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April 14, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-04-14

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Today Sunny. High 63. Low 35.
TOmorrow: Cloudy. High 51.

One hundred eiht years of editorar freedon


April 14, 1999

olfts the

By Kelly O'Connor
and Jalmie Winkler
Daily Staff Reporters


A motion filed Friday by the Center for Individual
Rights asked Judge Patrick Duggan for a summary judg-
t in the class-action lawsuit challenging the College
o iterature, Science and the Arts' use of race as a fac-
tor in its admissions process.
The lawsuit, filed in Oct. 1997 by two white students
denied admission to the University, became a class-
action suit earlier this semester. The new status could
include up to 6,000 denied applicants.
Lawyers have recently ended the discovery phase --
the time during which each side examines documents
Regents to
hear life
By Jamle Winkler
Daily Staff Reporter
After nearly three months of adjourn-
ing early, the University Board of Regents
meeting scheduled for tomorrow and
Friday is expected to take the entire timet
allotted due to an in-depth presentation ont
the proposed life sciences institution.
"I'm heading towards a major propos-
al" Bollinger said recently, speculating
tithe proposal would be ready for pub-y
lic announcement at the May meeting.
The life sciences project, headed by
Bollinger, would fuse many disciplines
already in place at the University with
some new programs, creating an institu-
tion that could compete with top research Four Albanian
universities in the field of life sciences. forces and Alb
The presentation this week will focsadAb
include "extensive background" on the
life sciences commission and the cur
status of the commission,
Recently, Bollinger and University
Provost Nancy Cantor have met with
University departments to discuss the
life sciences program. The faculty has
been receptive but expressed many
concerns regarding the effect the life The Washington
sciences center will have on current Yugoslav f
programs and faculty. in northern A
*ollinger has said he expects the hour-long sk
venture to cost the University between troops yester
$200 million and $300 million with the Kosovo c
supplemental funding from the state of neighboringE
Michigan -- approximately $50 mil- drawing ster
lion a year. United States
Also, Cantor is expected to recom- The inciden
mend "with great enthusiasm" Shirley volatile regioi
Neuman for dean of the College of turmoil by t
Literature, Science and the Arts. bombing aga
Neuman has spent three years as a dean about to esca
at the University of British Columbia. crackdown b
,*he regents must approve this rec- forces in Ko
ommendation before Neuman can take hundreds oft
office Aug. 1. into Macedon
The regents also have been requested More reful
to approve the academic calendar for Kosovo y
the year 2001-2002. Classes would Yugoslav tro
begin Sept. 5, 2001, with 69 class days rebellious St
in the fall semester. Winter semester after a brief
would begin Jan. 7, 2002 and continue efforts to pur
for 67 class days. the ethnic Al

Lits may
and depositions --- and is preparing for the anticipated 1
trial in early fall.1
CIR filed for a summary judg-
ment because it believes many of the
crucial facts of the case are undis-
puted and negate the need for a trial, ADM IS
CIR Senior Legal Counsel Terry Pell ON 3R1AL
said. The judge must then interpret+
them under the current law - in this case Bakke v. the
University of California Regents.+
"A summary judgment says, 'these facts are undisput-
ed and on the basis of these facts, we should be entitled
to a judgment in our favor,"' Pell said.
An example of an undisputed fact comes from the

avoid jury
point-based admissions system. The system awards 20 admissions to achiev
points to underrepresented minorities. Pell said CIR CIR also claims th
interprets this as surpassing the late Justice Lewis dence showing its us
Powell's ruling in Bakke, which supports the use of race dards based on race;
in admissions to a degree if it achieves "intellectual for minorities. CIR s
diversity." The University uses Powell's ruling to justify putting only white s
its practices, said Liz Barry, a member of the University minority students aut
General Counsel. But Barry said then
"The University is absolutely dedicated to admitting a "Any characterizati
diverse student body so that all its students can receive sions system is d
the benefits of being educated with racially diverse University evaluates
peers," Barry said. "CIR's arguments fly in the face of against a single set{
the Supreme Court's holding in the Bakke case that CIR refuses to recog
explicitly permits the consideration of race in University

e those benefits."
e University has not disputed evi-
e of two separate admissions stan-
and the practice of reserving seats
aid the University openly admits to
tudents on wait lists, which gives
omatic admission.
se claims are untrue.
ion of our program as a dual admis-
ead wrong," Barry said. "The
all applicants, regardless of race,
of criteria. As Bakke permits and
gnize, race may be a factor in that
See LAWSUIT, Page 2



Delts face

women In the northern Albanian town of Tropoje sit in an underground bomb shelter yesterday as Serb
anlan army troops clashed on the northern border.
i 0
d on
[age raises tensions

By Jewel Gopwanl
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA sophomores Jeremy Bier and
Simeon Maleh, former members of the
Phi Delta Theta fraternity, are scheduled
to be sentenced May 13 for two of three
counts they were originally charged with.
The two pleaded guilty to furnishing
minors with alcohol and violating the
host law - allowing minors to drink -
at the 15th District Court on Monday. But
as a part of the plea bargain, which was
reached with the Washtenaw County
Prosecutor's Office, Bier and Maleh will
not face sentencing on the charge of
using fraudulent identification.
Bier and Maleh could receive a
maximum of 12 months probation and
up to 100 hours of community service,
The Ann Arbor News reported yester-
day. The two could also face mandato-
ry drug and alcohol abuse counseling
and court fines totaling more than
Washtenaw County Assistant
Prosecuting Attorney Joe Burke said
the Holmes Youthful Trainees Act will

be applied to the case, explaining that
the act is applicable to people under 21
years of age.
According to the Holmes Youthful
Trainee Act, the charges will be cleared
from Bier and Maleh's permanent
records if the two complete their entire
The charges facing Bier, Maleh
and eight other former members of
Phi Delta Theta stem from a party
held at the fraternity house Oct. 15,
where LSA first-year student
Courtney Cantor was seen drinking
alcohol. Cantor died early the next
morning after falling from her sixth-
floor window in Mary Markley
Residence Hall.
In March, two other former Phi
Delta Theta members, LSA sopho-
more Adam Feldheim and Music
sophomore Jordan Schmidt, were
sentenced to 12 months of probation
and 100 hours of community service
after pleading guilty to the three
charges currently facing Bier and
See CHARGES, Page 2

orces raided a village
Llbania and fought an
irmish with Albanian
day, stoking fears that
onflict could spill into
Balkan countries and
-n warnings from the
3. -
nt added to tensions in a
n already thrown into
hree weeks of NATO
inst Yugoslavia that is
late again, a relentless
by Yugoslav security
sovo and the flight of
thousands of refugees
ia and Albania.
gees streamed out of
esterday, indicating
ops and police in the
erbian province have,
hiatus, resumed their
ge the area of many of
banians who form the

population base for the rebel Kosovo
Liberation Army.
Talks in Oslo, Norway between
Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright and Russian Foreign
Minister Igor Ivanov, meanwhile,
failed to produce agreement on how
to work toward a diplomatic settle-
ment to the conflict.
In a sign the scope of the conflict is
growing - and with it the costs --
U.S. and European officials said yes-
terday the United States will be send-
ing up to 50 AH-64A Apache attack
helicopters to Albania, double the
number previously reported. It also is
likely that several thousand addition-
al troops, beyond the 2,800 the
Pentagon has announced, will accom-
pany the helicopters.
The Pentagon spokesperson,
Kenneth Bacon, put the first price tag
on the 21-day-old air war, saying it
would be in the "$3 billion to $4 bil-
lion range, money that will have to

be approved by Congress.
Since U.S. and NATO officials have
refused to predict how long the conflict
will go on, it was unclear where Bacon
derived his upper limit projection for
the current fiscal year.
Yugoslavia denied that its forces
had entered Albania, but the. State
Department and the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe,
which has observers in the border
area, confirmed the incursion.
"The U.S. is extremely concerned
by these actions by Serb forces,
which constitute a violation of
Albanian territorial integrity," State
Department spokesperson James
Foley said. "Such actions will not be
No injuries were reported during
the clash. Most residents of the
region - which is thick with KLA
guerrillas and serves as a supply base
and rear staging area for them - fled
See BALKANS, Page 7

Ups and downs

onference focuses on welfare
law, economic disparit, violence


By Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
esearchers, activists and
policy makers from around
the country will gather fora reseat
weekend to find out how a
1996 change in federal welfare law has affected
women confined to lives of both economic dispar-
ity and domestic violence.
"Tapped by Poverty, Trapped by Abuse" is the sec-
ond annual conference sponsored by the Taylor
Situte policy group and the School of Social
ork's Center on Poverty, Risk and Mental Health.
Participants will have opportunities to learn
about new research findings and discover how
public policy will be affected.
U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.) and author Jill
Neslon are scheduled to speak to the nearly 200 con-
# ri- mr;ineate and seealnanels on research

Nchers. activists, author

in situations of domestic
violence. Abusers may be
threatened by the thought of
their partner having finan-
cial independence and
because of this, he said,

LSA junior Amanda Eis pauses to stretch as she seesaws at the annual seesaw
marathon on the Diag yesterday.
Dialogue looks at
national labor COde

w low

Domestic violence is "an issue that he's done a
lot of legislative work on," Farrell said. "The sen-
ator feels that we need tough laws to reduce
domestic violence."
The idea of a connection between domestic vio-
lence, poverty and welfare came to the forefront of
national attention after federal law regarding wel-
fare changed in 1996, Social Work associate Prof.
Richard Tolman said.
"It changed from entitlement ... to something
the states had the option of providing," Tolman
said, adding that new stipulations were added to
the law. such as a limit on the length of time a per-

may not allow their partners
to go to work. Under the 1996 law, the victims will
lose their welfare benefits if they do not work, he
In response to the law, Wellstone, together with
U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), co-sponsored
the Family Violence Option amendment. The
amendment, which allows states to prolong bene-
fits to recipients whose economic independence is
affected by domestic violence without being
penalized by the federal government, has been
adopted by more than 30 states and will be the
subject of Wellsonte's speech.
Taylor Institute Deputy Director Rebekah Levin

By Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporter
As national labor officials plan to
gather at the University tomorrow in
an open dialogue on apparel labor
standards, members of the Nike
Corp. spoke during a teleconference
yesterday about the changes the
footwear giant has made to improve
working conditions in its factories

of corporate responsibility, said Nike
has taken great strides in the past
year to improve the labor standards
of their workers.
Kidd said Nike recently has adopted
higher minimum age requirements.
Nike workers under the age of 16 are
not allowed to produce apparel or
equipment and those under 18 cannot
manufacture footwear.

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