4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 29, 1999 47he stichtom ])at7ig Ignorance, naivete and plain old stupidity the 'U' ,I 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily.letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan HEATHER KAMINS Editor in Chief JEFFREY KOSSEFF DAVID WALLACE Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Getting out the vote MSA election enjoys highest turnout ever S o there I was, shuffling through the crowd trying to get into the Fishbowl so I could print up a paper that was due in 15 minutes, when I hear some guy up in front of me decry- ing the NATO strike on Serbia. Minding my own business, I don't say anything. But then, as I am about to turn the corner, the very same guy holds out a flyer : and asks me to vote for the Defend Affirmative Action Party. I hold my tongue .6 and don't say what I am really thinking Branden ("No, stupid") but the Sanz irony of the whole sit- uation descends on me I as I'm running laps, the HaM eM r trying to find a com- puter in time. This is a party that is based on defending affirmative action (hence the name), supposedly because the existence of affirmative action inhibits the use of policies that are biased against minorities. OK, I can see the logic in that. What I am having a hard time with, however, is figuring out how someone who is a representative of such a party could be anything but pro- NATO. Let's think about this folks: geno- cide; ethnic cleansing. Ummm, that sounds appealing, doesn't it? As far as I can tell, this is probably the worst type of discrimination that could possibly be inflicted, yet here was some yahoo telling me I should vote for him seconds after ridiculing NATO and the United States (pause while the author scratches his head in bewilderment). Unfortunately, he is not alone in his inanity. I see this sort of thing almost daily around campus, and I believe I have finally figured out what causes it. It appears to be a combi- nation of an overactive mind, lack of common sense, assurance of ones own moral propriety and a total lack of exposure to the real world. These people can be found everywhere, proselytizing on every subject imaginable. You can find them babbling about the plight of Indonesian sweatshop workers, trying to save the spotted owl, telling us the death penalty is "barbaric" or why the United States should stop trying to be the world's policeman. All right people, I didn't want to have to be the one to tell you this, but here it comes so listen carefully: Ann Arbor is 50 square miles surrounded by reality. If you grew up in some suburban whitebread place like Rochester Hills or Long Island and then came here for school without ever having bedn anywhere else (and no, I don't count the family vacation to the Bahamas,)YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT LIFE. When you have been to Thailand and seen a mother willing to prostitute her own 14- year-old daughter for $20 an hour, then you can tell me about the evils of sweatshop labor. When you have personally met a for- merly self-sufficient family of four that had to go on welfare because they could no longer find work logging, then you can tell me why the spotted owl is so important. If one of your parents is a Holocaust survivor, then you can tell me why America shouldn't be the world's policeman (it's not like they are going to call Iceland when the shit hits the fan, you know). If you have never seen, or never even stopped to consider the existence of places like Pooler, Georgia, or Black Rock, New Mexico, where families grow up in trailers or in houses with dirt floors and the kids don't own a single pair of shoes - yet you are whining about someone in Honduras making a "living wage" - my only response is: get a fucking clue. I realize that, being young and in college, we are granted some level of stupidity by those older and wiser than us, but let's try not to overdo it here. The problem is, the whole safe, protected University environment lets people who in a more natural setting would have already been 'culled out of the gene pool, thrive and prosper. Why? Well, because they don't have to earn a living, deal with raising kids or any of life's other little issues that are going to hit them like a sledgehammer after graduating (provid- ed that mommy and daddy actually "cut them oft," of course). This may be a real shock for some of you, but you see gentle reader, my purpose here is not to castigate but to educate. The real world is out there, closer than some of you might realize (take a drive up to Flint if you don't believe me). The real world is not kind. The real world is not just. And, Lord knows, the real world is not fair. The real world is filled with thieves, rapists, lawyers and everything else that is wrong with humanity. You think the death penalty is bar- baric? Ever had to console a friend after she was raped? If you have, then you understand me telling you that I would whack the guy myself and not think twice. Yet that is exactly what makes it so beau- tiful. Seeing the ugliness up close and per- sonal makes the good things that much bet- ter. Getting an "A" on a test is great, but finding out that you landed a great job that dozens of other people were trying to get is even better. So enjoy college while you can, just realize that, while it only gets harder after this, it also only gets better. - Branden Sanz can be reached over e-mail at hammerhead@umich.edu. ,I W ithout historical knowledge, many people would be inclined to regard last week's 18 percent voter turnout at the elections for Michigan Student Assembly, LSA Student Government and the University of Michigan Engineering Council as more sad evidence of apathy's rule over Ann Arbor. Put in context howev- er, voter turnout last Wednesday and Thursday represents awelcome increase of general student participation in campus pol- itics. The record-setting 6,380 ballots cast in the most recent election was a marked improvement over last year's elections in which approximately 4,600 students voted. And just three years ago, in 1996, voting hit an all time low with only 3,737 votes cast. Multiple forces can claim part of the credit for last week's surge in voting. Issues such as the introduction of minors into the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, the Code of Student Conduct and the future of MSA's new coursepack store were no doubt at the forefront of students' minds when they voted. The efforts of individual candidates, who simply urged students to participate in the elections and party spon- sored voting initiatives should not be ignored either. Possibly the biggest factor in the success of this year's elections was the invaluable convenience of online voting. Last week, 6,202 of the ballots cast were done over the University's computer network. Unfortunately, with the weekend's revela- tions of electronic voter fraud, some people may become apprehensive towards online voting. While it is evident that strict mea- sures ought to be taken in the future to ensure the integrity of student government elections, the swift response to last week's occurrence should quell most students' fears. Students should not turn their backs on student government now that the election is over and leave their representatives to pur- sue alternative agendas. Rather, representa- tives must be held responsible for delivering on the promises that got them elected. The issues that characterized the election must be the same ones that dominate the respec- tive agendas of MSA, LSA-SG and UMEC. Voter turnout of 18 percent may be a step in the right direction, but it is far from ideal. Hopefully the trend initiated by this year's election will continue. Not only are the var- ious branches of student government impor- tant voices on campus with regard to policy, but they are distributors of funds vital to a variety of student organizations as well. Every student is assessed a mandatory annual $20 "student activities" fee. It is in students' own best interest to take the few minutes necessary to cast a ballot during the student government elections. Thanks mostly to a range of particularly important issues, and the presence of online voting, the past election for positions in stu- dent government enjoyed high student par- ticipation. Students must continue to take initiative during the coming year to ensure that MSA, LSA-SG and UMEC representa- tives maintain a focus on the issues they were elected to address. If participation in campus politics continues to increase, all students can expect a better quality of life at the University. MSA scandal proves e-mail is vulnerable By Jeffrey Kosseff Daily Editorial Page Editor I was shocked to learn about the latest Michigan Student Assembly pseudo-scan- dal. Brouhahas of MSA past were centered around Franklin Planners and $500 fund- ing discrepancies. Some people, who had little else to worry about, were outraged by trivial "scandals." I always wondered why they were so peculiarly tight-assed. If MSA rose to the level of corruption where thousands of dollars were being laundered daily, then I'd worry about it. But I was always willing to let these aspiring politi- cians be a little corrupt. It would prepare them for their future. But the most recent MSA hubbub has made me begin to worry. A lot. It didn't bother me that 71 votes were falsified. That's a violation of basic demo- cratic principles, but it is MSA we're talk- ing about. The winner most likely had nothing to do with the break-in directly, and it will be difficult to determine why the hacker falsified the votes. Was it to help the person for whom the votes were cast, or was it to set up that candidate and make it look like they were involved in the hacking? I really don't care. That's some- thing so petty that only The Michigan Review's editors would worry about it. I was disturbed because it demonstrated how vulnerable University unignames and pass- words are to hackers. A hacker in Markley's computing site managed to get ahold of 115 passwords for students' Information Technology Division accounts. The short amount of time they had to retrieve the students' passwords demonstrates the capability of hackers on campus. I don't know what the hell a net- work sniffer is, but I'm terrified of it. I had always been under the impression that e- mail was a safe form of communication. I change my password often, and I really don't have anything in my inbox anyone would want to read. But it scares me to know that e-mail, which is my primary form of communication, is so vulnerable. CHIP CULLEN MSA, which has been effective on issues such as the Code and setting up a coursepack store, should look into how the votes were affected by the hacking. The members should work with ITD to deter- mine how to make the campus safer from hackers. Obviously, most MSA members are not computer experts, but they should work with campus computer experts to learn ways students can protect their ITD accounts. ITD, while it has taken many steps to protect uniqname accounts, should use this incident as a learning experience. If these break-ins did not involve MSA elections, it is unlikely they would have been noticed. I wonder how many e-mail break-ins occur every day and go unnoticed. Oh well, I guess I'll start using pen, paper and a 33- cent stamp. That's probably the safest way to communicate. - Hopefully, only Jeffrey Kosseff can be reached over e-mail at jkosseft@umich.edu. 'f1 No reform State spends excessively on prisons GRINDING THE NIA F irst, the good news. Crime in Michigan is at a 30-year low. Now the bad news. According to a study released in The Detroit News last week, prison spending and prison populations are increasing at alarming rates - with no end in sight. While the low crime rate can be at least partly attributed to an increasing prison population, Michigan prisons cannot con- tinue to sustain the overflow of prisoners. Now is the time for the state to examine alternate methods of punishing and rehabil- itating its criminals. There are some advantages to the increasing prison population. More danger- ous criminals are kept off the street for longer periods of time due to an increasing- ly stringent parole board. But with the increase in prison population comes an increase in the percentage of taxpayer dol- lars that go to funding for the Department of Corrections. According to The Detroit News, in 1982 the corrections budget made up less than five percent of the state's gen- eral fund. But today, 17 cents out of every tax dollar goes to corrections. That consti- tutes an increase of $700 million since 1982. With the increase in prison spending comes a decrease in the percentage of state dollars that go to other programs like edu- cation. From 1996 to 1997, the Department of Education budget was decreased by almost $4 million, while the Department of Corrections had its budget increased by nearly $50 million. The more funding pris- ons get, the less is left to spend on other important programs. So what is the government to do? Increase prison populations and money is spending on prisons, and the Department of Corrections may not be able to house all the criminals. It seems like a difficult problem, but there are solutions. The state should start by eliminating mandatory-minimum regulations, which necessitate holding prisoners for a certain length of time. While the no-parole regula- tion may sound good, the result is a prison system crowded by prisoners serving increasingly long terms. As The Detroit News reported, more than one-third of inmates are serving 10 years or longer. The parole board should have more authority to release criminals early, which will help ease the pressure on prisons housing not only more criminals, but criminals serving longer sentences. The state should also look into alterna- tive methods of curbing crime. Incarceration is only one way of reforming a criminal. Other methods, such as rehabil- itation and treatment programs, are often believed to be more effective. A prisoner is not likely to acquire a new skill while in prison, and once out, he or she is likely to return to a life of crime. Instead, rehabilita- tion and treatment programs not only treat criminals, but teach them new skills, thus reducing the number of repeat offenders. According to The Detroit News, the prison population has more than tripled in two decades, and allocations to the Department of Corrections now take up one-sixth 6f the state's general fund. This trend cannot continue without harming other state programs, including education. Now is the time for the state to reform its prison system by eliminating mandatory- minimums and increasing treatment and MARIJuAM Sop vi0 ,11 WROrI& NoW WIL4. RAISIMG INC~ FIRE r M A AbOK SoLve *9 P1(5 vi~o&t+ SMoK I?46 SOT 1 WRONG!~ Marijuana bill targets Ann Arbor TO THE DAILY: The Michigan Senate has just passed a bill that steps into the realm of tyranny. I'm not going to tell you that pot is good; the subject matter of this bill is irrelevant. The fact remains that this country is set up to provide for local control wherever possible, centralizing power only in the areas where it is necessary, like foreign affairs or interstate relations. The problem is that the Michigan Legislature wants to tell Ann Arbor how it should enforce its own laws. It's like Washington trying to tell New York how to run its school system. Simply ridiculous. By requiring "All Cities" (they mean Ann Arbor) to have the same classification and punishment for a particular crime, they are suggesting the State has the power to step into each city's local government and screw with all the existing legislation until it fits the likings of the central state government. The bill in question, requiring "All Cities" to treat marijuana possession as a misdemeanor and have certain mandatory punishments attached to it, is a slap in the face to the .city of Ann Arbor. The civil infraction classification and small fine cur- rently surrounding marijuana possession suits the city just fine, even though it may not be so for other cities in Michigan. I think, as I'm sure all the city officials would agree, that this city is perfectly capable of regulating itself, without the tyrannical "help" of the state government. Please, contact your representatives and let them know you feel the same way, as the bill has not yet passed through the Michigan House. Remind them what coun- try they live in, and what principles guide the government of that country. Let's stay safe from a too powerful, oppressive cen- tralized government. , r .. ., . - r u a E .. 5 IaD'V PCYOU 5Ufftj PG A5sS te 05ACLa LOUUC K" q , 000A AV.IS I~ 1u4 af6ff ,1A MEJ4 'D WORM ~ THAT 'Z PAfRrc' bJisIWm,.rw ac .irK F r.:s .i A i stop wasting paper," 3/25/99), castigated members of the Blue and DAAP Parties for continuing to print candidate fliers and post them in Angell Hall. The Students' Party, Diamond claims, wants to stop all the "wan- ton waste and irritation" caused by such fliers. Such a noble claim. For all his talk about how obviously wasteful and irritating these fliers are, I'd be more impressed if Diamond and other SP officials (is that a contradiction in terms?) had acted on this knowledge before the Daily pointed it out in an editorial. Prescient as the Daily edit board is, I think it was clear far before they wrote their anti-flier editorial how annoying and wasteful the fliers were. The SP, however, was more than content to use, as Diamond put it, "a plethora of multi- colored edit-styled political gimic ridden waste" before the Daily made an issue out of it. Diamond is not worried about the waste or annoyance - he's worried about votes. Diamond quips about how sad it is that candi- dates want that "all important poster spot." He should know - he wanted it, too. I expect State senators 'blindly' attacked Ann Arbor with marijuana bills TO THE DAILY: In response to the senate's recent pass- ing of Bill 380, 1 would like to thank state Sen. Alma Smith (D-Salem Twp.) for backing Ann Arbor's collective voice by voting against the proposition. 'Every other senator, and most likely a large majority of the house, is a raging hypocrite; first off, for thinking increased fines will reduce marijuana smoking. Second, (and they are by no means the only officials guilty of this) for continu- ing to say pot smoking is a horrible, sin- ful act while indulging state pocketbooks with the taxing of alcoholic goods. T. r.;«,!--