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March 29, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-03-29

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Today: Sunny. High 64. Low 41 One hundred egrht os editoriareedom
Tomorrow: Sunny. High h 63. - n hnre ygtears o dtrileo

March 29, 1999

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was first
to break
*ex barrer
By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
To many students Madelon
Stockwell is just the name of
University residence hall on the Hill.
But to the nearly all male student pop-
ulation who attended the University
more than 100 years ago the name
9adelon Stockwell sparked debate
about a new concept for the era-
allowing women to receive a University
In 1870, when Stockwell became
the first woman to enroll in the
University, the growing Ann Arbor
institution was one of a handful of
schools to permit co-education. Until
then, women could only attend one of
the University's branch campuses. It
.wasn't until 1870 that decades of peti-
*pning by a persistent group of coed-
ucation proponents that the Board of
Regents gave way to Stockwell's
The first school in the U.S. to admit
women and allow coeducation was
Oberlin College in Ohio during the
1830s. Soon after that, several other
universities followed Oberlin's lead but
single-sex schools were still estab-
'shed to prevent coeducation.
In 1858 three women applied to the
University and were rejected. But the
fight began because "women had pre-
sented themselves to the University
regents" said assistant
Education Prof. , r 37
Jana Nidiffer at ..
the Center for
the Study of
Higher and I
Post - sec-
n d a r y f
N i d i f f e r
explained that then University
President Henry Tappan "was
absolutely antagonistic," adding that
Tappan's goal was to build a research
university - not just a college - and
he felt that objective would be hin-.
dered by admitting women.
But "women had an aspect of the
*ichigan charter on their side,"
Nidiffer said.
According to Dorothy Gies
McGuigan's book titled "A Dangerous
Experiment: 100 Years of Women at the
University of Michigan," the 1837 doc-
ument establishing the University as a
public institution states that it is open
"to all persons resident of this state."
Despite the clause, the regents con-
tinued to think women shouldn't be
* They decided that women "weren't
really persons" under the law, one rea-
son being that "they couldn't vote"
Nidiffer said. The fight became
"whether or not women were consid-
ered persons," she said.
But coeducation advocates persevered
despite little support for their cause.
"They didn't have a lot of support,"
Nidiffer said. But women - some of
Ahom were wives of male faculty and
hers who lived in Ann Arbor - start-
ed networking with each other.
- Nidiffer said fathers also were some-
times helpful because they saw barriers

that young women had to overcome and
"they wanted to give them something"
- that something being an education.
The battle continued and "in the
spring of 1867 the State Legislature




on results

By Jewel Gopwanl
Daily Staff Reporter
Falsified voting in the Michigan Student Assembly
and LSA Student Government elections has prompted
election officials to postpone releasing the results.
Certain students may be asked to recast their votes in an
effort to remedy the situation.
Last Thursday between 5:24 p.m. and 8:03 p.m., 71
false electronic votes were cast on a computer at the
Mary Markley Residence Hall computing site, said
MSA Elections Board Director Andrew Serowik.
The suspect allegedly stole 115 students' unique-
names and passwords. But the suspect was able to cast
only 71 votes from the 115 uniquenames because 44 of
those students had already voted, Serowik said.
Information Technology Division officials realized
that someone had cast faulty ballots when five students

contacted Web Master Dave Winkel to ask why they had
received e-mails confirming their votes when they had
not voted during last week's elections.
The suspect cast fraudulent votes in both the MSA
and LSA-SG elections. "It looks like LSA Student
Government was more effected," said LSA-SG
Elections Director Cagla Ozden, who would not dis-
close how the false votes may have altered the results.
"ITD has identified the person they believe is respon-
sible;' Serowik said, adding that the suspect is not an
election candidate. But he said the board has not been
able to determine whether the suspect is affiliated with
an election party.
ITD University Chief Information Officer Jos&-Marie
Griffiths said she can only speculate how the suspect
obtained the names.
"It's quite likely that they used the (Network) Sniffer,"

Griffiths said.
The sniffer is a program that allows computer hackers
to collect information, including the passwords, of peo-
ple who are connected to the system at that particular
Because the online voting site is designed to keep stu-
dents'votes confidential, the MSA Elections Board only
knows that the votes were cast, but it cannot determine
who the votes were cast for.
"It's impossible to tell how the votes affected the elec-
tion," elections board member Joe Bernstein said.
Directors on both election boards said their next step
depends on results from investigations conducted by
ITD and the Department of Public Safety.
But Serowik said the assembly's election board is
already considering a revote.

Election UMEC
results for teMcia
the Michigan
Jon Malkovich, 444 votes
Vice President:
Heidi Savin, 235 votes
Christopher Brand, 408 votes


Color, music
of earth
By Sarah Lewis
Daily Staff Reporter
Hundreds of dancers, musicians, crafts-
people and spectators filled Crisler Arena
this weekend for the 27th Annual "Dance
for Mother Earth" Ann Arbor Pow Wow, a
celebration that showcased Native
American dance, music, competition and
Rackham student Andrew Adams said
the Mother Earth theme has significance
because of the time of year - the change
of season from winter to spring that
brings warmer weather.
"It's a celebration of springtime,"
Adams said. "Getting through the winter
months ... it's a re-awakening."
The Pow Wow, which is one of the
biggest in the Midwest, drew people from
across the United States and Canada.
Participants representing more than 15
tribes and 12 drum groups took part in
the Pow Wow, said volunteer Fayeannette
The three-day Pow Wow dances were
divided into parts including the grand
entry dance, exhibition, inter-tribal, com-
petitive and special presentations.
Performers compete based on their age,
sex and style of dance, Pierce said.
The grand entry dance, in which all the
dancers participated, was a display of
color and rhythm as people danced to the
music, making.-their way around the floor
in a large circle.
"A lot of different communities of
native people have different meanings"
for the grand entry dance, Adams said.
"Here, it's a re-enactment of native peo-
ple coming to live on the earth."
The wide range of dance regalia
included feather headdresses, outfits
made with multi-colored fringe and
dresses covered with hundreds of small
metal cones sewn into the fabric, depend-
ing on the style of dance the dancer per-
Sharon Kochampanasken, who makes
dance regalia with her husband and trav-
els to Pow Wows around the country sell-
ing their handcrafted items, said that
craftspeople have always been a part of
Pow Wows.
In the past, they would trade outfits and
accessories with dancers, she said, and

Air annada
to increase,
WASHINGTON (AP) - The American and allied air
armada broadened its attacks on Yugoslavia yesterday to tar-
get Serb military forces in Kosovo, raising the risk to NATO
pilots but also holding the promise of more effective strikes
against Serb ground troops. President Clinton said "the con-
tinued brutality and repression of the Serb forces further
underscores the need for NATO to persevere."
The Pentagon announced that more American warplanes,
including B-52 long-range bombers, would be added to the
nearly 200 already participating in Operation Allied Force.
Spokesperson Ken Bacon said between six and 12 planes
would go, and Britain announced it was sending 12 more
fighters and light bombers.
As a fifth straight night of NATO bombing got under way,
including cruise missile strikes by B-52 bombers, the
Pentagon and NATO were officially mum on what brought
down an Air Force F-1I17A stealth fighter-bomber near the
Yugoslav capital on Saturday. But a senior defense official-
said there are strong indications it was hit by a surface-to-air
missile, possibly the Soviet-made SA-3 air defense missile.
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
there was no reported mechanical problem but an explosion
was heard. NATO officials, without referring to the F-1 7A,
said SA-3 missiles were fired Saturday.
At the White House, Clinton met with his top national
security aides and said he had talked with leaders of several
NATO allies, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair
and French Premier Jacques Chirac.
"All of them share our determination to respond strongly
to Mr. Milosevic's continuing campaign of inhumane vio-
lence against the Kosovar Albanian people" Clinton told
reporters. "That is what we intend to do." Clinton said he
strongly supported NATO's decision to step up its air cam-
paign in Kosovo.
Without specifically mentioning Saturday's loss of an F-
I17A, Clinton said he had warned from the start of "real
risks" in NATO's confrontation in the sky over Yugoslavia.
"But the continued brutality and repression of the Serb
forces further underscores the need for NATO to perse-
vere" he said.
As he stepped away from the podium, Clinton was asked if
the NATO bombings were a driving force behind the escalat-
ing atrocities in Kosovo. "Absolutely not" Clinton replied.
The F-117A pilot, whose identity was not made public,
was reported in "good shape" at Aviano Air Base in Italy after
a daring rescue and recovery operation.
See ARMADA, Page 2A
Daily surveyto
assess afnative
action attitiCdes
The Michigan Daily will conduct the first comprehensive
survey of student opinions on affirmative action and admis
sions policies at the University beginning today.
The survey, designed in conjunction with the Department
of Communications Studies and the
Institute for Social Research, will be
a probability sample of 1,600
University students, selected at ran-
dom from all currently enrolled
University students.
Students selected to take the sur-
vey will receive an e-mail with the
subject heading, "Michigan Daily
Student Survey."
To ensure all University students
are represented, a high level of par-
ticipation is required. If you receive
an e-mail with this subject line,
please respond as soon as possible. The survey takes about 15
minutes to complete.
The results of the survey will be reported in a series of arti-

today they have a ready supply of regalia
- including earrings, hair ties, belts and
feathers - for dancers who forget a part
of their outfits.
George Martin, who served as the head
veteran of the Pow Wow, said that while
the competition aspect of the Pow Wow is
more recent, Native American tribes have
celebrated them for many years.
"The Pow Wow is a get-together,"
Martin said. "We come together and have

a good time." He explained that while
other ceremonies designate specific
dances and rules, the Pow Wow is a more
informal celebration.
Heather Schuyler, a Wayne State
University student, was dressed in a jin-
gle dress Saturday.
The jingle dance stems from a story in
which a sick woman had a vision of a girl
wearing a dress "that made a lot of
See POW WOW, Page 2A -

Michigan icers season
ens in overtime loss

By T.J. Berka
Daily Sports Editor
WORCESTER, Mass. - The
Michigan hockey team had seen this
happen before. During the last four
seasons - all of which ended up in
The Frozen Four - the Wolverines
have had to battle through deficits
and tough times in the NCAA play-
That general formula held true again

in overtime Saturday night.
After battling back from a NCAA-
record tying three-goal deficit the pre-
vious night, the Wolverines fought the
quick, talented Wildcats into overtime
in front of an overwhelmingly pro-New
Hampshire crowd in the Worcester
Centrum Centre.
But Michigan could not pull anoth-
er rabbit out of its hat. Instead, the
forward combination of Darren

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