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April 01, 1999 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-04-01

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Today: Mostly cloudy. High 65. Low 47.
Tomorrow: Thunderstorms. High 70.

One hundred eight yeas of editorafWreedom

Aw .

. .N. F b Ann

Lawsuit filed
against U,
former pro
Yasi Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
A multi-million dollar lawsuit as filed yesterday against
former School of Music Prof. Pier Calabria, School of Music
Dean Paul Boylan and the University Board of Regents for
four counts of sexual harassment and race discrimination.
According to the complaint, Johnson is seeking a trial by
jury on four claims of sexual harassment, retaliation, race
discrimination and discrimination
based on the harasser's status.
Johnson is suing for substantial
compensatory and exemplary
damages in an amount to be deter-
mined by the jury.
University officials were unable
to comment on the charges yester-
day because they have not yet been served with trial papers.
But University officials insisted the issue is not taken lightly.
"We take charges of sexual harassment very seriously;'
University spokesperson Julie Peterson said.
Maureen Johnson, a black woman and former Music stu-
dent, has made claims the while attending the University her
ofessor sexually harassed her and the University failed to
1spond. Johnson said that after the University failed to act she
was forced to leave the University.
Johnson is currently attending the University of Southern
"Their whole response to this was to sweep this under the
rug," said Miranda Massie, Johnson's attorney, who added
that Johnson's aim is to make sure matters of sexual harass-
ment are dealt with at the University.
But Calabria is no longer working at the University,
Peterson said.
* Calabria, who had a four year contract with the University
which was to end in 1999, was "relieved of instructional
responsibilities" after winter term 1998, Peterson said,
adding that his contract has not been renewed.
According to the documents submitted to the court, the
first count is on grounds of sexual harassment by a
University professor to a student making advances toward
her and the University's failure to take remedial action. When
Johnson did not respond, according to the charges, she was
demoted and was subject to a hostile environment.
See LAWSUIT, Page 2A


Fighting reaches new


U.S. troops under
fire near border

The Washington Post
U.S. troops came under fire from Yugoslav
forces along the border between Macedonia and
Kosovo yesterday as NATO allies began the sec-
ond week of bombing against military targets
across Yugoslavia.
The shooting - the first ground encounter
since bombing began March 24 - involved U.S.
Army soldiers on a reconnaissance patrol as part
of a leftover force organized by. the United
Nations seven years ago to prevent Balkan vio-
lence from spilling into Macedonia. The
Pentagon said three of the U.S. soldiers were
missing yesterday night, possibly abducted by
Yugoslav soldiers or police who, U.S. defense
officials said, opened fire from the Kosovo side
of the border.
Despite suggestions from some member coun-
tries and an appeal from Pope John Paul II that
the aerial assault be halted for Easter, the NATO
alliance agreed late Tuesday to forge ahead with
the bombing campaign and expanded the target
list, settling in for what senior officials said will
be a long and grim campaign that offers the only
hope of an acceptable outcome for the rebellious

province of Kosovo.
Under the commanders' new authority, NATO
planes struck yesterday at the headquarters of
Yugoslavia's Special Unit Corps, an elite group
similar to the U.S. Special Forces. The facility is
"the closest to downtown Belgrade that has been
struck to date," Pentagon spokesperson Kenneth
Bacon said.
The air campaign continued to be hampered
by cloud cover over the Balkans, however, and
there was no indication that Yugoslav security
forces have relented in what allied officials
described as a campaign of forced exile against
the civilian population. Kosovo, a province of
Serbia, the dominant republic of the remnant
Yugoslavia, is about 90 percent populated by
ethic Albanians, different in language and reli-
gion from the ruling Serbs.
Officials here and at NATO headquarters
expressed particular alarm about reports that as
many as 50,000 Kosovo civilians and rebel guer-
rillas confined in the Pagarusa Valley - in the
Malisevo region 30 miles southwest of Pristina,
the provincial capital - are being shelled by
See BALKANS, Page 7A

Asmaa Albaroudl, a kindergartner, joins her fat!
demonstration In support of military action In K
Students r
By Sarah Lewis
Daily Staff Reporter
As the United States and NATO continue
the airstrikes in Yugoslavia to end the geno-
cide of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo,
University students are getting involved in
the protest against ethnic cleansing.
Members of the Muslim Students
Association rallied in the Diag yesterday,
brandishing signs reading "Milosevic is a

her yesterday in the Diag for a

ally to suppor
war criminal" and "Kosova (sic) is slipping ground troops to b
through our fingers" and handed out pam- independence for]
phlets with information on how to contact a necessity becaus
politicians. country, its citizen
"We're trying to urge all University stu- Harsolia said.
dents to contact their senators" and United LSA sophomoi
Nations representatives, said Medical sec- moved to Michigan
ond-year student Asif Harsolia. ago, said Serbi
Rally participants support the military Milosevic has a hu
airstrikes, Harsolia said, but they also want the surrounding sta

NATO strikes

e dispatched and hope for
Kosovo. Independence is
e if Kosovo were its own
s wouldn't be oppressed,
re Edisa Tokovic, who
n from Serbia three years
ian dictator Slobodan
age amount of power over
tes because all the military

forces for Yugoslavia are concentrated in
Milosevic "wants power and control over
the territories of Kosovo, which belongs to
the Albanian people who live there;'
Tokovic said. "Basically he wants to clean
his country of everyone else but Serbs.
"It's not about politics anymore. It's
about ethnic cleansing and extermination,"
See PROTEST, Page 7A

By Angela Bardoni
Daily Staff Reporter
In an attempt to help students make
informed decisions about their off-
campus housing options, the Off-
Campus Housing Program has
released the results of its 1998 Rental
Rate Survey.
The surveys, completed by land-
1rds registered with the University,
found that rates increased 3 percent
from 1997 to 1998 - the lowest
increase Ann Arbor has seen in more
than two years. During the past five
years, rental rates in Ann Arbor have
increased 19 percent.
Off-Campus Housing Adviser Amy
Star said landlords can use the survey's
results in various ways.
M "The survey can be used by the
andlords as a benchmark for deter-
mining what equivalent rental proper-
ty is being rented for," Star said.
Star added that respondents had a
longer period in which to answer the
survey this year in order for the hous-
ing office to receive as much data as
possible. Star said she is also con-
cerned with the progressively earlier

1a98 Rental. Rate
Surrey results:
1 Rental rates increase from
1997 to1998: percent.
I Total increase durrigthelast
five years: 19 percent.
1 Students can save 16 percent
in rent if they live 10 or more
minutes from campus,
p Students with a 12-month
lease pay less than those with
8-month teases.
start of the leasing season each year.
"We want to alleviate students' feel-
ings of pressure to secure a place for
the following fall," Star said. "Once
the leasing season starts, everyone gets
caught up in the frenzy."
The rental rates reported in the sur-
vey were averages of the data received
by the Off-Campus Housing Program
from the registration materials filled
out by landlords. Only landlords reg-
istered with the Off-Campus Housing
Program are eligible to participate in
the survey.
The survey revealed that when stu-
dents choose to live in the outskirts of
campus - defined as being a drive of
ten minutes or more to Central
Campus - they can save an average
of 16 percent in rent when compared
with housing options closer to cam-
Students can also save in monthly
rent if they choose a 12-month lease
rather than an eight-month one.
Jani Platz, the property supervisor
from Prime Student Housing, Inc., is
concerned with the accuracy of the
See HOUSING, Page 2A

Students make plans
for April Fools Day

By Amy Barber -
Daily Staff Reporter
Due to increasing pressure from
University students and staff, in honor of
Good Friday, all of tomorrow's classes
have been canceled..
April Fool's!
April 1 once again marks the annual
holiday of pranks, tricks and shenanigans
and University students have their cre-
ative juices flowing to come up with clas-
sic April Fool's Day stunts.
"I'm going to penny my friend's door,"
LSA first-year student Greg Flermoen
said. "You get three or four pennies and
you can stick them in someone's door just
right to lock them in their room.
"This kid always plays practical jokes
on everyone so it's time he got a taste of
his own medicine;" he said.
Some students have even more elabo-
rate plans.
LSA first-year student Nick
Salvagione said he and some of his
friends plan to dress in masks and black

clothing and carry fake knives to trick his
"We're going to go into my room when
my roommate is sleeping and pretend to
rob him," Salvagione said. "We just
bought the knives today and we have our
costumes all planned out. I can't wait to
see how he reacts when he wakes up.
Hopefully he won't beat the hell out of us."
Salvagione is not the only prankster
using props to aid in his April Fool's Day
"We definitely have an increase in
sales a couple days before and especially
the day of April Fool's Day," said Eva
Cruz, the manager of Gags & Gifts locat-
ed on Washtenaw Ave.
Cruz said customers' favorite items
include fart and sourmouth flavored
candy and whoopi cushions.
"This year, our most popular item has
been gag lottery tickets' Cruz said. "They
cost $2 and they're all $2,000 winners."
While April Fool's jokes are fun for
those who organize them, being on the

Employees of the Gifts & Gags store located on Washtenaw Ave. model different
gags yesterday.

other side of a prank isn't always as excit-
"Last year I was in a hurry to get to a
class I had a quiz in but I wanted to take
a quick shower beforehand," Engineering
sophomore Matt Pilarski said. "While I
was in the shower my friend came in and
took all my stuff- my towel, my clothes
- everything."

Pilarski stepped out of the shower and
planned to run to his room before anyone
could see him. But when he got there, his
room was locked.
"It was humiliating," said Pilarski.
"A bunch of people came out of the
room next door laughing hysterically.
They gave me my towel but I was still
See FOOLS, Page 7A

Passover, Seders bring students together


Daily to assess affirmative action attitudes
The Michigan Daily will conduct the first comprehensive survey of student
opinions on affirmative action and admissions policies at the University.
The survey, designed in conjunction with the Department of
Communications Studies and the Institute for Social
s '.Research, will be a probability sample of 1,600
University students, selected at random from all cur-
rently enrolled University students.
Students selected to take the survey will receive an
e-mail with the subject heading, "Michigan Daily
Student Survey."
To ensure all University students are represented, a
d o high level of participation is required. If you receive
m an e-mail with this subject line, please respond as
soon as possible. The survey takes about 15 minutes
to complete.
The results of the survey will be reported in a
series of articles in the Daily in the coming weeks.
iL _ _ x.1 - -.

Daily Staff Reporter
As Michigan residents enjoyed another beautiful
spring day, Jewish people around the world prepared for
the eight-day holiday known as Passover.
Passover commemorates the freedom and exodus of
the Israelites from Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh
Ramses II. It is believed that Moses asked the Pharaoh
to "Let my people go," and upon refusal, Egypt was
stricken with 10 plagues. The 10th plague, the slaying of
the first bom, is where the name Passover came from.
Jewish Egyptians would put lambs' blood on their
homes so God would know to pass over their houses.
Passover takes place on the 15th of the Jewish month
of Nisan, and includes lavish dinners, called Seders,
family get-togethers and strict dietary laws.
Seders take place during the first two nights of
Passover and are supposed to help re-enact the Jews exo-
dus from Egypt 3,000 years ago, but also give families
an opportunity to unite.
Orin Paliwoda, an LSA first-year student who plans
to go home for a Passover Seder said, "Celebrating
Passover with my family is a time-honored tradition in
my family. I wouldn't miss it for the world.'
The Seder table consists of dishes and silverware

"People should celebrate however they want to,
eat matzah and appreciate God and freedom .
-Rabbi Alter Goldstein
Chabad House

ticipate in the holiday," Rabbi Alter Goldstein said.
"People should celebrate however they want to, eat
matzah, and appreciate God and freedom."
The special Passover dietary laws dictate that no
Chometz - a general term for all food and drink made
from wheat, barley, rye or oats - may be eaten. The
main symbol associated with Passover is matzah, an
unlevened bread similar to a cracker. The bread is remi-
niscent of the Jews exodus when they fled so quickly
they did not even have time to let the bread rise.
The Seder plate is special in its own way. The plate
contains five elements, each symbolizing something dif-
ferent. The first item is Haroseth, a mixture of chopped
apples, pears and walnuts, represents the mortar used by
the Jewish slaves in Egypt to make bricks. Parsley or
onion dipped in salt water represents the tears shed by
the slaves, while the bitter herbs symbolize bitter times.
The last two items are the shank bone and roasted egg

The Seder often focuses on the children and tries to
make them curious as to why each procedure is done.
Other elements of the Seder include four cups of
wine, symbolizing freedom, deliverance, redemption
and finally release. A fifth cup is reserved for the
Prophet Elijah, and the door is opened so he can enter
the house. Elijah is believed to be the messenger that
will tell the people the messiah is coming.
Passover is being celebrated on campus with Seders
being held at the Hillel and the Chabad House. For $15
to $18, students can attend Seders, or participate in the
Hillel's Home Hospitality for Seders, where students are
matched up with a local family to attend their Seder.
Hillel also allows students to buy or rent Seder plates
and Haggodot for their own Seders. University resi-
dence halls are also offering Kosher for Passover meals,
including matzah pizza.
LSA first-year student Ryan Brooks said he is going





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