,i 4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 6, 2000 be Si{rbligan ~fi(g I live in a school offlocks, herds, packs and gaggles V V .Z 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily. letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan HEATHER KAMINS Editor in Chief JEFFREY KOSSEFF DAVID WALLACE Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Biting back Dental administration due for a check-up never thought I had anything in com- mon with fraternity pledges who allow others to torture them in the name of hazing. Another group of my white-capped fel- low students face allegations of duct- tape-related hazing. Throughout winter break, as my friends at home teased me about last month's nationally publicized charges of hazing that resulted in a BB gun shot to the groin, I wondered what was going through these J people's minds. How y did these sheep get Kosseff into the University? Don't they have any common sense? N W ye I just couldn't understand their actions. I would never let my friends near me with duct tape, BB guns or any other threatening objects. I would question authority. That sets me apart from them. While I was riding my high horse of superior judgment, my friend pointed me to an experiment conducted by psychology researcher Stanley Milgram published in 1974. In "Obedience to Authority," Milgram told his subjects they were teachers and instructed them to send an electric shock to learners in the room next door every time they answered a question incorrectly. With every shock, the voltage increased until it reached fatal levels. That's what the subjects believed. but the "learners" were actors only pretending to be shocked. They banged on the walls, screamed in agony and even yelled about heart problems. They begged for the teachers to stop. But the per- son conducting the experiment simply told the teachers to keep increasing the voltage with every wrong answer until it was at 450 volts - a lethal level. I would expect almost every subject to stop pressing the shock button as soon as they heard any signs of pain. Common peo- ple wouldn't put others' lives in jeopardy simply because they were told to. There will always be that small group of psychotic ser- ial killers. Surprisingly, according to Milgram's results, 65 percent of the subjects had that serial killer mentality. They increased the voltage to the highest, most deadly level. They did it because an authority figure told them to. I started to think about what I would have done. It's tough to tell, now that I know the outcome. I've often blindly accepted and obeyed authority. Sometimes I believe what my professors say without critically analyzing their claims. I watched my peers in high school ridicule other stu- dents without standing up for them. So I might have felt pretty safe following a researcher's instructions. I don't know if I would have continued to press the button as I heard screams of agony and death. I'd like to think I would have stopped even before I heard the first shriek. But the sheep in the back of my mind says otherwise. Sheep live within all of our personali- ties. There's a part of each of us that wants to follow the leader. It's convenient to do and scary not to do. How many times have you mindlessly obeyed an authority figure without any other reason than that person's status or your insecuri- ties? We've all done it, and it's.because of that sheep who lives in our psyches. The sheep is responsible for the success- es of Chicken Soup books. George W Bush, boy bands, dot-com tock and Cffs Notes. The sheep resists urges to run away when an older fraernity member points a gun at his head and groin. The sheep doesn std up for the stu- dent everyone makes fun of in high school, because he'-s terified of becom- ing the outcast. The sheep attacks affirmative action without knowing its defnition. The sheep defends affirmative action without knowing its definition. The sheep applies to the Business School in his sophomore year, satisfying his parents' wishes, even though he'd love to study great books, politicai philosophy or biological anthropology. The sheep fears Arabs because media "experts" brand them terrorists. The sheep sheds blood in a war he does- n't understand. The sheep never takes the first slice of pizza. even if he's starving. The sheep votes along party lines because family members, employers, union leaders and local political bosses tell him who and what are fair and just. The sheep, fearing Y2K meltdowns after an in-depth report by Barbara Walters, buys every bottle of water and can of soup available. As much as we don't like to admit it, we're all part sheep. The sheep mentality shatters any illusions of free will and helps us understand the roots of tragedies such as the Holocaust and successes such as the stock market boom. While I have little in common with fraternity pledges, I'm prob- ably just as obedient to authority. - Jeffrey Kosseif can he reached over e-mail at jkos /frE umich.edu. Imagine failing a pre-requisite class for your major and taking the last-chance remedial course offered, only to fail that class as well. When two University dental students did just that, they were dismissed from their program - Dental School policy for students who fail those particular classes. But this policy is apparently open to administrative interpreta- tion. Dental School Prof. L. Keith Yohn filed a lawsuit against the University last month after Dental School Dean William Kotowicz allowed the two students Yohn failed a third chance at the course, a decision upheld by the school's executive committee. This case shows glaring deficiencies in the dental school's appeals process as well as the objectives of the University. A professor's grades should not be overturned by a dean - an impartial board should examine disputes. In the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, the LSA Academic Standards Board hears complaints regarding grades. Through petitions, students can express their disap- proval at grade disputes still unresolved by meetings with the professor or GSI and the head of the specific department. This is more effective and fair than the seemingly arbitrary decision made by Kotowicz. The fact that one of the dental students is a relative of a dental school faculty member is not the main issue at hand, although it is a reminder of the importance of the checks and balances a board - rather than an individual - creates. The ideal board would consist of indepen- dent members - those not influenced by activities within the school. Matters such as these should not be placed solely in the hands of one person, but rather an impartial and fair group of people. Generally, a professor, espe- cially one with long tenure like Yohn, should have the trust of his department and not have to go to court to earn his rights. Whether that was true in this particular case remains to be seen. Yohn claims his rights of free speech and property rights were violated. If he is correct, this leads to frightening scenarios such as surgery performed by an incompetent doctor. The Dental School will not rank in the nation's top five for long if such situations occur. Though the possibility of ill-prepared den- tists raises concerned eyebrows, we think the situation illustrates the need for a panel to decide disputes instead of an individual dean. Such decisions require the judgment of more than one person. The Dental School should implement a panel to review student petitions, similar to the LSA system, to prevent one per- son from having too much power over students and faculty. CHIP CULLEN /'ti Walking down the aisle Vermont, California S ometimes a little state can make a big difference. Last month the Vermont Supreme Court, ruled that gay and lesbian couples must be given the same benefits and protections accorded heterosexuals who marry, making an unprecedented statement to the rest of the country. These benefits include such important matters as visitation in hospitals (otherwise reserved for "family members only") and joint medical coverage. The court stopped short of making gay and lesbian marriage legal, though this could be one way the legislature may choose to satis- fy the court's requirements. Another way to satisfy the requirements would be to set up a system similar to the new "registry" in California. Through a new bill, effective Jan. 1, state employees may file as domestic partners and receive med- ical and visitation benefits - 71 couples had filed by Jan. 3. This process skips the more controversial gay marriage issue, while still allowing benefits. Both systems are large steps in the right direction. It is atrocious that in this day and age people who lived through the civil rights era and who saw desegregation can think it is acceptable to discriminate against homo- sexuals. To deny homosexual couples finan- cial and marital benefits is an outright state- ment that being homosexual is wrong. The issue has been avoided for too long. Many American politicians have hidden under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy for all homosexual issues, while still denying rights. In recent years, many states have pushed against these archaic notions; a trend that must be recognized and will not go away. While providing benefits to gay and les- bian couples is a great advance, the nation must also pass legislation to allow gay mar- riage. To do otherwise would be to deny constitutional rights. Much of the opposition against homo- sexual marriage is because of the religious extend rights to gays is one of a lifelong commitment living together, whether the marriage is through a Catholic church, a temple or simply by obtaining a marriage license from the state, with no church involved. The concept of gay marriage is not a religious one - churches that oppose gay marriage certainly cannot be forced to marry gay couples, nor should they be. But many churches and reli- gions now support gay marriage and per- form ceremonies, even though the state does not make it official. It is important to take the further step to allow homosexual marriage because of the symbolic commitment and acceptance it carries for couples. Gay and lesbian couples carry the same wish for an official marital union as do heterosexual couples. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, California's criteria for registering as domestic partners for benefits is "two adults who have chosen to share one another's lives in an intimate and committed relationship of mutual caring." They must also "share a res- idence, be over 18, be jointly responsible for living expenses, register with the state as domestic partners and not be related by blood." How is this different from the traditional concept of marriage? With divorce rates at an all-time high, it is obvious that many homosexual couples who wish to be married carry a much stronger commitment than some of the heterosexual couples who are currently wed. Many say the United States simply "isn't ready" for homosexual marriage. This notion is absurd. While it is certainly true that many oppose the measure for their own religious or personal reasons, that does not make it acceptable to deny people their inalienable rights and humanity. And when new scientific evidence is coming out, indi- cating a possible biological factor in homo- sexuality, it seems all the more unjust. We must look forward to make this century one Women who pose for offensive ads deserve blame TO THE DAILY: In response to Elizabeth Mimms' Dec. 9 letter "Advertisements perpetuate sexism,:' scrutinizing the Daily's advertising because of "scantily clad women:" How can this be offensive if the females are the ones posing for these photos? A better idea would be for you to turn your blame toward the women who pose for these ads. as they are the ones who obviously don't have the same morals that you do. By the sounds of her letter, Mimms sounds like the type of person who probably thinks video games and rap music are causing many acts of violence in society. Why not shift the blame (if blame is needed at all) to some- one who is directly responsible ? JORDAN CRANDALL LSA FIRST-YEAR STUDENT 'U' should not monitor drinking TO THE DAILY: I am writing in response to Matthew Murphy's Dec. 10 letter. "Enforcing drinking laws will prevent crimes at the U."' I disagree with his argument for a couple of reasons. First, we are supposed to be legal adults now - how can the University be expected to oversee some 30.000 students? Police and DPS officers are patrolling and enforcing. I cannot count the numerous noise violations, MIPs and other citations I have heard of this past year. I think you'd be surorised by how M ;4 :- :0 :1 }g " ,,. "*. r s I " G Mvi y ^" T T t o p .. P tame and conservative our campus is in com- parison to other universities. I do not mean to attack your suggestion as I agree alcohol is grounds for trouble. People use it as an excuse and let stupidity get the better half of them while under the influence. Regardless, it is not fair to hold the University totally in charge of monitoring drinking. As adults, we should try to be as responsible as possible and take blame for our own mistakes. KRISTIN KELLNER LSA SENIOR Races do not inter- mix on campus To THE DAILY: After attending this racially "diverse" University, it has come to our attention that this place is nothing more than an oversized kindergarten class in which some kids won't play nice with others based on superficial characteristics. This becomes c, ident in one trip to a frat party, a visit to a football game or even sitting in class. Black football play- ers rarely associate with their white team- mates and vice versa in social gatherings. This problem certainly does not affect the football team alone - it is alive throughout the Greek system. Divisions can clearly be seen: Jewish houses rarely associate with non-Jewish ones: African-American houses don't associate much with white houses. The solution is at our fingertips. All it takes is the realization that we are all part of this University - and should start acting that* way. Kids, it's time to start p'aying nice with others and start sharing your toys MAT EDWARDS LSA SOPHOMORE JENNIFER PIERCE LSA SOPHOMORE 30iv-posrve pnsoners' appei The Clinton administration has urged the U.S. Supreme Court not to hear an appeal in a discrimination case filed by HIV-positive prisoners in the Alabama prison system, in which infected prisoners are barred from participation in religious, educational and recreational programs with other prisoners. The decision to segregate the HIV-pos- itive prisoners was made last April by the I Ith U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which cited the risk of infection when infected and non-infected prisoners are allowed to participate in the same events. "When the adverse event is the contraction of a fatal disease, the risk of transmission can be significant even if the probability of trans- mission is low.- the court wrote in its deci- sion. The 15-year-old case preceded the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which used the same "significant risk" defense against discrimination charges. But the I1Ith Circuit Court was wrong in upholding the separation of infected pris- oners, the appeal alleges. That opinion is shared by a coalition of public health and A mfi arnmwhich lim the enurt relieA ing all prisoners to engage in activities together. If the Supreme Court takes the White House's advice and does not hear the appeal, the circuit court's ruling would stand -- not only keeping the infected Alabama prisoners from participating in programs that are available to other inmates, but also setting a precedent that could open the doors to HIV discrimination in all walks of life. Currently, most states, as well as the federal prison system, evalu- ate their inmates individually and decide whether to exclude HIV-positive prisoners based on their histories and psychological profiles. Only Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina automatically segregate the infected prisoners. The circuit court judges stated that "the violence that is an inescapable part of prison life" may subject non-infected prisoners to HIV if they are integrated with HIV-positive inmates. That may be true, but chances are that such violent episodes aren't likely to erupt during data processing classes, high school equivalence testing and religious ser- vincs --. thro nf the mnre than 7n nworams What is more, the HV-positive prison- ers are barred from participating in classes that teach about the dangers of using drugs and work-release programs that could shorten their terms. So in effect, the infect- ed prisoners could serve longer terms than non-infected prisoners comicted of the same crimes. The appeal raises an Interesting ques- tion about not only the rights of infected* prisoners, but also the abily of prisons to control their inmates. "The answer to that question turns not on medical judgments about the risk inherent in certain behaviors. but on prison management judgments about the ability of prison authorities to control prisoners in various settings and programs," the U.. solicitor general wrote in a brief to the Supreme Couri. The high court shotuId hear the prison- ers' appeal and should strike down the auto- matic discrimination. Decisions on whether infected prione s should be 'ltd or excluded from prison pro r ms should be based on individual assessments - real risk, not "fear and stigma." - This eitorial an in the Jan .5issue I I