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March 30, 1999 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-03-30

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4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 30, 1999
+I t Kevorkian will no longer be able to dominate debate
"We're afraid of the truth, so we put our Because of his primacy on this issue, unfounded.
420 Maynard Street HEATHER KAMINS prophets in prison." Kevorkian has had the opportunity to set And to top everything off, he's a certifi-
Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 Editor in Chief n Friday, a jury of his peers found Dr. the tone for dialogue on this issue for far able wacko. Even his former lawyer, the
daily.letters@umich.edu Jack Kevorkian guilty of second- too long. Because he was willing to stick once-ubiquitous Geoffrey Fieger, who isn't
degree murder for the death of Thomas his neck on the line, he helped establish exactly playing with a full deck himself,
Edited and managed by a JEFFREY KOSSEFF Youk. In case you've much of the political environment in which called him "nuts" after his most recent
students at the ,' - DAVID WALLACE been in a cave for the it was discussed, much to the issue's detri- stunt on "60 Minutes."
University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors past few months, ment. Sane people do not go onto national
Youk was the man Rather than being deliberative and television to commit their crimes; they try
whose death was reflective, Kevorkian has made the prob- to do it in' the privacy of their own homes.
Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the televised thanks to lem one that pits his own view of life Sane people do not represent themselvesi
Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect Kevorkian and his against those of others. He put himself at court when they are charged with a graver
the opinion of The Michigan Daily. friends over at CBS. the center of a storm. His noble concerns crime than they were before and when they
The jury's verdict about the rights of people to be able to do not understand vital little things like-the
was hailed by assisted make their own decisions has been over- rules of evidence.
F RO M T i E A IY suicide opponents, shadowed by his narcissism. The quote that opened this colsn
while people such as Kevorkian has been something of a sounds like something Kevorkian might
Faye Girsh, the leader Rosa Parks, whom he likened himself to at say. He's stated that the recent turn of
M luERU. of the national Jack his trial. But civil disobedience is one events in his life "... will help future, more
Hemlock Society, Schillaci thing, behaving irrationally and dressing it enlightened societies gauge the darknessf
went so far as to call up in a cloak of righteousness is quite our plutocratic and theocratic age." Hes
* eoka mry" O2another. even planning a hunger strike should he b~
who "acted in a great the Left I dare say Kevorkian has enjoyed the sent to prison. Kevorkian views himself
American tradition of attention that being known as "Dr. Death" a modern-day prophet, here to guide us out
"You need to vote where you live." College students move frequently. civil disobedience," according to Sunday's has brought him. He's a bit of an egomani- of the darkness.
- State Sen. Mike Rogers (R-Howell), in Addresses change yearly as new leases are Detroit News. ac, though I guess knowing you're the only But Jack Kevorkian didn't say those
support of Senate Bill 306. signed each fall semester. University stu- Kevorkian did do a lot to force the issue one with the balls to thumb your nose at words - it wasn't a political prisoner like
of assisted suicide into the national spot- prosecutors on national television might Martin Luther King, nor someone who has
he current generation of college stu- dents will not be allowed to vote in Ann light. His antics gave him instant notoriety justify that to a degree. His notoriety even spawned a following hell-bent on is
Tkdents are generally thought to be Arbor if they have not declared it as their as he flagrantly flaunted his violation of the helped him release an album in 1997 enti- release. Charles Manson said that.
ambivalent in terms of publically support- permanent residence. As a large percentage law in many chances that he got. He was a tied "The Kevorkian Suite: A Very Still Now that Kevorkian is going to be
ing contentious issues with protests, peti- of the Ann Arbor population, students man with a mission - a self-appointed Life." spending his time on the Department of
arbiter of right and wrong who wasn't I'm glad he can make light of his cause, Corrections's dime (unless an appeals eu
tions and picketing. Now, once again, an should have the opportunity to have an afraid to let a little thing like the criminal because I'll bet there are plenty of people disagrees), the assisted suicide debate
attempt to quiet the student voice is being active voice in local politics. Decisions justice system get in his way. in the pro-assisted suicide camp that would Michigan can begin properly. Cooler heads
made by the state of Michigan. made by the city government on parking Unfortunately, Kevorkian has too often prefer he didn't. will prevail, hopefully. Proposal B, whose
Last Tuesday, the State Senate voted 23 fines - or bills passed by the state govern- served as a polarizing influence in the He has proven time and again that he is political possibilities were probably more
assisted suicide issue. Those who may oth- willing to put legitimate policy goals to the tarnished by Kevorkian's antics than helped
to 12 in favor of a bill requiring Michigan ment regarding higher education funding - erwise have favored allowing the terminal- side in order to make some noise. In going (not to mention the fact that it was written
residents to list the same address on their all affect students. Senators should not put ly ill the right they so deserve have proba- on national television, he not only chal- by an idiot), may prove viable in the long
driver licenses as on their voter registration the voices of any constituents, including bly been frightened off by the former lenged the legitimacy of the movement he run after all.
cards. If passed by the House of students, in jeopardy. pathologist's behavior. supports, he has proven his own reliance on - Jack Schillaci can be reached oe
And their concerns are legitimate. the legal system to vindicate him to be e-mail atjschilla@umich.edu.
Representatives and signed by Gov. John Students who decide to keep their per-
Engler, Senate Bill 306 will require manent addresses will have to vote in their
University students to choose a single home cities with absentee ballots. Many THOMAS KULJURGIS TENTATIVELX SPEAKNG
address. While this may seem trivial, it students would not be not willing to drive, T.ETT ERA IT)
would make it more difficult for students to long distance simply to cast a vote in their
vote if their permanent address is far from hometown. As a result, the number of col- THE EDITOR
their temporary residence in Ann Arbor. lege students who vote could decline rapid-)
State Sen. Mike Rogers said if signed ly. Students from out of state will be able to Students should
into law the bill would make voter and continue to vote in Michigan as long as they
motor vehicle registrations more efficient have only one address registered in the complete survey on
by combining both into one "Qualified state. Under the proposal, listing two differ- affirmative action
Voter File." In addition, the new system ent addresses would qualify as a misde-
would aid in the tracking of voters, making meanor, which is ridiculous. Many students TO THE DAILY:
voter fraud much more difficult to commit. would be committing a crime unknowingly. In regard to the Daily's survey to find
But this bill will make it more difficult for All of these hassles further discourage out the student body's opinion on affirma-
students to cast a vote, and possibly dis- political participation. tive action, I have this to say: it's about
courage some from voting. If enacted, this bill will go into effect time! In my three years at the University, I
have heard the administrators tell me "how
Sen. Dianne Byrum (D-Onondaga), who Oct. 1, 1999, - just in time for the the students feel" about the subject, I have
thinks the bill will discourage voting in gen- November elections. With very few posi- heard BAMN shout about "how they feel"
eral, recognized the negative affects the bill tive attributes - but several serious draw- (and about how I am an oppressor for not
could have on the voting habits of college backs, especially for students - Bill 306 feeling that way, but that is another letter
students and proposed a bill exempting stu- would be a crippling move by the state gov- entirely) and I have heard the conservative
side tell me "how the students feel" about
dents from Senate Bill 306. But Senate eminent if it is interested in representing the subject. LU~fa S CflC1
Republicans voted it down. young constituents. Buthin those three years, no one with
anything that remotely resembled the does not look like equality at all to me. I do is an exceedingly high amount of $20. The
power to do anything about i3 has ever not believe that the state has too much problem stems from two things. The first is
of 95 percent of the student body. Not that power or that they are oppressive; they are that north campus is becoming increasingly
Ogam saying the Daily has the power to do just doing their job. popular (as well as populated) and it c t
accommodate the traffic in the lots. '
anything about it, by any means - we all ITY AHMAD are somedays where a student may wai
N uclear waste site m ay e disasterousknwtathUivstyhsaadtieLAres edysheeasdetmywt
bingtpe University has a hard time LSA SENIOR 30 minutes to get a metered parking space.
"*1' being persuaded by anything other than
he Cold War may be over, but many of its the issue, however, because the plant will sports dollars and the politically correct The second problem is two-fold: the I
most serious consequences are just bring much needed jobs to the town of buzzword of the week. Still, it is nice to be system is not flexible and there are nt
beginning. For 50 years, nuclear plants have Carlsbad, whose potash mine has been closed asked, and I think many of us are more An open letter to enough esating andsf tudy-ibreak acs I
been developing dangerous radioactive mate- since 1968. Some believe that the Atomic than a little curious to find out how we allkeepst e hungry Engineer takingci
rials around the country. Since that time, the Energy Commission (a forerunner of the administration tell us how we feel about break from his or her studying is not going
Department of Energy has been grappling Department of Energy) first began to study affirmative action. TO THE DAILY: to take the bus back to central campus just
with the problems of disposing of this that site as a possible storage facility in the This issue needs to be decided by the From the feats of Cazzie Russell to the to get a meal. These issues caused my col
radioactive waste. Last week, the first phase early '70s precisely because the need forjobs student body, as we are the people most magical 1989 National Championship to emic careers
directly affected. Let the majority of the the exuberance of the Fab Five, The d r
of a possible permanent solution began when would foster public support for the project. students decide - that's democracy, right? University has a proud and mythical basket- Now you may say that there are parki

trucks filled with plutonium waste arrived at In addition to the legal and economic If we let the administration, BAMN, or ball tradition. Through it all, Wolverine fans -
an underground repository site outside of issues, there are environmental risks to storing Ward Connerly decide for us, then a seri- have bled maize and blue. But with all due es. The number and location of these spaes
Carlsbad, New Mexico, 256 miles southeast that much waste in an irretrievable location. ousebreach of democratic ideals has taken re so the ers,he bst f year students is a ten-minute walk to north ai -
place. Michigan basketball have been an embar- stdnsiate-nuewltoorh '-
of Los Alamos, the birthplace of nuclear The material stored at WIPP will remain Finding out how the students feel is the rassment. pus.
weapons. radioactive for 25,000 years, and it is difficult first step in coming up with a workable In what has been a banner year for the Big I know the administration's main goal
The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is actually to predict what kinds of disruptions may solution to the affirmative action controver- Ten in basketball, itsis pitiful that Michigan is to encourage students to use the bus sys-
a 7-mile network of storage rooms carved out occur. The repository is enclosed by under- sy. Tthe people who wil receive the sour- sdonot t ta factor in ahe conferenc. Whils cated schedules on both north and central
of a pre-historic salt bed nearly 2,200 feet ground pressurized reservoirs of brine that opinion loudly and strongly -- fill out the time to reconsider his position at the campuses are forced to spend half the d
underground. While the Department of could flood the storage sites and push conta- survey! Don't just let the administration University. Ellerbe is not the coach to restore on asbus. At night the students who want to
Energy claims that the salt formations are a minants up to the surface. Even more imme- assume how you feel. Because we all know Michigan basketball to glory, take a break from the Media Union have to
safe place to store the deadly materials, such a diately, rooms first mined at WIPP in the early what it means to assume. Shigan he harinumer us oppo t neshe closes at 10 p.m. or walk three miles to the
massive concentration of nuclear waste has 1980s began collapsing in 1990 due to the JIM KNAPP to hire a big-time, big-name coach who will nearest restaurant. They could pack meals
never been undertaken. The potential conse- weight of rock layers above the salt walls. MUSIC JUNIOR not only win basketball games, but attract and eat them in the plush lobby of the
quences are impossible to know. Last week's Such eventualities could be potentially deadly recruits. Last year, Mike Jarvis was a candi- Media Union(two benches and a tile floor)
shipment was the first in a pooe 35-ya to futuregerain.S teo date the University decided to pass over and but they don't because the benches only
s clproposed 35-yearttoutureTgenerationf. he in turn helped rejuvenate the St. John's hold three people.
project that would bring close to 40,000 truck- The Department of Energy's solution to State is right to basketball tradition. Many quality coaches You also may say that the University is
loads of similar waste to WIPP from military the problem of nuclear waste is a short-sight- m ake maruana are available and I urge you to consider your working on a plan to improve parkinga
sites across the nation. ed, quick-fix reaction that could be disastrous options. Recently, another big-time, big- add facilities, etc. In fact, some of th
WIPP was supposed to have opened over a in the future. While the site may remainundis- laws for Ann Arbor name coach became available: John plans sound exciing. Message to the
Calipari. Hire coach Calipari. Leamn from administration: please ower the parking
decade ago, but legal troubles kept it empty turbed by human interference for now, there is your mistakes - do not repeat them. fines until these facilities are put into place.
until a Federal judge gave it the green light no conceivable way to mark it as deadly in the To THE DAILY: John Calipari is a proven coach. He has I don't have to remind anyone that itsis
last week. The problems surrounding this future. Thousands of years is a blink of an eye I am writing in response to Jesse an excellent college coaching record, is a expensive to go to college.
and in geological terms, but in human time, it is Miller's Mar. 29 letter to the Daily, fantastic recruiter and has NBA experience. Let me offer you the ideal solution - a
unprecedented storage facility are myriad a"Marijuana Bill Targets Ann Arbor." These qualities are surefire ways to attract subway that shoots back and forth from
the Department of Energy has not adequately more than twice as old as civilization itself. I have a couple of problems with the the nation's finest basketball recruits and north to central (heck, even south) campus
dealt with them. For starters, the state of New The Department of Energy is creating a vast argument. First of all, the analogy of revitalize the Michigan basketball program. every 10 minutes.
Mexico has not issued a permit to allow the underground deposit of deadly poison which, Washington telling New York City how to Please act quickly as many top recruits You would not even have to build par,
storage to take place. To stop future ship- if unleashed, will be catastrophic. The investi- run their schools is wrong - that would remain unsigned. While I unfortunately will ing lots.
be the job of the state government in not be here for the Calipari era, I can at least Or restaurants for that matter. I even
ments, a licensing hearing is under way in gations into the most minute levels of exis- Albany. More importantly, the state gov- take comfort and pride in calling myself a give you permission to use my $100 in
Sante Fe, but that permit would only cover tence that began in the atomic age have ernment does have the right to tell cities Wolverine. parking fines towards building it.
"mixed wastes" that contain both nuclear opened up a Pandora's Box whose conse- how to enforce laws in certain situations. Somebody thought it was a marvelous
maeilsadhzadu ase ht rnt qune myb retrtanayhma id I am neither for or against marijuana, but JOSEPH SPAK idea to stick all of the creative talent on north
materials and hazardous wastes that aren't quences may be greater than any human mind I can see why the state wants to be a part BUSINESS SENIOR campus.
radioactive. Many New Mexicans are split on can predict. of this. But they didn't realize that the hardwork-
If the cities should truly have freedom, ing engineers do need to take a break and eat
then the the state could not stop Ann while they are making loads of money for the
Arbor from having a $50 fine for murder North cam pus University
or rape. What about a city ordinance that arkjn problems Nor did they properly plan for the attr
prohibits minorities within the city lim- p ks ivefacilities that the architects would cre
-e its? The point is that itsis unrealistic to could be solved And then someone had the brilliant idea to
I 1 I believe that as a city we will have auton- charge all of these people money to park up
omy in all areas. There are some areas the there. It's like Field of Dreams, except
state government can, will and possibly T THE DAILY: Shoeless Joe's gotta pay too.
r. 1 should, step in. I am a recent graduate of the College of I am very proud to be a Wolverine, but
l As for reminding my representatives of Engineering and I am writing to express a let's try to forget the business interests of
what country I live in, the last I remember major concern I have regarding the things and remember the students.
there was a central importance on equality University's north campus.
and justice for all. Having different fines or The problem is parking. Not only is JACQUE MARTIN-DOWNS
UVlnys so - ' punishments for the same crime in a state there not enough of it, the price of a ticket UNIVERSITY ALUMN*

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