading Schillaci's Although the article was so boring I" knew I had to finish it because maybe there pletely feminist, I will be a masculinist. dition), and it is shorter. Why dow would be a good point or a funny joke at the First, "Gender" is a completely infan- to waste extra space and ink just to end. No, I was wrong. tile idea and editorial. Why don't we just nate a never-present sexism? Le It just sucked. change the spelling of women to womyn in create a non-sexist anonymous thi So, for now on. I recommend that some- all articles too? Because this is a childish son subject. There is "he," "she," a one proof read his articles to ensure that the rebellion. The idea that "freshman" and which sounds like the subject is ar student body, doesn't have to go through "first-year student" are inter-changeable So, how about "ne?" Nor for an ui that traumatizing experience ever again, terms in uninformed and inaccurate. Some joke about this to isolate ever Thank you. first-year students are sophomores and "Women are the woes of men." ERIC FRANK some second-year students are still fresh- Arora's letter attacked a clearly LSA SOPHOMORE myn. Is that a better spelling? cal column as sexist. It shows how Let's also attack the title "junior." Americans are about sex. Arora r Isn't that also sexist because Junior is a the article as objectification of boy's ae Womyn can't be called but what about us men? The Edt ra ,lterb t jfir"S idy soce"she'' reduces us to sex-crazed animals Editori I ,I et~ r b th "unior" in today's society, so let's say sole thouoghts seare breasts, sexu-anml "third-year student." And what about sreesthosghtsoade breasts, sex b tantlyta d "senior?" Doesn't that imply old, wrin- theaarticle although it said that j ritatij9 kled, grumpy, and mean? I guess one out stupid and oafish. So, look at it a of four ain't bad. But real senior citizens gerations. should be offended, so let's say "'fourth- g eerat o rset ]Iopn TO THE DAILY: or fifth-year student." Personally, I don't Think before you write Also, take In the Jan. 31 edition of the editorial care which term is used, but the reasons thing not at face value but as son page, I was offended by the blatant sexism for it make me mad, more or less. of the staff editorial "Gender Not Included," Furthermore, to answer the question of and Kiran Arora's letter "Article Objectified why "-woman" can't refer to both sexes as CHRIS COR Women." Since both articles were com- a suffix is because "-man" came first (tra- LSA FIRST-YEAR S The defintion of sluts, the college scene and STDs :" W hen Gov. John Engler stated his intentions to make Michigan's pub- lic school system "the best in the world" during his State of the State address, his definition of "school" apparently did not include higher education. Last Wednesday's speech devoted half of its content to educational issues, which is ironic considering Engler as spent far less than half of his term improving schools. In his Fiscal Year 2001 budget recommenda- tion, Engler requests a 2.5 percent funding increase for state universities, a number that falls short of what many legislators, educators and University officials hoped to see. Despite the governor's lofty goals for the state's public school system, his current budget recommendations stand in contrast with the philosophy presented during his speech. His actions, not his words, are what the University needs in order to stay competitive. According to the Vice President for Government Relations Cynthia Wilbanks, the University requested a budget hike close to 5 percent - and this number was a "starting point" for funding increases. Engler, a lawyer, does not have an intimate knowledge of what level of funding would best catapult the state's schools toward national success. Officials from state uni- versities and those directly involved in academia have a better grasp on how much money is need to transform all Michigan's schools into top-notch institutions. S' Engler's budget recommendations put state colleges in a no-win situation because they penalize universities for rais- ing tuition with funding decreases. Under the current proposal, any univer- sity not holding their tuition increase below 3 percent will be subject to a 1.5 percent decrease in their base level fund- ing for the next year. This rule forces uni- versities to either cut back on quality or quantity of services provided and remain within tuition increase cap or raise tuition much higher than 3 percent to make up for lost funding from the state. If the state refuses to heed the word of university offi- cials in terms of funding, it should at the very least allow schools to adjust their tuition prices. Another facet of Engler's budget rec- ommendations differing sharply from his educational agenda is the increase in the state's correctional system. At 8 percent, the proposed corrections' increase is twice that of state universities. Engler's budget does not make access to education any eas- ier and therefore only continues to limit access to higher education. It is unclear how Gov. Engler plans for our state's schools to achieve national sta- tus without any significant increases in funding or hikes in tuition. The governor's budget seems more conducive to stagna- tion on behalf of state universities instead of the leaps and bounds proposed in his State of the State address. If Engler wish- we have o elimi- t's also ird-per- nd "it," mutant. unfunny rybody. ,y satiri- uptight efers to womyn, article whose , food, ghed at men are as exag- ons, but: eevery- rmething RONADO TUDENT O Interesting title? Good. Before I get into the main content, think about the definition of a slut. Do you or your friends use this word? Does it only apply to females and mean "dirty"? If someone is a slut by your def- inition, can you dis- respect her? Would you have sex with ar slut? Only in certain circumstances, like at a party when both of you were drunk? y Maybe she is a slut because she just had sex with a random Michelle guy at a party or has had several partners. Bolek If you were pursuing her does that make a difference in defin- -_ ____ ing who is the slut or if either nerson should he labeled that women have multiple casual sexual encounters. But it does happen. That's reality. If you are going to be sexually active, STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and HIV/AIDS education, all that scary stuff that you don't want to think about when you're having fun and thinking you might get laid, is important. Don't fool yourself, you should know about this stuff. If you do connect sluts with "dirty," realize that there is no way you can tell if someone is "dirty" or not, presumably meaning that she/he has an STD. Before you use this degrading term to describe women (or men), think critically about the meanings that words carry and get your facts straight about STDs, for your own health and the health of your partner(s). So, you can't look at someone and know if he or she has an STD. Second, "sexually active" does not and should not mean only vaginal intercourse. One of the most imnortant tidbits to know about sex latex condom or dental dam goes on. If you are allergic to latex, talk to your clin ician about some alternatives. The thought of using condoms during oral sex may be a foreign concept to many of us, but they've got flavored ones now! It's better to use one and be safer. And hey, masturbation is a safe, fun and healthy alternative as well. So don't forget about masturbation. Make smart choices. Make your own choices. You are an adult now, by law any- way, and are responsible for making those choices and dealing with their conse- quences. Any sexual activity has risk involved: Safer sex dramatically decreas- es the risk of disease transmission. If you have had many sexual partners or few or none, education about STDs is essential. If you want to learn more, go to UHS. Really. There is a department called the Health Promotion/Community Relations Office (HPCR) devoted to health educa- tion for you. You can learn all about