10 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 13, 1999
M - I ---- AING, JR.
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Building Communities from the Inside Out:
Mobilizing Community Assets in a Diverse Society
Lecture by John McKnight
Tim: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Location: Michigan Union Pendleton Room
Contact: Holly Arft
734.647.7402, harft@umich.edu
Sponsor: Center for Community
Service and Learning
The Blackness Blues-Time to
Change the Tune (A Sister's Story)
Time: 700pm
Location: Arena Theatre, Frieze Building
Contact: Dominique Morisseau,
734.434.5931, dfm@umich.edu
Sponsor: Theatre Department/ Basement Arts
Note: This performance wilrunolanuary 14-16
January 14 and 16 at 7:08pm
January 15 at8:J0pm
Modeling the Temporal Basis of Social
Differentiation in Caribbean Spanish
Lecture by Henrietta Cedergren
Time: 4:00pm
Location: Hussey Room, Michigan League
Contact: Carol Aldrich
Sponsor: Program in Linguistics, Department
of Romance Languages & Literature
Perspectives on Social Justice
Panel Discussion with Evelyn
Hu-Dehart and Roberto Rodriguez
Time: 4:00pm
Location: Mendelssohn Theatre, Michigan League
Contact Diana Deige
734.936.1055, dderige@umich.edu
Sponsor: 1999 MLK Symposium Planning
Committee and MEChA
"The Blackness Blues-Time to Change the Tune (A
Sister's Story)"
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location: Arena Theatre, Frieze Building
Contact: Dominique Morisseau, 734.434.5931,
Sponsor: Theatre Department/Basement Arts
The Gospel at Colonus
Time: 8:00pm
Location: Power Center
Contact: University Musical Society
734.764.2538 or 800.221.1229, umstiv@umich.edu
Tickets: $34, $28, $20, and $16
Sponsors: University Musical Society, Office of the
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, Lila Wallace-
Reader's Digest Audiences for the Performing Arts
Network, NBD Bank and media partner WEMU, 89.1tFM
Note: The Gospel at Colonus wil perform lanuary 15-18
Change: What Are We Afraid Of
Time: 7:O0pm-9:O0pm
Location AndersuRoom, Michigan Unioi
Contact: Temperance Love-Williamson
734.936.3709, temper@umich.edu
Sponsor: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
A Tribute Through the Arts to r. Bong
Performance of Song, Dance, Music.
Poetry, and Interpretation
ie: :O0pm-tt:U0pnn
Location Leonardo's, Pierpont Commons
Contact: Helen Welford
734.647.6838, welford@umich.edu
Sponsors: The Black Arts Council and the
Pierpont Commons Arts and Programs
Learning from the Community
Hands-on Workshops
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm
Location: Angell and Mason Hall
Contact: Holly Arft
734.647.7402, harft@umich.edu
Sponsors: Center for Community Service and Learning,
Schools of Public Health, Information, Business,
Medicine, Social Work, Urban Planning, Law,
the Michigan Neighborhood AmeriCorps Program;
Jndergraduate Research Opportunity Program,
and the College of Literature, Science and Arts
Note: Pre-registration isrequired.
The People and Their Sky:
African Sky Tales
Planetarium Show
Time: 12:30pm and 3:30pm
Location: Planetarium, Exhibit Museum
of Natural History, Ruthven Museums Bldg.
Contact: Matthew Linke
734.647.1381, mlinke@umich.edu
Tickets: $3.25/adults, $3/seniors
and children 12 and under.
Sponsors: Exhibit Museum of Natural History, and
the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Note: The Planetarium Show will also run on
January 18-18, January 23-24, and January 38-31.
"The Gospel at Colonus Family Performance"
Family Performance
Time: 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Location: Power Center
Contact: University Musical Society, 734.764.2538 or
800.221.1229, umstix@umich.edu
Sponsors: University Musical Society, Office of the
Provost, Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Audiences for the
Performing Arts Network, NBD Bank, and media partner
WEMU, 89.1 FM
Detroit Storyliving's Role-play and Storytelling
Time: 1:00-3:00pm and 4:00-5:3pm
Location: Kessler Room, Michigan League
Contact: Adrea Korthease
734.936.1055, adreamk@umich.edu
Sponsors: The 1999 MLK Symposium Planning Conee,
the School of Education, and the School of Social
Note: The program is intergenerational and designed
for both children and adultsto paricipate. This progra
also will run on MondayJanuary 18.
Mascots and Motifs: Negotiating the Images
of Nativeamericans and Popular Culture
Lecture by Charlene Teeters
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Mendelssohn Theatre, Michigan League
Contact: Adrea Korthease
734.936.1055, adreamk@umich.edu
Sponsors: MLK Symposium Planning Committee
and the Native American Student Association
Jam 4 Jesus
Gospel Performance
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Rackham Auditorium
Contact: DeAgelia Wiley
734.994.4767, dewiley@engin.uich.edu
Sponsor: Musicians for Christ
A Musical Celebration of the MLK Holiday *
Performance by Charlie King, singer,
and special appearance the Sacred Song Singers
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Genesis, St. Clare's Episcopal Church,
2309 Packard and Eastover/Jewitt
Contact: Tobi Hannah-Davies (days)
734.663.1870, icpi@homail.com
or Martha Kransdorf (evenings)
734.663.7933, mkransdo@umich.edu
Tickets: $10 in advance, $12 at the door, $25 for
benefactors listed in the program. Children 12 and
under are $5 in advance and $7 at the door. For advance
tickets please call the above listed numbers.
Sponsor: Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice.
and the Nonviolent Action for Racial Justice
"The Blackness Blues-Time to Change the Tune (A
Sister's Story)"
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location: Arena Theatre, Frieze Building
Contact: Dominique Morisseau, 734.434.5931,
Sponsor: Theatre Department/Basement Arts
Encompass: Many in One
Time: 8:00pm
Location: Michigan Theater
Contact: Allen Narcisse
734.332.7842, narcisse@umich.edu
Tickets: $5.50 and $7.50; available at
the Michigan Union Ticket Office.
Sponsors: Michigan Student Assembly, Rackham
Student Government, Office of Academic Multicultural
Initiatives, LS&A Student Government, the School
of Business, Dialogues on Diversity, and the Dean
of Students Office
"The Gospel at Colonus"
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location: Power Center
Contact: University Musical Society, 734.764.2538 or
800.221.1229, umstix@umich.edu
Sponsors: UM Musical Society, Office of the Provost, Lila
Wallace-Reader's Digest Audiences for the Performing
Arts Network, NBD Bank, and media partner
WEMU, 89.1 FM
Planting Seedsfor a Prosperous Future
High School Students' and Presentation
Time: Overnight Program
Location: Trotter House
Contact: Mitzi Dorbu
734.764.2672, dorbum@umich.edu
Sponsors: The Black Volunteer Network, the Black
Greek Association, the Black Student Union, the National
Society of Black Engineers, Pi Psi Fraternity Incorpor d,
and the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives
Note: By Invitation only
"The People and Their Sky: African Sky Tales"
Planetarium Show
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: Planetarium, Exhibit Museum of Natural History,
Buthven Museums Bldg.
Contact: Matthew Linke, 734.647.1381,
Sponsors: Museum of Natural History, and the Office
the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Note: Tickets are $3.25/adults, $3/seniors, and children
12 and under.
Shades of Us
Art Exhibit
Time: 7:00am-Midnight
Location: Pierpont Commons Lounge, North Campus
Contact: Esperanza C. Andrade
734.332.1331, eandrade@umich.edu
Sponsor: Organization of African-American
Artists, Architects, and Planners
Note: The exhibit will run from January 7
through January 29.
Welcoming Reverend
Br. Elias Farajaje-tones
Time: 3:00pm
Location: Michigan Union
Contact: Kenneth Jones
734.936.1055, kennetht@umich.edu
Sponsor: All Us and the Office of Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs
A World of True Unity & Diversity
Lecture by Reverend Dr. Elias Farajaje-Jones
Time: 6:00pm
Location: 1800 Chemistry Bldg.
Contact: Kenneth Jones
734.936.1055, kennetht@umich.edu
Sponsors: All Us and the Office
of Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Affairs
Community Gospel Sing-Along
with the Cast of the Gospel at Colonus
Performance Sing Along
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Martin Luther King
lunior High School Auditorium, Detroit
Contact: Kate Remen
734.647.6712, kremen@umich.edu
Sponsors: University Musical Society and Office
>f the Associate Provost forAcademic Affairs, NBD
Bank, the Ford and media partner WEMU, 89.1 FM.
The Community SingAiong is a collaboration among
the University Musical Society, the Charles H. Wright
Museum of African American History, and Wayne
County RESA
Implementing the Dream
in Sciences and Engineering
Panel Discussion with Faculty,
Administration, and Students
Time: 4:00pm-6:00pm
Location: Boeing Lecture Hall,
1109 FXB Building-North Campus
Contact: Michael Keinath
734.936.3066, keinath@umich.edu
Sponsor: American Society
for Engineering Student Chapter
Then and Now: A Reflection on Social
Justice in the 1960s and 1990s
Lecture by Julian Bond
Time: 5:30pm
cation: Mendelssohn Theatre, Michigan League
Contact: Damon Williams
734.936.1055, damonw@umich.edu
Sponsors: MLK Symposium Planning Committee,
Center for Afro-American and African Studies,
Political Science Department, History Department,
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