It News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 7640554 Classified Ads: 76440557 One hundred eghtyears of edtwal fr-eedom Wednesday January 13, 1999 .,: . , , a. a.. ,. k; , _ :.:. ;.J m , Ss ., ,.. a...k:. x , ....<. , . . ,....:.., ), ,. { s s 4 i :a. z y ty, s r~i w: by . ~ . .. ... ..;...,, .;:; ~ . k , .. s. s ' .,.what r^1 , n.., r,. .. 7 ::.+ E "'< , $",s .<< . . c . a . . . r .., ,sa S dV e w~ s > .;x, .,, : .,.r; :; : 'iRf? C r s . ? 5 .:, sry fiSC:.. 7 "'2;a .y .s.b a a u s' x7b "M . , .. , , ... . .. .:.:. . . ~ ....? . . , v.,u C, "'' ,± a , , -.'ANY,. _: > ~> , , _i... ,n.., a!, :Y'sz ,.. , ¢a . a P , , qk x , e : -. ,,:. , .., : .., : . , .. WINTER BLUNDERLAND A2 Prosecutors charge 10 Phi elts snow emergency declared yAdam Bruan Cohen Daily Staff Reporter Ann Arbor in January has not seen this much snow since 1899, and the city is responding. Yesterday, the Public Services Department for the city of Ann Arbor declared a snow emergency, effective Saturday, Jan. 16. Essentially, a snow emergency dictates that on days with even dates, such as this Saturday, Jan. 16, vehicles parked on the side of the street having even street num- bers will be towed. Likewise, on days with odd dates, such as this Sunday, Jan. 17, vehicles are prohibited from parking on the side of the street having odd street num- bers. Declaring a snow emergency in Ann Arbor is a very rare event, said Bill Wheeler, director of Public Services for the City of Ann Arbor. "The most recent one I can remember was in 1978," Wheeler said. On Monday, Jan.18, however, the snow emergency will be lifted for Martin Luther King Day. The city will be placing fliers on the windshields of vehicles parked in restricted areas to inform drivers of he snow emergency. For the past 30 years, 13 and a half inches of snow is normal for January, said University meteorologist Dennis Kahlbaum. As of yesterday morning, 28.2 inches of snow has fallen on Ann Arbor this month. Larry Pickel, Ann Arbor City Building Department director, said the responsibility of snow removal falls in the hands of two main divisions. The City of Ann Arbor Building Department enforces removal around residential areas, such as apartment side- See EMERGENCY, Page 7 Liquid ecstacy found in Cantor's blood, father says By Nick Bunkley Daily Staff Reporter Prosecutors yesterday authorized warrants for 10 members of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity on misdemeanor alcohol-related charges. Warrants charge five mem- bers with using fraudulent identification to purchase alcohol, which carries a penalty of up to 90 days in jail, a $1,000 fine and a 90- day license suspension. All 10 face charges for fur- nishing alcohol to a minor and host-law violations of alcohol consumption by C minors on the fraternity's Cantor premise. Conviction of serv- ing minors alcohol results in a manda- tory $1,000 fine along with up to 60 days of jail time or community service. The maximum penalty for host-law charges is 30 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. The police official also told George Cantor that night that medical examin- ers found evidence of the drug gamma hydroxy butyric acid, also known as "liquid ecstacy," in Cantor's blood at the time of her death. George Cantor said this report differs from the original autopsy report because "the initial report just gave the amount of alcohol in her blood." But he said the new findings didn't come as a surprise. "I always suspected that there was something like this involved," George Cantor said, "because her actions were so out of character for her." Washtenaw County Medical Examiner Bader Cassin could not be reached for comment. The Ann Arbor Police Department raided the for- mer fraternity house early Friday morning, seizing about 40 fake IDs, computer equipment used to make the fake IDs and financial records. AAPD also obtained videotapes from the Meijer store on Carpenter Road showing five underage men buying $347.07 worth of alcohol with a fraternity check and presenting false identification to the cashier on Oct. 15. The search warrant for Friday's raid See PHI DELTS, Page 7 DANA LINNANE/Daily .SA senior and Gargoyle editor John Wambaugh and LSA sophomore Carolyn Jones get crazy in the snow to promote the return of the Gargoyle humor magazine to campus. Winter weather brings about blood shortage GOP prepares trial arguments By Karn Chopra Daily Staff Reporter 0 Due to the influx of snow storms and increased weather related-acci- dents, Ann Arbor's blood banks are struggling to survive with limited blood levels. The American Red Cross has called a National Appeal for Blood. Kelly Dix, the volunteer coordinator for blood services at the Washtenaw chapter of the American Red Cross, said yesterday she is pleased with the support they have received, but stressed that shortages remain. "We have had a great response from the public, but we still need continued help,' Dix said. Dix attributed the depleted levels to the holidays and the blizzard that swept through the area last week. "The weather and holidays are. leaving us short," Dix said. "It has been difficult for mobile donation centers to operate. With lots of areas looking to us for help, transports are finding it difficult to get to different areas." Robertson Davenport, associate director of University Hospitals Blood Bank and Transfusion .Services, said that although there is a necessity for red blood cells and platelets, he is not very concerned with the situation. "We would like to have 200 units of red blood cells and 150 units of platelets on the shelf each day. Right now we have only 60 units of platelets" Davenport said. "The situation is not critical right now, but it could be in the future," he said. "The Red Cross has been very helpful recently. Today, we are gener- ally in good shape." Both Davenport and Dix said there WASHINGTON (AP)- The House impeachment team readied' opening arguments yesterday for President Clinton's historic Senate trial, while White House spokesperson Joe Lockhart ridiculed their written filings as "overblown rhetoric" alleging sinis- ter plots. "I'll -leave the invective to Mr. Lockhart," retorted Rep. Henry Hyde (R-1ll.), the point person in the case against the president. With the trial to resume at 1 p.m. EST tomorrow, Lockhart also told reporters Clinton intends to stay busy on other matters while the proceedings unfold in the Senate. The president will deliver his State of the Union speech before a joint session of Congress on Jan. 19, for example, and travel to Buffalo, N.Y., and Montgomery County, Pa., outside Philadelphia, the following day to tout his domestic agenda. According to a tentative schedule released in the Senate, Clinton's attorneys would be presenting defense both days. Clinton stands accused of perjury and obstruction of justice in the two articles of impeachment that cleared the House last year. His Senate trial is only the second such presidential proceeding in American history, 131 years after Andrew Johnson was acquitted in 1868. In a measure of concern for deco- rum, senators are being asked to observe unusual guidelines for the trial, including a request for all 100 to be in attendance "at all times," and to restrict their reading materials to papers per- taining to the trial. There had been some confusion over what to call Chief Justice William Rehnquist. It was decided "in accordance with precedent" he would be addressed as Mr. Chief See TRIAL, Page 5 LOUIS BROWN/Daily Dennis Hacker gets his blood taken by Tricia Frazzini at the American Red Cross of Washtenaw County yesterday. is a large demand for type 0 blood. LSA sophomore Nicole "Type 0 blood is very important McCarthy, who gave blood in because most of the population is November, said the University that type. Even those who are not are should make an effort to increase usually able to accept it," Davenport blood donations. said. See BLOOD, Page 2 'AWL Cabin fever creations MSA passes 3 resolutions at meeting By Jewel Gopwani Daily Staff Reporter Last night, at its first meeting of the winter term, MSA passed three resolutions affirming the assem- bly's position on the University's tobacco investments, allocating more funds to the quest for a student regent and supporting this Monday's Martin Luther King Jr. Day March. The University currently owns approximately 2.5 billion dollars worth of stock, said Budget Priorities Chair Sumeet Karnik. "One percent of that money is invested in tobacco stocks, including Philip Morris Tobacco Company," he said. The assembly passed Karnik's resolution to divest the University's money from tobacco stocks, because it is not necessary to keep tobacco stocks, while other stocks could offer similar dividends, he argues. "We can afford to sell stocks like Philip Morris and buy stocks like Intel," Karnik said. MSA Business Rep. Andrew Serowick questioned the practicality of divestment. sophical perspective. "Tobacco is not allowed inside buildings on this campus, yet we make money off of it," Sarma said. In agreement with Sarma, Business Rep. Will Youmans said, "This is a matter of principal." A majority of MSA members voted for the assem- bly to take a stand for divestment of University funds from tobacco stocks. Karnik said the assembly "will hopefully present its stance at the next (University) Board of Regents meet- ing," and recommended that the board create a regent committee on tobacco divestment. Karnick said he hopes the committee will seek a consensus on tobacco divestment among students and faculty. If a consensus is found, the committee will recommend that the regents follow through on divest- ing its shares from tobacco corporations. MSA also resolved to allocate $1,750 to the Student Regent Task Force. Last winter, the assembly ended its campaign to elect a student regent, which involved using student funds to put the regent question on the statewide bal- lot. status, the corporation will be eligible to receive dona- tions. The money that the corporation hopes to raise will be used for a petition of 500,000 signatures, which are need to put a student candidate on a statewide ballot. Last night, the SRTF asked for $1,750 to form the non-profit tax status. The money will directly go to STRF's legal advisers David Cahill and Ralph Rumsey. Five hundred dollars will be allotted for the corporation to obtain tax status from the gov- ernment. Before passing the resolution to allocate these funds, certain MSA members were skeptical about the future of the student regent cause. "We need to step back and see if this is going to help students at this university" said MSA Student General Council Dave Burden. MSA Treasurer Bram Elias argued that assembly members should keep an optimistic point of view in regards to a student regent. "Don't stop a longshot program because it seems risky," Elias said. "It will be a big victory if it does happen." d j .. ACN. tKa:. . x v,