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April 02, 1999 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-04-02

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Gun pulled
during fight in
South Quad
After a verbal altercation
Wednesday on the fifth floor of South
Zuad Residence Hall, an unidentified
suspect who was with two other
unidentified people produced a gun
and pointed it at a group of 12 subjects
who had confronted his group, accord-
ing to Department of Public Safety
Upon displaying the firearm all of
,he subjects involved fled the area.
There are only vague descriptions
of the suspects and upon investigation
y officers, witnesses were reluctant
Io give details of the event, DPS
reports state.
The case is under investigation.
Trespasser found
drunk in Dennison
A maintenance worker entered
auditorium 182 in the Dennison build-
ing Tuesday to clean and found a man
*leeping in one of the seats, according
to DPS reports.
The worker and another custodian
brought the subject outside for pickup
by DPS officers.
The subject was incoherent and
appeared to be intoxicated.
Officers arrived and found that the
subject had a bench warrant filed
.against him out of Pontiac.
The Pontiac Police Department was
-contacted, but could not pick up the
*ubject and the subject was released.
Rag catches fire,
A rag or torn up T-shirt was found
tn fire in the center lane of the park-
,pg lot at 1200 University Terrace on
.lvlonday, according to DPS reports.
Officers were dispatched and locat-
d a burning oily rag.
One officer attempted to put it out
by stomping on it, but the rag disap-
peared when the officer went to
retrieve a fire extinguisher.
The area was searched, but the offi-
cer was unable to locate it, DPS
reports state.
He discarded a greasy shirt and
greasy apron that were in the vicini-
4io-hazard waste
found in dumpster
Multiple bags marked "bio-hazard"
were found in a dumpster on Palmer
Drive on Monday, according to DPS
'.'The bags contained sharps and
blood-born pathogens.
The office of Occupational Safety
nd Environmental Health would not
spond, DPS reports state.
- An unidentified person boxed and
- -ouble-bagged the bio-hazard materi-
al for OSEH to pick up in the morn-
Juveniles sneak
Five or six juveniles ran into the
Central Campus Recreational
Building without showing any identi-
Aiation Monday, according to DPS

, The subjects then went down the
Stairs from the footbridge entrance.
No descriptions were available, but
-;fficers were able to locate one of the
subjects, DPS reports state.
No descriptions could be
obtained to identify any of the other
The one suspect was read trespass
and turned over to his mother.
AJ' instructor's
computer stolen
while in Havana
,. A computer was stolen from a
University instructor while he was in
#k1avana on March 7, 1999, DPS
reports state.
The instructor who was there could
not report the incident to the Havana
- Police Department at the time of the
theft because he wasn't supposed to be
" Cuba.
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Avram S. Turkel.

LOCAL/STATEThe Micigan Daily - Friday, April 2, 199 -
arr gives address at Circle K induction


By Robert Gold
Daily Staff Reporter
Lloyd Carr, meet Circle K. Circle K, meet
Lloyd Carr
For two hours last night in the Anderson
Room of the Michigan Union, the Michigan
football coach and members of the community
service organization Circle K got to know each
other a little better. It turns out they have some-
thing in common - a national championship.
Carr spoke to Circle K members and their
families at the organization's Spring
Inductions. He praised the group for its com-
munity success, which includes winning the
International Gold Cup of Achievement last
"They tell me this group won what amounts
to a national championship," Carr said.
"Success is never final. I will be interested to
know if you win another."
Carr told members of the crowd to continue
to strive for their aspirations. "Don't let anyone
tell you otherwise," Carr said. "We all have
insecurities in our minds, but people that are
the happiest are those that have the courage to

"They tell me this group won what amounts
to a national championship."
- Lloyd Carr
Michigan football coach

follow their dreams."
Much of the night was spent as members
and officers explained what the organization
means to them and how it has affected their
Circle K is a service group that gives it's
time to a wide variety of area projects, from
volunteering at Mott Children's Hospital to
fighting poverty and homelessness in Ann
Yet, for many of its members, the club's
importance goes beyond volunteer work.
"What makes this organization truly unique
is much more than a service club. It builds
leaders;' LSA sophomore Angkana Roy said.
"We build strong friendships because we work
hard together and play hard together."
Carr also commented on the benefits of ser-

vice. "I envy you because when you give of
yourself, you get so much more than you give"
he said.
Circle K Treasurer Brady West, an LSA
sophomore, echoed these sentiments and said
his experiences with group members have been
monumental in his life. "Circle K has been a
good 80 to 90 percent of my college life in
terms of my growth as a person," West said.
Before the event, Lloyd Carr said he knew
little about the organization, but left impressed.
"I think it was an incredible evening and we
have some special people here" Carr said.
The feelings of respect were mutual.
"It's a real honor to have him," Circle K Vice
President and LSA sophomore Katie Foley
said. "He's a man that strives for excellence.
like (Circle K) strives for excellence."

Michigan football coach Lloyd Carr applauds the members of
the Michigan Chapter of the Circle K club during his speech
yesterday in the Michigan Union Anderson Room.

Flash Dance

LGBT members lobby in
capital to alter hate-crime law

By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
For the first time in 15 years, members
of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-
gender community gathered last week in
Lansing to lobby state legislators for
equal rights.
As part of the nationwide Equality
Begins at Home campaign, the lobby
involved nearly 100 people from across
the state who met with lawmakers at the
Capitol, said Scan Kosofsky, associate
director of policy for the Triangle
A primary focus of the gathering was
to show support for a pending House bill
introduced by Rep. Lynne Martinez (D-
Lansing) that would amend the state's
hate crimes law to include gays and les-
bians, Kosofsky said.
Martinez said she knows first-hand the
need to protect homosexuals under the
hate crimes law.
"There are escalating numbers on hate
crimes in Michigan' Martinez said. "I1
have constituents who have been attacked
based on sexual orientation."
Martinez said an identical proposal
passed the state House last year but died
in the Senate.
E. Frederic Dennis, director of the
University's Office of Lesbian, Gay,

I have constituents who have been
attacked based on sexual orientation."
- Rep. Lynne Martinez

Bisexual and Transgender Affairs, said it
is important for legislators to see first-
hand those who would be affected by the
"I think that hate crimes are on the
rise," Dennis said, "and one of the ways
that we can effectively fight that is to be
Kosofsky said visibility was not a
problem for the group and the gathering
was effective. "No legislator could have
made it out of the Capitol without
knowing that gays and lesbians were
there" Kosofsky said.
Another goal of the gathering was to
express opposition to a proposal intro-
duced last year by former Republican
Rep. Jack Horton, who is now the direc-
tor of the Michigan Christian Coalition.
The bill - which would have prohibited
gay couples from adopting children -
did not make it through the House
Judiciay Committee last session, but
Kosofsky and Dennis said they fear a

similar bill may be proposed this year as
"Before that bill got written we want-
ed to let our legislators know that we
oppose it," Kosofsky said.
Dennis said conservative religious
groups such as the Christian
Coalition have targeted Michigan
this year in a campaign to strip gays
of their rights.
Kosofsky said he doesn't wan his
year's Legislature to pass laws simi-
lar to 1996, when 26 states-
including Michigan - banned same-
sex marriages. Since that year,
Michigan has also refused to recog-
nize licenses of gay marriages per-
formed out-of-state.
Dennis said the LGBT office is
organizing a petition drive to persuade
legislators to back the hate crimes law
amendment bill, but it's too early to
tell how much support University stu-
dents will lend to the proposal.

Pyrotechnic Artist Stephen Rife works his fiery magic outside the
University's Museum of Art last night as a part of "An Unauthorized
Performance Action Event."
Lecture examines
reaso- eoto

By Callie Scott
Daily Staff Reporter
The reason-emotion dichotomy
that has maintained throughout
more than 2,000 yeas of philosoph-
ical thought gained a new twist
courtesy of the objectivist thinking
of author and philosopher Ayn
This new twist was the subject of
a lecture last night by Edwin Locke,
University of Maryland professor of
business and management and psy-
chology. Locke, a member of the
Ayn Rand Institute Board of
Advisors, gave a lecture titled
"Reason and Emotion: Ayn Rand's
Solution to a 2000-Year-Old
The lecture, organized by the
University of Michigan Students of
Objectivism with the assistance of
the Ayn Rand Institute, drew nearly
100 people to Angell iiall
Auditorium A.
Its purpose, said Matt Johnson, a
University alum and president of
the student organization, was "to
present an alternative to the reason-
emotion dichotomy."
"People have come to separate
the world of reason from the
world of emotion, the world of
things from the world of ideas,"
Locke said, adding that this
dichotomy places these two con-
cepts in constant conflict with one
The philosophy of Ayn Rand
embodies the concept that ideas are
objective and tied to reality. There

can, therefore, be "a harmony
between reason and emotion, theory
and practice, mind and body,"
Locke said, adding, "it is not emo-
tion or reason, but emotion based on
Locke began his presentation
with a discussion about the theory
underlying age-old philosophical
thought, from Plato to modern
times, that a lower physical body
contradicts a higher moral self.
"The truth or falsity of this
dichotomy has profound implica-
tions for humanity," Locke said,
because the world is based on reason
and the contradiction of emotion
would be a constant threat to this.
Locke said this dichotomy, which
Objectivists believe to be false, has
burdened humans for thousands of
years. Through introspection, Ayn
Rand has removed this burden - a
human's belief that he or she "was
split in two;" Locke said. Her phi-
losophy is one of "a total mind-
body integration."
Ayn Rand is the author of the
novels, "The Fountainhead" and
"Atlas Shrugged" among other
works. Her philosophy is the focus
of the UMSO.
The organization was founded at
the University in 1985. "We're the
oldest continuous club studying the
philosophy ofAyn Rand to my knowl-
edge in the world," Johnson said.
Johnson found the lecture to be
"highly original," adding that he
hopes it "offers some food for


LLWU iu:

What's happening in Ann Arbor this weekend

_ "Lecture by Ed Christian,"
Sponsored by Adventist

O "Instruction to an Exercise for
Mind and Bodt," Sponsored by

Department of English, the Office
of the President and the Office of
the Provost, Rackham, Rackham
Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.



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