Iq 10 Tuesday January 25, 2000 WI~atam gr Today: Scattered snow showers. High 24. Low 12. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 21. One hundred nine years of editonidlfreedom I ff'1 I Caucus results 1n few surprises Gore, Bush victoriously &ipture caucus votes DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Republican George W Bush won Iowa's kickoff caucuses last night, besting upstart Steve Forbes to set the stage for a three-way presidential primary fight in New Hampshire. Democrats gave Al Gore a thumping win over Bill Bradley. 4 said he had "a little more humility" and vowed to push his challenge. "I can't wait to get to New Hampshire," was Gore's battle cry and he said he'd be campaigning today at dawn. The results set the stage for a dra- matic week in New Hampshire, first in a furious flurry of primary elections. Bush described the caucus results as validation of his compassionate conser- vative agenda. "It's a solid victory and humbled," he said as the presiden- Athlts perform well in classroom By Jodie Kaufman Daily Staff Reporter At yesterday's Senate Assembly meeting in the Rackham Building, University Athletic Director Tom Goss said student athletes are succeeding not c4 on the playing field but also in the classroom. "We are here to prepare the students for life, and the things they are ready to do when they leave great institutions," Goss said. "Our coaches also become teachers, making sure that we can learn from our mistakes." Goss expressed concern that not all faculty members accept excuses from athletes who are travel- ing to partici- pate in their ! respective sports. "We need to make sure they have the chance Goss for success in the classroom," Gs said. e National College Athletic Association is in the process of debat- ing whether or not to hold football playoffs in the month of December for Division IA, which the University is part of. The playoffs would conflict with the University's final exam schedule. If the Michigan football team would not participate in the playoffs, the ath- 1 department would sacrifice $3 to M million. But so far, the Big Ten and the Pacific Athletic Conference 10 are against the playoffs, but there are still many other schools in favor, Goss said. There are more than 900 institutions in the NCAA, but Goss said 300 of them have goals similar to the University. Faculty members expressed some concern for the academic abilities of si student athletes. know you don't admit the ath- letes," Kinesiology Prof. Earl Foss said. "But we recruit them," Goss said. "We are trying hard to bring in better quality students," Goss said, "and in the past two years we have had about 320 See GOSS, Page 2 tial campaigns put the best-possible spins on their finishes. The Texas gov- ernor called his victory "record-shatter- ing" and roused supporters with the vow, "tonight is the beginning of the end of the Clinton era." Forbes was at least as happy with the resultsj saying, "We vastly overper- formed the polls and have emerged as the conservative candidate" going into New Hampshire. Gore outpolled Bradley 63 percent to 35 percent, and the former New Jersey senator said, "Tonight I have a little more humility but no less confidence that I can win and do the job." Looking ahead to New Hampshire, Gore and Bradley were locked in a tie See IOWA, Page 5 'U' analysts: McCain, Bradley need t aeN.H. By Yael Kohen Daily Staff Reporter The results of the Iowa caucuses were no surprise when Vice President Al Gore and Texas Gov. George W Bush walked away victoriously last night as voters expressed their preferences for president in the first caucus of the year. "This is the expected outcome," said political science Prof. Chris Achen, acting director for political studies at the Institute for Social Research. Despite the expected outcome, there were two small sur- prises, said Michael Traugott, chair of the Department of Communications Studies and ISR research scientist. The first surprise, Traugott said, came with the results AP PHOTO from the Democratic caucus. "Gore seems to have done a lit- the Iowa caucus tle better than was expected," he said. See ANALYSIS, Page 5 Group claims responsibility for MSU fire U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Vice President Al Gore celebrate Gore's victory In t yesterday at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. MEDICAL POLITICS By Shomari Terrelonge-Stone Daily Staff Reporter A professor's office at Michigan State University was the target of a N*w Year's Eve fire set by a radical environmentalist group. On Friday, the Earth Liberation Front claimed responsibility for the blaze that caused more than $400,000 in damages to the fourth floor of Michigan State's 91-year-old Agricultural Hall. ELF has claimed other arson-related fires. The claim, which wjas faxed to media, outlets, said the environmentalist group targeted associate Prof. Catherine Ives, the director of MSU's Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project. The group opposes Ives' use of genet- ically engineered plants in her program funded by Monsanto Co. and the U.S. Agency for International Development - organizations that attempt to per- suade developing nations to change cur- rent agricultural practices and adopt genetic engineering techniques. Some environmentalists claim geneti- cally engineered plants threaten tradi- tional crops and monopolize the U.S. seed industry. Ives could not be reached for comment. Michigan State spokesperson Terry Denbow said Ives is afraid and her con- cern is "appropriate" because she was specifically named in the claim of responsibility. She is still continuing her research at the universily, he added. Denbow said Agricultural Hall is now open and "the investigation that involves the Michigan State Police Department, the (U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) and the FBI is ongoing. We are going to have an aggressive, thorough investigation;' he said. But the possibility of a similar inci- dent at the University of Michigan has come into question. The University does not have a department of agricultural science but does use animal testing for' human health, said Dan Ringler, director of the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine. Ringler said the University could be a potential target because "we are carrying animal research" but added that he is not concerned about the activists because "they have typically attacked institutions that carry on research with mink and with fur-bearing animals." Department of Public Safety Lt. Robert Newman said the University is "always cognizant of potential threats against research facilities and when we do receive information, we do increase patrols and take precautionary mea- sures." Ringler said the University uses a wide variety of animals but 90 percent See FIRE, Page 2 LOUIS BROWN/Daily Ann Arbor resident Renee Emry Wolfe, currently on trial in Washington, D.C. for marijuana possession, sits outside her home with her son Timothy last spring. Lr " resident ontri alfor D.C. marijyuana incidet Mock rock By Hanna LoPatin Daily Staff Reporter Ann Arbor resident Renee Emry Wolfe, who is being tried in Washington, D.C. for marijuana pos- session, saw what she thought would be a one-day trial extended another day when she was denied a verdict yesterday. "I suspect (the prosecution) is prolonging it as a way of giving a little extra punishment," Marijuana Policy Project Communications Director Chuck Thomas said. MPP lent support to Wolfe during her trial this week by providing her with canned goods. Wolfe, who suffers from multiple "Now we're demanding through the constitutional amendment initiative process." -- Gregory Schmid Personal Responsibility Amendment 2000 director sclerosis, lit up a marijuana ciga- rette in the office of U.S. Rep. William McCollum (R-Fla.) in September 1998 while meeting with the representative about his opposi- tion to the use of medicinal marijua- na. Oregon and Washington have approved the use of medical mari- juana within their states. Thomas said this proves that "the American people are ready to change." If attorney Gregory Schmid gets his way, Wolfe and other Michigan See MARIJUANA, Page 5 Voters in Alaska, California, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, I 'IJI nationals suspend campus chapter By Caitlin Nish Daily Staff Reporter The campus chapter of the Phi Gamma Delta fra- ternity was suspended this weekend for violating the terms of a stay on a previous suspension placed on it In June 1999, the Archons issued a written resolu- tion to approve leadership of the campus chapter by a graduate trusteeship. But, in September 1999 the Archons again reviewed the FIJI chapter. "The Archons were not pleased with the progress "On Dec. 4 they had a party where they served and consumed alcohol and paid for it with chapter funds. Their leadership approved the party and it involved pledges," Morgan said. Morgan also said the party violated a mandate on i