g = he Midtlinfl* Hy We kei4;etc. Magai~ik - -mnusday, j~ 19 2, 0 40 illy- Michba a y -g= Weekemo, i TheTanregledWeb: Websites we think you'l like htp://aprilfoo S IIs i fo0,ace.corn Thursday. 8 p.m. Saturdy CAM1PUlS CINEMA Dd And Confused See Fri. 12 mid. Sa~lly Ati as tClssroPert annrireinRaoinstof the bull asd Sutn Qartet'si1presentHMrper, Tetri, E3V3-Moore1B0d.p.m. EkootSmti Hookart ling ith ee ndetic ol es thisgodandls gereanonaftefewlegOsar. ev Aens urounding HanhrBsh, Michoigan13 Th ETr.38 p.m.1 Overkll RAt Harogsgwitar Pr-Pan hurtc. MaicoBs, 12382 Hodare, erotl, 21388824-030. 8p.m. $12.5 How 1 Learned to Drive See Friday. 8 p.m. A LTERNA TI VES Hlash Bash Like to smoke pot? You can assemble in the middle of the University campus with thou- sands who share your sympa- thies. Smioing the plant is of co-urse still ilgl The Diag, 12 MFA ii Dance PeformaceSe Thursda. 8 p'm Kvaisk, piano T heprga Pieces .,.in 4 Fol !f Style aridteBrahms' Ski'ts-O-Phreniba UACi and Rude MechanTics present a night of comr- plete tomfollery and bafoonery. The only question is: Will the stage be big enough to support such comedic ourt- put? The Michigan Union, U-Club, 8, 11 p.m. $4 for students, others $6. Sunday CAMPUS CINEMA The Children Of Heaven (1998) This Oscar nominee for Best ForeignLangLucagey Film follows ^a THEA TEF? Orphan Train See Thursday. 2 p.m. How I Learned to Drive See Friday. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. A LTERNA.TI VES Mich ael Ondaatje- The author of the bestseller "The English Patient" and other novels will read excerpts from his fiction. No word yet on the attendance of Willem Dafoe or Ralf Finnes. We can only hope ... Rackham Amphitheatre, 70,t-0296. 7:30 p. M. m Monday CAMPUS CINEMA The Children of Heaven Sunday. 7 p.m. See AMdA.I? anr, - St.'tl , m Call~ 76-65 r333 E i.t ron _... . _. _. ___ __ .._ - .i # ..,., r ,; , _ . . m . ,. ,, y_ .. i " r r s " s s f r M o-Th 11-10 Fri-Sa 1-1 Sn12-1 Happy Birthdayo! Charley's would like to be the first to con gratua- late you, with a free mealJust bring along a rfriend and proper ID, and select your favorrite entree firom our famou~s menu. -ft _Itfsjust our way of GoodM I" E saying Congratula- tions and thanks for Chafley!celebrating with us. they~s~%Y theui~ obr,.Ihecclars , Vn r 1{Tho he musem eeioes oosals feoa bit oferits onatiyoayendecintemar- piosalslandSidesfrqubeexhtibtons fromud othe museums astitutvons. SMeartishaeBreatenDaebsiteawer theyshgonteircoletosad.otos Tedimuumpeceves propsalnfom ut aller oveedbothlaticonayindinernca-) toa.Some reutoe cntibtorse includsthyvrlae the museum..avad Met ineolise mooklynwllsnd ase sfipetso ne ightof hink.e ast Some aitungsoanystteliateuntotbe country. ~an o the uu tem.C5 f musueumar reiesaelemertha taexprtin aibofsthtewh isityin termsfthe way treherislasysadlabe aret tyedhbioutiandputwogeter. eeine.arged ht expstosecaytlis aea edgandanchyehscoe an Ther meum.eto fte uem Thmemseumr,ceves arnuberk ofan excitigebitsofcothoayatiworthastig. bpfor hos w h wereher, laty verh tepenrieet alrxpoitnssuhstise theedrctro the museumsol eanectn Jaesew ard, coes tocmBerkly n atry; : tti, VloveS Nu lion familymtes iand et waytin-inhfTheteir eV 765. 7 p. m. Tiond ilcinmuho edadsho ESacifhPice"is muchl soand trmetedanve alect sionc failytesundsdoe like aunsproleprmih im abe fouait.Medhe si.ckaE.ribertyi 765-2. p. m. C.ourtesy of Atlantic Records Collective Soul is (from left to right) Shane Evans, Dean Roland, Ed Roland, Ross Childress and Will Turpin. The band who brought us the megabits "Shyn" and "December" will play a killer show at the State Theater in Detroit. _._