Thursday, January 27, 2000 - The Michigan Daily - 13A PROPORTIONALITY OR EQUALITY? The wrestling world is scrambling to save itself from a radical legal interpretation of Title IX his past April, Brigham Young University cancelled its wrestling and gymnastics pro- g.rams, effective at the conclusion of th is year. The program will be the ih Division I wrestling team can- (Ilcd since 1990. Athletes who chose td compete for the university are now sarching elsewhere for a chance to wrestle again. - The reason? Title IX and its proportionality iterpretation. A 1972 amendment to the Civil hts Act of 1964, Title IX was plemented to give women equal tghts in universities receiving federal fnancial assistance. In doing so, it eove universities around the country t adhere to the standards of the law o6 face the consequences. ,,But the standards are the controver- sjal part. ,The buzzword around the country's Mcstling population is proportionali- 9 a term which describes one of three ways for a school to comply with Title IX. By far the most diffi- cult way to achieve compliance, it is a interpretation of the law thatstates that the percentage of women in the university must equal the percentage of women in the different depart- ments of extracurricular activities. And the activity most carefully regu- lated is athletics. It's difficult to find a wrestling each that is against Title IX. Most are willing to admit that it is a great law with fantastic possibilities. It is equally difficult to find a sin- gle person involved with college wrestling who would support propor- tionality. "Everyone's for equal opportunity," Michigan wrestling coach Joe McFarland said. "But even the men would agree that they don't nt to see men's sports cut." A lot of people are wondering why the other restrictions that Title IX requires are not always followed. J. jaobinson is the wrestling coach at M innesota and one of the heads of an organization called Simply Common Sense, a group striving to convince the masses about the harmful conse- quences of proportionality. One of his concerns is that, if the *tas of Title IX were imposed on other departments at the universities j- as the amendment implies - the entire system would be in jeopardy. Robinson explained that there are n~t a proportional amount of profes- sors and that there isn't a proportion- al amount of deans. "If it is so great, why isn't it being implemented in the university across t board?" he asked. "Until it >acts them, administrators don't really care about it." Laying the blame Most individuals hurt by the restrictions attribute the problem to Norma Cantu, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights in the United States Department of Education. They claim that Cantu instigated the interpreta- tion of Title IX focusing solely on proportionality. "Proportionality is illegal," Aham Young wrestling coach Mark Schultz said. "It's a quota that's ille- gal. if 50 percent of the city is women, does that mean that 50 per- cent of the fire department and police have to be women?" Title IX has made some ground breaking steps in creating opportuni- ties for women. The fact that many schools have either reached propor- ality, or are close, shows positive cInge from the way things were, not too long ago. The United States women's soccer team winning last year's World Cup was a big step for women in today's sports world. .But on the other side, scores of men around the country thirst for the old days, when no such concerns existed. And these men are standing behind victims of "progress," the men's By Jon Schwartz wrestling programs around the coun- try. "The policy interpretation of Title IX actually goes against Title IX," Schultz said. "It's incredible!" One group of these men, the Iowans Against Quotas, is trying to convince the country of the illegality of propor- t i on alit y. E r i c L e S h e r, president of the IAQ,. will not rest until the proportion- ality inter- pretation is r e in o v e d from Title IX. The goal of LeSher's program isĀ« to convince the next president of the United While Michigan's wrestlers States to from proportionality, others someone to Cantu's position, some- one that would not perpetuate the discrimination he feels Cantu has. So far, the organization has presidential candidates Gary Bauer, Steve Forbes and Alan Keyes signed onto its peti- tion. - George W. Bush's campaign Website states that the GOP front- runner "opposes quotas and racial preferences," convincing. LeSher that Bush would also help out the IAQ's cause. But Democrats Bill Bradley and Al Gore have refused to join in the cause. Bradley spokesperson Tony Wyche explained the candidate's position. "His view is that we need to do what we can to elevate women's sports. Title IX has been very effec- tive at doing that. He is not going to support any elimination of Title IX." Why wrestling? But why is wrestling always the offering of universities looking for proportionality? Syracuse University also recently cut their program, and wrestling coach Scott Miller said the reason is because it is easy to oust. There is no comparative female sport, as there is in tennis and basketball. Also, the teams are extremely large -- one of the largest groups in college athletics. By axing wrestling, he said that a program can cut down its proportion- ality by 35 athletes. But just because Miller under- stands why wrestling is facing the brunt of the cuts, it doesn't mean that he agrees with it. In fact, when the Syracuse program was cut after the '96 -'97 season, Miller wasn't even there. He was coaching at Campbell University, far away in North Carolina. But when he heard that the program was put on life support with a minimal budget until 2001, he couldn't stay away. ha ha "I wanted to be part of the solu- tion," he said. "'I wanted to come in and do everything that I could. If this program goes, who's safe?" But Syracuse is not alone. The school is joined by Notre Dame, Miami '(Ohio), many other schools in getting rid of wrestling and other non- r e v e n u e sports. In the last 30 years, more than 450 w wrestling programs have been eliminated. That figure far surpass- Ses the num- ber of cuts in any other sport during the same . time period. M*"" But there are two JESSICA JOHNSON/aly sides to ave avoided the troubles ave not been so lucky. every story.- Co n ceding to Title IX and then admitting to hav- ing done so is taboo among athletic directors around the country. But appropriate or not, critics of the choice are demanding that the truth - their truth - come out. "We made a decision based on bud- getary restraints," Fred Skousen, Advancement Vice-President at Brigham Young said. "It was obvious- ly not something that we wanted to do." But the fact remains, that in order to meet those budgetary issues, men's sports are being dropped and women's sports are being added. Money or interest? The cause for the budgetary con- cerns are often called into question. LeSher does not agree with the logic that the sport is not viable for many universities because it runs revenue losses. "They're using money as a scape- goat," LeSher said. "Very few athlet- ic programs are profitable for a uni- versity. If profit was the problem, there would only be a few football and basketball programs. "I wish that they would call a spade a spade." Robinson was not quite so calm in his analysis of the administrators standing behind their "budgetary issues." "They're cowards," he said. "They're afraid that if they say that Title IX is the reason, then the women will get after them." Robinson is vehement in pushing his argument for abolishing propor- tionality. He asserts that the issue is not about absolute equality in sports programs, but rather, interest. When proportionality came to prominence as the sole interpretation of Title IX, the part of the amendment stating that a university is in compliance if women's interests are being met was ignored. Daily Sports Writer And Robinson strongly feels that interest is not the same. He cites intramural sports as an example. At Minnesota there are 48 men's intramural teams. There are 12 women's squads. Robinson also claims that he had to work hard as a coach to make his pro- gram eligible for success. He had to deal with limited budgets and equally limited respect for his program. And at the same time, he had to establish record good enough to warrant addi- tional funding. As he sees it, women's sports such as basketball evolved from nothing into revenue sports. The university saw a need for women's sports to counter the successful men's basket- ball programs and therefore, created them. "In the olden days," Robinson said, "you had to pay your dues. How did men's sports evolve? Shouldn't women's sports evolve the same way? "I've paid my dues. They haven't." The lost truth But lost in the two sides of this story is the truth. While everyone involved claims to be disclosing the actual reasons for the problems, there are simply too many reasons and too many sides -- "too many truths" to find a single one. Jane C. Meyer, Director of Education Outreach for the NCAA, doesn't see proportionality as a prob- lem. She claimed that proportionality is only one way to meet Title IX's requirements. She claimed that there is no correlation between program cuts and the amendment. "If they say it's because of propor- tionality, that's an individual decision based on the university," Meyer said. Another example is the situation at Brigham Young. Jeff Reynolds, a rep- resentative of athletic external rela- tions at Brigham Young, tried to use the fact that Utah is hardly a hotbed of wrestling talent as a reason for choosing it as a sport to cut. "In Utah, we have one school dis- trict which is renowned for wrestling," he said. "Utah is primari- ly a basketball and football state." In his defense of the program, Schultz asserted the exact opposite opinion. before even hearing Reynolds' statement. Schultz claimed that the state actually boasts impres- sive wrestling figures, and was shocked to learn Reynolds' reason- ing. "I don't understand why BYU would drop wrestling because Utah has one of the highest per-capita rates of competition," he said. Syracuse athletic director Jake Crouthamel gave another reason for cutting wrestling and men's gymnas- tics - one that did not stand up to deeper investigation. "We looked around the country at trends in colleges and what was hap- pening on the high school level," he said, continuing on to explain that there had been some participation falloff in high schools. But since 1990, the National Federation of State High School Association tracked wrestling compe- tition figures increasing every year. In the year before the decision to cut wrestling was made, there were 8,677 high school wrestlers across the country. In the year after the cut, there were 8,900. Upon being informed of the NFH$ figures, Crouthamel denied ever ha, ing mentioned participation trends in high school. There is no ultimate truth to solve the problem. In matters of opinion, io black-and-white answer can be given. to make sense of personal choices., But as the search continues without an answer, the discrimination that Title IX aimed to solve will remain a prominent figure in college sports in the eyes of those affected. w ENotre Dame Number of Division I wrestling programs GEOFF GAGNON/Davy .. SUMMER1ll 0 ,, ...---I r- - - r U 1 1 ..a in Health Administration for Undergraduate Minority Students at The University of Michigan School of Public Health Pai Internships PPLICA-TION *GRE course by DEADLIE: KAPLAN and A- EI Lna other benefits .pmqqw -l - $,2.00 OFF CASSETtV.S & COMPAT DsS PrSftsCoUP a Am+ vIoU wid rc2VS$1OffwREUAR CD) or C $ $0 ~ ot . o i &th e rOieS.UcuSSSec per , lThi C U 1 b pe N raed e20wjl p Y low -wy w r w + ri )4'hurs aday, 7 "w.h'.mony 4/J V Dr. Ri.harI Liohtenstein or Carmen M. HaIrrison MMR ENR1CHMENT PROGRAM -rtr.nt of Health Management & Policy M3226 The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-2029 1%0 All I