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February 01, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-02-01

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One hundred nine years feditorizlfreedom

CLASSIFIED: 764-0557

February 1, 2000

6 17 e , 1u WOW*

to storm
By David Den Herder
Daily Sports Editor
EAST LANSING - Ready or not,
here they come.
Fresh off a 91-66 pummeling of Illi-
nois, the eighth-ranked Spartans of
M igan State are headed for Crisler
Arena to face unranked Michigan
tonight on national television.
Are the Wolverines ready?
No comment. Michigan coach Brian
Ellerbe is
still TO11GHT
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S t a t e theM Uionandursley
coach Tom
Izzo is all smiles.
"I'm not going to down play it,"
Izzo said. "It's more important than
any other game - even in (the play-
er minds."
at is more true for the Wolver-
ines, at least this season. While the
Spartans enjoy a 6-1 Big Ten record,
All-American talent and national
respect, slumping Michigan is still try-
ing to crack the top 25. In their first
test against a top 10 opponent this
year, the young squad collapsed - an
85-50 debacle at Indiana.
The Wolverines' only hope?
That falling on your face is still
ni@ng forward. Tonight's spotlighted
matchup offers Michigan a unique
opportunity to appease national critics
and increase its chances for an NCAA
Tournament berth come March.
But there is no getting around the
immediate passion of tonight - even
for the Spartans, who appear to be a
lock for the Big Dance.
"Do I love Michigan? No, I don't.
AI never will as long as I'm here,"
Iz said. "Do I respect Michigan?
Yes, I do. And I probably always will
as long as I'm here. That's about as
honest as I can say it both ways."
Whether or not the Wolverines are
overmatched, tonight's 7 p.m. tipoff
will feature some entertaining head-
to-heads. Mateen Cleaves, Michigan
State's all-American point guard who
after Sunday's game appeared to be
fully recovered from injury, will
li go up against Michigan fresh-
ma Kevin Gaines. While Gaines
has seen some notable talent in the
likes of Corey Bradford and A.J.
Guyton, he may be in over his head
facing arguably the nation's best
point guard.
"Mateen has great respect for any-
body he plays, and he always has,"
Izzo said. "He thinks he's better than
a body, but he doesn't think he's
s thing different. I think whatever
your leaders do, it permeates down
through your team."
Meanwhile, Michigan freshman
Jamal Crawford - who commands

respect if only by leading the Wolver-
See MSU, Page 2

By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter


The first piece of legislation the U.S. House of
Representatives passed in the new century has
made one of the most prominent drugs on college
campuses a federally-controlled substance.
The "Samantha Reid/Hillory J. Farias Date Rape
Control Prevention Act of 1999," named in memo-
ry of two teenagers who died after unknowingly
ingesting the drug GHB, passed by a margin of
339-2 in the House of Representatives last night.
GHB, formally known as gamma hydroxbu-
tyrate, has been used both as a date-rape drug and
for recreational purposes. Nineteen deaths nation-
wide have been attributed to the drug.
Reid, of Rockwood, died after drinking a soda
spiked with GHB at a January 1999 party on
Grosse Ile. Traces of GHB were also found in the
body of University student Courtney Cantor, who

)usC passes
died after falling from her sixth-floor Mary
Markley Residence Hall window in 1998. "The next
Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Menominee), who
co-sponsored the bill along with Congressman effort of s
Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph) and Sen. Spencer Abra-
ham (R-Mich.) in the Senate, said before the vote,
"it's been a lot of work over the last three years. It
will be good to have this vote."
The bill had passed by large margins in both the
House and the Senate last year but was unable to "We're dropping the1
make it through for final approval before the new tors who are trying to
year. The House approved the Senate's version of girls," Woodruff said. R
the bill, allowing it to avoid time in a conference no different than pulling
committee and therefore pass through to President rape somebody."
Clinton more quickly. David Woodruff, Upton's "The next step," Woo
press secretary said the Senate made only "small hodge-podge effort ofs
legislative changes" to the House's original bill. votes against the bill can
The law makes CHB a Schedule One drug - Texas). Paul's Press Sec
ranking it among drugs like heroin and cocaine - the congressman vot
which, Woodruff said, is completely warranted. because it involved fe


step is to replace the hodge-podge
ate laws.
- David Woodruff
Rep. Upton's press secretary


hammers on sexual preda-
take advantage of young
.apists "use it as a tool. It's
g a gun or pulling a knife to
druff said, "is to replace the
state laws." One of the two
me from Rep. Ron Paul (R-
retary Thomas Lizardo said
ed against it "primarily
deralizing a criminal law,

which is not consistent with his oath to uphold his
Constitutional vows."
Lizardo said Paul was not hesitant to vote
against the bill even though Farias was from Texas.
Woodruff said because there has been responsi-
ble research of the effects of GHB on narcolepsy,
some provisions have been made to allow contin-
ued research. But, the penalties for misuse of the
drug, will still be the same as a Schedule One drug.
-Daily StaffReporter Dave Enders contributed
to this report



prepare for
By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter

By Nick Bunkley
Daily News Editor
The Alpha Epsilon Pi National Board of Directors voted
yesterday to revoke the charter of the fraternity's campus
chapter following an investigation into several alleged haz-
ing incidents, including a pledge being shot in the groin
with a BB gun in December.
The Indianapolis-based fraternity announced yesterday
its decision to disband the chapter, which received its origi-
nal charter at the University in 1949.
"We have withdrawn recognition of this group," said
Pi Executive Vice President Sidney Dunn, who recom-
mended to the board that the chapter be shut down.
"We hope to reorganize in the future with a new group
of men."
The fraternity had about 70 active members and
pledges. Dunn said all pledges have been released and
are free to rush other fraternities. Active members have
been given the chance to speak with the national orga-
nization about their membership status and whether
they can join another fraternity on campus, Dunn said.
The University's Interfraternity Council released a statement
in favor of the national organization's decision, and IFC plans
See Pi, Page 2

CONCORD, N.H. - With the New
Hampshire primary less than 24 hours
away, Democratic and Republican presiden-
tial candidates wrapped up their campaign
efforts by giving one final push before vot-
ers take to the polls in today's primary,
which may decide the longevity of some of
the candidates seeking the office.
Candidates have spent the last week tour-
ing the state, meeting with citizens and sup-
porters at town meetings, rallies and even
bowling allies in one of the most important
momentum building races in the primary
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) toured the
state one last time meeting with citizens to
get out the vote while Texas Gov. George
W Bush used a different tactic - bowling
with residents of Nashua.
Democratic candidate, former New Jer-
sey Sen. Bill Bradley rallied supporters at
the Stark Mill Brewery in Manchester.
McCain is one candidate who stands to
lose the most if this campaign is lost.
McCain, who finished fourth in last
week's Iowa caucus, now appears to
hold a small lead over Bush in state
McCain spent many weeks campaigning
in New Hampshire while the
other candidates focused on NEW H
Last week Sen. Orrin Hatch
(R-Utah) dropped out of ther
GOP race after finishing in i i i
last place in the Iowa caucus.
Since Hatch announced he would bow out
of the running, he has come out to endorse
Bush as the most able Republican for the
Because of funding restraints, McCain
chose not to campaign in Iowa and has
instead focussed all of his attention to win-
ning today's primary. He has attended 114

Presidential candidate Texas Gov. George W. Bush candlepin bowls with residents of
Nashua, N.H. yesterday at Leda Bowling Lanes.


town meetings throughout the state.
McCain spent yesterday traveling to vari-
ous cities across the state, including Con-
cord, where he encouraged voters to get out
and vote in the primary.
MPSHIRE "One more mission.
Let's get out the votes
tomorrow," McCain said
at yesterday's rally. "I am
confident that we will
achieve victory if we do
McCain has long campaigned fortuitous-
ly for campaign finance reform and remov-
ing special interest groups from the
political realm. McCain attacked Vice Pres-
ident Al Gore's campaign fundraising tac-
tics in the 1996 election.
"The corruption that characterized the

1996 election by Clinton and Gore will not
be tolerated in 2000," McCain said. "I'm
going to make what he did illegal."
McCain has much riding on today's pri-
mary but his campaign tactics have not
gone unnoticed as he has drawn New
Hampshire residents to support him in his
bid for the presidency.
Forty people attended the first town
meeting in Petersborough and in his last
meeting yesterday at the same place the
campaign saw more than 1,000 people
Town meetings have allowed McCain to
"hear the views and concerns and ideas of
the people of the state of New Hampshire,"
he said.
Supporters cheered McCain as he stood at
See PRIMARY, Page 7

ion party policy up for debate

By LIndsey Alpert
Daily Staff Reporter
The policy that regulates events that take place
at the University Unions sponsored by student
organizations is up for revision this year and the
Dance/Party Policy committee held a forum at
the Michigan Union last night to discuss possible
changes to the policy.
According to the policy, student organizations
must schedule events at least 30 days in advance,
hold planning and post event meetings and
require all those attending the event to receive
tickets from the Michigan Union ticket office to
keep track of the number of people attending the
went. The Arganization must also nav to have

the policy is supposed to undergo review biannu-
About 25 people from different student organi-
zations attended last night's forum to voice their
opinions and concerns about the policy..
"There are a disproportionate number of DPS
officers at black functions, they threaten people
of color with tickets for loitering, often shut
events down early and require black students to
show their ID cards," said Kym Stewart, an LSA
sophomore and Michigan Student Assembly rep-
These issues were further brought to light as
students expressed their displeasure with differ-
ential implication of guidelines on different stu-
dent grouos in terms of capacity, guests and

Chemistry Prof. Kathleen Noita (right) receives the Golden
Apple award from Students Honoring Outstanding University
Teaching co-Chairwoman Beth Bernstein.
Nolta r'eCeives
B y J o e le G i n g r i c h
Daily Staff Reporter

The immense popularity of chemistry Prof. Kathleen Nolta
was evident in the words of her students last night. Nolta, this
year's recipient of the Golden Apple Award, gave a lecture
titled "Of Students & Teachers and Apples & Arrows" to an
enthusiastic group of students and faculty members at Rack-
ham Auditorium.

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