1 L C AL/S TATEThe Michigan Daily - Monday, March 29, 1999 -7A Michigan State students riot ter basketball loss EAST LANSING (AP) - The broken glass was swept up, the broken windows were boarded and the brnt cars were all gone yesterday as Michigan State University students and East Lansing residents ven- tered out into the warm spring sunshine after a night ked by violence. ut the anger and disappointment felt by many over the rampage that left eight cars torched, 24 windows broken in downtown businesses and 24 people arrest- ed- so far - didn't go away. Michigan State basketball coach Tom Izzo had planned to send his team back to East Lansing yester- day after a strong but disappointing showing against Duke Saturday night in the NCAA semifinals. .But the team decided to stay in Florida when their first appearance in the Final Four in 20 years was over- s dowed by bonfires and battles with police that 1e out even before the game had ended. ,'s totally embarrassing and ridiculous. That upset me more than anything," Izzo said yesterday at the team hotel in Sand Key, Fla. "If any Michigan State students hear me, if you have season tickets, I'll buy them from you and I hope you never come to a Michigan State game again." Of the 24 students arrested as of yesterday, 11 were "These students would have rioted if our debate team made it to the Final Four~. - Terry Denbow Michigan State University spokesperson Michigan State students, East Lansing Police Capt. Louis Muhn said. Two were charged with arson, while 19 were charged with disorderly conduct and one with malicious destruction. Two students under age 21 were arrested for possessing alcohol. Muhn said police will be looking closely at videotapes to identify those breaking the law. Michigan State President Peter McPherson said any student who endangered the lives of other students dur- ing Saturday night's melee would be suspended. "Any MSU student who is found to have burned a car will be kicked out of school," he said. "Seldom have I been as angry as I am today. Michigan State University has no tolerance for behavior like this." Although thousands of people packed into sports bars, restaurants and campus's Munn Arena to watch the game against Duke, McPherson and East Lansing officials said the violence wasn't tied to the game. "This was not a victory celebration. This was not a celebration at all. This was not even a bunch of people feeling bad about their basketball team," East Lansing Mayor Mark Meadows said. "This was a group of peo- ple who decided they were going to riot." He noted that the first bottles were thrown at police officers and the first fire reported shortly after 10 p.m., before the game even ended. Police found evidence of furniture stockpiled for bonfires. Some students were wearing T-shirts printed with words celebrating the riot even before things got out of hand. "These students would have rioted if our debate team made it to the Final Four," Michigan State spokesperson Terry Denbow said with disgust. During the melee, students at the Cedar Village apartment complex next to campus rolled, stripped and burned a DeWitt Township police car. An East Lansing fire truck had a windshield broken out by a brick, and one sheriff's car also had its windows broken out. Partygoers also blocked an ambulance leaving to take the injured to a hospital. AP PHOTO One of many fires set during riots in East Lansing after the Michigan State basketball team lost to Duke bums early yesterday morning. East Lansing police reported that about 20 fires were started since the end of the game Saturday. faster around the corner ELECTIONS Continued from Page :LA He explained that the board is plan- ning to ask the students who voted at the same time as the fraudulent votes were cast to vote again. The board will decide on the details of the revote after it hears from ITD and DPS. "If it can be shown that a candidate or party was involved passively or actively ... they'd be subject to immedi- ate removal from the election, Bernstein said. If a suspect is found responsible for tainting this semester's student govern- ment elections he or she could face con- sequences under the Code of Student Conduct. According to the Code, "making, possessing or using any falsified University document or record; altering any University document or record including identification cards and meal cards;' is a violation. Serowik said he does not think MSA is the appropriate venue to file a Code complaint, but other students and offices on campus have the ability to record a Code complaint about this incident. While the MSA and LSA-SG elec- tion boards attempt to wade through this election mess and wait for more infor- mation from ITD and DPS, candidates are waiting anxiously for the election results. "I don't have enough fingernails to bite," said Blue Party MSA presidential candidate Bram Elias. Some eandidates expressed frustra- tion with the entire situation. "A little bit of the truth will never be known, said Defend Affirmative Action Party MSA vice presidential candidate Erika Dowdell. Other candidates said they are more concerned with the consequences candi- dates and the suspect could face as a result of this incident. "Whoever this person is connected to should be sanctioned severely" said MSA vice president and Students' Party MSA presidential candidate Sarah Chopp. "In theory we should redo the elec- tion, but it's not realistic," said indepen- dent LSA candidate David Taub. In the future, Griffiths said ITD will be able to prevent similar incidents from occurring by installing more safeguards on University computers and by contin- uing its campaign reminding students to be cautious when it comes to e-mail passwords. Serowik said the MSA Elections Board might redesign the online voting Website for Fall elections so it requires more information from students such as social security numbers or birth dates. He also said a redesigned online vot- ing Website might allow election offi- cials to track where fraudulent votes go - the tracking would be used only if a similar situation arises during a future election. Knowing who benefits from the false votes would help the elections board take more immediate action and determine the final vote. - Daily Staff Reporter Angela Bardoni contributed to this report. Art of detained youth exhibited at Union By Jennifer Sterling For the Daily Beginning today, the Michigan Union Art Lounge will host "The Freedom of Art" exhibition, displaying work by boys and girls from detention centers across Michigan. The exhibit is a smaller sister show to the annu- al "Art by Michigan Prisoners" exhibit. This year's art exhibit will run through April 9 at the Union 4nd is scheduled to open officially with a public reception April 1. University students from the Undergraduate Opportunities Research Program, independent study students and some students from the School of Art and Design curate the exhibit, which show- cases artwork and poetry of juvenile youths. During the past seven months, University stu- dents have been "facilitating art workshops at train- ing schools (and) juvenile centers, and they've been doing a wonderful job and have all worked very hard on the exhibition," English Prof. William "Buzz" Alexander said in a written statement. Art and Design sophomore Jessi Johnson, the show's curator, said art allows the juveniles to express their feelings and transgress the boundaries that usually limit them in the detention centers. Art and Design senior Anna Drew, who also is involved in the exhibit, said art is a "positive way for (juveniles) to constructively communicate" where they are "not being restricted by their sur- roundings." Drew added that the idea behind the workshop4s to "work with them, not for them." The young artists come from Adrian, Boysvilfe, Vista Maria and Maxey Boys Training Centers. They have completed more than 50 works utilizing van ous styles and media, including acrylic and collagM The idea for the exhibition evolved from a discus- sion between Alexander and Johnson last spring. "The idea behind the exhibit is fairly simple: It gives the youth a chance to show their talent, gives them a chance to help us break our myths about incarcerated youth, gives them a chance to let us know who they are and where they are and to ge't us thinking a little more deeply and authentically about what we're doing in this country by locking up so many people," Alexander said. "Students learn to develop their own skills at enabling youth to find art that is in them," Alexander said. "They go to some places they are unlikely to have gone otherwise. They are taught by the youth. Thy get to think about their own relationships to the juve- nile facilitates and prisons that surround Ann Arb r within an hour's distance" she said. "They have a chance to think about their own careers and lives. It is a project we are hoping to extend and repeat,"he added. The exhibit has several sponsors, including UROP,, the Union, the Office of the Vice Provost for the Arts, the Prison Creative Arts Program and Michigan Book & Supply. I ather Thomas Firestone presides over Palm Sunday Wass at St. Mary's Catholic Church In Ann Arbor yesterday. 3 'UN SUMMER JOB that makes a DIFFERENCE. Work with children as general counselors from 6/21-8/13. Must live in- Farm., Bim. Fd., Novi, Birm., or adj. areas. Email Willowaydc@aol.com or Call Willoway Day Camp 248-932-2123. AULT INTERNET company in search of gtodels. Experience NOT necessary. Great Pa & Great Mgt. Please call 1-888-844- for more info. AMERICORPS VISTA literacy project in Lansing. 40 hrs./wk. for 1 yr. Monthly stipend $680, end of service educational award $4750. Heath insurance incl. Application deadline April 19. (517) 485- 4949. ANN ARBOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS- Summer Day camps. Experienced staff needed for assistant director, counselor and CIT positions. Men and minorities are encouraged to apply. Call 994-2313 or 971- A#.COMPLEX- Ann Arbor. Part-time/ full-time leasing agents. Fex. hrs., walking distance to campus. Exp. helpful, but not req. Phone (734) 665-4331 or fax (734) 665-2354. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! M1 TELEFUND is hiring!! Create your own schedule, gain valuable computer & communication skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere. Up to $8/hr. Bonuses galore! For application & info stop by 611 Church #304 or call 998-7420. BWHTON AREA S iming pool/spa business. Full time summer help. Retail & construction. $8/hr. + overtime. Call Matt 810-229-8552. CAMP JOBS For residents of Chicago's Northern suburbs. DISCOVERY DAY CAMP is seeking nurturing staff: counselors and specialists in nature, ropes course, gymnastics, drama, tennis, and swimming. Bus driving positions available for over 21s. Call 800-659-4332 or email ilise@campdiscovery.com C PUTER NETWORK ENGINEER enging Career installing and supporting UNIX, Netware, and Windows NT networks in SE Michigan. Will train the right people. Controller, 4201 Varsity Dr. #D, A2 MI 48108. www.domsvs.com EOE. COMPUTER NETWORK SALES Get an exciting career right here in A2 selling comnuters and comnuter networking DO YOU LIKE WORKING WITH CHILDREN? Do you enjoy being outdoors? Then Kimball Camp YMCA has the job for you. We are currently hiring for Spring Outdoor Education Program. Salary starts at $130/wk. + room & board. Call Kimball Camp at 517-283-2168. DRIVERS & BAR TENDERS needed for Executive Residence to start immediately. Call Dan or Petey at 763-8149. EARLY CHILDHOOD SUBSTITUTES needed for spring and summer. Have fun while earning extra cash. Work according to your schedule. $7/hr. Call Pat at 668-0887. It's time to start thinkin about your jo for next Fall. Stop thinking and apply now! The Michigan Daily Classified Sales Department is currently looking for fun, energetic, creative students to fill the position of Classified ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE for Fall/Winter terms. Have fun and get paid! Applications are available atthe Student Publications- Building, 420 Maynard St, 2nd Floor. Questions? Just call 764-0557. Deadline: 5 p.m. April 2 FRIENDS GIFT SHOPS UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Cashier experience helpful 8-18 hrs., evenings, weekends. holidays Must be available through holidays Some daytime hours available. Work Study Students Qualify. $6.25 Call 936-5971 after 12 Noon. GREAT SUMMER COUNSELOR POSITIONS Have Fun, Make a Difference,Summer in New England Residential Summer Camps seek staff in all individual and team sports: Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Inline Hockey, Golf, Swimming, Sailing, Water-skiing, Mt. Biking, Backpacking, Climbing wall/challenge Course, football. Lacrosse. Coaching, General staff positions, office. dance, and gymnastics. Located in the mountains of Massachusetts just 2 1/2 hours from NYC & Boston. Competitive Salaries + room/board. Call Camp Greylock for Boys (800) 842- 5214 or Camp Romaca for Girls (800 779- 2070. Healthy summer - Stay in Shape - Work Outdoors. HELP WANTED earn extra cash!!! Make your own hours!! Responsible students to market/manage Citibank promotions on campus. Free giveaways! Earn $400+/week. Call Shawn at 1-800-950-8472. JANITOR Cushing-Malloy Inc., book manufacturer, is accepting applications for janitorial positions. Duties include sweeping, moping, emptying trash, etc. * Monday-Thursday * 4:30 pm -2:30 am * Wages & hrs. negotiable * Vacation & benefits for F/T employees Please apply in person at 1350 N. Main, Ann Arbor. EOE. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!!! Chat with famous UM alumni, enhance your resume while you earn some extra cash!!! **Telefund needs you!** Flexible evening hours, paid training. Earn up to $8/hour!! Call 998-7420 for more info or stop by 611 Church #4F. LAW CLUB (DINING SERVICES) is hiring students and work study students for Winter term. $7.50/hr. to start. Catering MUSKIER TOURS AND SUMMER DISCOVERY SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES Counselors needed for our student travel programs and/or our pre-college enrichment programs. Applicants must be 21 years old by June 20, 1999. We need: *Mature *Hardworking *Energetic individuals who can dedicate 4-7 weeks this summer working with teenagers. To Receive an application or to find out more infomation: Call (888) 8SUMMER or E-mail: ien@summerfun.com N EGOTIATE! EARN $10 Experiment held in the business school. Dates: March 28, April 4, April 11 Available times: 3:00' and 4:30 Register at: http://www.umich.edu/ ~cisdept/DDM Must be an undergradu- ate over the age of 18. P/T WORK ONLINE!!! $6.00 - $33.00/hr. Visit us today - work tomorrow. www.4research.com PAINTERS WANTED for Spring/Summer. 482-9205. PART TIME SPRING SUMMER Job, Il- 1pm, $7/hour. St. Paul Early Childhood Center. Help children with their lunch. Call Pat at 668-0887. PRINTER/ QUALITY control help needed for textile screen printing company. Full- time Monday-Friday. Ascott Corp. 663-2023. PROGRESSIVE MINDED STUDENTS: Get your summer job right now and have it waiting for you. Fight pollution & learn grassroots politics. Work 1:30-10:30, M-F; ' IO/nto nr., aru t 02-8375. SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS Needed for Premier Camps in Massachusetts. Positions available for talented, energetic, and fun loving students as counselors in all team sports, all individual sports such as Tennis & Golf, Waterfront & Pool activities, & specialty activities including art, dance,, theatre, gymnastics, newspaper, rocketry & radio. Great Salaries, room, board and travel. June 19-Aug. 18. Enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable. MAH. KEE- NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118. DANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392-3752. www.greatcampiob.com SUMMER GROUNDS POSITIONS Housing Complex, 35 hrs./wk. Competitive wages. Call 971-5710. SUMMER JOBS. ST. Paul Early Childhood Center, a nationally accredited childcare center, has part-time and full-time summer iobs avail. Call Pat at 668-0887. THE PUBLISHERS OF - CURRENT MAGAZINE & the Blue Book seek part time, summer editorial interns. $5.50/hr. Send writing samples, resume & letter of interest to SGI Publications, 212 E. Huron, Ann Arbor, 48104 or call Stephanie or Lisa at 668-4044. U-M GOLF COURSE - has summer temporary groundskeeper positions available immediately. Pay will range from $6.50- $8/hr. plus golfing privileges. Please contact Jim Roland at 647-9766 for more info. WANTED: 100 STUDENTS. Lose 5-100 lbs. New metabolism breakthru RN asst. Free gift guaranteed. $35 fee. 800-940-5377. HOUSEHOLD/CHILDCARE hd1plr wanted. Busy household is looking for an extra pair of hands after school to help with cooking and childcare. Any afternoons May 1 through June 18. Great pay. Also looking for occasional sitting. Own car, nonsmoking. 741-9860. LOOKING FOR BABYSITTER for my 6 mo. old in my home. 8 hrs. two times per wk. Two ref. req. Call Bridgette 669-8806. NEEDED CHILDCARE provider starting immed. and to continue through the sumrmer. 3 yr. old boy. Call 996-0693. SUMMER NANNY. Looking for a loving, nonsmoking nanny for our three girls (11, 7 and 5) from June 21-August 27, full time (much of it at the pool). Great pay. Some paid vacation! Must have own car and references. 741-9860. WANTED: Mature, reliable sitter for healthy, curious 3 & 6 yr. brothers 15 hrs./wk. $8.75/hr. Excellent references & lots of experience w/ children. Can flex. hrs. ea. semester. 10'min. from UM. own transportation. No smoking. Start April.'[2 mo. position. Call today 663-5635, 9am-9pm. Nj °i _ EVERYONE WILL SOON see Christ & the Masters of Wisdom. Free information: 800-684-0958. www.shareintl.org. HUNDREDS OF INSTRUMENTS. Not just guitars. Percussion & Wind. Herb David Guitar Studio. 302 E. Liberty. 665-8001.'¢ $8/HR. 20-40 HRS. week. Work at home mother in search of responsible, experienced, non-smoking, caring sitter. Job to begin April 1st. Own trans. necessary. 622-8097. BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2 young, active kids. Mon. & Thurs. Noon-6. Need car, refs. Call Annie at 769-5949. BABYSITTER NEEDED for my 3 and 5 year olds. 16-20 hrs./ wk. Flexible hours. References renuired. 994-6412. 1 RM. IN 2 BDRM. avail. now. Fem., pref grad. student. Utils. incl. $300. 763-8243. FIND THE RIGHT ROOMMATE! Perfect-