2A -The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 5, 1999
continued from Page 1A
"'heir concern but received no response,
Southworth said. At that point, he felt it
was "no longer viable to work through
she student government."
Southworth and the two other plain-
were referred to attorney Jordan
4Morence, and after evidence was com-
a iled, they filed the case in federal court.
In November 1996, the district court
ftudge ruled in the students' favor, affirm-
ing that their right to freedom of speech
and association had been violated.
The university appealed to the 7th
Circuit Court of Appeals, who again
denied the legitimacy of the school's
funding policies. The case, Board of
Regents of the University of Wisconsin v.
Southworth, is scheduled to be heard
sometime next fall.
After the second decision was made,
the university refunded the .student fee
money to all three plaintiffs, Southworth
Said. He said this action proves the uni-
versity has a weak case.
Southworth said he is confident that
the country's highest court will uphold
the earlier decision because the plain-
tiffs are completely in the right.
"The First Amendment was set up
and designed to protect the minority"
he said. "It is the only thing we have to
protect those who are not in power."
Both parties agreed to a stay of the
lower courts' orders, Lorence said, so no
changes will be implemented until the
Supreme Court makes its decision.
Michigan Student Assembly Rep.
Sumeet Karnik also expressed feelings
of opposition to Southworth's no-fund-
ing stance.
"I think it would be a terrible disaster"
if the funding of student groups was dis-
continued, Karnik said. "I can see a lot of
student groups discontinuing if they
couldn't get money from MSA."
Karnik, who chairs the assembly's
Budget and Priorities Committee, said
the University's student fee, which is
less than $10 per semester, is allocated
to groups who apply for money and pre-
sent a convincing case to the MSA bud-
get committees. All University students
are eligible to serve on either of the com-
mittees, regardless of whether they are
an assembly member.
The committees decide which groups
will receive money based on the impact
the group will have on the campus, not
its political or ideological stance. The
decisions are not taken lightly, he said.
"We're not just giving money out,
we're making an investment in the
atmosphere on campus," Karnik said.
Local officials cite
low offenses at Bash
Continued from Page 1A
pants procured an amplification per-
mit to use the Diag from noon until 1
p.m. and did not exceed their time
To handle the estimated 5,000 people
who congregated in the city Saturday
and to ensure order, officers in Ann
Arbor patrolled their designated areas
in teams comprised of state, city and
campus police.
"Our officers were paired with
officers from other agencies," DPS
Lt. Robert Neumann said. "This made
it easier to spread out a little bit
DPS officers acted as lead officials
when patrolling the campus, with offi-
cers from other agencies giving sup-
port. Officers patrolled campus in this
manner to avoid complications with
Neumann also said about 12 under-
cover DPS officers walked around cam-
pus during the festival.
Prior to the annual event, AAPD offi-
cials said they did not foresee any
changes in their patrolling habits.
"We just have our usual shifts going
out," AAPD Sgt. Flocken said.
As of Saturday evening, AAPD offi-
cers had handed out 89 violations for var-
ious offenses. In a written statement,
AAPD officials said they did not have
any "major" problems with the large
crowd that inundated the Diag and the
city's streets.
Unofficial reports from DPS state
that 29 people were cited by DPS
officers for being in possession of
marijuana in the Diag area, Neumann
"The number of violations have
decreased every year," Neumann said,
adding that DPS has not significantly
changed any of its methods for
patrolling Hash Bash during the past
five to 10 years.
The University campus falls under
state laws governing the use of marijua-
na. In the state of Michigan, possession
of less than 25 grams of marijuana is a
misdemeanor and carries a fine of up to
$2,000 and/or a sentence of up to one
year in prison.
There is also a lesser offense for the
use of marijuana which carries a maxi-
mum jail term of 90 days and/or a max-
imum fine of $100.
But officers issued more offenses for
violations unrelated to marijuana.
Nine people received tickets for ille-
gally selling items on the Diag and an
additional nine were ticketed for carry-
ing or consuming alcohol on city
Four minors were ticketed for using
and/or carrying tobacco..
Those charged with marijuana viola-
tions were taken to the DPS office
located at 525 Church Street for pro-
People who were arrested and
brought to the facility should expect a
phone call from DPS officials within
the next few weeks.
Suspect arrested for Melissa' Virus
Cybersleuths had been peering into cyberspace, collecting clues about the
Melissa virus author, for eight full days before David Smith was arrested in New
Jersey on Friday and charged with being the culprit.
So it came as no surprise to software analysts when newspapers reported that the
30-year-old Smith was working as a computer programmer, had filed for bank-
ruptcy in Florida three years ago and was now living alone in a Monmouth Coun*
N.J., apartment with two cats and a big pile of computers.
Analysts already had been tracing the digital fingerprints left across the Internet
by the creator of Melissa, the nasty virus that overloaded e-mail systems world-
wide. Even as Smith was being released on bail, electronic profiles based on
Internet "aliases" were being linked to him through such clues as Smith's private
e-mail account: DLSmith@monmouth.com.
The online persona that emerged, analysts said, was of a "prolific" Internet
writer who called himself a "pill-head" and posted thousands of messages to online
bulletin boards devoted to music, art, sex and computer viruses.
"We believe David Smith has about a dozen different aliases," said Peter Tippett,
chief executive of Reston, Va.-based ICSA.net, one of many computer secur
firms where virus experts have been working continuously since the first Melis.
infected file was posted to a sex-related Internet newsgroup March 25.
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Y2K fear, bosses
limt vacation time
CLEVELAND - Save the cham-
pagne for another occasion. This New
Year's Eve is going to be dry for thou-
sands of workers pulling Y2K duty.
Fears that the Year 2000 computer
bug will create havoc has caused com-
panies nationwide to limit.- even for-
bid - vacation time at the end of the
Some of the bans are just a couple
days or so. Others will last months.
Technicians, utility workers -
including the 8,400 at Detroit
Edison Co. - as well as bankers,
city employees, emergency person-
nel and financial consultants are
among those who'll be shelving their
party hats and noisemakers come
Dec. 31.
Detroit Edison has banned vacations
from Dec. 27 to Jan. 7, 2000. And
Comerica Bank's 11,000 employees -
8,800 of them in Michigan - have
been told that no vacations will be
allowed from Dec. 27 through Jan. 31,
In some cases, the blackout periods
have workers grousing, but others are
taking the situation in stride.
Willie Kennedy had hoped to toast
the new year in the Caribbean warmth
of Aruba. He and his wife, Shawn, h
planned the island trip for years.
China secretly
supported Clinton
WASHINGTON - The chief of
China's military intelligence secretly
directed funds from Beijing to help
re-elect President Clinton in 1996,
former Democratic fund-raiser
Johnny Chung has told federal inves-
Chung says he met three time
with the intelligence official, Gen.
Ji Shengde, who ordered $300,000
deposited into the Torrance, Calif.,
businessperson's bank account to
subsidize campaign donations
intended for Clinton, according to
sources familiar with Chung's
sealed statements to federal prose-
.......... ................
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Violence erupts over
NAZARETH, Israel - Easter
Sunday turned violent in the town of
Jesus' boyhood when clashes erupted
between Christians and Muslims,
angry over the planned construction of
a plaza for millennium Christian pil-
grims near a mosque.
Thousands of young Muslim men
gathered at the disputed site near the
Church of the Annunciation where
Muslims have been holding protests for
nearly a year.
Some hurled insults and curses at
worshippers as they left the church
where Roman Catholic tradition holds
that the Angel Gabriel appeared before
Mary and told her she was pregnant.
Other youths, wielding clubs, smashed
windshields of cars with crosses dan-
gling from the mirrors.
More than 70 Israeli police in riot
gear soon arrived but made little effort
to stop the violence. At one point, a
group of police stood and watched as
Muslim youths smashed the window of
a gold-colored Mercedes. Seven people
were injured but there were no arrests,
police spokesperson Linda Menuhin
Church doors were shut after eag'
morning prayers yesterday and there
was no comment from Christian offi-
Libya hands over
Pan Am terrorists
CAIRO, Egypt - Arab dignitaries
headed to Libya yesterday to witn
the handover of two suspects in te
1988 Pan Am bombing, a further sign
their promised extradition is on track.
A delegation led by Ahmed Ben
Heli, the Arab League's assistant secre-
tary-general, flew yesterday to Tunisia.
From there, the delegates were to be
driven to the Libyan capital, Tripoli.
Representatives from six Arab coun-
tries also were to attend the handover,
Ben Heli said.
- Compiled from Daily wire report
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