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January 27, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-01-27

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Today: Partly cloudy. High 21. Low 5.
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 23

One hundred nine years of editoialfreedom

January 27, 2000

Granger attends Dearborn, sues high school

By Jeannie Baumann
Daily Staff Reporter
Grosse Pointe Woods resident Daniel
, ranger, whose admission to the University
as revoked in 1998 during a sexual miscon-
duct scandal with Granger at its center, took
several classes at the University's Dearborn
campus while applying to the Ann Arbor cam-
pus for winter term admissions.
"Under the circumstances, it was the next best
alternative," Daniel's father Rick Granger said

yesterday, adding that the University denied his
son's admission to the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts for the current semester.
"They have made it so incredibly difficult for
him to do so, but if they were to accept him, then
he would attend."
Daniel Granger's attorney Richard Drake con-
curred with his father. But, "according to
(University administration), they decided he was
guilty until proven innocent. He was never a
threat to anybody" Drake said.

To protect Daniel's privacy, Rick Granger
would not disclose where his son now attends
In 1998, Daniel Granger accepted a plea bar-
gain, down from charges of criminal sexual mis-
conduct to the charge of conspiracy to contribute
to the delinquency of a minor. Three 14-year-old
girls at Grosse Pointe North High School, where
Granger also was a senior at the time, had
claimed Granger committed statutory rape.
University spokesperson Julie Peterson, who

is prohibited by federal law from commenting
on Granger's student record, said the fact that the
University's Dearborn campus accepted Granger
does not infringe on decisions the Ann Arbor
administration has made.
"Each campus has its own admission's poli-
cies," Peterson explained.
Donna McKinley, vice chancellor for student
affairs at the University's Dearborn campus,
emphasized this fact, saying the decision to
admit Granger was made independently of offi-

cials in Ann Arbor.
"Our environment is considerably different.
Our campus is smaller, so it's easier to keep
track of people on an individual basis,"
McKinley said.
The commuter-based student population
makes a difference, she said. "We don't have a
residential population. That is one of the big
differences, and it presents a whole different set
of responsibilities and decisions that we have to
See GRANGER, Page 2A

J~ormer VP [Having a ball
Pier -ontK
dies near
Fla. home
yDavid Enders
Daiily Staff Reporter
Former University Vice President
Wilbur Pierpont died from an apparent
heart attack yesterday while playing
golf near his home in Sarasota, Fla.
Funeral services are pending for the
man who served in the University's sec-
ond post from 1951-77, working under
University presidents Harlan Hatcher
dRobben Fleming.
WThe period of Pierpont's tenure as5
vice president is known for its rapid
growth, most significantly the con-
struction of the first buildings on North
"He was a wonderful man, "
Pierpont's wife, Maxine, said yesterday
from her Florida home.
Pierpont was instrumental in North
Campus' construction. In 1996, the.
University honored Pierpont and his
ife by naming what was formerly -
own as North Campus Commons
after the couple.
At the ceremony to rename Pierpont ;
Commons in 1996, former University
President James Duderstadt lauded"
"We have to admire the foresight of
President Hatcher, Vice President -
Pierpont and the Board of Regents,"
#uderstadt said in an article printed in ;
She Michigan Daily on Feb. 19, 1996,
explaining that Pierpont helped take anO
area of rolling farm hills and turned it Ten-year old Danny DeWind chases Richard Lewis while 10-year-old Joe Shanley watches the play
into what is now a sprawling part of from behind yesterday at Buhr Blast, an outdoor recreation program at Buhr Park ice Arena.
MSA agrees on Code changes


State budget
shorts schools

Engler's recommendation to.
be unveiled at Capitol today

By Jeremy W. Peters
Daily Staff Reporter
With Gov. John Engler's Fiscal Year 2001 budget
proposal scheduled to be announced this morning,
some are anticipating a less-than-desirable increase
in funding for the state's public colleges and univer-
"It is different from what I'd propose," said Sen.
John Schwarz (R-Battle Creek) in reference to the
proposed 2.5 percent increase Michigan schools
could receive in their base appropriations.
In addition, most lawmakers anticipate that cer-
tain institutions will receive a 0.5 percent increase in
their base funding to bring them closer to the per-
student floor foundation the state attempts to meet.
Last year the state initiated a system for higher edu-
cation funding that groups Michigan's 15 public uni-
versities into tiers with varying minimum funding
Engler's budget may also include a 2 percent
across the board increase for the improvement of
infrastructure and technology.

Schwarz, who chairs the Senate Appropriations
Higher Education Subcommittee, said he would like
to see something closer to a 5 percent increase in the
base funding universities receive.
"It's a good start, but we've got some work to do,"
Schwarz said.
During the current fiscal year, the University
received a 4.8 percent state appropriations increase,
which led to the lowest tuition increase in more than
a decade. Engler's Fiscal Year 2000 budget recom-
mendation originally guaranteed only a 1.5 percent
increase for the University, but the formula for dis-
tributing state funds was altered by House and
Senate subcommittees before Engler signed the
final proposal in July.
Engler's Deputy Press Secretary Susan Schafer
said she could not reveal specific details of the
governor's budget proposal, but it includes alloca-
tion of funds for specific programs such as
Medicare and tax cuts, she said.
"Obviously education will be a big part of it, but
See BUDGET, Page 5A


visa Koivu
Daily Staff Reporter
In a debate that spanned two weeks, the
Michigan Student Assembly finally agreed on
a set of amendments for the Code of Student
Conduct -- from word choice to procedure to
limiting the University administration's power.
The proposal was completed shortly after mid-
night at the assembly's weekly meeting Tuesday.
According to a written statement by Student
eneral Counsel Josh Trapani, this is the first
me the Code has been revised since the
University Board of Regents approved the cur-
rent version in November 1995 and it went into
effect in January 1996.
"This is the biggest thing we have ever
done," MSA President Bram Elias said.
Two weeks ago, the assembly considered
two sets of amendments, one written by
Trapani and the other by Students' Rights
Commission Chair Abe Rafi.

"The way it is now, the Code is too secretive
and excludes students too much."
- Abe Rafi
Students' Rights Commission chair

"Josh and I are basically proposing the same
general students' rights principles. The word-
ings of our proposed textual changes differ,"
Rafi said in a written statement. "Also, some of
his expand on my amendments."MSA unani-
mously voted in favor of the changes to the
The proposed amendments will go to the
Senate Advisory Committee for University
Affairs which will hand the amendments to the
Student Relations Advisory Committee. After
the SRAC reviews them, they will make rec-
ommendations to University President Lee

Bollinger about whether he should endorse
them. But, Bollinger has the final say in imple-
menting the amendments.
After debating for the entire meeting
whether the Code should list values that stu-
dents attending the University should hold in
its beginning statement, the proposed amend-
ments were tabled until this week.
Rafi said the revisions MSA is proposing are
a definite improvement on the current Code.
"The way it is now, the Code is too secretive
and excludes students too much. We worked to
See MSA, Page SA

Icarus Student Program Manager Jane Ohlweiler (right) shows a satellite built by Engineering
students to Vice President for Research Fawwaz Ulaby, NASA investigator Les Johnson and electri-
cal engineering and space sciences associate Prof. Brian Gilchrist yesterday at the Space Physics
Research Lab.
NASA to launch students'
satellite into space this fall

Profs. examine trends
in afflinnative action

By Josie Gingrich
Daily StaffReporter
The mood at Rackham Auditorium
was ardently in favor of affirmative
action as a panel of experts from across
the country presented their research on
the volatile topic last night.
In a discussion titled "Race
Relations and Education: Research on
Equity and Opportunity," University
m:V : lli nic rfuWill- - ri-.

by University of Michigan Education
Prof. Sylvia Hurtado aud sponsored by
Dialogues on Diversity, a campus pro-
gram that seeks to bring discussions
about the subject to the University.
Program Coordinator Pat McCune
said the goal of the panel was "expo-
sure for the objective research and to
present evidence that diversity is a
value to all in higher education."
Th tr- - ie. itcnr rn-hnrc of

Rv Robert Gold
Daily Staff Reporter
Demonstrating the College of Engineering's
close ties to the national space program, a squad
of University students have designed and con-
structed from start to finish a satellite that
NASA will launch into space later this fall.
Yesterday, Engineering faculty members and
some of the 100 students who have worked on the
project since September 1998 displayed the satel-
lite and explained its use after a luncheon in the
Space Physics Research Lab on North Campus.
"You are more enthusiastic and a lot more
reponsie than a lot of our contractors"

developed similar student satellites.
The 20-kilogram satellite - about the size of
a personal computer - is part of a larger
NASA project used to investigate new space
technologies. Gilchrist's connections to NASA
helped get the students involved in the process.
Gilchrist and other engineers at NASA's
Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntville, Ala.,
have created a system that may give birth to
space navigation without the use of fuel. They
designed a tether that will act as a conductor to
generate energy from the Earth's magnetic field.
Using this equipment, solar energy will be the
source for downward nronulsion. Gilchrist said.




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