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April 02, 1999 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-04-02

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Today: Mostly cloudy. High 68. Low 44.
Tomorrow: Drizzle. High 74.

One hundred eightyears of IedftoIfreedom

13 till

April 2, 1999

"> x N*x 109



eld in


Refugees continue to escape

ELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - NATO
u its air assaults to tighten a ring around
Yugoslav forces in Kosovo, where Serbs were
packing masses of ethnic Albanians into
refugee trains so tightly that at least two people
died. Three U.S. soldiers captured by the army
faced charges by a military court.
A Vatican envoy traveled to Belgrade to urge
an end to the airstrikes, but the Western
alliance said the bombardment of Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic's forces would
eed as long as necessary.
llied attacks destroyed a bridge over the
Danube River and struck at Yugoslav military
units in Kosovo as the NATO campaign to halt
the eradication of independence-minded ethnic
Albanians in the breakaway province reached
its ninth day.
"The ring is closing around the Yugoslav
forces" NATO Secretary-General Javier
Solana said yesterday.

State-run Serbian television, meanwhile,
claimed that Yugoslav forces had cleaned out
key strongholds of the rebel Kosovo Liberation
Two trains jammed with more than 10,000
refugees arrived yesterday at the Macedonian
border, where U.N. refugee officials described
scenes of pandemonium.
"People were ... crammed on to the train
like sardines," said Judith Kumin, a spokesper-
son for the U.N. High Commissioner for
Refugees in Geneva. "Two old people died in
the crush and three women gave birth."
NATO officials contend the Serbs are trying
to forever alter the ethnic makeup of Kosovo, a
province in southern Serbia, the main republic
in Yugoslavia. More than 180,000 refugees
have overwhelmed Macedonia, Albania and
Montenegro in the past week, U.N. spokesman
Fred Eckhard said.
Meanwhile, the three grim-faced U.S. sol-

diers, part of a NATO peacekeeping force,
were shown on Serbian television dressed in
camouflage, with dirt or abrasions on their
The Pentagon identified the men as Staff
Sgt. Andrew Ramirez, 24, of Los Angeles;
Staff Sgt. Christopher Stone, 25, of Smiths
Creek, Mich.; and Spc. Steven Gonzales, 21, of
Huntsville, Texas.
The Tanjug state news agency reported the
three would face military court proceedings
today. The charges were not immediately
The Yugoslav army said the three men, miss-
ing since Wednesday, were captured in
Yugoslavia. But NATO's top military officer,
U.S. Gen. Wesley Clark, said it was unclear
exactly where they were seized, and expressed
concern at their appearance.
"We've all seen their pictures. We don't like
See KOSOVO, Page 2


U.S. soldiers Andrew Rameriez, Christopher Stone and Steven Gonzales, who were captured by
Yugoslavian forces on its border with Macedonia, are shown on Serbia television yesterday.

Daily Staff Reporter
The price of football season tickets for
the general public will decrease from
$35 to $31 per game, the University
Athletic Department announced yester-
This price decrease will not affect stu-
dent ticket prices.
e Athletic Department announced
4.31 that it planned to increase the
price of public tickets for the upcoming
season by 30 percent, making $27 tickets
Athletic Director Tom Goss said
University alumni and other ticket hold-
ers sent the University a slew of com-
plaints. The price reduction was the
department's response.
"We listened to them and made a
c ge," Goss said, adding that many
tic et holders told the department the
increase was too much, too soon.
"Michigan football has been around
for 100 years and we have very loyal fans
... their message was that the percentage
increase was heavy" for the time period,
Goss said. People are more receptive to
increases in "smaller bites,"he said.
Goss and the athletic department have
come under fire in recent months in rela-
tion to the 30 percent ticket price
i ,pase and the amount of funding
d.oted to the two scoreboards in
Michigan Stadium and the athletic
department's M Go-Blue Website.
"Tom (Goss) wanted to let the fans
know that they are an important aspect,"
said Bruce Madej, director of media rela-
tions, adding that the ticket holders "told
us to back off, and we listened."
The price decrease resonated with
many people.
*ounds good to me," Michigan foot-
ball coach Lloyd Carr said.
Madej said the department plans to
funnel revenue from the price increase
into several areas, one of them being
improvements and renovations to athlet-
ic facilities. "There are a number of
things on the docket," Madej said.
Revenue also will be used for athletic
See TICKETS, Page 2

ElIias, Coulouris
to lead MSA
into new term

Tyree Guyton, creator of Detroit's controversial Heidelberg Project, stands In front of his exhibit called "City Circus"
at the Ann Arbor Flower and Garden Show yesterday.
Ann Arbor garden show
ida ws Hei4del;bergartist

By Jewel Gopwanl
Daily Staff Reporter
Patience is a virtue.
Bram Elias and Andy Coulouris -
named Michigan Student Assembly pres-
ident and vice president early this morn-
ing - and the other 67 candidates who
ran in this term's elections, have learned
a lesson or two about this virtue during
the past week.
fraudulent votes
cast during last
week's general
election caused a
one-week delay in T
tabulating the final
election results.
The elections
board held a partial
revote, which con- Elias
cluded last night at 11:59 p.m., and
released the results shortly after the polls
Of the more than
6,000 votes cast,
Blue Party execu-
tive candidates
Elias and Coulouris
took 2,360 votes.
Students' Party
presidential and
vice presidential -
candidates Sarah
Chopp and Sumeet Coulaurls
Karnik followed
with 1,899 votes and Jessica Curtin and
Erika Dowdell of the Defend Affirmative
Action Party earned 855 votes.
"I've never been so proud to be apart
of something in my whole life,"
Coulouris said, upon hearing of his victo-
In its campaign, the Blue Party's exec-
utive duo promised to expand the Student
Coursepack Service, establish a direct
constituency with University students,
work to amend the Code of Student
Conduct and get student representation
on the University Board of Regents.
Of these core objectives, Elias said he
thinks the assembly should make sub-
stantial progress on the issue of student
"Weexpect that the Student Regent
Liaison Committee will be done before
the year is out," he said.
Ending his year on the assembly
Students' Party vice presidential candi-
date Sumeet Karnik said his senior year
may not include committee work on the

"We offer our congratulations and best
wishes to Brain and Andy. We are sure
they'll do a great job," Karnik said. "I am
involved with various other organizations
outside MSA."
Earlier this week, Chopp speculated
that if she lost this election, she would
also dive right into the other groups she is
involved in including Hillel.
In addition to the Blue Party taking the
assembly's executive office, the youngest
of the three parties also took 12 of the 27
open seats.
One of those seats the newly elected
LSA Rep. Rachel Arfa received the most
votes this term. Racking up 5,203 votes,
Arfa, who is deaf, not only represents
LSA students, but she represents stu-
dents with disabilities.
In addition to the Blue Party establish-
ing a greater presence on MSA, the vot-
ing student body added four DAAP rep-
resentatives to its six current assembly
"We're glad that we're increasing our
voice on the assembly," Curtin said.
"We're going to continue to stand up for
students' rights.
The Students' Party, the oldest of the
three competing parties, also gained four
seats, while independent candidates
earned two assembly seats.
Although the revote held earlier this
week, did not include the executive slate,
the presidential and vice presidential
campaign was affected by the fraudulent
votes. But not enough to make a differ-
ence in the results, so that race was not
included in the revote.
But the races for the College of LSA,
Kinesiology, School of Art and Design,
School of Natural Resources and College
of Engineering seats were affected by the
See MSA, Page 7
Executive votes:

By Kristin Wright
Daily Staff Reporter
Looks like the circus will be in town this weekend
at the 1999 Ann Arbor Spring Garden & Flower
Show. But this circus doesn't include lions, tigers or
Tyree Guyton, creator of Detroit's controversial
"Heidelberg Project," brings, what he calls "City
Circus" to Ann Arbor's Washtenaw Farm Council
Grounds, which will run through Sunday.
Carolina Wheat, Guyton's assistant at the
"Heidelberg Project" located on Detroit's east side,
said the title represents "the absolute circus-like
atmosphere that the city (Detroit) has put us in and

the way they've handled things."
Controversy has surrounded Guyton's "Heidelberg
Project" since its introduction to Detroit in 1986.
The project addressed racial, social, political and
economic issues through highly abstract and con-
temporary art. Guyton uses salvaged materials such
as old toys and tires to express various themes.
Detroit city officials called Guyton's work an eye-
sore and ordered the project sites to be completely
bulldozed in February.
But Paula Morning, special events director for this
year's show, said Ann Arbor welcomes Guyton's art.
"He has a lot of following with this community -
See SHOW, Page 2

tally to assess affirmative action attitudes
The Michigan Daily will conduct the first comprehensive survey of student
opinions on affirmative action and admissions policies at the University.
The survey, designed in conjunction with the Department of
Communications Studies and the Institute for Social Research, will be a prob-
ability sample of 1,600 University students, selected
at random from all currently enrolled University stu-
Students selected to take the survey will receive an
p-mail with the subject heading, "Michigan Daily
Student Survey."'
To ensure all University students are represented, a
high level of participation is required. If you receive
an e-mail with this subject line, please respond as
soon as possible. The survey takes about 15 minutes
to complete.
The results of the survey will be reported in a series
of articles in the Daily in the coming weeks.

Bruns leaves U'
in criminal case

Blue Party:
Bram Elias
Andy Coulouris -
Students' Party:
Sarah Chopp,
Sumeet Karnik -
Defend AffirmativeJ
Jessica Curtin
Erika Dowdell -

Action Party:

By Gerard Cohen-Vrlgnaud
Daily Staff Reporter
Less than two weeks after
Department of Public Safety detec-
tives had arrested him on charges of
distributing child pornography, LSA
first-year student Aaron Bruns vol-
untarily dropped out of the
University while his case was pend-
ing, his lawyer told District Court
Judge John Collins on Wednesday.

asked that Bruns not use a computer
for anything other than school work,
said County Recorder Jackie
Bruns' attorney Douglas Mullkoff
indicated that he would not be using
a computer since he had left the
Bruns' preliminary hearing was
adjourned until May 12 at the
request of his lawyer. Bruns was not





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